.Synopsis Generate cmd.exe batch files from short Powershell scripts .Description Generate cmd.exe batch files from short Powershell scripts The Powershell scripts are Base64 encoded and handed to a new Powershell instance in the batch file. If special characters like umlauts are used in the script it has to be UTF8 encoded to preserve the special characters. The following restrictions apply to the generated batch files: - the script may have a maximum of 2975 characters (because of Unicode and Base64 encoding and the maximum parameter length of 8192 characters in cmd.exe) - the execution policy is ignored - all parameters are handed to the batch files as strings - only position parameters are possible for the batch files (no named parameters) - a maximum of 9 parameters are possible for the batch files - default values for parameters do not work .Parameter Path Filename(s) .Inputs Filenames can be passed through the pipeline .Outputs None .Example ConvertTo-Batch -Path Test.ps1 Converts the Powershell script "Test.ps1" to "Test.bat" .Example dir *.ps1 | ConvertTo-Batch Converts all Powershell scripts in the current directory to batch files .Example ConvertTo-Batch -Path ".\test.ps1", ".\test2.ps1", "c:\Data\demo.ps1" Converts the passed Powershell scripts to batch files .Notes Author: Markus Scholtes, 24.02.2018 Idea: #> function ConvertTo-Batch { # file names can be passed per parameter or pipeline param([Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][Alias("FullName")]$Path) BEGIN { # initialize counter $COUNTCONVERTED = 0 } PROCESS { # found more than one object if ($Path -is [System.Array]) { # call for each object foreach ($File in $Path) { ConvertTo-Batch $File } # and exit function return } if (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf) { # file found, check extension if ([IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path) -eq ".ps1") { # convert only Powershell scripts $CONTENT = "function _CT_B_{" $CONTENT += Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding UTF8 $CONTENT += "`n};_CT_B_ `$ENV`:1 `$ENV`:2 `$ENV`:3 `$ENV`:4 `$ENV`:5 `$ENV`:6 `$ENV`:7 `$ENV`:8 `$ENV`:9" $ENCODED = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($CONTENT)) $NEWPATH = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($Path, ".bat") "@echo off`nsetlocal`nset 1=%~1`nset 2=%~2`nset 3=%~3`nset 4=%~4`nset 5=%~5`nset 6=%~6`nset 7=%~7`nset 8=%~8`nset 9=%~9`npowershell.exe -NOP -EP ByPass -Enc $ENCODED" | Set-Content -Path $NEWPATH -Encoding ASCII $COUNTCONVERTED++ Write-Output "Converted $Path`: $NEWPATH written." } else { # other file type Write-Output "$Path is no Powershell script." } } else { # it is a directory or the file does not exist Write-Output "$Path is a directory or does not exist." } } END { # report count of converted files Write-Output "$COUNTCONVERTED files converted." } } |