<# .SYNOPSIS Update the configuration of a source .DESCRIPTION Update the configuration of a source with fields in PSObject .PARAMETER Session An instance of SumoAPISession which contains API endpoint and credential .PARAMETER Source A PSObject contains source definition .EXAMPLE Set-Source -Source $source Update source with the properties in $source .EXAMPLE Set-Source -Source $source -Passthru Update source with the properties in $source and return the updated result from server .INPUTS PSObject to present source .OUTPUTS PSObject to present source (if -Passthru) .PARAMETER Force Do not confirm before running .PARAMETER Passthru Return back the result after updating .NOTES You can pre-load the API credential with New-SumoSession cmdlet in script or passing in with Session parameter The input collector must contains a valid id field .LINK .LINK #> function Set-Source { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] param( [SumoAPISession]$Session = $Script:sumoSession, [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] $Source, [switch]$Passthru, [switch]$Force ) process { $collectorId = $Source.collectorId $sourceId = $ $collector = (invokeSumoRestMethod -session $Session -method Get -function "collectors/$collectorId").collector if (!$collector) { Write-Error "Cannot get collector with id $collectorId" } $org = invokeSumoWebRequest -session $Session -method Get -function "collectors/$collectorId/sources/$sourceId" if ($org -and ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update source $(getFullName $source) in collector $(getFullName $collector). Continue?"))) { $etag = ([string[]]$org.Headers.ETag)[0] $headers = @{ "If-Match" = $etag 'content-type' = 'application/json' 'accept' = 'application/json' } $wrapper = New-Object -TypeName psobject @{ "source" = $Source } $json = ConvertTo-Json $wrapper -Depth 10 $res = invokeSumoRestMethod -session $Session -headers $headers -method Put -function "collectors/$collectorId/sources/$sourceId" -body $json } if ($res -and $Passthru) { $newSource = $res.source Add-Member -InputObject $newSource -MemberType NoteProperty -Name collectorId -Value $collectorId -PassThru } } } |