$Global:ProviderSetup = @{ ProviderName = 'Microsoft Active Directory' StartupMessage = 'Importing Active Directory Module and Configuration' ModulesToImport = @() WinPSModulesToImport = @('ActiveDirectory') StartupScript = [scriptblock] { <# ## Overview ## Each of the Optimize-VMPowerCLIData functions require a Parameter containg a configuration map. The following maps define a configuration template you can copy to your 'TMD_Files\Config\VMware-vCenter.ps1' file if you wish to make changes. Config Map in that file override the default configuration deployed with the TMD VMware vCenter Provider Package. The intent is to expose a configuration file location where a user can edit each these functions without disrupting the TMD Application code. ## ScriptBlock / ProcessingMaps Consider each of the below ScriptBlocks as a processing map. They are are executed inside of a loop, once for each asset when the object is being Optimized within the Optimize-VMPowerCLIData functions. Each Itteration of the script block exposes an $Item (One for each in the $Data parameter). The usage of the Optimize-VMPowerCLIData command is to provide a configuration map, where each $Item results in an output of an object. The $Item.{properties} can be mapped to a PSObject or HashTable object per the following example: ###################################################### [scriptblock]$ADMaps.Datacenter = { return @{ ## Basic Asset Details id = $Item.Id name = $Item.Name ## Asset Class Details assetDetails = @{ datastore = $Item.ExtensionData.Datastore } ## Asset's Environment Resources assetResources = @{ items = $Item.ExtensionData.items } } } ###################################################### Tip: Convenient way to identify the $Item properties: $Item.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object Name, Value | Clip #> ## Define the Map objects $ADMaps = @{} ## ## Active Directory Processing Maps ## ## Get-ADDomain [scriptblock]$ADMaps.ADDomain = { return [PSCustomObject] @{ AllowedDNSSuffixes = $Item.AllowedDNSSuffixes.Value ChildDomains = $Item.ChildDomains.Value ComputersContainer = $Item.ComputersContainer DeletedObjectsContainer = $Item.DeletedObjectsContainer DistinguishedName = $Item.DistinguishedName DNSRoot = $Item.DNSRoot DomainControllersContainer = $Item.DomainControllersContainer DomainMode = $Item.DomainMode DomainSID = $Item.DomainSID.Value ForeignSecurityPrincipalsContainer = $Item.ForeignSecurityPrincipalsContainer Forest = $Item.Forest InfrastructureMaster = $Item.InfrastructureMaster LastLogonReplicationInterval = $Item.LastLogonReplicationInterval LinkedGroupPolicyObjects = $Item.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects LostAndFoundContainer = $Item.LostAndFoundContainer ManagedBy = $Item.ManagedBy Name = $Item.Name NetBIOSName = $Item.NetBIOSName ObjectClass = $Item.ObjectClass ObjectGUID = $Item.ObjectGUID ParentDomain = $Item.ParentDomain PDCEmulator = $Item.PDCEmulator PublicKeyRequiredPasswordRolling = $Item.PublicKeyRequiredPasswordRolling QuotasContainer = $Item.QuotasContainer ReadOnlyReplicaDirectoryServers = $Item.ReadOnlyReplicaDirectoryServers.Value ReplicaDirectoryServers = $Item.ReplicaDirectoryServers.Value RIDMaster = $Item.RIDMaster SubordinateReferences = $Item.SubordinateReferences SystemsContainer = $Item.SystemsContainer UsersContainer = $Item.UsersContainer } } ## Get-ADForest [scriptblock]$ADMaps.ADForest = { return [PSCustomObject] @{ ApplicationPartitions = $Item.ApplicationPartitions CrossForestReferences = $Item.CrossForestReferences DomainNamingMaster = $Item.DomainNamingMaster Domains = $Item.Domains ForestMode = $Item.ForestMode GlobalCatalogs = $Item.GlobalCatalogs Name = $Item.Name PartitionsContainer = $Item.PartitionsContainer RootDomain = $Item.RootDomain SchemaMaster = $Item.SchemaMaster Sites = $Item.Sites SPNSuffixes = $Item.SPNSuffixes UPNSuffixes = $Item.UPNSuffixes } } ## Get-ADDomainController [scriptblock]$ADMaps.ADDomainController = { return [PSCustomObject] @{ ComputerObjectDN = $Item.ComputerObjectDN DefaultPartition = $Item.DefaultPartition Domain = $Item.Domain Enabled = $Item.Enabled Forest = $Item.Forest HostName = $Item.HostName InvocationId = $Item.InvocationId IPv4Address = $Item.IPv4Address IPv6Address = $Item.IPv6Address IsGlobalCatalog = $Item.IsGlobalCatalog IsReadOnly = $Item.IsReadOnly LdapPort = $Item.LdapPort Name = $Item.Name NTDSSettingsObjectDN = $Item.NTDSSettingsObjectDN OperatingSystem = $Item.OperatingSystem OperatingSystemHotfix = $Item.OperatingSystemHotfix OperatingSystemServicePack = $Item.OperatingSystemServicePack OperatingSystemVersion = $Item.OperatingSystemVersion OperationMasterRoles = $Item.OperationMasterRoles Partitions = $Item.Partitions PSShowComputerName = $Item.PSShowComputerName ServerObjectDN = $Item.ServerObjectDN ServerObjectGuid = $Item.ServerObjectGuid Site = $Item.Site SslPort = $Item.SslPort } } ## Get-ADComputer [scriptblock]$ADMaps.ADComputer = { return [PSCustomObject] @{ ## Basic Asset Details id = $Item.Sid.Value name = $Item.Name Description = $Item.Description ## AD Computer Object Details Enabled = $Item.Enabled InstanceType = $Item.InstanceType DistinguishedName = $Item.DistinguishedName SamAccountName = $Item.SamAccountName ObjectCategory = $Item.ObjectCategory ObjectClass = $Item.ObjectClass ObjectGuid = $Item.ObjectGuid.Guid Location = $Item.Location ManagedBy = $Item.ManagedBy ## System Details OperatingSystem = $Item.OperatingSystem OperatingSystemHotfix = $Item.OperatingSystemHotfix OperatingSystemServicePack = $Item.OperatingSystemServicePack OperatingSystemVersion = $Item.OperatingSystemVersion ## Network Details DNSHostName = $Item.DNSHostName IPv4Address = $Item.IPv4Address ## Usage and Memberships LastLogonTimestamp = $Item.lastLogonTimestamp MemberOf = $Item.MemberOf PrimaryGroup = $Item.PrimaryGroup } } ## Get-ADGroup [scriptblock]$ADMaps.ADGroup = { return [PSCustomObject] @{ adminCount = $Item.adminCount CanonicalName = $Item.CanonicalName CN = $Item.CN Created = $Item.Created createTimeStamp = $Item.createTimeStamp Deleted = $Item.Deleted Description = $Item.Description DisplayName = $Item.DisplayName DistinguishedName = $Item.DistinguishedName dSCorePropagationData = $Item.dSCorePropagationData GroupCategory = $Item.GroupCategory GroupScope = $Item.GroupScope groupType = $Item.groupType HomePage = $Item.HomePage instanceType = $Item.instanceType isCriticalSystemObject = $Item.isCriticalSystemObject isDeleted = $Item.isDeleted LastKnownParent = $Item.LastKnownParent ManagedBy = $Item.ManagedBy member = $Item.member MemberOf = $Item.MemberOf Members = $Item.Members Modified = $Item.Modified modifyTimeStamp = $Item.modifyTimeStamp Name = $Item.Name ObjectCategory = $Item.ObjectCategory ObjectClass = $Item.ObjectClass ObjectGUID = $Item.ObjectGUID objectSid = $Item.objectSid.Value ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion = $Item.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion SamAccountName = $Item.SamAccountName sAMAccountType = $Item.sAMAccountType sDRightsEffective = $Item.sDRightsEffective SID = $Item.SID.Value SIDHistory = $Item.SIDHistory systemFlags = $Item.systemFlags uSNChanged = $Item.uSNChanged uSNCreated = $Item.uSNCreated whenChanged = $Item.whenChanged whenCreated = $Item.whenCreated } } ## Get-ADGroupMember [scriptblock]$ADMaps.ADGroupMember = { return [PSCustomObject] @{ distinguishedName = $Item.distinguishedName name = $ objectClass = $Item.objectClass objectGUID = $Item.objectGUID SamAccountName = $Item.SamAccountName SID = $Item.SID.Value } } ## Get-ADUser [scriptblock]$ADMaps.ADUser = { return [PSCustomObject] @{ AccountExpirationDate = $Item.AccountExpirationDate accountExpires = $Item.accountExpires AccountLockoutTime = $Item.AccountLockoutTime AccountNotDelegated = $Item.AccountNotDelegated adminCount = $Item.adminCount AllowReversiblePasswordEncryption = $Item.AllowReversiblePasswordEncryption AuthenticationPolicy = $Item.AuthenticationPolicy