
using namespace Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client
using namespace Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client
using namespace Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common
using namespace system

$Script:PSModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot
# .C:\ldx\tfvc\TFVC\Classes\TFVCSession.ps1

class TFVCSession





    TFVCSession( [uri]$ProjectCollectionURI )
        $this.Connect( $ProjectCollectionURI )

    TFVCSession( [uri]$ProjectCollectionURI, [PSCredential]$Credential )
        $this.Connect( $ProjectCollectionURI, $Credential )

    TFVCSession( [uri]$Server, [string]$ProjectCollectionName )
        $URI = [uribuilder]::new( $Server)
        $URI.Path = $ProjectCollectionName
        $this.Connect( $URI.uri )

    TFVCSession( [uri]$Server, [string]$ProjectCollectionName, [PSCredential]$Credential )
        $URI = [uribuilder]::new( $Server)
        $URI.Path = $ProjectCollectionName
        $this.Connect( $URI.uri, $Credential )

    [Void] Connect( [uri]$ProjectCollectionURI )
        $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection = [TfsTeamProjectCollection]::new( $ProjectCollectionURI )


    [Void] Connect( [uri]$ProjectCollectionURI, [PSCredential]$Credential )
        $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection = [TfsTeamProjectCollection]::new( $ProjectCollectionURI, $Credential )
        $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection.Credentials = $Credential


    [Void] ValidateConnection([uri] $uri)
        if ( $null -eq $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection.ConfigurationServer )
            throw [TFVCSessionException]::New("Was not able to establish a connection to the specified endpoint [$uri]")

    [Void] RefreshProperties()
        if ( $null -ne $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection )
            $this.DisplayName = $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection.DisplayName
            $this.Server = $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection.ConfigurationServer.Uri
            $this.VersionControlServer = $this.GetVersionControlServer()

    [Void] Disconnect()
        if ($null -ne $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection)
            $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection = $null

    [VersionControlServer] GetVersionControlServer ()
        return $this.TfsTeamProjectCollection.GetService( [VersionControlServer] )

    [Workspace] GetWorkspaceFromPath( $LocalPath )
        return $this.VersionControlServer.GetWorkspace( $LocalPath )

    [Workspace] GetWorkspace( $WorkspaceName, $WorkspaceOwner )
        return $this.VersionControlServer.GetWorkspace( $WorkspaceName, $WorkspaceOwner )

    [Workspace] CreateWorkspace( $Name )
        return $this.VersionControlServer.CreateWorkspace( $Name )

    [Shelveset] CreateShelveset( [string]$Name )
        return [Shelveset]::new( $this.VersionControlServer, $Name, $ENV:USERNAME )

    [Changeset] GetChangeset( [Int32]$ChangesetID, [bool]$IncludeChanges, [bool]$IncludeDownloadInfo )
        return $this.VersionControlServer.GetChangeset(
            $ChangesetID, $IncludeChanges, $IncludeDownloadInfo

    [Void] DownloadFile( [string]$ServerPath, [string]$DestinationPath )
        $folder = Split-Path $DestinationPath
        New-Item -Path $folder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

        $this.VersionControlServer.DownloadFile( $ServerPath, $DestinationPath )

    [Changeset[]] GetHistory (
        [String] $ServerPath,
        [String] $User,
        [Int32] $MaxCount,
        [Boolean] $IncludeChanges,
        [Boolean] $SortAscending
        [Int32] $DeletionId = 0
        [VersionSpec] $Version = [VersionSpec]::Latest
        [RecursionType] $Recursion = [RecursionType]::Full
        [VersionSpec] $VersionFrom = $null
        [VersionSpec] $VersionTo = $null
        [Boolean] $SlotMode = $true
        [Boolean] $IncludeDownloadInfo = $true

        if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $User ) )
            $User = [NullString]::Value

        return $this.VersionControlServer.QueryHistory(

# .C:\ldx\tfvc\TFVC\Classes\TFVCSessionException.ps1

class TFVCSessionException : Exception
    TFVCSessionException() {}

    TFVCSessionException( [string] $Message ) : base( $message ) {}

    TFVCSessionException( [string] $Message, [exception] $Inner ) : base( $Message, $Inner ) {}

# Importing from [C:\ldx\tfvc\TFVC\Private]
# Importing from [C:\ldx\tfvc\TFVC\Public]
# .\TFVC\Public\Add-TFVCItem.ps1
function Add-TFVCItem
        Adds items to the workspace that will become pending changes
        Add-TFVCItem -Path $Path

