
Get the collector version(s) for upgrading

Get the latest version string of collector from SumoLogic server and it can be used for upgrading collector in following process

An instance of SumoAPISession which contains API endpoint and credential

.PARAMETER ListAvailable
If true, return a list of string with all available collector versions

Get a string contains latest version of collector for upgrading

Get-UpgradeVersion -ListAvailable
Get all available versions for upgrading/downgrading in a string list

Not accepted

string (for latest upgrade version) all string array (for available upgrade versions)

You can pre-load the API credential with New-SumoSession cmdlet in script or passing in with Session parameter



function Get-UpgradeVersion {
    [SumoAPISession]$Session = $sumoSession,
  process {
    $res = invokeSumoRestMethod -session $Session -method Get -function "collectors/upgrades/targets"
    if ($ListAvailable) {
      $res.targets | ForEach-Object { $_.version }
    } else {
      $res.targets | Where-Object { $_.latest } | ForEach-Object {$_.version}