AuthenticationPolicySilo = $Item.AuthenticationPolicySilo BadLogonCount = $Item.BadLogonCount badPasswordTime = $Item.badPasswordTime badPwdCount = $Item.badPwdCount CannotChangePassword = $Item.CannotChangePassword CanonicalName = $Item.CanonicalName Certificates = $Item.Certificates City = $Item.City CN = $Item.CN codePage = $Item.codePage Company = $Item.Company CompoundIdentitySupported = $Item.CompoundIdentitySupported Country = $Item.Country countryCode = $Item.countryCode Created = $Item.Created createTimeStamp = $Item.createTimeStamp Deleted = $Item.Deleted Department = $Item.Department Description = $Item.Description DisplayName = $Item.DisplayName DistinguishedName = $Item.DistinguishedName Division = $Item.Division DoesNotRequirePreAuth = $Item.DoesNotRequirePreAuth dSCorePropagationData = $Item.dSCorePropagationData EmailAddress = $Item.EmailAddress EmployeeID = $Item.EmployeeID EmployeeNumber = $Item.EmployeeNumber Enabled = $Item.Enabled Fax = $Item.Fax GivenName = $Item.GivenName HomeDirectory = $Item.HomeDirectory HomedirRequired = $Item.HomedirRequired HomeDrive = $Item.HomeDrive HomePage = $Item.HomePage HomePhone = $Item.HomePhone Initials = $Item.Initials instanceType = $Item.instanceType isCriticalSystemObject = $Item.isCriticalSystemObject isDeleted = $Item.isDeleted KerberosEncryptionType = $Item.KerberosEncryptionType LastBadPasswordAttempt = $Item.LastBadPasswordAttempt LastKnownParent = $Item.LastKnownParent lastLogoff = $Item.lastLogoff lastLogon = $Item.lastLogon LastLogonDate = $Item.LastLogonDate lastLogonTimestamp = $Item.lastLogonTimestamp LockedOut = $Item.LockedOut lockoutTime = $Item.lockoutTime logonCount = $Item.logonCount logonHours = $Item.logonHours LogonWorkstations = $Item.LogonWorkstations Manager = $Item.Manager MemberOf = $Item.MemberOf MNSLogonAccount = $Item.MNSLogonAccount MobilePhone = $Item.MobilePhone Modified = $Item.Modified modifyTimeStamp = $Item.modifyTimeStamp 'msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes' = $Item.'msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes' 'msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed' = $Item.'msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed' Name = $Item.Name ObjectCategory = $Item.ObjectCategory ObjectClass = $Item.ObjectClass ObjectGUID = $Item.ObjectGUID objectSid = $Item.objectSid.Value Office = $Item.Office OfficePhone = $Item.OfficePhone Organization = $Item.Organization OtherName = $Item.OtherName PasswordExpired = $Item.PasswordExpired PasswordLastSet = $Item.PasswordLastSet PasswordNeverExpires = $Item.PasswordNeverExpires PasswordNotRequired = $Item.PasswordNotRequired POBox = $Item.POBox PostalCode = $Item.PostalCode PrimaryGroup = $Item.PrimaryGroup primaryGroupID = $Item.primaryGroupID PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount = $Item.PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount ProfilePath = $Item.ProfilePath ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion = $Item.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion pwdLastSet = $Item.pwdLastSet SamAccountName = $Item.SamAccountName sAMAccountType = $Item.sAMAccountType ScriptPath = $Item.ScriptPath sDRightsEffective = $Item.sDRightsEffective ServicePrincipalNames = $Item.ServicePrincipalNames SID = $Item.SID.Value SIDHistory = $Item.SIDHistory SmartcardLogonRequired = $Item.SmartcardLogonRequired State = $Item.State StreetAddress = $Item.StreetAddress Surname = $Item.Surname Title = $Item.Title TrustedForDelegation = $Item.TrustedForDelegation TrustedToAuthForDelegation = $Item.TrustedToAuthForDelegation UseDESKeyOnly = $Item.UseDESKeyOnly userAccountControl = $Item.userAccountControl userCertificate = $Item.userCertificate UserPrincipalName = $Item.UserPrincipalName uSNChanged = $Item.uSNChanged uSNCreated = $Item.uSNCreated whenChanged = $Item.whenChanged whenCreated = $Item.whenCreated } } ## Publish the Maps as a Global Scope Variable $global:ADMaps = $ADMaps } } |