$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Import-Module "$here\tak.psd1" Describe "Test Converters" { Context "Testing Base64" { It "ConvertTo-Base64" { $base64 = ConvertTo-Base64 -String 'not so secret' $base64 | Should be 'bm90IHNvIHNlY3JldA==' } It "ConvertFrom-Base64" { $string = ConvertFrom-Base64 -String 'bm90IHNvIHNlY3JldA==' $string | Should be 'not so secret' } } Context "Testing SID" { It "ConvertTo-SID" { $sid = ConvertTo-SID -SamAccountName 'BUILTIN\Administrators' $sid | Should be 'S-1-5-32-544' } It "ConvertFrom-SID" { $username = ConvertFrom-SID -SID 'S-1-5-32-544' $username | Should be 'BUILTIN\Administrators' } } } Describe "Test WebRequests" { Context "Testing MacAddressVendor" { It "Get-MacAddressVendor" { $result = Get-MacAddressVendor -MacAddress a0999b $result | Should not be $null $result.Vendor = 'Apple' } } } Describe "Test EtcHosts" { It "Show-EtcHosts Hostname" { $result = Show-EtcHosts | select -ExpandProperty HostName (-join $result) | Should match 'test1\.example\.com' (-join $result) | Should match 'test2\.example\.com' } It "Show-EtcHosts IPAddress" { $result = Show-EtcHosts | select -ExpandProperty IPAddress (-join $result) | Should match '10\.1\.1\.1' (-join $result) | Should match '192\.168\.1\.1' } } |