# This is where the strings go, that are written by # Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks @{ 'TMF.ConfigurationFileNotFound' = 'Can not find configuration file {0}.' 'TMF.RegisterComponent.AlreadyLoaded' = 'A {0} with name "{1}" from source configuration {2} has already been loaded. Ignoring {0}.' 'TMF.PrerequisiteNotActivated' = '[{0}] Configuration "{1}" is not activated. Please activate related configurations before this configuration. It is also possible to activate them in a single command.' 'TMF.TenantInformation' = 'Currently connected to <c="red">{0}</c> (<c="gray">{1}</c>)' 'TMF.StartingTestForScopedResource' = 'Starting tests for <c="yellow">{0}</c> with scope <c="yellow">{1}</c>' 'TMF.StartingTestForResource' = 'Starting tests for <c="yellow">{0}</c>' 'TMF.StartingInvokeForScopedResource' = 'Invoking <c="yellow">{0}</c> with scope <c="yellow">{1}</c>' 'TMF.StartingInvokeForResource' = 'Invoking <c="yellow">{0}</c>' 'TMF.TestResult.BeautifySimple' = '[Tenant: <c="gray">{0}</c>][{2} Resource: <c="gray">{1}</c>] Required Action (<c="{4}">{3}</c>)' 'TMF.TestResult.BeautifyPropertyChange' = ' > [<c="gray">{1}</c>][Property: <c="green">(</c><c="gray">{3}</c><c="green">)</c>] Action: (<c="yellow">{4}</c>) Value: (<c="gray">{5}</c>)' 'TMF.NoDefinitions' = 'No <c="gray">{0}</c> definitions are loaded. There is nothing to do.' 'TMF.CannotResolveResource' = 'Cannot resolve {0} resource. Searched in the current tenant and in the loaded desired configuration.' 'TMF.UserCanceled' = 'User canceled the operation.' 'TMF.Error.QueryWithFilterFailed' = 'Query with filter {0} failed.' 'TMF.Register.PropertySetNotPossible' = 'The provided property set for "{0}" (Type: {1}) is not applicable.' 'TMF.Register.PropertyWrongType' = 'The provided property set for "{0}" (Type: {1}) is not applicable. The child property {2} has the wrong type. Must be {3} and is {4}.' 'TMF.Test.RelatedResourceDoesNotExist' = 'The related {0} {0} for the {0} {1} does not exist at the moment. Cannot test {0}.' 'TMF.Test.MultipleResourcesError' = 'There are multiple {0} with displayName {1} already created. Please clean your Tenant.' 'TMF.Test.MissingPolicyRuleTemplate' = 'Referenced policy rule template {1} for {0} not found.' 'TMF.Test.DeleteNotPossible' = 'Not possible to delete resources of type {0}. Please change parameter present of {1} from false to true.' 'TMF.Test.UpdateNotPossibleForBuiltInResources' = 'It is not possible to update built-in resources of type ''{0}''. Please remove ''{1}'' from configuration.' 'TMF.Test.DeleteNotPossibleForBuiltInResources' = 'It is not possible to delete built-in resources of type ''{0}''. Please remove ''{1}'' from configuration.' 'TMF.Invoke.ActionTypeUnknown' = 'Action type (<c="yellow">{0}</c>) is unknown!' 'TMF.Invoke.ActionFailed' = '[Tenant: <c="gray">{0}</c>][{1} Resource: <c="gray">{2}</c>] Action ({3}) failed! Stopping actions.' 'TMF.Invoke.SendingRequestWithBody' = '[{0} {1}] Sending request with body {2}' 'TMF.Invoke.SendingRequest' = '[{0} {1}] Sending request' 'TMF.Invoke.ActionCompleted' = '[Tenant: <c="gray">{0}</c>][{1} Resource: <c="gray">{2}</c>] <c="green">Completed</c>.' 'TMF.Invoke.DeleteNotPossible' = 'Not possible to delete resources of type {0}. Please change parameter present of {1} from false to true.' 'New-TMFConfiguration.OutPath.PathDoesNotExist' = 'The path {0} does not exist. You can use -Force to create the configuration anyway!' 'New-TMFConfiguration.OutPath.AlreadyExists' = 'There is already a Tenant configuration in the target directory ({0}). You can use -Force to create the configuration anyway!' 'New-TMFConfiguration.OutPath.CreatingDirectory' = 'Creating configuration directory {0}.' 'New-TMFConfiguration.OutPath.CreatingStructure' = 'Copying template structure to {0}.' 'Activate-TMFConfiguration.AlreadyActivated' = 'Configuration {0} ({1}) is already activated! Use -Force to overwrite.' 'Activate-TMFConfiguration.RemovingAlreadyLoaded' = 'Unloading already activated configuration {0} ({1}).' 'Activate-TMFConfiguration.Activating' = 'Activating {0} ({1}). This configuration will be considered when applying Tenant configuration.' 'Activate-TMFConfiguration.Sort' = 'Sorting all activated configurations by weight.' 'Deactivate-TMFConfiguration.NotActivated' = 'Configuration {0} is not activated.' 'Deactivate-TMFConfiguration.Deactivating' = 'Deactivating {0}. This configuration will not be considered when applying Tenant configuration.' 'Deactivate-TMFConfiguration.DeactivatingAll' = 'Deactivating all configurations. No configuration will be considered when applying Tenant configuration.' 'Load-TmfConfiguration.NotSupportedComponent' = 'Component {0} from configuration {1} is currently not supported and will be ignored.' 'Test-GraphConnection.Failed' = 'You are not connected to any Microsoft Tenant! Use Connect-MgGraph before testing or invoking settings.' 'Test-AzureConnection.Failed' = 'You are not connected with a Microsoft Tenant for Azure Resource Management! Use Connect-AzAccount before testing or invoking settings.' } |