
# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

# Default file name of the AppConfig in the module folder
$script:defaultConfigFileName = "AppConfigTemplate.json"
$script:defaultIapConfigFileName = "IapConfigTemplate.json"

# Images will be placed in the .zip folder under the $packageImageFolderName subfolder
$script:packageImageFolderName = "Assets"

# New-SubmissionPackage supports these extensions.
$script:supportedExtensions = ".appx", ".appxbundle", ".appxupload"

# String constants for New-SubmissionPackage parameters
$script:s_ConfigPath = "ConfigPath"
$script:s_PDPRootPath = "PDPRootPath"
$script:s_Release = "Release"
$script:s_PDPInclude = "PDPInclude"
$script:s_PDPExclude = "PDPExclude"
$script:s_LanguageExclude = "LanguageExclude"
$script:s_ImagesRootPath = "ImagesRootPath"
$script:s_AppxPath = "AppxPath"
$script:s_OutPath = "OutPath"
$script:s_OutName = "OutName"
$script:s_DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting = "DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting"

# String constants for application metadata
$script:applicationMetadataProperties = @(

function Get-StoreBrokerConfigFileContentForIapId
        Updates the default IAP configuration file template with the values from the
        indicated IAP's most recent submission.
        Updates the default IAP configuration file template with the values from the
        indicated IAP's most recent submission.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER ConfigContent
        The content of the config file template as a simple string.
        The IapId whose most recent submission should be retrieved and used to fill
        in the default values of the template content.
        Get-StoreBrokerConfigFileContentForIapId -ConfigContent $template -IapId 0ABCDEF12345
        Assuming that $template has the content of the template file read in from disk and
        merged into a single string, this then gets the most recent IAP submission for
        IapId 0ABCDEF12345 and replaces the default values in the template with those from
        that submission.
        System.String - The template content modified with the values from the
                        most recent IAP submission.
        We use regular expression matching within the implementation rather than operating
        on the content as a JSON object, because we want to retain all of the comments that
        are part of the template content.

        [string] $ConfigContent,

        [string] $IapId

    $updated = $ConfigContent

        $iap = Get-InAppProduct -IapId $IapId

        $submissionId = $
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($submissionId))
            $submissionId = $
            Write-Log "No published submission exists for this In-App Product. Using the current pending submission." -Level Warning

        $sub = Get-InAppProductSubmission -IapId $IapId -SubmissionId $submissionId

        $updated = $updated -replace '"iapId": "",', "`"iapId`": `"$IapId`","

        $updated = $updated -replace '"targetPublishMode": ".*",', "`"targetPublishMode`": `"$($sub.targetPublishMode)`","
        $updated = $updated -replace '"targetPublishDate": .*,', "`"targetPublishDate`": `"$($sub.targetPublishDate)`","
        $updated = $updated -replace '"visibility": ".*",', "`"visibility`": `"$($sub.visibility)`","

        $updated = $updated -replace '"priceId": ".*",', "`"priceId`": `"$($sub.pricing.priceId)`","

        $marketSpecificPricings = $sub.pricing.marketSpecificPricings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $script:jsonConversionDepth
        $updated = $updated -replace '(\s+)"marketSpecificPricings": {.*(\r|\n)+\s*}', "`$1`"marketSpecificPricings`": $marketSpecificPricings"

        # PROPERTIES
        $updated = $updated -replace '"lifetime": ".*",', "`"lifetime`": `"$($sub.lifetime)`","
        $updated = $updated -replace '"contentType": ".*",', "`"contentType`": `"$($sub.contentType)`","

        $tag = Get-EscapedJsonValue -Value $sub.tag
        $updated = $updated -replace '"tag": ""', "`"tag`": `"$tag`""

        $keywords = $sub.keywords | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $script:jsonConversionDepth
        if ($null -eq $keywords) { $keywords = "[ ]" }
        $updated = $updated -replace '(\s+)"keywords": \[.*(\r|\n)+\s*\]', "`$1`"keywords`": $keywords"

        $notesForCertification = Get-EscapedJsonValue -Value $sub.notesForCertification
        $updated = $updated -replace '"notesForCertification": ""', "`"notesForCertification`": `"$notesForCertification`""

        return $updated
        Write-Log "Encountered problems getting current In-App Product submission values: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Level Error

function New-StoreBrokerInAppProductConfigFile
        Creates a new configuration file as a template for an In-App Product submission.
        Creates a new configuration file as a template for an In-App Product submission.
        The full path to the new file can be provided by the -Path parameter.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
        A full path specifying where the new config file will go and what it will be
        named. It is recommended to use the .json file extension.
        If specified, this will pre-populate the Iap config portion of the
        configuration file with the values from the most recent submission for this
        New-StoreBrokerConfigFile -Path "C:\users\alias\NewIapConfig.json"
        Creates the config file template "NewIapConfig.json" under "C:\users\alias"
        New-StoreBrokerInAppProductConfigFile -Path "C:\users\alias\NewIapConfig.json" -WhatIf
        This example is the same as Example 1 except no config file will be created. The
        function will report on the actions it would have taken, instead.
        New-StoreBrokerInAppProductConfigFile -Path "C:\users\alias\NewIapConfig.json" -AppId 0ABCDEF12345
        Creates the config file template "NewIapConfig.json" under "C:\users\alias", but sets
        the values for the app config portion to be those from the most recent submission for
        IapId 0ABCDEF12345.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification="Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
        [ValidateScript({ if ((Split-Path -Leaf $_) -like "*.*") { $true } else { throw "Path must include filename." } })]
        [string] $Path,

