function Get-CACertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Get certificate/request from certificate authority. .DESCRIPTION Return list of certificates/requests. .PARAMETER State State of certificate/request (revoked, expired, denied, failed). .PARAMETER Date Date to get certificate up-to. Default is today. .EXAMPLE Get-CACertificate -State 'Revoked'; .EXAMPLE Get-CACertificate -State 'Revoked' -Date (Get-Date).AddDays(-30); #> [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.ArrayList])] param ( # State of certificate/request (revoked, expired, denied, failed). [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('Revoked', 'Expired', 'Denied', 'Failed')] [string]$State, # Date to get certificate up-to. Default is today. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateScript({ $_ -le (Get-Date) })] [DateTime]$Date = (Get-Date) ) BEGIN { # Write to log. $customProgress = Write-CustomProgress -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -CurrentOperation 'Getting certificates/requests from certificate authority'; # Get the common name of the certificate authority. $caCommonName = Get-CACommonName; # Get hostname of the certificate authority. $hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME # Construct CA config string. $caConfigString = ('{0}\{1}' -f $hostname, $caCommonName); # Object array for the result. $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList; # Properties to fetch. $properties = @( 'RequestId', 'RequesterName', 'Binary Certificate', 'CommonName', 'CertificateTemplate', 'Certificate Effective Date', 'Certificate Expiration Date', 'CertificateHash', 'SerialNumber', 'StatusCode', 'Request Submission Date', 'Request Disposition', 'Revocation Reason', 'Revocation Date' ); # Disposition hashtable. $dispositionTable = @{ 8 = 'Request is being processed'; 9 = 'Request is taken under submission'; 12 = 'Certificate is an archived foreign certificate'; 15 = 'Certificate is a CA certificate'; 16 = 'Parent CA certificates of the CA certificate'; 17 = 'Certificate is a key recovery agent certificate'; 20 = 'Certificate was issued'; 21 = 'Certificate is revoked'; 30 = 'Certificate request failed'; 31 = 'Certificate request is denied'; }; } PROCESS { # Try to create a new instance of ICertView2 interface. try { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Trying to instantiate ICertView2 interface') -Level Verbose; # Instantiate ICertView2 interface. $caView = New-Object -ComObject CertificateAuthority.View; # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Successfully instantiate ICertView2 interface') -Level Verbose; } # Something went wrong. catch { # Throw exception. throw ('Failed to instantiate ICertView2 interface. {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message); } # Try to connect to the certificate authority. try { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ("Trying to connect to certificate authority '{0}'" -f $caConfigString) -Level Verbose; # Connect to the certificate authority. $caView.OpenConnection($caConfigString); # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Successfully connected to certificate authority') -Level Verbose; } # Something went wrong. catch { # Throw exception. throw ('Failed to connect to certificate authority. {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message); } # SetRestriction - SeekOperator: #CVR_SEEK_NONE = 0 #CVR_SEEK_EQ = 1 #CVR_SEEK_LT = 2 #CVR_SEEK_LE = 4 #CVR_SEEK_GE = 8 #CVR_SEEK_GT = 10 # SetRestriction- SortOrder: #CVR_SORT_NONE = 0 #CVR_SORT_ASCEND = 1 #CVR_SORT_DESCEND = 2 # If the state is 'Revoked'. if ($State -eq 'Revoked') { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Set restriction to revoked certificates') -Level Verbose; # Get the column index. $columnIndex = $caView.GetColumnIndex($false, 'Disposition'); # Set the restriction (index, seekoperator, sortorder, value). $null = $caView.SetRestriction($columnIndex, 1, 0, 21); # If the date is set. if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Date')) { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ("Set restriction to lower than date '{0}'" -f $Date) -Level Verbose; # Get the column index. $columnIndex = $caView.GetColumnIndex($false, 'Revocation Date'); # Set the restriction (index, seekoperator, sortorder, value). $null = $caView.SetRestriction($columnIndex, 2, 0, $Date); } } # Else if the state is 'Expired'. elseif ($State -eq 'Expired') { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Set restriction to expired certificates') -Level Verbose; Write-CustomLog -Message ("Set restriction to lower than date '{0}'" -f $Date) -Level Verbose; # Get the column index. $columnIndex = $caView.GetColumnIndex($false, 'NotAfter'); # Set the restriction (index, seekoperator, sortorder, value). $null = $caView.SetRestriction($columnIndex, 2, 0, $Date); } # Else if the state is 'Denied'. elseif ($State -eq 'Denied') { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Set restriction to denied certificates') -Level Verbose; # Get the column index. $columnIndex = $caView.GetColumnIndex($false, 'Request Disposition'); # Set the restriction (index, seekoperator, sortorder, value). $null = $caView.SetRestriction($columnIndex, 1, 0, 31); # If the date is set. if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Date')) { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ("Set restriction to lower than date '{0}'" -f $Date) -Level Verbose; # Get the column index. $columnIndex = $caView.GetColumnIndex($false, 'Request Submission Date'); # Set the restriction (index, seekoperator, sortorder, value). $null = $caView.SetRestriction($columnIndex, 2, 0, $Date); } } # Else if the state is 'Failed'. elseif ($State -eq 'Failed') { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Set restriction to failed certificates') -Level Verbose; # Get the column index. $columnIndex = $caView.GetColumnIndex($false, 'Request Disposition'); # Set the restriction (index, seekoperator, sortorder, value). $null = $caView.SetRestriction($columnIndex, 1, 0, 30); # If the date is set. if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Date')) { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ("Set restriction to lower than date '{0}'" -f $Date) -Level Verbose; # Get the column index. $columnIndex = $caView.GetColumnIndex($false, 'Request Submission Date'); # Set the restriction (index, seekoperator, sortorder, value). $null = $caView.SetRestriction($columnIndex, 2, 0, $Date); } } # Set the result column count. $null = $caView.SetResultColumnCount($properties.Count); # Foreach property foreach ($property in $properties) { # Set the result column. $null = $CAView.SetResultColumn($caView.GetColumnIndex($false, $property)); } # Try to open the database. try { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Trying to open the AD CS database') -Level Verbose; # Open the database. $databaseRow = $caView.OpenView(); # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Successfully opened the AD CS database') -Level Verbose; } # Something went wrong. catch { # Throw exception. throw ('Failed to open the AD CS database. {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message); } # As long as there are more table rows in the database. while ($databaseRow.Next() -ne -1) { # Create a new object. $databaseItem = New-Object -TypeName PSObject; # Get all row columns. $databaseColumn = $databaseRow.EnumCertViewColumn(); # As long as there are more columns in the row. while ($databaseColumn.Next() -ne -1) { # Add the column to the object. Add-Member -InputObject $databaseItem -MemberType NoteProperty $($databaseColumn.GetName()) -Value $($databaseColumn.GetValue(1)) -Force; } # Get disposition name. $dispositionName = (($dispositionTable.GetEnumerator()) | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $databaseItem.'Request.Disposition'}).Value; # Add state to the object. Add-Member -InputObject $databaseItem -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DispositionName' -Value $dispositionName -Force; # Add the object to the result. $null = $result.Add($databaseItem); # Reset the column data $databaseColumn.Reset(); } # Reset the row data. $databaseRow.Reset(); # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Found {0} certificate(s)/request(s)' -f $result.Count) -Level Verbose; } END { # Write to log. Write-CustomProgress @customProgress; # Return the result. return $result; } } |