
class IISLogEntry {

    IISLogEntry ([string]$line) {
        $this.date,$this.time,$this.sip,$this.csmethod,$this.csuristem,$this.csuriquery,$this.sport,$this.csusername,$this.cip,$this.csUserAgent,$this.csReferer,$this.scstatus,$this.scsubstatus,$this.scwin32status,$this.timetaken = $line -split " "

function Import-IISLog {
        Import IIS log files with default header.
        This function imports IIS log files from CSV format.
        PS C:\> Import-IISLog
        Import the latest log found in the default log folder.
        PS C:\> Import-IISLog -Tail 10 -Wait
        Import the latest 10 lines of the latest log found in the default log folder and wait for new lines until stopped with ctrl-c.
        General notes

    param (
        $Path = "C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\*",
        $Filter = "*.log",
        $Tail = -1,
        $Count = 1,
    process {
        } else {
            $Logs = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $Filter) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Last $Count
            Write-Information "FileName is $($Logs.fullname)" -InformationAction Continue
            $Logs | Get-Content -Tail $Tail -Wait:$wait.IsPresent | ForEach-Object {
                if($_ -notmatch "^#") {[IISLogEntry]::new($_)}