        [string] $IapId = ""

    $dir = Split-Path -Parent -Path $Path
    if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $dir))
        Write-Log "Creating directory: $dir" -Level Verbose
        New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path $dir | Out-Null

    $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $script:defaultIapConfigFileName

    # Get-Content returns an array of lines.... using Out-String gives us back the linefeeds.
    $template = (Get-Content -Path $sourcePath -Encoding UTF8) | Out-String

    if (-not ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IapId)))
        $template = Get-StoreBrokerConfigFileContentForIapId -ConfigContent $template -IapId $IapId

    Write-Log "Copying (Item: $sourcePath) to (Target: $Path)." -Level Verbose
    Set-Content -Path $Path -Value $template -Encoding UTF8 -Force

    $telemetryProperties = @{ [StoreBrokerTelemetryProperty]::IapId = $IapId }
    Set-TelemetryEvent -EventName New-StoreBrokerIapConfigFile -Properties $telemetryProperties

function Get-StoreBrokerConfigFileContentForAppId
        Updates the default configuration file template with the values from the
        indicated App's most recent published submission.
        Updates the default configuration file template with the values from the
        indicated App's most recent published submission.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER ConfigContent
        The content of the config file template as a simple string.
        The AppId whose most recent submission should be retrieved and used to fill
        in the default values of the template content.
        Get-StoreBrokerConfigFileContentForAppId -ConfigContent $template -AppId 0ABCDEF12345
        Assuming that $template has the content of the template file read in from disk and
        merged into a single string, this then gets the most recent app submission for
        AppId 0ABCDEF12345 and replaces the default values in the template with those from
        that submission.
        System.String - The template content modified with the values from the
                        most recent app submission.
        We use regular expression matching within the implementation rather than operating
        on the content as a JSON object, because we want to retain all of the comments that
        are part of the template content.

        [string] $ConfigContent,

        [string] $AppId

    $updated = $ConfigContent

        $app = Get-Application -AppId $AppId

        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($
            throw "Specified AppId has no published submission to copy settings from."

        $sub = Get-ApplicationSubmission -AppId $AppId -SubmissionId $($

        $updated = $updated -replace '"appId": ".*",', "`"appId`": `"$AppId`","

        $updated = $updated -replace '"targetPublishMode": ".*",', "`"targetPublishMode`": `"$($sub.targetPublishMode)`","
        $updated = $updated -replace '"targetPublishDate": .*,', "`"targetPublishDate`": `"$($sub.targetPublishDate)`","
        $updated = $updated -replace '"visibility": ".*",', "`"visibility`": `"$($sub.visibility)`","

        $updated = $updated -replace '"priceId": ".*",', "`"priceId`": `"$($sub.pricing.priceId)`","
        $updated = $updated -replace '"trialPeriod": ".*",', "`"trialPeriod`": `"$($sub.pricing.trialPeriod)`","

        $marketSpecificPricings = $sub.pricing.marketSpecificPricings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $script:jsonConversionDepth
        $updated = $updated -replace '(\s+)"marketSpecificPricings": {.*(\r|\n)+\s*}', "`$1`"marketSpecificPricings`": $marketSpecificPricings"

        $sales = $sub.pricing.sales | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $script:jsonConversionDepth
        if ($null -eq $sales) { $sales = "[ ]" }
        $updated = $updated -replace '(\s+)"sales": \[.*(\r|\n)+\s*\]', "`$1`"sales`": $sales"

        $families = $sub.allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies
        foreach ($family in ("Xbox", "Team", "Holographic", "Desktop", "Mobile"))
            if ($families -match $family)
                $updated = $updated -replace "`"$family`": [^,\r\n]*(,)?", "`"$family`": $($families.$family.ToString().ToLower())`$1"
                $updated = $updated -replace "`"$family`": [^,\r\n]*(,)?", "// `"$family`": false`$1"

        $updated = $updated -replace '"allowMicrosoftDecideAppAvailabilityToFutureDeviceFamilies": .*,', "`"allowMicrosoftDecideAppAvailabilityToFutureDeviceFamilies`": $($sub.allowMicrosoftDecideAppAvailabilityToFutureDeviceFamilies.ToString().ToLower()),"
        $updated = $updated -replace '"enterpriseLicensing": ".*",', "`"enterpriseLicensing`": `"$($sub.enterpriseLicensing)`","

        $updated = $updated -replace '"applicationCategory": ".*",', "`"applicationCategory`": `"$($sub.applicationCategory)`","

