# Microsoft Windows Powershell Module Script # # Name: SystemSplash Module # Version: # Date: 2020-01-25 # Author: Roman Gelman # Author: MMillar # # # # Description: # An ascii system information display for PowerShell. # # License: # The MIT License (MIT, Expat) # # A function by the fabulous Roman Gelman to write fancy percentage bar # graphics to the console host. <# .SYNOPSIS Create percentage bar. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates percentage bar. .PARAMETER Percent Value in percents (%). .PARAMETER Value Value in arbitrary units. .PARAMETER MaxValue 100% value. .PARAMETER BarLength Bar length in chars. .PARAMETER BarView Different char sets to build the bar. .PARAMETER GreenBorder Percent value to change bar color from green to yellow (relevant with -DrawBar parameter only). .PARAMETER YellowBorder Percent value to change bar color from yellow to red (relevant with -DrawBar parameter only). .PARAMETER NoPercent Exclude percentage number from the bar. .PARAMETER DrawBar Directly draw the colored bar onto the PowerShell console (unsuitable for calculated properties). .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-PercentageBar -Percent 90 -DrawBar Draw single bar with all default settings. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-PercentageBar -Percent 95 -DrawBar -GreenBorder 70 -YellowBorder 90 Draw the bar and move the both color change borders. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> 85 |New-PercentageBar -DrawBar -NoPercent Pipeline the percent value to the function and exclude percent number from the bar. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> For ($i=0; $i -le 100; $i+=10) {New-PercentageBar -Percent $i -DrawBar -Length 100 -BarView AdvancedThin2; "`r"} Demonstrates advanced bar view with custom bar length and different percent values. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Folder = 'C:\reports\' PS C:\> $FolderSize = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder |measure -Property Length -Sum).Sum PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder -File |sort Length -Descending |select -First 10 |select Name,Length,@{N='SizeBar';E={New-PercentageBar -Value $_.Length -MaxValue $FolderSize}} |ft -au Get file size report and add calculated property 'SizeBar' that contains the percent of each file size from the folder size. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $VolumeC = gwmi Win32_LogicalDisk |? {$_.DeviceID -eq 'c:'} PS C:\> Write-Host -NoNewline "Volume C Usage:" -ForegroundColor Yellow; ` PS C:\> New-PercentageBar -Value ($VolumeC.Size-$VolumeC.Freespace) -MaxValue $VolumeC.Size -DrawBar; "`r" Get system volume usage report. .NOTES Author :: Roman Gelman. Version 1.0 :: 04-Jul-2016 :: Release. .LINK #> function script:New-PercentageBar { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='PERCENT')] param ( [Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName='PERCENT' )] [ValidateRange(0,100)] [int]$Percent, [Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName='VALUE' )] [ValidateRange(0,[double]::MaxValue)] [double]$Value, [Parameter( Position=2, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='VALUE' )] [ValidateRange(1,[double]::MaxValue)] [double]$MaxValue, [Parameter( Position=3, Mandatory=$false )] [Alias("BarSize","Length")] [ValidateRange(10,100)] [int]$BarLength = 10, [Parameter( Position=4, Mandatory=$false )] [ValidateSet( "SimpleThin", "SimpleThick1", "SimpleThick2", "AdvancedThin1", "AdvancedThin2", "AdvancedThick" )] [string]$BarView = "SimpleThin", [Parameter( Position=5, Mandatory=$false )] [ValidateRange(50,80)] [int]$GreenBorder = 60, [Parameter( Position=6, Mandatory=$false )] [ValidateRange(80,90)] [int]$YellowBorder = 80, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$NoPercent, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$DrawBar ) begin { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('VALUE')) { if ($Value -gt $MaxValue) { throw "The [-Value] parameter cannot be greater than [-MaxValue]!" } else { $Percent = $Value/$MaxValue*100 -as [int] } } if ($YellowBorder -le $GreenBorder) { throw "The [-YellowBorder] value must be greater than [-GreenBorder]!" } function Set-BarView ($View) { Switch -exact ($View) { "SimpleThin" { $GreenChar = [char]9632 $YellowChar = [char]9632 $RedChar = [char]9632 $EmptyChar = "-" Break } "SimpleThick1" { $GreenChar = [char]9608 $YellowChar = [char]9608 $RedChar = [char]9608 $EmptyChar = "-" Break } "SimpleThick2" { $GreenChar = [char]9612 $YellowChar = [char]9612 $RedChar = [char]9612 $EmptyChar = "-" Break } "AdvancedThin1" { $GreenChar = [char]9632 $YellowChar = [char]9632 $RedChar = [char]9632 $EmptyChar = [char]9476 Break } "AdvancedThin2" {$GreenChar = [char]9642 $YellowChar = [char]9642 $RedChar = [char]9642 $EmptyChar = [char]9643 Break } "AdvancedThick" { $GreenChar = [char]9617 $YellowChar = [char]9618 $RedChar = [char]9619 $EmptyChar = [char]9482 Break } } $Properties = [ordered]@{ Char1 = $GreenChar Char2 = $YellowChar Char3 = $RedChar Char4 = $EmptyChar } $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties $Object } #End Function Set-BarView $BarChars = Set-BarView -View $BarView $Bar = $null function Draw-Bar { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Char, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Color = 'White', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [boolean]$Draw ) if ($Draw) { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor ([System.ConsoleColor]$Color) $Char } else { return $Char } } #End Function Draw-Bar } #End Begin process { if ($NoPercent) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char "[ " -Draw $DrawBar } else { if ($Percent -eq 100) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char "$Percent% [ " -Draw $DrawBar } elseIf ($Percent -ge 10) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char " $Percent% [ " -Draw $DrawBar } else { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char " $Percent% [ " -Draw $DrawBar } } for ($i=1; $i -le ($BarValue = ([Math]::Round($Percent * $BarLength / 100))); $i++) { if ($i -le ($GreenBorder * $BarLength / 100)) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char ($BarChars.Char1) -Color 'DarkGreen' -Draw $DrawBar } elseIf ($i -le ($YellowBorder * $BarLength / 100)) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char ($BarChars.Char2) -Color 'Yellow' -Draw $DrawBar } else { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char ($BarChars.Char3) -Color 'Red' -Draw $DrawBar } } for ($i=1; $i -le ($EmptyValue = $BarLength - $BarValue); $i++) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char ($BarChars.Char4) -Draw $DrawBar } $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char " ]" -Draw $DrawBar } #End Process end { if (!$DrawBar) { return $Bar } } #End End } #EndFunction New-PercentageBar # May need later for multiplatform and back-compat support. #function script:Set-Platform { # if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6 -And [Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq 'Win32NT' ) { # $global:PlatformHash = @{ # IsCoreCLR = $false # IsWindows = $true # IsLinux = $false # IsMacOS = $false # } # } #} <# .NAME Get-SystemSplash .SYNOPSIS Displays system information to a host. .DESCRIPTION The Get-SystemSplash cmdlet is a system information tool written in PowerShell. .PARAMETER ComputerName The name of the target computer. .PARAMETER Credential The name of the user on the target computer. .PARAMETER Graph Display graphs instead of numeric disk and ram values. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SystemSplash -ComputerName <COMPUTER> -Credential <USER> Display system information from the specified computer and user names. .NOTES Author :: MMillar Author :: Roman Gelman #> function Get-SystemSplash { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$false )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$ComputerName, [Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$false )] [PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.CredentialAttribute()]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Graph ) begin { if (-Not $Graph) { $Graph = $false } if (-Not $ComputerName) { $RemoteSession = $null } #Define ScriptBlock for data collection $ScriptBlock = { $Local_System_Info = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem $Local_System_Volume = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object -Property DeviceID -eq $Local_System_Info.SystemDrive $Local_System_Processor = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor if (([System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties()).DomainName) { $DomainName = ([System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties()).DomainName } else { $DomainName = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain } [pscustomobject]@{ Operating_System = $Local_System_Info Processor = $Local_System_Processor Process_Count = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process).Count Shell_Info = ("{0}.{1}" -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major,$PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor) Root_Volume = $Local_System_Volume User = "${DomainName}\${env:UserName}" Date = Get-Date Kernel = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "${env:SystemRoot}\System32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.FileVersion } } } #End Begin process { if ($ComputerName) { if ("$ComputerName" -ne "$env:ComputerName") { # Build Hash to be used for passing parameters to # New-PSSession commandlet $PSSessionParams = @{ ComputerName = $ComputerName ErrorAction = 'Stop' } # Add optional parameters to hash if ($Credential) { $PSSessionParams.Add('Credential', $Credential) } # Create remote powershell session try { $RemoteSession = New-PSSession @PSSessionParams } catch { throw $_.Exception.Message } } else { $RemoteSession = $null } } # Build Hash to be used for passing parameters to # Invoke-Command commandlet $CommandParams = @{ ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock ErrorAction = 'Stop' } # Add optional parameters to hash if ($RemoteSession) { $CommandParams.Add('Session', $RemoteSession) } # Run ScriptBlock try { $ReturnedValues = Invoke-Command @CommandParams } catch { if ($RemoteSession) { Remove-PSSession $RemoteSession } throw $_.Exception.Message } # Assign variables $Date = ($ReturnedValues.Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') $User = $ReturnedValues.User $Computer_Name = $ReturnedValues.Operating_System.CSName $OS_Name = $ReturnedValues.Operating_System.Caption $Kernel_Info = 'NT ' + $ReturnedValues.Kernel + $ReturnedValues.Operating_System.OSArchitecture -replace '\([^\)]+\)','' $Process_Count = $ReturnedValues.Process_Count $Uptime = "$(($GetUptime = $($ReturnedValues.Date) - $($ReturnedValues.Operating_System.LastBootUpTime)).Days) days, $($GetUptime.Hours) hours, $($GetUptime.Minutes) minutes" $Shell_Info = 'PowerShell ' + $ReturnedValues.Shell_Info $CPU_Info = $ReturnedValues.Processor.Name -replace '\(C\)','' -replace '\(R\)','' -replace '\(TM\)','' -replace 'CPU','' -replace '\s+',' ' $Current_Load = $ReturnedValues.Processor.LoadPercentage $Memory_Size = "{0} MB/{1} MB " -f (([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Operating_System.