        # Path to the file to add. Supports wildcards
            Position = 0,
        $Path = '.',

        # Recursivly add files
            Position = 1,

        # The Workspace
            Position = 2,
        $Workspace = (Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace)

            $allFiles = Resolve-Path -Path $Path

            $count = foreach ( $node in $allFiles.Path )
                $Workspace.PendAdd( $node, $Recurse )

                LocalItems = $allFiles
                NumberAdded = $count
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Add-TFVCWorkspaceMapping.ps1

function Add-TFVCWorkspaceMapping
        Adds a source to folder mapping to the workspace
        New-TFVCSession -ServerURI https://tfs -ProjectCollection DevOps
        $workspace = Get-TFVCWorkspace
        $workspace | Add-TFVCWorkspaceMapping -Source '$/DevOpsTFVCTest/master' -Destination 'c:\localworkspace\DevOpsTFVCTest\master'

    [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path', SupportsShouldProcess )]

        # A workspace to add a source mapping to
        $Workspace = (Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace),

        # The TFS locaion to map to the local system
        [Alias('SourcePath', 'TFSLocaion', 'ServerItem')]
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'Path'

        # The location on the local system that gets mapped
        [Alias('DestinationPath', 'Path', 'LocalPath', 'FullName', 'LocalItem')]
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'Path'

        # The location on the local system that gets mapped
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'WorkingFolder'

            if ( $null -ne $Mapping )
                $Source = $Mapping.ServerItem
                $Destination = $Mapping.LocalItem

            # normalize to full path
            $null = New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
            $Destination = Resolve-Path -Path $Destination

            Write-Verbose ( "Mapping source [{0}] to local [{1}] in workspace [{2}]" -f $Source, $Destination, $Workspace.DisplayName )

            # Check to see if it is already mapped
            $currentFolder = $Workspace.Folders |
                Where ServerItem -eq $Source
            Where LocalItem -eq $Destination

            if ( $null -eq $currentFolder )
                Write-Verbose ' Adding new mapping'
                if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $Source ) )
                    if ( $null -ne $Mapping )
                        $Workspace.CreateMapping( $Mapping )
                        $Workspace.Map( $Source, $Destination )

                    Write-Verbose ' Verify working folder was created'
                    $Workspace.GetWorkingFolderForServerItem( $Source )
                Write-Verbose " Folder [$Destination] is already mapped in this workspace"
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace.ps1
function Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace
        Gets the currently active workspace
        This is used to provide a default value for cmdlets that need a workspace.
        This is why it throws an error if it is used before a workspace is set.


        if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $script:ActiveTFVCWorkspace.DisplayName ) )
            if ( $script:ActiveTFVCWorkspace )
                Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorId NoActiveTFVCWorkspace -Message 'No active workspace is set. Please provide a workspace or set an active one using Set-TFVCActiveWorkspace.'

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCChangeset.ps1
function Get-TFVCChangeset
        Get specified changeset details
        Get-TFVCChangeset -ChangesetID $ChangesetID


        # The ID of the Changeset.
            Position = 0,

        # Active TFVC Session
        $TFVCSession = (Get-TFVCSession),

        # True to include the changes in the Changeset. False to include only metadata.

        # True to get the information needed to download files. Specify false to save bandwidth if not necessary.

            foreach ( $id in $ChangesetID )
                $TFVCSession.GetChangeset( $id, $IncludeChanges, $IncludeDownloadInfo )
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCFile.ps1
function Get-TFVCFile
        Downloads a file from the TFS server
        Get-TFVCFile -ServerPath $ServerPath -Path $Path

        # Server location for the file to download
            Position = 0,

        # Location to save the selected file
        [Alias('FullName', 'Path')]
            Position = 1,

        # Active TFVC Session
        $TFVCSession = (Get-TFVCSession)

            if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $DestinationPath ) )
                $TFVCSession.DownloadFile( $ServerPath, $DestinationPath )
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCHistory.ps1
function Get-TFVCHistory
        Get the history for a given server path
        Get-TFVCHistory -Path $Path


        # The server path to checck the history on. Supports wildcards
            Position = 0,

        # User to search the history for
            Position = 1,
        $User = [NullString]::Value,

        # max number of history items to return
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]
        $MaxCount = [Int32]::MaxValue,

        # include change information
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]

        # Sort the results Ascending
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]

        # Active TFVC Session
        $TFVCSession = (Get-TFVCSession)

            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )



# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCLatest.ps1

function Get-TFVCLatest
        Gets the latest changes for all the mappings in the workspace
        New-TFVCSession -ServerURI https://tfs -ProjectCollection DevOps
        $workspace = Get-TFVCWorkspace
        $workspace | Get-TFVCLatest

