function Get-NetworkClass { <# .SYNOPSIS Use to determine the network class of a given IP address. .DESCRIPTION Returns A, B, C, D or E depending on the numeric value of the first octet of a given IP address. .PARAMETER IP The IP address to test. .EXAMPLE Get-NetworkClass -IP .EXAMPLE '' | Get-NetworkClass #> param( [parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $IP ) process { switch ($IP.Split('.')[0]) { { $_ -in 0..127 } { 'A' } { $_ -in 128..191 } { 'B' } { $_ -in 192..223 } { 'C' } { $_ -in 224..239 } { 'D' } { $_ -in 240..255 } { 'E' } } } } |