# Admin-Explorer.ps1 # Markus Scholtes, 2016 function Select-FileDialog([STRING]$Directory, [STRING]$Title, [STRING]$Filter = "Alle Dateien |*.*", [SWITCH] $SaveDialog, [SWITCH] $CheckFileExists) { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts grafical dialogue to select a filename .DESCRIPTION Starts grafical dialogue to select a filename. You can choose a "Open File" or "Save As" dialogue. .PARAMETER Directory Startdircectory of the dialogue .PARAMETER Title Window title .PARAMETER Filter Filter for the files you can select .PARAMETER SaveDialog Display a "Save As" dialogue .PARAMETER CheckFileExists In a "File Open" dialogue the selected file has to exist, in a "Save As" dialogue the file is not allowed to exist .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Name: Select-FileDialog Author: Created by Hugo Peeters, modified by Uwe Ziegenhagen for SAVE, optimized by Markus Scholtes Creation date: 03/24/2016 .LINK .EXAMPLE $file = Select-FileDialog -Title "Choose a file" -Directory "C:\" -Filter "All files |*.*" -SaveDialog Starts "Save As" dialogue in the directory C:\ and let you select all files .EXAMPLE $file = Select-FileDialog -Title "Select a file" -Directory "D:\scripts" -Filter "Powershell Scripts|*.ps1" Starts "Open File" dialogue in the directory D:\scripts and let you select all powershell files #> [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null if (!$SaveDialog) { $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog if (!$CheckFileExists) { $objForm.CheckFileExists = $FALSE } } else { $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog if (!$CheckFileExists) { $objForm.OverwritePrompt = $FALSE } } $objForm.InitialDirectory = $Directory $objForm.Filter = $Filter $objForm.Title = $Title if ([System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() -eq "MTA") { # dialog hangs in MTA mode, when ShowHelp is not set to $TRUE $objForm.ShowHelp = $TRUE } $Show = $objForm.ShowDialog() if ($Show -eq "OK") { return $objForm.FileName } else { return "" } } <# .Synopsis Checks whether the current Powershell runs in administrative mode. .Description Returns $TRUE when the current Powershell has administrative privilegs, otherwise returns $FALSE. .Inputs None .Outputs System.Boolean .Notes Author: Markus Scholtes Creation date: 03/24/2016 .Example Test-Admin Checks whether the current Powershell runs in administrative mode. #> function Test-Admin { $IDENTITY = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $PRINCIPAL = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $IDENTITY $PRINCIPAL.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator) } <# .Synopsis Starts a "file open" dialogue with administrative privileges .Description Starts a "file open" dialogue with administrative privileges as a substitute for the Windows Explorer that cannot be run with administrative privileges .Parameter Directory Directory to show in the dialogue .Inputs String .Outputs None .Notes Author: Markus Scholtes Creation date: 03/24/2016 .Example Invoke-AdminExplorer "C:\Program Files" Starts "AdminExplorer" in the directory "C:\Program Files" #> function Invoke-AdminExplorer([STRING] $Directory) { if (Test-Admin) { $NULL = Select-FileDialog -Directory "$Directory" -Title "AdminExplorer" } else { Start-Process -FilePath "powershell.exe" -ArgumentList "-nop ", "Select-FileDialog -Directory '$Directory' -Title 'AdminExplorer' | Out-Null" -Verb Runas } } |