function Invoke-ReviewSpoExternalLinkSharingRestricted { <# .SYNOPSIS Review if link sharing is restricted in SharePoint and OneDrive. .DESCRIPTION Returns review object. .NOTES Requires the following modules: - Pnp.PowerShell .EXAMPLE Invoke-ReviewSpoExternalLinkSharingRestricted; #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( ) BEGIN { # Get SPO urls. $spoUrls = Get-SpoTenantUrl; # Write to log. Write-Log -Category 'SharePoint Online' -Subcategory 'Policies' -Message ('Getting SharePoint and OneDrive tenant configuration') -Level Debug; # Get tenant settings. $spoTenantSettings = Get-PnPTenant; $odfbTenantSettings = Get-PnPTenantSite -Identity $spoUrls.OneDrive; # External sharing bool. [bool]$valid = $false; } PROCESS { # If the external link sharing is direct. if ($spotenantSettings.DefaultSharingLinkType -eq 'Direct' -and $odfbtenantSettings.DefaultSharingLinkType -eq 'Direct') { # Setting is valid. $valid = $true; } # Write to log. Write-Log -Category 'SharePoint Online' -Subcategory 'Policies' -Message ("External link sharing is set to '{0}' in SharePoint and '{1}' in OneDrive" -f $spoTenantSettings.DefaultSharingLinkType, $odfbTenantSettings.DefaultSharingLinkType) -Level Debug; } END { # Bool for review flag. [bool]$reviewFlag = $false; # If review flag should be set. if ($false -eq $valid) { # Should be reviewed. $reviewFlag = $true; } # Create new review object to return. [Review]$review = [Review]::new(); # Add to object. $review.Id = 'c4b93e39-d8a1-459e-835e-e4545418c633'; $review.Category = 'Microsoft SharePoint Admin Center'; $review.Subcategory = 'Policies'; $review.Title = 'Ensure link sharing is restricted in SharePoint and OneDrive'; $review.Data = [PSCustomObject]@{ SharePointLinkSharing = $spoTenantSettings.DefaultSharingLinkType; OneDriveLinkSharing = $odfbTenantSettings.DefaultSharingLinkType; }; $review.Review = $reviewFlag; # Print result. $review.PrintResult(); # Return object. return $review; } } |