Function Invoke-TMDPsExec { param( [CmdletBinding()] [Parameter(mandatory = $true)][String]$ComputerName, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)][pscredential]$Credential, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][String]$Command, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]$CommandArguments, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]$Script, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][Switch]$Console, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][Switch]$PassThru, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][Switch]$UseSystemAccount, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][string]$CommandDelimiter = ';', [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][String]$PsSuitePath = 'C:\TMConsole\SysinternalsSuite' ) Begin { ## Test if PsExec is installed $PsExecPath = Join-Path $PsSuitePath 'psexec.exe' $PsExeFileExists = Test-Path -Path $PsExecPath if (-Not $PsExeFileExists) { Throw "PSExec is not installed at $($PsSuitePath). Install there, or use the -PsSuitePath Parameter to define the copy to use." } ## A Script may have been provided, convert it into a single line command. if ($Script -and -not $Command) { $Commands = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $Script.Values | ForEach-Object { [void]$Commands.Append($_) [void]$Commands.Append($CommandDelimiter) } $Command = $Commands.ToString() } } Process { # Make sure this is Windows if (-not $isWindows) { Throw 'Running PsExec Commands are only supported when running on Windows.' } ## Create an ArgumentList for the PsExec Command $PsExecArguments = @() $PsExecArguments += "\\$ComputerName" ## Computer Name to connect to if ($UseSystemAccount) { $PsExecArguments += '-s' ## Run as the System Account } $PsExecArguments += '-h' ## Request User Account Control admin permissions if ($Credential) { $PsExecArguments += '-u' ## Supply Username $PsExecArguments += $Credential.UserName $PsExecArguments += '-p' ## Supply Password $PsExecArguments += '"' + $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password + '"' } $PsExecArguments += '-r TMConsole-PsExec' ## Use a Named Service Session $PsExecArguments += '-nobanner' ## Suppress the Banner $PsExecArguments += '-accepteula' ## Accept the EULA to prevent a dialog $PsExecArguments += $Command ## Supply the command to run if ($CommandArguments) { ## And optional arguments $PsExecArguments += $CommandArguments } ## StartProcess Options $PsExecProcessSplat = @{ FilePath = $PsExecPath ArgumentList = $PsExecArguments Wait = $True ## NoNew Window does not work properly on 7.1.5 # NoNewWindow = $true # WindowStyle = 'Minimized' ## Works correctly, but a window flashes WindowStyle = 'Hidden' } ## PsExec output's Its StdOut on the StdErr channel so the inside SSH content can be delivered to StdOut ## This requires altering the Error Action Preference to Continue (so the output can be red as well as saved) # $ExistingErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference # $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' ## Starting the process may involve Writing to the console, or not. $StdOutTempFile = New-TemporaryFile # Start-Process @PsExecProcessSplat Start-Process @PsExecProcessSplat -RedirectStandardOutput $StdOutTempFile.FullName $PsExecOutput = Get-Content $StdOutTempFile.FullName Remove-Item $StdOutTempFile.FullName -Force if ($Console) { $PsExecOutput | Write-Host } ## Return Error Preference Setting # $ErrorActionPreference = $ExistingErrorAction } End { ## Return the Session Standard Output if ($PassThru) { return $PsExecOutput } } } ## Process.Start Constructor Method for starting exe ## Create a Process object (and a fuction level cache) and use Std<Out|Err> handlers + rediretion ## Create a Cache to return only appropriate objects back # $ProcessOutputCache = @{ # StdOut = @() # StdErr = @() # } ## Construct a new ProcessStartInfo object # $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo # $psi.CreateNoWindow = $true # # $psi.UseShellExecute = $false # # $psi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true # # $psi.RedirectStandardError = $true # $psi.UseShellExecute = $true # $psi.FileName = $PsExec # $psi.Arguments = $PsExecArguments # ## Invoke the Process Invocation using the StartInfo object # $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process # $Process.StartInfo = $psi # ## Define and Register Standard Output Handler # $StdOutHandler = { # param([Object]$sender, [DataReceivedEventArgs]$e) # if ($ProcessOutputCache.StdOut -notcontains $e) { # Write-Host $e # $ProcessOutputCache.StdOut += $e # } # } # Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $Process -Action $StdOutHandler -EventName 'OutputDataReceived' # | Out-Null # ## Define and Register Standard Error Handler # $StdErrHandler = { # param([Object]$sender, [DataReceivedEventArgs]$e) # if ($ProcessOutputCache.StdErr -notcontains $e) { # Write-Host $e # $ProcessOutputCache.StdErr += $e # } # } # Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $Process -Action $StdErrHandler -EventName 'ErrorDataReceived' # | Out-Null ## Start the process, but don't return anything # [void]$Process.Start() ## Invoke Output Handlers # $Process.BeginOutputReadLine() # $Process.BeginErrorReadLine() ## Wait until the process exits before returning control # $Process.WaitForExit() ## Return Error Handling to the state it as in before this function ran ## PsExec exits with 'code 0.' as it's last line upon success. # $LastLine = $FullStdOut | Select-Object -Last 1 # if ($LastLine.SubString($LastLine.length - 7, 7) -ne 'code 0.') { # Write-Progress -Id 30 -ParentId 0 -Activity 'Installation Complete' -PercentComplete 100 -Completed # Throw "PsExec Script Exited abnormally. Please review the log." # } |