<# SFStoreWebReceiver\Resources.psd1 #> ConvertFrom-StringData @' ResourcePropertyMismatch = Expected store farm property '{0}' to be '{1}', actual '{2}'. UpdatingResourceProperty = Updating store farm '{0}' property to '{1}'. AddingStoreFarm = Adding Citrix Storefront store farm '{0}'. UpdatingStoreFarm = Updating Citrx Storefront store farm '{0}'. RemovingStoreFarm = Removing Citrix Storefront store farm '{0}'. ResourceInDesiredState = Citrix Storefront store farm '{0}' is in the desired state. ResourceNotInDesiredState = Citrix Storefront store farm '{0}' is NOT in the desired state. CannotUpdatePropertyError = Cannot update property '{0}'. '@ |