
# Author: Miodrag Milic <>
# Last Change: 05-Aug-2016.

    Get the unified build logs for the TFS build
    PS> Get-TFSBuildLogs
    Returns logs of the latest build
    PS> Get-TFSBuildLogs 250
    Returns logs of the build by id
    PS> Get-TFSBuilds -Definitions MyDefinition | select -First 1 | % BuildNumber | % { Get-TFSBuildLogs $_ }
    Return logs of the latest build for given build definition

function Get-TFSBuildLogs{
        #Id of the build, by default the latest build is used.

    if ($Id -eq '') { $Id = Get-TFSBuilds -Top 1 | %{ $_.Id } }
    if ($Id -eq $null) { throw "Can't find latest build or there are no builds" }
    Write-Verbose "Build id: $Id"
    $uri = "$proj_uri/_apis/build/builds/$Id/logs?api-version=" + $global:tfs.api_version
    Write-Verbose "Logs URI: $uri"

    $params = @{ Uri = $uri; Method = 'Get'}
    $r = invoke_rest $params

    $lines = @()
    $root_server_name = $global:tfs.root_url -split '/' | select -Index 2
    foreach ( $url in $r.value.url ) {
        #TFS might return non FQDM so its best to replace its server name with the one user specified
        $new_url = $url -split '/'
        $new_url[2] = $root_server_name
        $new_url = $new_url -join '/'

        Write-Verbose "Log URI: $new_url"
        $params = @{ Uri = $new_url; Method = 'Get'}
        $l = invoke_rest $params
        $lines += $l.value -replace '\..+?Z'
        $lines += "="*150

sal blogs Get-TFSBuildLogs