# Variable for script path. [string]$scriptPath = ''; # If the script is running in the ISE, use the current file path. if ($null -ne $psISE) { # Use info from variable psISE. $scriptPath = Split-Path -Path $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath; } # Else if we are running in VSCode, use the PSScriptRoot. elseif ($null -ne $psEditor) { # Use info from variable psEditor. $scriptPath = Split-Path -Path ($psEditor.GetEditorContext().CurrentFile.Path); } # Else use the current working directory. else { # Use the current working directory. $scriptPath = $PSScriptRoot; } # Paths to the private and public folders. [string]$privatePath = Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -ChildPath 'private'; [string]$publicPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -ChildPath 'public'; # Object array to store all PowerShell files to dot source. $ps1Files = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList; # Get all the files in the src (private and public) folder. $privatePs1Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $privatePath -Recurse -File -Filter *.ps1; $publicPs1Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $publicPath -Recurse -File -Filter *.ps1; # Add the private and public files to the object array. $ps1Files += ($privatePs1Files).FullName; $ps1Files += ($publicPs1Files).FullName; # Loop through each PowerShell file. foreach ($ps1File in $ps1Files) { # Try to dot source the file. try { # Write to log. Write-Debug -Message ("Dot sourcing the PowerShell file '{0}'" -f $ps1File); # Dot source the file. . $ps1File; } catch { # Throw execption. Write-Error -Message ("Something went wrong while importing the PowerShell file '{0}', the execption is:`r`n" -f $ps1File, $_); } } # Write to log. Write-Log -Category 'Module' -Message ("Script path is '{0}'" -f $scriptPath) -Level Debug; # Get all the functions in the public section. $publicFunctions = $publicPs1Files.Basename; # Set script variable. $Script:scriptPath = $scriptPath; # Check if required modules are installed. $installedModules = Get-M365Module -Modules $Script:Modules | Where-Object { $false -eq $_.Valid }; # If not all modules are installed, throw exception. if ($null -ne $installedModules) { # Write to log. Write-Log -Category 'Module' -Message ("Exporting the functions 'Install-M365Dependency'") -Level Debug; # Expose only the function "Install-M365Dependency". Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Install-M365Dependency'; # Throw warning. Write-Log -Message ('Not all required modules are installed, please run "Install-M365Dependency"') -Level Warning -NoDateTime -NoLogLevel; Write-Log -Message ('Then restart the PowerShell session and import the module again') -Level Warning -NoDateTime -NoLogLevel; } # Else all modules are installed. else { # Write to log. Write-Log -Category 'Module' -Message ("Exporting the functions '{0}'" -f ($publicFunctions -join ',')) -Level Debug; # Export functions. Export-ModuleMember -Function $publicFunctions; } |