This SessionManager Script handles creating and receiving output from a Session-Based Runspace Environment Output received from actions that are being run in this script are sent to TMConsole via WebSocket a websocket Messages sent to the WebSocket must be: - An JSON string - The Json Object must have the following properties: - TMTaskId: <int> This is the task.taskNumber (not the taskId) - Type: One of [ 'Started' - Expressly creates a 'TaskCache' object which stores the output of a given Task's Action ** Note - The receiving handler does not expressly require a 'Started' token, if any other types are received first And one doesn't already exist, one is created to store the other Type-d data. 'Info' - A 'Write-Host' message from the 'info' stream 'Progress' - An 'Activity Progress' message from the 'Progress' stream 'Failed' - An Error bearing token with a 'Message' property which is displayed in the console 'Completed' - A token with a simply indicating that the task is complete and all progress should reflect this ] Among others. There is "Info", "Started", "Failed", "Progress" and "Completed" Each of the JSON representations are of the associated PowerShell Primative Classes that are emitted by the the script using: - Started: Psuedo message, not actually created by PowerShell, it's written to the StdOut as early as possible (when this script gets the ID for the first time - Info: Write-Host or any pipeline output (Get-Date, for example) - Progress: Write-Progress ActivityID (Id) ParentActivityId Activity CurrentOpperation Status PercentComplete SecondsRemaining RecordType (1 = running, 0=Completed) - Errors Writtn as "Failed" - Errors Thrown from Infrastructure problems (Session issues, network, etc) - TM Action Scripts are run by the user are in a try catch and reported this way - Completed: Occurs when the Action Script provided by TM is completed, with no errors --- TODO - Verbose Write-Verbose output should be displayed in TMD as well (with a UI switch) #> Function Start-TMCSessionManager { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes a new TMConsole PowerShell Server instance to handle .NOTES Name: Start-TMCSessionManager Author: TransitionManager Version: 1.1 DateCreated: 2021-08-21 1.1: 2022-02-09 .EXAMPLE Start-TMCSessionManager -Hostname <hostname> -Port 8620 .LINK #> param( [Parameter(mandatory = $false)] [bool]$OutputVerbose = $false, ## PROD SETTING # [bool]$OutputVerbose = $true, ## DEV SETTING [Parameter()]$HostPID = -1, [Parameter()][Bool]$AllowInsecureSSL = $False, [Parameter()][Bool]$AllowDirectExecution = $False, [Parameter()] [String]$WebSocketServer, [Parameter()] [Int32]$WebSocketPort = 8620, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Version]$TMCVersion = '0.0.0' ) Begin { ## Enable Verbose Output if OutputVerbose was true if ($OutputVerbose) { $Global:VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' Write-Verbose -Message "Starting TMConsole Server Session {$($PowershellServerSettings.Hostname):$($PowershellServerSettings.Port)}" Write-Verbose -Message ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json) } ## Create the powershell WebSocketServer connection settings $PowerShellServerSettings = @{ Hostname = $WebSocketServer.ToLower() Port = $WebSocketPort } ## ## Begin Running the Session Manager ## ## Allow the TMD Watcher script to continue and move past any transient errors $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' ## PRODUCTION = 'Continue'. Setting this to 'Stop' is useful in debugging this script ## Enable Verbose (using bool, not switch) if ($OutputVerbose) { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' ## If Host PID is present, notify that SessionManager is bound to that pid if ($HostPID -ne -1) { Write-Host "VERBOSE: Bound to TMD PID: $HostPID" } } else { $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } } Process { ## Error Action $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' ## Define the settings for the web socket client $StartWebSocketClientSplat = @{ WebSocketServer = $($WebSocketServer.ToLower()) WebSocketPort = $WebSocketPort Verbose = $Verbose OutputVerbose = $OutputVerbose AllowInsecureSSL = $AllowInsecureSSL TMCVersion = $TMCVersion } ## Start the WebSocketClient directly Start-TMConsoleWebSocketClient @StartWebSocketClientSplat } End { Write-Verbose 'TMConsole.SessionManager has ended' } } |