function Get-EntraIdIamApiToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Get access token to Entra ID IAM API. .DESCRIPTION Using undocumented API to get access token to Entra ID IAM API. .NOTES Requires the following modules: - Az.Accounts .EXAMPLE Get-EntraIdIamApiToken; #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( ) BEGIN { # Variable to store access token. [string]$accessToken = ''; # Known resource ID for Azure PowerShell application in Entra ID. $resourceId = '74658136-14ec-4630-ad9b-26e160ff0fc6'; } PROCESS { # Get the current Azure context. $azContext = Get-AzContext; # If the context is null. if ($null -eq $azContext) { # Throw exception. Write-Log -Category 'API' -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message 'Could not get Azure context, a connection need to be established using the "Connect-AzAccount" cmdlet' -Level Error; } # Try to get access token. try { # Write to log. Write-Log -Category 'API' -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message ('Getting access token for Entra ID IAM API') -Level Debug; # Construct (JTW) access token. $jwtToken = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.AzureSession]::Instance.AuthenticationFactory.Authenticate( $azContext.Account, $azContext.Environment, $azContext.Tenant.Id.ToString(), $null, [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.ShowDialog]::Never, $null, $resourceId ); # Write to log. Write-Log -Category 'API' -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message ('Successfully got access token for Entra ID IAM API') -Level Debug; } # Something went wrong getting token. catch { # Throw exception. Write-Log -Category 'API' -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message ("Something went wrong getting access token for Entra ID IAM API, exception is '{0}'" -f $_) -Level Error; } # If the access token is null. if ($null -eq $jwtToken.AccessToken) { # Throw exception. Write-Log -Category 'API' -Subcategory 'Entra ID' -Message ('Access token for Entra ID IAM API is not valid') -Level Error; } # Save the token. $accessToken = $jwtToken.AccessToken; } END { # Return the token. return $accessToken; } } |