        # A workspace to get latest
            Position = 0,
        $Workspace = (Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace)

            if ( $null -ne $Workspace -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $Workspace.DisplayName ) )
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCMergeCandidate.ps1
function Get-TFVCMergeCandidate
        Compares 2 branches and get the changeset that are different between them
        Get-TFVCMergeCandidate -SourceBranch $SourceBranch -TargetBranch $TargetBbranch -Workspace $Workspace


        # Source banch with the changes that need to be merged
            Position = 1,

        # Target branch to merge the changes into
            Position = 2,

        # Active TFVC Session
        $TFVCSession = (Get-TFVCSession)

        $recursive = [RecursionType]::Full

            $MergeCandidate = $TFVCSession.VersionControlServer.GetMergeCandidates( $SourceBranch, $TargetBranch, $recursive )
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCPendingChange.ps1

function Get-TFVCPendingChange
        Gets the pending changes in the workspace

    [Alias('Get-TFVCPendingChanges', 'TFPending')]
        # The Workspace
            Position = 0,
        $Workspace = (Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace)

            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCSession.ps1
function Get-TFVCSession
        Gets the current active session

    [Alias('Get-TFVCConnection', 'GTFVCS')]
    param ()

        if ( $null -eq $script:MasterTFVCSession )
            Write-Warning 'There are no active TFVC sessions, please run [New-TFVCSession] to connect to a server'

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCWorkspace.ps1

function Get-TFVCWorkspace
        Gets the local workspace
        Get-TFVCWorkspace -Path $Path

    [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default' )]
        # Workspace name
        [Alias('WorkspaceName', 'Workspace')]
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'Default'
        [ValidateLength(1, 64)]
        $Name = "${env:COMPUTERNAME}-Default",

        # Workspace owner
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'Default'
        $Owner = $env:USERNAME,

        # Local path to a working folder
        [Alias('LocalPath', 'Folder', 'Directory', 'FullName', 'WorkingFolder')]
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'LocalPath'

        # Active TFVC Session
        $TFVCSession = (Get-TFVCSession),

        # Sets the resulting workspace as the active workspace

            $workspace = $null

            if ( $null -eq $TFVCSession )
                Write-Warning 'No TFVCSession available to retreive workspace'

            switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName )
                    Write-Debug "Working folder path [$Path]"
                    $workspace = $TFVCSession.GetWorkspaceFromPath( $Path )
                    $workspace = $TFVCSession.GetWorkspace( $PSBoundParameters.Name, $Owner )

            if ( $SetActiveWorkspace )
                $workspace | Set-TFVCActiveWorkspace

            return $workspace
        catch [WorkspaceNotFoundException]
            Write-Verbose 'The workspace could not be found'
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Get-TFVCWorkspaceMapping.ps1

function Get-TFVCWorkspaceMapping
        Gets the folder mappings in the workspace
        New-TFVCSession -ServerURI https://tfs -ProjectCollection DevOps
        $workspace = Get-TFVCWorkspace
        $Workspace | Get-TFVCWorkspaceMapping


        # A workspace to add a source mapping to
            Position = 0,

        # The TFS locaion to map to the local system
        [Alias('SourcePath', 'TFSLocaion', 'ServerItem')]
            Position = 1,
        $Source = '*',

        # The location on the local system that gets mapped
        [Alias('DestinationPath', 'Path', 'LocalPath', 'FullName', 'LocalItem')]
            Position = 2,
        $Destination = '*'

            $Workspace.Folders | Where {$_.ServerItem -like $Source -and $_.LocalItem -like $Destination}
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Merge-TFVCChangeset.ps1

function Merge-TFVCChangeset
        Performs a merge in the workspace with the specified changes
        Merge-TFVCChangeset -Path $Path

        # the workspace
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'Workspace'
        $Workspace = (Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace),

        # Source banch with the changes that need to be merged
            Position = 0,

        # Target branch to merge the changes into
            Position = 1,

        # First or oldest changeset in the list to merge
        [Alias('Changeset', 'Start', 'First')]
            Position = 2,

        # Latest or newest change to be merged
        [Alias('Last', 'End')]
            Position = 3,

        # Special options to use for the merge. Default is None
        $MergeOptions = [MergeOptionsEx]::None,

        # Specified lock level
        $LockLevel = [LockLevel]::None,

        # Recursion type
        $RecursionType = [RecursionType]::Full

            if ( $null -eq $ToChangeset )
                $ToChangeset = $FromChangeset

            $fromVersion = [ChangesetVersionSpec]::new($FromChangeset.ChangesetId)
            $toVersion = [ChangesetVersionSpec]::new($ToChangeset.ChangesetId)

