function New-FirewallRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new Windows Firewall Rule. .DESCRIPTION This function is wrapper for New-NetFirewallRule with the goal of making it easier to create simple firewall rules and have consistent naming. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-FirewallRule -Port 6060 This example creats a new firewall rule to allow connections on tcp/6060. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. .NOTES Author: @torggler #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [ValidateRange(1,65535)] [int]$Port, [ValidateSet("UDP","TCP")] [string]$Protocol = "TCP", [ValidateSet("PersistentStore","ActiveStore")] [string]$Store = "PersistentStore" ) $params = @{ DisplayName = "Allow $Protocol/$port in $Store"; Action = 'Allow'; Description = "Allow $Protocol/$port in $Store"; Enabled = 1; Profile = 'Any'; Protocol = $Protocol; PolicyStore = $Store; LocalPort=$Port; ErrorAction = 'Stop'; } try { Write-Verbose "Creating new Rule: Allow $Protocol/$port in $Store" $null = New-NetFirewallRule @params } catch { Write-Warning "Could not create firewall rule: $_" } } |