
using namespace System
using namespace System.Management.Automation

function Get-GistScript {
    Downloads the contents of a specified GitHub Gist file.
    .PARAMETER GistUri
    The GitHub Gist URL.
    .PARAMETER FileName
    The file to select from within the Gist.

    param (

    if (($GistUri -match '^*') -and ($GistUri -match '\/(?<guid>\w*)$')) {
        $GistUri = "$($matches.guid)"
    $gist = Invoke-RestMethod $gistUri -ErrorAction Stop
    return $gist.Files.$FileName.Content

function Update-GistScript {
    Updates a local script file with the content of a GitHub Gist.
    Compares the local script version number to the version in the remote Gist, and updates the local script
    if the Gist version is newer.
    Local script file path
    .PARAMETER ScriptPath
    Full path of the local script file (Alias: FullName)
    Returns a boolean value indicating whether the local Gist script has been updated.

    param (
            ParameterSetName = 'FileInfo',
            Position = 0

            ParameterSetName = 'String',
            Position = 0

    begin {
        $projectUriRegEx = '\.PROJECTURI\r?\n\s*(?<ProjectUri>https?:.*)'
        $versionRegEx = '\.VERSION\r?\n\s*(?<Version>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'
        $FilePath = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'String' { $ScriptPath }
            'FileInfo' { $Path.FullName }
        $FileName = [IO.Path]::GetFileName($FilePath)

    process {
        [string]$BadVerNum = '0.0.0'
        [string]$ScriptContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($FilePath)
        [version]$currentVersion = if ($ScriptContent -match $versionRegEx) { $matches.Version } else { $BadVerNum }
        [string]$projectUri = [string]::Empty
        if ($ScriptContent -match $projectUriRegEx) { $projectUri = $matches.ProjectUri.Trim() }

        if ($projectUri -ne [string]::Empty) {
            try {
                $gistScript = Get-GistScript -GistUri $projectUri -FileName $FileName
                [version]$gistVersion = if ($gistScript -match $versionRegEx) { $matches.Version } else { $BadVerNum }

                if ($gistVersion -gt $currentVersion) {
                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host (
                        "Updating '$FileName' from v$currentVersion to v$gistVersion."
                    Set-Content -Path $FilePath -Value $gistScript
                    return $true
                } elseif ($gistVersion -eq $BadVerNum) {
                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning (
                        "Unsuccessful gist version parse. v$gistVersion in '$FilePath' is invalid."
                } elseif ($gistVersion -lt $currentVersion) {
                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host (
                        "Local copy of '$FileName' is v$currentVersion which is newer than the gist (v$gistVersion). " +
                        "Don't forget to update the gist when you're done editing!"
            } catch {
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning "Failed to update gist. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        } else {
            Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning (
                "'$FilePath' does not contain the required ProjectUri, or it is in an invalid format."
        return $false

function Start-BackgroundGistScriptUpdate {
    Starts a background job to update the specified Gist script.
    Initiates a background job to update a PowerShell script from the GitHub Gist URL mentioned in the PROJECTURI field
    of the ScriptFileInfo header.
    .PARAMETER LocalScriptPath
    Specifies the path to the local Gist script that needs to be updated.
    This function requires internet access to reach the gist URL.

    param (

    # Get the file item from the local script path
    $ScriptPath = Get-Item -Path $LocalScriptPath -ErrorAction Stop

    # Create parameters for the job or thread that will be started
    $UpdateGistJobParams = [hashtable]@{
        Name         = "Update Gist Script - $($ScriptPath.Name)"
        ArgumentList = @(
            "function Update-GistScript { ${function:Update-GistScript} }",
            "function Get-GistScript { ${function:Get-GistScript} }"
        ScriptBlock  = {
            param ($LocalScriptPath, $UpdateScriptFunction, $GetGistFunction)
            # Import the functions into the scriptblock's scope
            . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($UpdateScriptFunction))
            . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($GetGistFunction))
            # Call the Update-GistScript function if the local script path is valid
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LocalScriptPath) -eq $false) {
                Update-GistScript -ScriptPath $LocalScriptPath | Out-Null

    # Create the job or thread depending on the PowerShell edition
    $Job = if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {
        Start-Job @UpdateGistJobParams
    } else {
        Start-ThreadJob @UpdateGistJobParams

    return $Job