            # Get the results of a merge without doing a merge
            if ( -Not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TargetBranch) )
                $MergeOptions = $MergeOptions -bor [MergeOptionsEx]::NoMerge

            $status = $Workspace.Merge(
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\New-TFVCSession.ps1
function New-TFVCSession
        Creates a connection to a TFS or VSTS endpoint
        New-TFVCSession -Path $Path

    [Alias('Open-TFVCConnection', 'NTFVCS')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
        # TFS or VSTS endpoint
            Position = 0,

        # Project Collection Name
            Position = 1,

        # Credential
            Position = 2,

        # Pass the session object to the pipeline

            Write-Verbose ('Connectiong to TFVC URI [{0}] and Project Collection [{1}]' -f $ServerURI, $ProjectCollection )

            $script:MasterTFVCSession = $null
            if ( $null -ne $Credential )
                Write-Debug (' With Credential [{0}]' -f $Credential.UserName )
                $script:MasterTFVCSession = [TFVCSession]::New( $ServerURI, $ProjectCollection, $Credential )
                Write-Debug ' With Default Credential'
                $script:MasterTFVCSession = [TFVCSession]::New( $ServerURI, $ProjectCollection )

            if ( $PassThru )
                return $script:MasterTFVCSession
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\New-TFVCShelveset.ps1

function New-TFVCShelveset
        Creates a Shelveset with the current pending changes
        New-TFVCShelveset -Workspace $Workspace
        Shelveset Class:

        # The Workspace
            Position = 0,
        $Name = ('{0}-{1:yyyyMMddHHmmss}' -f $env:USERNAME, (Get-Date) ),

        # The message or comment on the shelveset
            Position = 1,
        $Comment = $env:USERNAME,

        # The Workspace
            Position = 2,
        $Workspace = (Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace),

        # Pending changes to shelve
            Position = 3,
        $PendingChange = (Get-TFVCPendingChange),

        # Active TFVC Session
        $TFVCSession = (Get-TFVCSession),

        # ShelvingOptions
        $ShelvingOptions = [ShelvingOptions]::Replace

            $shelveset = $TFVCSession.CreateShelveset( $Name )
            $shelveset.Comment = $Comment

            if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $Workspace.DisplayName ) )
                $Workspace.Shelve( $shelveset, $PendingChange, $ShelvingOptions )
                return $shelveset
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\New-TFVCWorkspace.ps1

function New-TFVCWorkspace
        Creates a local workspace
        New-TFVCWorkspace -Path $Path
        Name must be unique per owner

        # Parameter help description
            Position = 0,
        [ValidateLength(1, 64)]
        $Name = "${env:COMPUTERNAME}-Default",

        # Active TFVC Session
        $TFVCSession = (Get-TFVCSession),

        # Sets this workspace as the active workspace

            if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $Name ) )
                $workspace = $TFVCSession.CreateWorkspace( $Name )
                if ( $SetActiveWorkspace )
                    Set-TFVCActiveWorkspace -Workspace $workspace

                return $workspace
        catch [WorkspaceExistsException]
            Write-Verbose "The workspace [$Name] already exists. Using existing workspace."
            $TFVCWorkspace = @{
                Name               = $Name
                TFVCSession        = $TFVCSession
                SetActiveWorkspace = [bool]$SetActiveWorkspace
            Get-TFVCWorkspace @TFVCWorkspace
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Remove-TFVCActiveWorkspace.ps1
function Remove-TFVCActiveWorkspace
        Makes the current active workspace nolonger active.


        if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $script:ActiveTFVCWorkspace.DisplayName ) )
            $script:ActiveTFVCWorkspace = $null

# .\TFVC\Public\Remove-TFVCPendingChange.ps1

function Remove-TFVCPendingChange
        Removes the specified pending changes
        Remove-TFVCPendingChange -Path $Path
        Remove-TFVCPendingChange | Remove-TFVCPendingChages

    [Alias('Remove-TFVCPendingChanges', 'TFUndo')]

        # The Workspace
            Position = 0,
        $Workspace = (Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace),

        # Local path to the pending change that should be removed
        [Alias('FullName', 'LocalItem')]
            Position = 1,

        # Pending changes to commit
            Position = 2,
        $PendingChange = (Get-TFVCPendingChange)

            if ( $null -ne $Path )
                $PendingChange | Where LocalItem -in $Path

            if ( $null -ne $PendingChange )
                if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( ( $PendingChange.LocalItem -join ',' ) ) )
                    $count = $Workspace.Undo( $PendingChange )