        $hardwarePreferences = $sub.hardwarePreferences | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $script:jsonConversionDepth
        if ($null -eq $hardwarePreferences) { $hardwarePreferences = "[ ]" }
        $updated = $updated -replace '(\s+)"hardwarePreferences": \[.*(\r|\n)+\s*\]', "`$1`"hardwarePreferences`": $hardwarePreferences"

        $updated = $updated -replace '"hasExternalInAppProducts": .*,', "`"hasExternalInAppProducts`": $($sub.hasExternalInAppProducts.ToString().ToLower()),"
        $updated = $updated -replace '"meetAccessibilityGuidelines": .*,', "`"meetAccessibilityGuidelines`": $($sub.meetAccessibilityGuidelines.ToString().ToLower()),"
        $updated = $updated -replace '"canInstallOnRemovableMedia": .*,', "`"canInstallOnRemovableMedia`": $($sub.canInstallOnRemovableMedia.ToString().ToLower()),"
        $updated = $updated -replace '"automaticBackupEnabled": .*,', "`"automaticBackupEnabled`": $($sub.automaticBackupEnabled.ToString().ToLower()),"
        $updated = $updated -replace '"isGameDvrEnabled": .*,', "`"isGameDvrEnabled`": $($sub.isGameDvrEnabled.ToString().ToLower()),"

        $notesForCertification = Get-EscapedJsonValue -Value $sub.notesForCertification
        $updated = $updated -replace '"notesForCertification": ""', "`"notesForCertification`": `"$notesForCertification`""

        return $updated
        Write-Log "Encountered problems getting current application submission values: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Level Error

function New-StoreBrokerConfigFile
        Creates a new configuration file as a template for an app submission.
        Creates a new configuration file as a template for an app submission.
        The full path to the new file can be provided by the -Path parameter.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
        A full path specifying where the new config file will go and what it will be
        named. It is recommended to use the .json file extension.
        If specified, this will pre-populate the app config portion of the
        configuration file with the values from the most recent submission for this
        New-StoreBrokerConfigFile -Path "C:\users\alias\NewAppConfig.json"
        Creates the config file template "NewAppConfig.json" under "C:\users\alias"
        New-StoreBrokerConfigFile -Path "C:\users\alias\NewAppConfig.json" -WhatIf
        This example is the same as Example 1 except no config file will be created. The
        function will report on the actions it would have taken, instead.
        New-StoreBrokerConfigFile -Path "C:\users\alias\NewAppConfig.json" -AppId 0ABCDEF12345
        Creates the config file template "NewAppConfig.json" under "C:\users\alias", but sets
        the values for the app config portion to be those from the most recent submission for
        AppId 0ABCDEF12345.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification="Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
        [ValidateScript({ if ((Split-Path -Leaf $_) -like "*.*") { $true } else { throw "Path must include filename." } })]
        [string] $Path,

        [string] $AppId = ""

    $dir = Split-Path -Parent -Path $Path
    if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $dir))
        Write-Log "Creating directory: $dir" -Level Verbose
        New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path $dir | Out-Null

    $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $script:defaultConfigFileName

    # Get-Content returns an array of lines.... using Out-String gives us back the linefeeds.
    $template = (Get-Content -Path $sourcePath -Encoding UTF8) | Out-String

    if (-not ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AppId)))
        $template = Get-StoreBrokerConfigFileContentForAppId -ConfigContent $template -AppId $AppId

    Write-Log "Copying (Item: $sourcePath) to (Target: $Path)." -Level Verbose
    Set-Content -Path $Path -Value $template -Encoding UTF8 -Force

    $telemetryProperties = @{ [StoreBrokerTelemetryProperty]::AppId = $AppId }
    Set-TelemetryEvent -EventName New-StoreBrokerConfigFile -Properties $telemetryProperties

function Write-SubmissionRequestBody
        Converts an object into JSON and writes to the specified file.
    .PARAMETER JsonObject
        A PSCustomObj to be converted into JSON.
    .PARAMETER OutFilePath
        Full path to the file to be written to.

        [PSCustomObject] $JsonObject,

        [string] $OutFilePath

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($OutFilePath, "Output to File"))
        $JsonObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $script:jsonConversionDepth -Compress | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath $OutFilePath

function Get-XsdPath
        Resolves a namespace schema URI to a local XSD file.
    .PARAMETER NamespaceUri
        The XML namespace URI.
        System.String - Full path to the XSD file.
        Exception if not found.

        [string] $NamespaceUri

    $namespaces = @{
        ''      = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\PDP\ProductDescription.xsd')
        '' = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\PDP\InAppProductDescription.xsd')

    $xsdPath = $namespaces[$NamespaceUri]

    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($xsdPath))
        throw "Namespace not found ($NamespaceUri)"

    return $xsdPath

function Test-Xml
        Validates a specified XML file against the input schema.
        If any validation errors are detected, the program will print a list
        of all errors and halt execution.
    .PARAMETER XsdFile
        Full path to the XML Schema Definition file to use.
    .PARAMETER XmlFile
        Full path to the XML file to be validated.

