function Test-OOSFarm { <# .SYNOPSIS Get internal and external URLs for PowerPoint sharing. .DESCRIPTION This function uses Invoke-RestMethod to get and parse hosting discovery information for Office Online Server farms. If successfull, it returns a custom object with the internal and external URL for PowerPoint sharing. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-OOSFarm -Name oos.example.com This example tries to retrieve information from https://oos.example.com/hosting/discovery .INPUTS <none> .OUTPUTS [psobject] .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param($Name) $uri = "https://$name/hosting/discovery" try{ $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "Could not connect to $Name" } if ($r) { New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Internal = $r.'wopi-discovery'.'net-zone'.where{$_.name -eq "internal-https"}.app.where{$_.name -eq "PowerPoint"}.action.where{$_.name -eq "presentservice" -and $_.ext -eq "pptx"}.urlsrc External = $r.'wopi-discovery'.'net-zone'.where{$_.name -eq "external-https"}.app.where{$_.name -eq "PowerPoint"}.action.where{$_.name -eq "presentservice" -and $_.ext -eq "pptx"}.urlsrc } } } |