                        LocalItem     = $PendingChange.localItem
                        UndoneChanges = $count
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Remove-TFVCSession.ps1
function Remove-TFVCSession
        Removes the current session
        Remove-TFVCSession -TFVCSession $TFVCSession

    [Alias('Remove-TFVCConnection', 'RTFVCS')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param ()

            if ( $null -ne $script:MasterTFVCSession )
                $script:MasterTFVCSession = $null
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Remove-TFVCWorkspace.ps1

function Remove-TFVCWorkspace
        This will delete an existing workspace.
        Remove-TFVCWorkspace -Path $Path
        This implementation only deletes from the local system, but could be enhanced to delete any workspace from TFS

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Named', SupportsShouldProcess)]
        # Name of the workspace
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'Named'
        [ValidateLength(1, 64)]
        $Name = "${env:COMPUTERNAME}-Default",

        # the workspace
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'Workspace'

        # Active TFVC Session
        $TFVCSession = (Get-TFVCSession)

            if ( $null -eq $Workspace )
                $Workspace = Get-TFVCWorkspace -Name $Name -TFVCSession $TFVCSession

            if ( $null -ne $Workspace -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $Workspace.DisplayName ) )
                if ( $Workspace.Delete() )
                    Write-Verbose "The Workspace [$($Workspace.DisplayName)] was deteled"
                    Write-Warning 'Calling delete on this workspace object returned [$false] unexpectidly. Are the red ones stuff you wanted removed? Ooh, that''s clever, Morty, but I don''t use color to sort things'
        catch [WorkspaceDeletedException]
            Write-Verbose 'This workspace has alraedy been deleted'
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Remove-TFVCWorkspaceMapping.ps1

function Remove-TFVCWorkspaceMapping
        Adds a source to folder mapping to the workspace
        New-TFVCSession -ServerURI https://tfs -ProjectCollection DevOps
        $workspace = Get-TFVCWorkspace
        $workspace | Remove-TFVCWorkspaceMapping -Source '$/DevOpsTFVCTest/master'

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Source', SupportsShouldProcess)]

        # A workspace to add a source mapping to
            Position = 0,

        # The TFS locaion to map to the local system
        [Alias('SourcePath', 'TFSLocaion', 'ServerItem')]
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'Source'

        # The location on the local system that gets mapped
        [Alias('DestinationPath', 'Path', 'LocalPath', 'FullName', 'LocalItem')]
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'Destination'

        # The location on the local system that gets mapped
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'WorkingFolder'

            switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName )
                    $Mapping = $Workspace.Folders |
                        Where ServerItem -eq $Source
                    $Mapping = $Workspace.Folders |
                        Where LocalItem -eq $Destination

            if ( $null -ne $Mapping )
                if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $mapping.ServerItem ) )
                    foreach ($folder in $Mapping)
                        $Workspace.DeleteMapping( $folder )
        catch [ItemNotMappedException]
            Write-Verbose 'This mapping does not exist in this workspace'
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Save-TFVCPendingChange.ps1

function Save-TFVCPendingChange
        Commit or checking the pending changes in the workspace

    [Alias('Save-TFVCPendingChanges', 'TFCommit', 'TFCheckIn')]

        # Commit Message
        [Alias('Message', 'CM')]
            Position = 0,

        # The Workspace
            Position = 2,
        $Workspace = (Get-TFVCActiveWorkspace),

        # Filter local changes to path
        [Alias('FullName', 'LocalItem')]
            Position = 1,

        # Pending changes to commit
            Position = 3,
        $PendingChange = (Get-TFVCPendingChange)

            if ( $null -ne $Path )
                $PendingChange | Where LocalItem -in $Path

            if ( $null -ne $PendingChange )
                if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( ( $PendingChange.LocalItem -join ',' ) ) )
                    $newchangeset = $Workspace.Checkin( $PendingChange, $CommitMessage )
                        Changeset = $newchangeset
                Write-Warning "There were no pending changes to commit in workspace [$($Workspace.Displayname)]"
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )

# .\TFVC\Public\Set-TFVCActiveWorkspace.ps1

function Set-TFVCActiveWorkspace
        Sets a workspace as the default one for the current powershell session
        New-TFVCSession -ServerURI https://tfs -ProjectCollection DevOps
        $workspace = New-TFVCWorkspace
        Set-TFVCActiveWorkspace -Workspace $Workspace
        New-TFVCSession -ServerURI https://tfs -ProjectCollection DevOps
        New-TFVCWorkspace -SetActiveWorkspace

        # The workspace
            Position = 0,

            if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( $Workspace.DisplayName ) )
                $script:ActiveTFVCWorkspace = $Workspace
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( $PSItem )