function Invoke-Office365ManagementApi { <# .SYNOPSIS Invoke Office 365 Management API. .DESCRIPTION Used to call the Office 365 Management API. Currently this use undocumented APIs from Microsoft. .PARAMETER Uri URI to the API. .PARAMETER Method GET or POST. .EXAMPLE # Get the external calendar sharing settings. Invoke-Office365ManagementApi -Uri '' -Method 'GET'; #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( # API URL. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Uri, # Method (GET, POST etc). [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('GET', 'POST')] [string]$Method = 'GET', # Body for the request. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Body ) BEGIN { # Get access token for Office 365 Management API. $accessToken = Get-Office365ManagementApiToken; # Construct the headers for the request. $headers = @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'; 'Authorization' = ('Bearer {0}' -f $accessToken); 'X-Requested-With' = 'XMLHttpRequest'; 'x-ms-client-request-id' = [guid]::NewGuid(); 'x-ms-correlation-id' = [guid]::NewGuid(); }; } PROCESS { # Create parameter splatting. $param = @{ Uri = $Uri; Method = $Method; Headers = $headers; }; # If body is not null. if ($null -ne $Body) { # Add body to parameter splatting. $param.Add('Body', $Body); } # Try to invoke API. try { # Write to log. Write-Log -Category "API" -Subcategory 'Office 365 Management' -Message ('Trying to call API with the method "{0}" and the URL "{1}"' -f $Method, $Uri) -Level Debug; # Invoke API. $response = Invoke-RestMethod @param -ErrorAction Stop; # Write to log. Write-Log -Category "API" -Subcategory 'Office 365 Management' -Message ('Successfully called API with the method "{0}" and the URL "{1}"' -f $Method, $Uri) -Level Debug; } # Something went wrong while invoking API. catch { # Throw exception. Write-Log -Category "API" -Subcategory 'Office 365 Management' -Message ("Could not call API, the exception is '{0}'" -f $_) -Level Error; } } END { # If the response is not null. if ($null -ne $response) { # Return the response. return $response; } # Write to log. Write-Log -Category "API" -Subcategory 'Office 365 Management' -Message ('Response from API is empty') -Level Debug; } } |