        [string] $XsdFile,

        [string] $XmlFile

    # Relative paths such as '.\File.txt' can resolve as 'C:\windows\System32\File.txt' when
    # interacting with .NET libraries. Run [string] path parameters through 'Convert-Path' to
    # get a full-path before using the path with any .NET libraries.
    $XsdFile = Convert-Path -Path $XsdFile
    $XmlFile = Convert-Path -Path $XmlFile

    # The ValidationEventHandler runs in its own scope and does not have access to variables from
    # Test-Xml. Make $validationErrors a script variable so capture exceptions in the
    # ValidationEventHandler and report them in Test-Xml.
    $script:validationErrors = @()

    $handler = [scriptblock] {
        $script:validationErrors += $args[1].Message

    $reader = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextReader $XsdFile
        $schema = [System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema]::Read($reader, $handler)

        $xml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        $xml.Schemas.Add($schema) | Out-Null

    if ($script:validationErrors -gt 0)
        $msg = @()
        $msg += "Provided XML file:`n`t$($XmlFile)`nis not valid under its referenced schema:`n`t$($XsdFile)"
        $script:validationErrors | ForEach-Object { $msg += $_ }
        $msg = $msg -join [Environment]::NewLine

        Write-Log $msg -Level Error
        throw "Halt Execution"

function Convert-ListingToObject
        Consumes a single localized .xml file into a listing object.
        Consumes a single localized .xml file into a listing object.
        If a node has only content, then that content is assigned.
        If a node has children, it's children are pooled into an array and assigned.
        The ScreenshotCaptions node is special. For each caption, the function
        checks if there is an associated Desktop/Mobile/Xbox image, and adds new
        information for each type found.
        The root path of all the PDPs. 'XmlFilePath' should begin with 'PDPRootPath',
        so this function splits 'XmlFilePath' using 'PDPRootPath'. The result
        should begin with the lang-code of the file being processed.
    .PARAMETER LanguageExclude
        Array of lang-code strings that SHOULD NOT be processed.
    .PARAMETER ImagesRootPath
        A path to the root path containing the new submission's images. A screenshot
        caption has the potential for relative paths to Desktop, Mobile, and Xbox images.
        Each relative path is appended to ImagesRootPath to create a full path to the image.
    .PARAMETER XmlFilePath
        A full path to the localized .xml file to be parsed.

        [string] $PDPRootPath,

        [string[]] $LanguageExclude,

        [string] $ImagesRootPath,

        [string[]] $XmlFilePaths

        foreach ($xmlFilePath in $XmlFilePaths)
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($xmlFilePath, "Convert-ListingToObject"))
                    # Identify lang-code of the file to process.
                    # $array[-1] == $array[$array.Count-1]
                    if ($PDPRootPath[-1] -ne '\') { $PDPRootPath = "$PDPRootPath\" }

                    $split = $xmlFilePath -split $PDPRootPath, 0, "SimpleMatch" |
                             Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } |
                             Select-Object -First 1
                    $language = $split -split "\", 0, "SimpleMatch" |
                                Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } |
                                Select-Object -First 1

                    # Skip processing if language is marked for exclusion
                    if ($language -in $LanguageExclude)
                        $out = "Skipping file '$xmlFilePath' because its lang-code '$language' is in the language exclusion list."
                        Write-Log $out -Level Verbose


                    $xml = [xml] (Get-Content -Path $xmlFilePath -Encoding UTF8)

                    # ProductDescription node contains the metadata
                    $ProductDescriptionNode = $xml.ProductDescription

                    # Verify xml conforms to schema
                    Test-Xml -XsdFile (Get-XsdPath -NamespaceUri $ProductDescriptionNode.xmlns) -XmlFile $xmlFilePath

                    # Assemble the BaseListing object
                    # Nodes with one item can be immediately assigned
                    $baseListing = @{
                        "copyrightAndTrademarkInfo" = $ProductDescriptionNode.CopyrightAndTrademark;
                        "licenseTerms"              = $ProductDescriptionNode.AdditionalLicenseTerms;
                        "privacyPolicy"             = $ProductDescriptionNode.PrivacyPolicyURL;
                        "supportContact"            = $ProductDescriptionNode.SupportContactInfo;
                        "websiteUrl"                = $ProductDescriptionNode.WebsiteURL;
                        "title"                     = $ProductDescriptionNode.AppStoreName;
                        "description"               = $ProductDescriptionNode.Description;
                        "releaseNotes"              = $ProductDescriptionNode.ReleaseNotes;

                    # Identify the keys whose values are non-null and trim the values.
                    # Must be done in two steps because $baseListings can't be modified
                    # while enumerating its keys.
                    $trimKeys = $baseListing.Keys |
                        Where-Object { ($null -ne $baseListing[$_].InnerText) -or ($baseListing[$_] -is [String]) } 