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1KB))-([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Operating_System.FreePhysicalMemory/1KB))),([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Operating_System.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1KB)) $Disk_Size = "{0} GB/{1} GB" -f (([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Root_Volume.Size/1GB)-[math]::round($ReturnedValues.Root_Volume.FreeSpace/1GB))),([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Root_Volume.Size/1GB)) # Write to the Console Write-Host -Object ("") Write-Host -Object ("") Write-Host -Object (" ,.=:^!^!t3Z3z., ") -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object (" :tt:::tt333EE3 ") -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object (" Et:::ztt33EEE ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object (" @Ee., .., ${Date}") -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host -Object (" ;tt:::tt333EE7") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object (" ;EEEEEEttttt33# ") -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host -Object (" :Et:::zt333EEQ.") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object (" SEEEEEttttt33QL ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host -Object ("User: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object ("${User}") -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" it::::tt333EEF") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object (" @EEEEEEttttt33F ") -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor Green Write-Host -Object ("Hostname: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object ("${Computer_Name}") -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" ;3=*^``````'*4EEV") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object (" :EEEEEEttttt33@. ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host -Object ("OS: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object ("${OS_Name}") -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" ,.=::::it=., ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object ("``") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object (" @EEEEEEtttz33QF ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host -Object ("Kernel: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object ("${Kernel_Info}") -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" ;::::::::zt33) ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" '4EEEtttji3P* ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host -Object ("Uptime: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object ("${Uptime}") -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" :t::::::::tt33.") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (":Z3z.. ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object (" ````") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host -Object (" ,..g. ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object ("Shell: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object ("${Shell_Info}") -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" i::::::::zt33F") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" AEEEtttt::::ztF ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object ("CPU: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object ("${CPU_Info}") -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" ;:::::::::t33V") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" ;EEEttttt::::t3 ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object ("Processes: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -Object ("${Process_Count}") -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" E::::::::zt33L") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" @EEEtttt::::z3F ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object ("Current Load: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red if ($Graph -eq $true) { Write-Host -Object (" ") -NoNewLine New-PercentageBar -DrawBar -Value ($ReturnedValues.Processor.LoadPercentage) -MaxValue (100); "`r" } else { Write-Host -Object ("${Current_Load}%") -ForegroundColor Cyan } Write-Host -Object (" {3=*^``````'*4E3)") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" ;EEEtttt:::::tZ`` ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object ("Memory: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red if ($Graph -eq $true) { Write-Host -Object (" ") -NoNewLine New-PercentageBar -DrawBar -Value (([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Operating_System.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1KB))-([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Operating_System.FreePhysicalMemory/1KB))) -MaxValue ([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Operating_System.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1KB)); "`r" } else { Write-Host -Object ("${Memory_Size}") -ForegroundColor Cyan } Write-Host -Object (" ``") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host -Object (" :EEEEtttt::::z7 ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object ("System Volume: ") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red if ($Graph -eq $true) { New-PercentageBar -DrawBar -Value (([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Root_Volume.Size/1GB)-[math]::round($ReturnedValues.Root_Volume.FreeSpace/1GB))) -MaxValue (([math]::round($ReturnedValues.Root_Volume.Size/1GB))); "`r" } else { Write-Host -Object ("${Disk_Size}") -ForegroundColor Cyan } Write-Host -Object (" 'VEzjt:;;z>*`` ") -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object (" ```` ") -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host -Object ("") } end { if ($RemoteSession) { Remove-PSSession $RemoteSession } } } |