
Start a collector upgrade task request

Start a collector upgrade task to upgrade collector(s) to another version

An instance of SumoAPISession which contains API endpoint and credential

.PARAMETER CollectorId
The id of collector in long

A string contains collector version want upgrade/downgrade to

Do not confirm before running

Start-UpgradeTask -CollectorId 12345 -ToVersion 19.208-19
Submit a collector upgrade task request for upgrading collector with id 12345 to version 19.209-19

Get-UpgradeableCollector | Start-UpgradeTask
Submit upgrade tasks for upgrading all collectors in current orgnization to latest version

PSObject to present collector

PSObject to present collector upgrade task

You can pre-load the API credential with New-SumoSession cmdlet in script or passing in with Session parameter



function Start-UpgradeTask {
  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
    [SumoAPISession]$Session = $sumoSession,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
    [parameter(Position = 1)]
  process {
    $collector = (invokeSumoRestMethod -session $Session -method Get -function "collectors/$CollectorId").collector
    if (!$collector) {
      Write-Error "Cannot get collector with id $CollectorId"
    if ($collector -and ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Upgrade collector $(getFullName $collector) to versoin $Version. Continue?"))) {
      $body = @{
        "collectorId" = $CollectorId
        "toVersion" = $Version
      } | ConvertTo-Json
      $upgradeId = (invokeSumoRestMethod -session $Session -method Post -function "collectors/upgrades" -body $body).id
      $upgrade = (invokeSumoRestMethod -session $Session -method Get -function "collectors/upgrades/$UpgradeId").upgrade
      getCollectorUpgradeStatus -collector $collector -upgrade $upgrade