function Invoke-ReviewDefenderEmailDomainSpf { <# .SYNOPSIS Review that all e-mail domains have a valid SPF-record. .DESCRIPTION Returns review object. .NOTES Requires the following modules: - Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement .EXAMPLE Invoke-ReviewDefenderEmailDomainSpf; #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( ) BEGIN { # Write progress. Write-Progress -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Status 'Running' -CurrentOperation $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -PercentComplete -1 -SecondsRemaining -1; # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Category 'Microsoft Defender' -Subcategory 'Policy' -Message 'Getting all domains' -Level Verbose; # Get all domains in Microsoft 365 tenant. $domains = Get-MgDomain -All; # Object array to store domain SPF settings. $spfSettings = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList; } PROCESS { # Foreach domain. foreach ($domain in $domains) { # Boolean if SPF is configured correct. $valid = $false; # If e-mail is a supported service. if ($domain.SupportedServices -contains 'Email') { # Get the SPF record. $spfRecord = Get-DnsSpfRecord -Domain $domain.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; # If no SPF record. if ($null -eq $spfRecord) { # Continue to next domain. continue; } # If SPF record contain the correct value. if ($spfRecord.Record -like '**') { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Category 'Microsoft Defender' -Subcategory 'Policy' -Message ("SPF is configured correct for domain '{0}'" -f $domain.Id) -Level Verbose; # SPF is configured correct. $valid = $true; } else { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Category 'Microsoft Defender' -Subcategory 'Policy' -Message ("SPF is not configured correct for domain '{0}'" -f $domain.Id) -Level Verbose; } # Add domain SPF settings to object array. $spfSettings += [PSCustomObject]@{ Domain = $domain.Id; Valid = $valid; IsDefault = $domain.IsDefault; IsVerified = $domain.IsVerified; AuthenticationType = $domain.AuthenticationType; Record = $spfRecord.Record; }; } } } END { # Bool for review flag. [bool]$reviewFlag = $false; # If review flag should be set. if ( $spfSettings | Where-Object { $_.Valid -eq $false }) { # Should be reviewed. $reviewFlag = $true; } # Create new review object to return. [Review]$review = [Review]::new(); # Add to object. $review.Id = '9be729e4-0378-4c2c-afa1-92b2af71c4e9'; $review.Category = 'Microsoft 365 Defender'; $review.Subcategory = 'Email and collaboration'; $review.Title = 'Ensure that SPF records are published for all Exchange Domains'; $review.Data = $spfSettings | Where-Object { $_.Valid -eq $false }; $review.Review = $reviewFlag; # Print result. $review.PrintResult(); # Write progress. #Write-Progress -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Status 'Completed' -CurrentOperation $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Completed; # Return object. return $review; } } |