                    $trimKeys | ForEach-Object { 
                        if ($null -ne $baseListing[$_].InnerText)
                            $baseListing[$_] = $baseListing[$_].InnerText
                        $baseListing[$_] = $baseListing[$_].Trim()

                    # For title specifically, we need to ensure that it's set to $null if there's
                    # no value. An empty string value is not the same as $null.
                    if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($baseListing['title']))
                        $baseListing['title'] = $null
                    # Nodes with children need to have each value extracted into an array.
                    # When using -Confirm, PS will ask user to confirm selecting 'InnerText'.
                    # Explicitly set -Confirm:$false to prevent this dialog from reaching the user.
                        "features"            = $ProductDescriptionNode.AppFeatures;
                        "keywords"            = $ProductDescriptionNode.Keywords;
                        "recommendedHardware" = $ProductDescriptionNode.RecommendedHardware;
                    }.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
                        $baseListing[$_.Name] = @($_.Value.ChildNodes | 
                                                    Where-Object NodeType -eq Element |
                                                    ForEach-Object -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false InnerText |
                                                    Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } |
                                                    ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() })

                    # ScreenshotCaption node is special, needs to be consumed separately
                    $packageImagePath = Join-Path $script:tempFolderPath (Join-Path $script:packageImageFolderName $language)
                    if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $packageImagePath))
                        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $packageImagePath | Out-Null

                    $imageListings = @()
                    $captions = $ProductDescriptionNode.ScreenshotCaptions.ChildNodes |
                        Where-Object NodeType -eq Element

                    foreach ($caption in $captions)
                        $imageTypeMap = @{
                            "DesktopImage" = "Screenshot";
                            "MobileImage"  = "MobileScreenshot";
                            "XboxImage"    = "XboxScreenshot";
                            "HoloLensImage" = "HoloLensScreenshot";
                            "SurfaceHubImage" = "SurfaceHubScreenshot";

                        foreach ($member in $imageTypeMap.Keys)
                            $imageFileName = $caption.$member
                            if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($imageFileName))
                                #imageContainerPath = <imagesRootPath>/<release>/<lang-code>/
                                $imageContainerPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($ImagesRootPath, $ProductDescriptionNode.Release, $language)
                                if (Test-Path -Path $imageContainerPath -PathType Container)
                                    $image = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Path $imageContainerPath -Include $imageFileName | Select-Object -First 1

                                    if ($null -eq $image)
                                        Write-Log "Could not find image '$($imageFileName)' in any subdirectory of '$imageContainerPath'." -Level Error
                                        throw "Halt Execution"
                                    $destinationInPackage = Join-Path $packageImagePath $image.Name
                                    if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $destinationInPackage))
                                        Copy-Item -Path $image.FullName -Destination $destinationInPackage

                                    $imageType = $imageTypeMap[$member]
                                    $imageListings += @{
                                        "fileName"     = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($script:packageImageFolderName, $language, $image.Name)
                                        "fileStatus"   = "PendingUpload";
                                        "description"  = $caption.InnerText.Trim();
                                        "imageType"    = $imageType;
                                    Write-Log "Provided image directory was not found: $imageContainerPath" -Level Error
                                    throw "Halt Execution"

                    $baseListing["images"] = $imageListings
                    # BaseListing done

                    # Platform Overrides
                    $platformOverrides = @{}

                    # Package and return the results
                    $listing = @{
                        "baseListing"       = $baseListing;
                        "platformOverrides" = $platformOverrides;

                    Write-Output @{ "lang" = $language.ToLowerInvariant(); "listing" = $listing }
                catch [System.InvalidCastException]
                    Write-Log "Provided .xml file is not a valid .xml document: $xmlFilePath" -Level Error
                    throw "Halt Execution"

function Convert-ListingsMetadata
        Top-level function for consuming localized metadata about the application submission.
        Each language's .xml file, in a subfolder under XmlListingsRootPath, is parsed and
        added to the listings object with the language as the key.
        The root path to the directory containing language-specific subfolders holding the
        localized metadata.
        The name of the XML file to be parsed (same for every language). Wildcards are allowed.
        It is okay to specify both 'PDPInclude' and 'PDPExclude'.
        XML filenames to be excluded from parsing. Wildcards are allowed. It is okay to specify
        both 'PDPInclude' and 'PDPExclude'.
    .PARAMETER LanguageExclude
        Array of lang-code strings that SHOULD NOT be processed.
    .PARAMETER ImagesRootPath
        The root path to the directory where this submission's images are located.
        Hashtable A hastable with each key being a language and the corresponding value, an object
                   containing localized data for the app (Description, Notes, Screenshot captions, etc.)
        Convert-ListingsMetadata -PDPRootPath 'C:\PDP\' -PDPInclude 'ProductDescription.xml' -ImagesRootPath 'C:\AppImages'
        Assumes the folder structure:

            if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $_) { $true } 
            else { throw "'$_' is not a directory or cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $PDPRootPath,

