function Invoke-EntraIdRbacApi { <# .SYNOPSIS Invoke Entra ID RBAC API. .DESCRIPTION Used to call the Entra ID RBAC API. Currently this use undocumented APIs from Microsoft. .NOTES Requires the following modules: - Az.Accounts .PARAMETER Uri URI to the API. .PARAMETER Method GET or POST. .EXAMPLE # PIM RBAC roles. Invoke-EntraIdRbacApi -Uri '<tenant ID>/roleDefinitions?$select=id,displayName,type,templateId,resourceId,externalId,isbuiltIn,subjectCount,eligibleAssignmentCount,activeAssignmentCount&$orderby=displayName' -Method 'GET'; #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( # API URL. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Uri, # Method (GET, POST etc). [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('GET', 'POST')] [string]$Method = 'GET', # Body for the request. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Body ) BEGIN { # Get access token for Entra ID. $accessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl '').Token; # Construct the headers for the request. $headers = @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'; 'Authorization' = ('Bearer {0}' -f $accessToken); 'x-ms-client-request-id' = [guid]::NewGuid(); 'x-ms-correlation-id' = [guid]::NewGuid(); }; } PROCESS { # Create parameter splatting. $param = @{ Uri = $Uri; Method = $Method; Headers = $headers; }; # If body is not null. if ($null -ne $Body) { # Add body to parameter splatting. $param.Add('Body', $Body); } # Try to invoke API. try { # Write to log. Write-Log -Category "API" -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message ('Trying to call RBAC API with the method "{0}" and the URL "{1}"' -f $Method, $Uri) -Level Debug; # Invoke API. $response = Invoke-RestMethod @param -ErrorAction Stop; # Write to log. Write-Log -Category "API" -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message ('Successfully called RBAC API with the method "{0}" and the URL "{1}"' -f $Method, $Uri) -Level Debug; } # Something went wrong while invoking API. catch { # Throw exception. Write-Log -Category "API" -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message ("Could not call RBAC API, the exception is '{0}'" -f $_) -Level Error; } } END { # If the response is not null. if ($null -ne $response.value) { # Return the response. return $response.value; } # Write to log. Write-Log -Category "API" -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message ('Response from RBAC API is empty') -Level Debug; } } |