#Helper function to download subtitle from subscene and put it next to video file Function HL_Download_Subtitle { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $SelectedLinks, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('TV-Series','Movie')] [string]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$VideoDirectory ) Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading the subtitle file from" -Status "Creating Web Seassion" -Id 1 -PercentComplete 5 # Constants $BASE_DOMAIN = "" $USER_AGENT = ([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::Chrome) $SEARCH_URI = "" $WEB_SESSION = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession $COOKIE = New-Object System.Net.Cookie("SortSubtitlesByDate","true","/","") $PATH= $VideoDirectory $RE_SUBT_FILE = '(^.+(?=\.(fa|fr|ar|en))|^.+(?!\.(fa|fr|ar|en)))' $LS_EXISTED_SUB = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $FileName="" Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading the subtitle file from" -Status "Checking if subtitle already exist" -Id 1 -PercentComplete 15 #Check if subtitle already exist $DIR_SUB_LIST = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $PATH -Filter *.srt $DIR_VID_LIST = Get-ChildItem -Path ($PATH + "\*") -Include *.mkv,*.mp4 if ($Type -eq "Movie") { if ($DIR_SUB_LIST) { if ($DIR_VID_LIST[0].BaseName -eq ([regex]::Match($DIR_SUB_LIST[0].BaseName,$RE_SUBT_FILE).Value)) { Write-Output "Subtitle already exist`nNoting to do`nExiting" Return } } } elseif ($Type -eq "TV-Series") { foreach ($VID in $DIR_VID_LIST) { foreach ($SUB in $DIR_SUB_LIST) { if ($VID.BaseName -eq ([regex]::Match($SUB.BaseName,$RE_SUBT_FILE).Value)) { $LS_EXISTED_SUB.Add($SUB) | Out-Null } } } if ($DIR_VID_LIST.Count -eq $LS_EXISTED_SUB.Count) { Write-Output "Subtitle already exist`nNoting to do`nExiting" Return } } Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading the subtitle file from" -Status "Downloading the subtitles..." -Id 1 -PercentComplete 25 #Download Subtitle from $count= $SelectedLinks.count $i=0 Foreach ($ITEM in $SelectedLinks) { #Activity Percent Calculation $i++ $precent=(($i / $count) * 100) $status = [string]$i + " of " + [string]$count $CurrentOp = ("Processing " + $ITEM.Release ) Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading..." -Status $status -Id 2 -PercentComplete $precent -CurrentOperation $CurrentOp if ($precent -ge 100) {Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading..." -Status $status -Id 2 -PercentComplete $precent -CurrentOperation $CurrentOp -Completed} #Done $FileName = $ITEM.Link -replace "/","_" $FileName = ($PATH + "\" + $FileName + ".zip") $WEB_SESSION.Cookies.Add($COOKIE) $WEB_SESSION.UserAgent= $USER_AGENT $SEARCH_URI = ($BASE_DOMAIN + $ITEM.Link) $RESPONSE = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $SEARCH_URI -WebSession $WEB_SESSION Foreach ($LINK in $RESPONSE.Links) { if ($ -eq "downloadButton") { Write-Progress -Activity "Download Zipped Subtitle" -status ("Downloading Subtitle zip file : " + $ITEM.Release) -Id 3 -PercentComplete 20 $SEARCH_URI = ($BASE_DOMAIN + $LINK.href) Invoke-WebRequest -uri $SEARCH_URI -WebSession $WEB_SESSION -OutFile $FileName Write-Progress -Activity "Download Zipped Subtitle" -status ("Download Compeleted.") -Id 3 -PercentComplete 35 Write-Progress -Activity "Download Zipped Subtitle" -status ("Unzipping downloaded file...") -Id 3 -PercentComplete 55 Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $FileName -DestinationPath $PATH -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Progress -Activity "Download Zipped Subtitle" -status ("Unzipping Compeleted.") -Id 3 -PercentComplete 75 Write-Progress -Activity "Download Zipped Subtitle" -status ("Removing the zip file...") -Id 3 -PercentComplete 95 Remove-Item -LiteralPath $FileName Write-Progress -Activity "Download Zipped Subtitle" -status ("Done.") -Id 3 -PercentComplete 100 -Completed } } } Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading the subtitle file from" -Status "Downloading the subtitles..." -Id 1 -PercentComplete 100 -Completed } |