        [string[]] $PDPInclude,

        [string[]] $PDPExclude,

        [string[]] $LanguageExclude,

            if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $_) { $true }
            else { throw "'$_' is not a directory or cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $ImagesRootPath

    $listings = @{}

    (Get-ChildItem -File $PDPRootPath -Recurse -Include $PDPInclude -Exclude $PDPExclude).FullName |
        Convert-ListingToObject -PDPRootPath $PDPRootPath -LanguageExclude $LanguageExclude -ImagesRootPath $ImagesRootPath |
        ForEach-Object { $listings[$_."lang"] = $_."listing" }

    return $listings

function Convert-InAppProductListingToObject
        Consumes a single localized .xml file into an In-App Product listing object.
        Consumes a single localized .xml file into an In-App Product listing object.
        If a node has only content, then that content is assigned.
        If a node has children, it's children are pooled into an array and assigned.
        The root path of all the PDPs. 'XmlFilePath' should begin with 'PDPRootPath',
        so this function splits 'XmlFilePath' using 'PDPRootPath'. The result
        should begin with the lang-code of the file being processed.
    .PARAMETER LanguageExclude
        Array of lang-code strings that SHOULD NOT be processed.
    .PARAMETER ImagesRootPath
        A path to the root path containing the new submission's images. Currently, an IAP can have
        an optional icon associated with it. Each relative path is appended to ImagesRootPath to
        create a full path to the image.
    .PARAMETER XmlFilePath
        A full path to the localized .xml file to be parsed.

        [string] $PDPRootPath,

        [string[]] $LanguageExclude,

        [string] $ImagesRootPath,

        [string[]] $XmlFilePaths

        foreach ($xmlFilePath in $XmlFilePaths)
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($xmlFilePath, "Convert-InAppProductListingToObject"))
                    # Identify lang-code of the file to process.
                    # $array[-1] == $array[$array.Count-1]
                    if ($PDPRootPath[-1] -ne '\') { $PDPRootPath = "$PDPRootPath\" }

                    $split = $xmlFilePath -split $PDPRootPath, 0, "SimpleMatch" |
                             Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } |
                             Select-Object -First 1
                    $language = $split -split "\", 0, "SimpleMatch" |
                                Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } |
                                Select-Object -First 1

                    # Skip processing if language is marked for exclusion
                    if ($language -in $LanguageExclude)
                        $out = "Skipping file '$xmlFilePath' because its lang-code '$language' is in the language exclusion list."
                        Write-Log $out -Level Verbose


                    $xml = [xml] (Get-Content -Path $xmlFilePath -Encoding UTF8)

                    # InAppProductDescription node contains the metadata
                    $InAppProductDescriptionNode = $xml.InAppProductDescription

                    # Verify xml conforms to schema
                    Test-Xml -XsdFile (Get-XsdPath -NamespaceUri $InAppProductDescriptionNode.xmlns) -XmlFile $xmlFilePath

                    # Assemble the Listing object
                    # Nodes with one item can be immediately assigned
                    $listing = @{
                        "title"                     = $InAppProductDescriptionNode.Title;
                        "description"               = $InAppProductDescriptionNode.Description;

                    # Identify the keys whose values are non-null and trim the values.
                    # Must be done in two steps because $listings can't be modified
                    # while enumerating its keys.
                    $trimKeys = $listing.Keys |
                        Where-Object { ($null -ne $listing[$_].InnerText) -or ($listing[$_] -is [String]) } 

                    $trimKeys | ForEach-Object { 
                        if ($null -ne $listing[$_].InnerText)
                            $listing[$_] = $listing[$_].InnerText
                        $listing[$_] = $listing[$_].Trim()

                    # For title specifically, we need to ensure that it's set to $null if there's
                    # no value. An empty string value is not the same as $null.
                    if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($listing['title']))
                        $listing['title'] = $null
                    # Icon node is special, needs to be consumed separately
                    $packageImagePath = Join-Path -Path $script:tempFolderPath -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path $script:packageImageFolderName -ChildPath $language)
                    if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $packageImagePath))
                        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $packageImagePath | Out-Null

                    $imageFileName = $InAppProductDescriptionNode.icon.fileName
                    if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($imageFileName))
                        #imageContainerPath = <imagesRootPath>/<release>/<lang-code>/
                        $imageContainerPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($ImagesRootPath, $InAppProductDescriptionNode.Release, $language)

                        if (Test-Path -Path $imageContainerPath -PathType Container)
                            $image = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Path $imageContainerPath -Include $imageFileName | Select-Object -First 1
                            if ($null -eq $image)
                                Write-Log "Could not find image '$($imageFileName)' in any subdirectory of '$imageContainerPath'." -Level Error
                                throw "Halt Execution"
                            $destinationInPackage = Join-Path -Path $packageImagePath -ChildPath $image.Name
                            if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $destinationInPackage))
                                Copy-Item -Path $image.FullName -Destination $destinationInPackage

                            $iconListing += @{
                                "fileName"     = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($script:packageImageFolderName, $language, $image.Name)
                                "fileStatus"   = "PendingUpload";

