
function Test-M365Connection
        Test login to various Microsoft services.
        Invoke differrent endpoints to check connectivity to Microsoft 365 services such as Entra ID, SharePoint, Exchange, Fabric etc.
        Requires the following modules:
        - Az.Accounts
        - ExchangeOnlineManagement
        - Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
        - MicrosoftTeams
        - PnP.PowerShell
        # Test login to Microsoft services.

        # Hash table for connections.
        [hashtable]$connections = @{};

        # Microsoft Graph.
        $connections.Add('Graph', $false);

        # Azure.
        $connections.Add('Azure', $false);

        # Exchange Online.
        $connections.Add('ExchangeOnline', $false);

        # Microsoft Teams.
        $connections.Add('Teams', $false);

        # SharePoint.
        $connections.Add('SharePoint', $false);
        # Try to connect to Microsoft services.
            # Test connection to Microsoft Graph.
            $null = Get-MgContext -ErrorAction Stop;
            $connections.Graph = $true;
        # Try to connect to Azure.
            # Test connection to Azure.
            $null = Get-AzAccessToken -ErrorAction Stop;
            $connections.Azure = $true;

        # Try to connect to Exchange Online.
            # Test connection to Exchange Online.
            $null = Get-AcceptedDomain -ErrorAction Stop;
            $connections.ExchangeOnline = $true;
            <#Do this if a terminating exception happens#>

        # Try to connect to Microsoft Teams.
            # Test connection to Microsoft Teams.
            $null = Get-TeamsProtectionPolicy -ErrorAction Stop;
            $connections.Teams = $true;

        # Try to connect to SharePoint.
            # Test connection to SharePoint.
            $null = Get-PnPTenant -ErrorAction Stop;
            $connections.SharePoint = $true;
        # Return connections.
        return $connections;