
function Get-DnsOnmicrosoftDomain
        Get <customer> domain for the tenant.
        Get initial domain through Microsoft Graph.
        Requires the following modules:
        - Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement
    .PARAMETER Domain
        Domain to resolve.




        # Write to log.
        Write-CustomLog -Category 'DNS' -Subcategory 'Microsoft 365' -Message ('Getting all Microsoft 365 managed domains') -Level Verbose;

        # Get domains.
        $domains = Get-MgDomain -All;

        # Variable to store initial domain.
        [string]$initialDomain = '';
        # Foreach domain.
        foreach ($domain in $domains)
            # If domain is initial domain.
            if ($domain.IsInitial -eq $true)
                # Set initial domain.
                $initialDomain = $;

                # Write to log.
                Write-CustomLog -Category 'DNS' -Subcategory 'Microsoft 365' -Message ('Initial Microsoft 365 domain is "{0}"' -f $initialDomain) -Level Verbose;

                # Break loop.
        # Return initial domain.
        return $initialDomain;