                            $listing['icon'] = $iconListing
                            Write-Log "Provided image directory was not found: $imageContainerPath" -Level Error
                            throw "Halt Execution"

                    Write-Output @{ "lang" = $language.ToLowerInvariant(); "listing" = $listing }
                catch [System.InvalidCastException]
                    Write-Log "Provided .xml file is not a valid .xml document: $xmlFilePath" -Level Error
                    throw "Halt Execution"

function Convert-InAppProductListingsMetadata
        Top-level function for consuming localized metadata about the In-App Product submission.
        Each language's .xml file, in a subfolder under XmlListingsRootPath, is parsed and
        added to the listings object with the language as the key.
        The root path to the directory containing language-specific subfolders holding the
        localized metadata.
        The name of the XML file to be parsed (same for every language). Wildcards are allowed.
        It is okay to specify both 'PDPInclude' and 'PDPExclude'.
        XML filenames to be excluded from parsing. Wildcards are allowed. It is okay to specify
        both 'PDPInclude' and 'PDPExclude'.
    .PARAMETER LanguageExclude
        Array of lang-code strings that SHOULD NOT be processed.
    .PARAMETER ImagesRootPath
        The root path to the directory where this submission's images are located.
        Hashtable A hastable with each key being a language and the corresponding value, an object
                   containing localized data for the app (Title, Description, Icon, etc.)
        Convert-InAppProductListingsMetadata -PDPRootPath 'C:\PDP\' -PDPInclude 'InAppProductDescription.xml' -ImagesRootPath 'C:\IapIcons'
        Assumes the folder structure:

            if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $_) { $true } 
            else { throw "'$_' is not a directory or cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $PDPRootPath,

        [string[]] $PDPInclude,

        [string[]] $PDPExclude,

        [string[]] $LanguageExclude,

            if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $_) { $true }
            else { throw "'$_' is not a directory or cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $ImagesRootPath

    $listings = @{}

    (Get-ChildItem -File $PDPRootPath -Recurse -Include $PDPInclude -Exclude $PDPExclude).FullName |
        Convert-InAppProductListingToObject -PDPRootPath $PDPRootPath -LanguageExclude $LanguageExclude -ImagesRootPath $ImagesRootPath |
        ForEach-Object { $listings[$_."lang"] = $_."listing" }

    return $listings

function Open-AppxContainer
        Given a path to a .appxbundle, .appxupload, or .appx file, unzips that file to a directory
        and returns that directory path.
    .PARAMETER AppxContainerPath
        Full path to the .appxbundle, .appxupload, or .appx file.
        System.String. Full path to the unzipped directory.
        Open-AppxContainer "C:\path\App.appxbundle"
        Unzips contents of App.appxbundle to <env:Temp>\<guid>\App\ and returns that path.
        Open-AppxContainer "C:\path\App.appxupload"
        Same as Example 1 only with a .appxupload file.
        It is up to the client function to clean the path created by this function. If it is not
        cleaned, it will be included in the final .zip created by New-SubmissionPackage.

        [string] $AppxContainerPath

        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem

        # .appxcontainer can be either .appxbundle, .appxupload, or .appx
        # Copy CONTAINER.appxcontainer to tempFolderPath\
        $containerZipPathFormat = Join-Path $env:TEMP '{0}.zip'

            $containerZipPath = $containerZipPathFormat -f [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
        while (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $containerZipPath)

        Write-Log "Copying (Item: $AppxContainerPath) to (Target: $containerZipPath)." -Level Verbose
        Copy-Item -Force -Path $AppxContainerPath -Destination $containerZipPath

        # Expand to CONTAINER folder
        $expandedContainerPath = New-TemporaryDirectory

        Write-Log "Unzipping archive (Item: $containerZipPath) to (Target: $expandedContainerPath)." -Level Verbose
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($containerZipPath, $expandedContainerPath)

        return $expandedContainerPath
        if ((-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($expandedContainerPath)) -and (Test-Path $expandedContainerPath))
            Write-Log "Deleting item: $expandedContainerPath" -Level Verbose
            Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $expandedContainerPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if ((-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($containerZipPath)) -and (Test-Path $containerZipPath))
            Write-Log "Deleting item: $containerZipPath" -Level Verbose
            Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $containerZipPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Report-UnsupportedFile
        When we discover an invalid file, raise a new telemetry event.
        Filepath of the file that could not be identified.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "", Justification="Internal-only helper method. Best description for purpose.")]
        [string] $Path

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path))
        $telemetryProperties = @{ [StoreBrokerTelemetryProperty]::SourceFilePath = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $Path) }
        Set-TelemetryEvent -EventName New-SubmissionPackage-UnsupportedFile -Properties $telemetryProperties

function New-ApplicationMetadataTable
        A simple utility function for creating a consistent metadata hastable.
        A simple utility function for creating a consistent metadata hastable.
        The hashtable has keys for
         "version", "architecture", "targetPlatform", "languages",
        "capabilities", "targetDeviceFamilies", "targetDeviceFamiliesEx", "minOSVersion",
        and "innerPackages"
        Hashtable A hashtable with $null values and keys for the properties mentioned
                     in the description.

