function Import-Csr { <# .SYNOPSIS Import certificate signing request from base64 text. .DESCRIPTION This function uses the Windows Subsystem for Linux to invoke `openssl` to decode a certificate signing request. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Import-Csr c:\temp\cert.req This example imports a CSR located at the given path and decodes it's contents. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS [psobject] .NOTES Author: @torggler Date: 2019-06-14 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [System.IO.FileInfo] $Path, [switch] $ShowText ) if(Get-Command wsl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ Write-Verbose "Windows Path is $Path" $Path = $Path -replace "\\","\\\" $wslPath = Invoke-Expression "wsl wslpath -a $Path" Write-Verbose "Linux Path is $wslPath" $opensslOut = Invoke-Expression "wsl openssl req -in $wslPath -noout -text" New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered]@{ Subject = Get-SubjectFromCsr -InputObject $opensslOut SignatureAlgorithm = Get-SigAlgoFromCsr -InputObject $opensslOut KeyLength = Get-KeyLengthFromCsr -InputObject $opensslOut SAN = Get-SanFromCsr -InputObject $opensslOut KeyUsge = Get-KeyUsage -InputObject $opensslOut ExtendedKeyUsge = Get-EKeyUsage -InputObject $opensslOut }) if($ShowText){ $opensslOut } } else { Write-Warning "Requires WSL." } } function Get-SubjectFromCsr($InputObject) { $subjectLine = $InputObject | Select-String -Pattern "Subject:" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty line $subjectLine.trimStart() -replace "Subject: ","" -split ", " } function Get-SanFromCsr($InputObject) { $sanLine = $InputObject | Select-String -Pattern "X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:" -Context 0,1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty context | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Postcontext $sanLine.trimStart() -split ", " -replace "DNS:","" } function Get-SigAlgoFromCsr($InputObject){ $line = $InputObject | Select-String -Pattern "Signature Algorithm:" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Line $line.trimStart() -replace "Signature Algorithm: ","" } function Get-KeyLengthFromCsr($InputObject){ $line = $InputObject | Select-String -Pattern "Public-Key: " | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Line $line.trimStart() -replace "Public-Key: ","" -replace "\(|\)","" } function Get-KeyUsage($InputObject){ $line = $InputObject | Select-String -Pattern "X509v3 Key Usage: " -Context 0,1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Context | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Postcontext $line.trimStart() -split ", " } function Get-EKeyUsage($InputObject){ $line = $InputObject | Select-String -Pattern "X509v3 Extended Key Usage: " -Context 0,1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Context | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Postcontext $line.trimStart() -split ", " } |