.SYNOPSIS This function will set the Powershell prompt with some predefined functions like the CPU/Mem, Random Command, etc. .DESCRIPTION This function uses the "function Prompt {}" function to set the powershell prompt with a new function. You can add a prefix to your main prompt display, change the color of the foreground or background. Save this command to your powershell profile to have your custom prompt ready to go every time you open up powershell. .PARAMETER Name This paramter sets the prompt to a predefined funtion like showing the last commands execution time or a random fact. .PARAMETER Prefix This paramter prefixes the prompt with a prefined function that is enclosed with [] and can be added together. The order you place them when you run the command is the order they will appear on the prompt. .PARAMETER ForegroundColor This is the color the foreground text will be. You can set this color by calling $prompt_FGColor at anytime after calling the function for the first time. .PARAMETER BackgroundColor This is the color that the background text will be. You can set this color by calling $prompt_BGColor at anytime after calling the function for the first time. .PARAMETER Scriptblock This paramter allows you to set your custom scriptblock to run every time the prompt function is called. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-Prompt -Name CPU_Memory -Prefix Admin -ForegroundColor Red -BackGroundColor Blue [Non-Admin]CPU: 100% | Mem: 37%:\> Tthis function sets the prompt to display the current CPU and memory usage. Also lets you know if the user is an admin or not. Also changed the color of the prompt. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Set-Prompt -Name Measure_Command -Prefix Error_Count,Admin -ForegroundColor Red -BackGroundColor Green [7][Non-Admin]0 milliseconds:\> 1.. 100 | foreach {Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process | where name -eq "Explorer.exe"} | Out-Null [7][Non-Admin]4.18 seconds:\> 1.. 100 | foreach {Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "Name='Explorer.exe'"} | Out-Null [7][Non-Admin]3.05 seconds:\> This example sets the prompt to show the amount of time it took the last command to run and displays the number of errors as a prefix. Here you can see that filtering with the Filter paramter of Get-CimInstance is faster than filtering on the left. Always filter left when possible. This particular prompt is useful when creating new functions and trying to optmize them. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Set-Prompt -ScriptBlock {"$((Get-NetIPAddress -AddressState Preferred -AddressFamily IPv4 -PrefixOrigin Dhcp).IPAddress):\>"}\> This example show you how to set your own prompt funtion by making the prompt your current IP Address of your prefferred DHCP connection. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES The CPU_Memory prompt does create a job that runs in the background to grab the most current reading of the CPU usage. This job is removed whenver a new prompt is set. Three global variables are created with the use of this function prompt_FGColor,prompt_BGColor, and Prompt_Prefixblock. These are necessary to be in the global scope so that the prompt function can read them. #> function Set-Prompt{ [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Name")] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Name")] [ValidateSet("Random_Cmdlet","Time-short","Time-long","Date-Time","Random_Fact","Measure_Command","CPU_Memory","System_Uptime")] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Name")] [ValidateSet("Admin","Time","Error_Count","Debug")] [string[]]$Prefix, [ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColor = $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor, [ConsoleColor]$BackGroundColor = $host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Custom",Mandatory)] [scriptblock]$ScriptBlock ) New-Variable -Name prompt_FGColor -Value $ForegroundColor -Scope Global -Force New-Variable -Name prompt_BGColor -Value $BackGroundColor -Scope Global -Force New-Variable -Name Prompt_Prefixblock -Value $null -Scope Global -Force if (Get-Job -Name CPU_Mem_Prompt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ Remove-Job -Name CPU_Mem_Prompt -Force } $Global:Prompt_Prefixblock = foreach ($Pre in $Prefix){ switch ($Pre){ "Admin" {{ $identity = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $principal = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] $identity $adminRole = [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator if ($principal.IsInRole($adminRole)){ "[Admin]" } else{ "[Non-Admin]" } }} "Time" {{ "[$((Get-Date).ToShortTimeString())]" }} "Error_Count" {{ "[$($Error.Count)]" }} "Debug" {{ if (Test-Path variable:/PSDebugContext) {'[DBG]'} }} } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Scriptblock")){ New-Item -Path function:prompt -Value $ScriptBlock -Force | Out-Null return } switch ($Name) { "Random_Cmdlet" { function global:prompt { Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$((Get-Command -Verb ((Get-Verb).Verb | Get-Random) | Get-Random).name):\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } "Time-short" { function global:prompt { Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$((Get-Date).ToShortTimeString()):\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } "Time-long" { function global:prompt { Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$((Get-Date).ToLongTimeString()):\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } "Date-Time"{ function global:prompt { Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$((Get-Date).ToString()):\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } "Random_Fact" { function global:prompt { Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$((Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri '').Text)`nPS :\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } "Measure_Command" { function global:prompt { $lastcommand = Get-History | select -Last 1 $timespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $lastcommand.StartExecutionTime -End $lastcommand.EndExecutionTime if ($timespan.Minutes -lt 1){ if ($timespan.Seconds -lt 1){ Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$([math]::round($timespan.TotalMilliseconds,2)) milliseconds:\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$([math]::round($timespan.TotalSeconds,2)) seconds:\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$([math]::round($timespan.TotalMinutes,2)) minutes:\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } "CPU_Memory" { Start-Job -Name CPU_Mem_Prompt -ScriptBlock { get-counter -Counter "\processor(_total)\% processor time","\memory\% committed bytes in use" -Continuous | foreach {"CPU: $([math]::Round($_.CounterSamples.cookedvalue[0]))% | Mem: $([math]::Round($_.CounterSamples.cookedvalue[1]))%:\>"} } | Out-Null function global:prompt { $jobresults = Receive-Job CPU_Mem_Prompt | select -First 1 if ($jobresults){ Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$jobresults" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } $results = get-counter -Counter "\processor(_total)\% processor time","\memory\% committed bytes in use" | foreach {"$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')CPU: $([math]::Round($_.CounterSamples.cookedvalue[0]))% | Mem: $([math]::Round($_.CounterSamples.cookedvalue[1]))%:\>"} Write-Host $results -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } "System_Uptime" { function global:prompt { $Lastboot = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime $timespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $Lastboot -End (Get-Date) if ($timespan.TotalDays -lt 0){ if ($timespan.TotalHours -lt 0){ Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$([math]::round($timespan.TotalMinutes,2)) minutes:\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$([math]::round($timespan.TotalHours,2)) hours:\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')$([math]::round($timespan.TotalDays,2)) days:\>" -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } default { function global:prompt { Write-Host "$(($Prompt_Prefixblock | foreach {&$_}) -join '')PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) " -ForegroundColor $prompt_FGColor -BackgroundColor $prompt_BGColor -NoNewline return " " } } } } |