
function Invoke-M365Assessment
        Run the Microsoft 365 assessment and export results to a HTML report.
        Run all reviews and export the results to a HTML report in a ZIP-file.
        If all reviews should be exported, even if they are passed.
        # Run the assessment and export all results to a HTML report.
        Invoke-M365Assessment -All;
        # Run the assessment and only export the results that are not passed to a HTML report.
        # Run review and return data.
        $reviews = Invoke-M365Assessment -ReturnReviews;

        # If all reviews should be exported.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # Path to export the HTML report (ZIP-file).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Path = (
            '{0}/{1}' -f

        # If the reviews should be returned.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # Test connections.
        $testConnections = Test-M365Connection;

        # If there are connections missing.
        if ($testConnections.Values | Where-Object { $_ -eq $false })
            # Write to log.
            Write-Log -Message ('Missing connection to Microsoft 365, please run "Connect-M365Tenant"') -Level Warning -NoDateTime -NoLogLevel;

            # Exit script.

        # Get reviews.
        $reviews = Invoke-Review;
        # If all reviews should be exported.
        if ($true -eq $All)
            # Get only the reviews that are true.
            $shouldBeReviewed = $reviews;
        # Else only get the reviews that are true.
            # Get only the reviews that are true.
            $shouldBeReviewed = $reviews | Where-Object -FilterScript { $true -eq $_.Review };

        # Passed / Not passed.
        $notPassed = $reviews | Where-Object { $_.Review -eq $true };
        # Get score (%).
        $score = [math]::Round(($notPassed.Count / $reviews.Count) * 100);

        # Write to log.
        Write-Log -Message ('Generating report, this take a few seconds') -Level Information -NoDateTime -NoLogLevel;

        # Get HTML report.
        $htmlZipFilePath = Get-HtmlReport -Reviews $shouldBeReviewed -OutputFilePath $Path -Score $score;

        # Get folder path.
        $htmlZipFolderPath = Split-Path -Path $htmlZipFilePath;
        # Open folder.
        Invoke-Item -Path $htmlZipFolderPath;

        # Write to log.
        Write-Log -Message ("You can find the report here '{0}'" -f $htmlZipFilePath) -Level Information -NoDateTime -NoLogLevel;

        # If return is requested.
        if ($true -eq $ReturnReviews)
            # Return the reviews.
            return $reviews;