
function Test-GlobalAdmin
        Test if user is global administrator.
        Return true or false.

        # Get all roles for the logged in user.
        $userRoles = Get-UserRole;

        # Get context for user.
        $mgContext = (Get-MgContext);

        # Boolean to store if user is global admin.
        [bool]$isGlobalAdmin = $false;
        # Foreach role.
        foreach ($userRole in $userRoles)
            # If role is global admin.
            if ($userRole.roleTemplateId -eq '62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10')
                # Set flag.
                $isGlobalAdmin = $true;

        # If user is global admin.
        if ($isGlobalAdmin)
            # Write to log.
            Write-Log -Category 'User' -Message ("User '{0}' is global administrator" -f $mgContext.Account) -Level Debug;
            # Write to log.
            Write-Log -Category 'User' -Message ("User '{0}' is not a global administrator" -f $mgContext.Account) -Level Debug;
        # Return if global admin.
        return $isGlobalAdmin;