<# .SYNOPSIS Start a search job .DESCRIPTION Start a search job and waiting for the result fetched .PARAMETER Session An instance of SumoAPISession which contains API endpoint and credential .PARAMETER Query The query used for the search in string .PARAMETER Last A time span for query recent results .PARAMETER From Query with a time range start from .PARAMETER To Query with a time range end to .PARAMETER TimeZone Time zone used for time range query .PARAMETER Force Do not confirm before running .EXAMPLE Start-SearchJob -Query "_sourceCategory=service ERROR" -Last "00:30:00" Search all results in last 30 minutes with "ERROR" in "service" category .INPUTS Not accepted .OUTPUTS PSObject to present search job .NOTES You can pre-load the API credential with New-SumoSession cmdlet in script or passing in with Session parameter This call will wait until done gathering results or hit a failure. See link page for details .LINK .LINK #> function Start-SearchJob { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByLast", SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] param( $Session = $Script:sumoSession, [parameter(Position = 0)] [string]$Query, [parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByLast")] [TimeSpan]$Last = [TimeSpan]::FromMinutes(15), [parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByTimeRange", Mandatory = $true)] [DateTime]$From, [parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByTimeRange", Mandatory = $true)] [DateTime]$To, [parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByTimeRange")] [string]$TimeZone = "UTC", [switch]$Force ) process { if ("ByLast" -eq $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { $utcNow = [DateTime]::NoW.ToUniversalTime() $From = $utcNow - $Last $To = $utcNow $TimeZone = "UTC" } if ($To -le $From) { $_from = $From.ToUniversalTime().ToString('o') $_to = $To.ToUniversalTime().ToString('o') throw "Time range [$_from to $_to] is illegal" } if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($session)) { $job = startSearchJob -Session $Session -Query $Query -From $From -To $To -TimeZone $TimeZone if (!$job) { throw "Job creation fail" } $totalMs = ($To - $From).TotalMilliseconds $title = "Query [{0}], Gathering Result" -f $Query $On = $To while ((!$status) -or $status.state -ne "DONE GATHERING RESULTS") { $status = invokeSumoRestMethod -session $Session -method Get -function ("search/jobs/" + $ if (!$status) { throw "Cannot get search job status" } if ($status.state -eq "FORCE PAUSED") { throw "Query is paused by the system" } if ($status.state -eq "CANCELED") { throw "The search job has been canceled" } if ($status.histogramBuckets) { $On = getDotNetDateTime ($status.histogramBuckets[$status.histogramBuckets.Count - 1].startTimestamp) } $processedMs = ($To - $On).TotalMilliseconds $text = "Processed records for last {0} of {1} minutes. Found {2} messages, {3} records" -f [long]($To - $On).TotalMinutes, [long]($To - $From).TotalMinutes, $status.messageCount, $status.recordCount Write-Progress -Activity $title -Status $text -PercentComplete ($processedMs / $totalMs * 100) Start-Sleep 1 } $job } } } |