
    This function will abort a scheduled shutdown.
    This function uses the shutdown.exe utility to abort a scheduled shutdown. If no error was given then the abort action was successful.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specifies the computers the scheduled shutdown (if any) will be stopped on. Type computer names or IP addresses.
    Returns the results of the command. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output.
    PS C:\> Stop-Shutdown -ComputerName Client01v -Passthru
    ComputerName ShutdownAborted
    ------------ ---------------
    Client01v True
    This example aborts a scheduled shutdown on computer Client01v and uses the passthru parameter to output an object that tells you if the abort was successful or not.
        ComputerName - The name of the computer to abort the action
    Requires Admin for remote computer abort actions and shutdown.exe

function Stop-Shutdown{
        [string[]]$ComputerName = $ENV:COMPUTERNAME,

        foreach ($computer in $ComputerName){
            Write-Information "Sending abort command to $computer" -Tags "Process"
            shutdown /a /m "\\$computer" 2> $null
            if (!$?){
                if ($Passthru){
                Write-Information "Passthru paramter was used, creating object for unsuccessful abort action for $computer" -Tags "Process"
                        ComputerName = $Computer
                        ShutdownAborted = $false
            elseif ($Passthru){
                Write-Information "Passthru paramter was used, creating object for successful abort action for $computer" -Tags "Process"
                    ComputerName = $Computer
                    ShutdownAborted = $true
        } #foreach
    } #process