function Get-LicenseTenant { <# .SYNOPSIS Get licenses available in the Microsoft 365 tenant. .DESCRIPTION Returns list of licenses in the tenant. .EXAMPLE Get-LicenseTenant; #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( ) BEGIN { # Get all licenses. $licenses = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All; # Get license translations. $licenseTranslations = Get-LicenseTranslation; # Object array to get user friendly licenses. $licenseList = @(); } PROCESS { # Foreach license. foreach ($license in $licenses) { # Foreach service plan. foreach ($servicePlan in $license.ServicePlans) { # Get the license translation. $licenseTranslation = $licenseTranslations | Where-Object { $_.GUID -eq $license.SkuId -and $_.Service_Plan_Id -eq $servicePlan.ServicePlanId }; # If the license translation is not found. if ($null -eq $licenseTranslation) { # Continue to the next service plan. continue; } # Add to the license list. $licenseList += [PSCustomObject]@{ ProductDisplayName = $licenseTranslation.Product_Display_Name; ProductSkuId = $licenseTranslation.GUID; ProductSkuPartNumber = $licenseTranslation.String_Id; ServicePlanDisplayName = $licenseTranslation.Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names; ServicePlanId = $licenseTranslation.Service_Plan_Id; ServicePlanName = $licenseTranslation.Service_Plan_Name; }; } } } END { # Return licenses. return $licenseList; } } |