    $table = @{}
    foreach ($property in $script:applicationMetadataProperties)
        $table[$property] = $null;

    return $table

function Get-TargetPlatform
        Determines the target platform for a given AppxManifest.xml.
        Determines the target platform for a given AppxManifest.xml.
        Returns one of "Windows10", "Windows81", "Windows80", "WindowsPhone81", or $null
    .PARAMETER AppxManifestPath
        A path to the AppxManifest.xml file to be processed.
        String A string identifying the target platform, or $null if it could not be identified.
        Get-TargetPlatform -AppxManifestPath "C:\package\AppxManifest.xml"
        Indentifies the target platform for the given AppxManifest.xml

            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include "AppxManifest.xml" -Path $_) { $true }
            else { throw "$_ cannot be found or is not an AppxManifest.xml." } })]
        [string] $AppxManifestPath

    $manifest = [xml] (Get-Content -Path $AppxManifestPath -Encoding UTF8)
    $root = $manifest.DocumentElement
    if ($root.xmlns -match "^*/)?windows10(/.*)?$")
        return "Windows10"

    $minOSVersion = $root.Prerequisites.OSMinVersion
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($minOSVersion))
        Write-Log "Could not find OSMinVersion in [$AppxManifestPath]" -Level Warning
        return $null

    $targetPlatform = "Windows"
    if ($null -ne $root.PhoneIdentity)
        $targetPlatform += "Phone"

    # The Store also supports WindowsPhone70/71/80 but those apps
    # are .xap files which we do not support.
    switch -wildcard ($minOSVersion)
        "6.3.*" { $targetPlatform += "81" }
        "6.2.*" { $targetPlatform += "80" }
        default { return $null }

    return $targetPlatform

function Read-AppxMetadata
        Reads various metadata properties about the input .appx file.
        Reads various metadata properties about the input .appx file.
        The metadata read is "version", "architecture", "targetPlatform", "languages",
        "capabilities", "targetDeviceFamilies", "targetDeviceFamiliesEx", "minOSVersion",
        and "innerPackages". Not all of the metadata read is actually passed as
        part of the Store submission; some metadata is used as part of an app flighting
    .PARAMETER AppxPath
        A path to the .appx file to be processed.
    .PARAMETER AppxInfo
        If provided, will be updated to maintain information about the app being packaged
        (like AppName and Version) if the information can be determined.
        Hasthable A hashtable containing the various metadata values.
        Read-AppxMetadata -AppxPath ".\my.appx" -AppxInfo ([ref] @())
        Returns a hashtable containing metadata about the .appx file.

            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include "*.appx" -Path $_) { $true }
            else { throw "$_ cannot be found or is not an .appx." } })]
        [string] $AppxPath,

        [ref] $AppxInfo

    $metadata = New-ApplicationMetadataTable

        $expandedAppxPath = Open-AppxContainer -AppxContainerPath $AppxPath

        # Get AppxManifest.xml
        $appxManifest = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $expandedAppxPath -Include 'AppxManifest.xml').FullName
        if ($null -eq $appxManifest)
            Report-UnsupportedFile -Path $AppxPath
            throw "`"$AppxPath`" is not a proper .appx. Could not find an AppxManifest.xml."

        Write-Log "Opening `"$appxManifest`"." -Level Verbose
        $manifest = [xml] (Get-Content -Path $appxManifest -Encoding UTF8)

        # Processing

        $metadata.version        = $manifest.Package.Identity.Version
        $metadata.architecture   = $manifest.Package.Identity.ProcessorArchitecture
        $metadata.minOSVersion   = $manifest.Package.Dependencies.TargetDeviceFamily.MinVersion
        $metadata.targetPlatform = Get-TargetPlatform -AppxManifestPath $appxManifest
        $           = $manifest.Package.Identity.Name -creplace '^Microsoft\.', ''
        $metadata.languages = @()
        $metadata.languages += $manifest.Package.Resources.Resource.Language |
            Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } |
            ForEach-Object { $_.ToLower() } |
            Sort-Object -Unique

        $metadata.capabilities = @()
        $metadata.capabilities += $manifest.Package.Capabilities.Capability.Name |
            Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } |
            Sort-Object -Unique

        $metadata.targetDeviceFamiliesEx = @()
        $metadata.targetDeviceFamiliesEx += $manifest.Package.Dependencies.TargetDeviceFamily.Name |
            Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } |
            Sort-Object -Unique

        $metadata.targetDeviceFamilies = @()
        foreach ($family in $metadata.targetDeviceFamiliesEx)
            $metadata.targetDeviceFamilies += ("{0} min version {1}" -f $family, $metadata.minOSVersion)

        # A single .appx will never have an inner package, but we will still set this property to
        # an empty hashtable so that the value is never $null when translated to JSON
        $metadata.innerPackages = @{}

        # Track the info about this package for later processing.
        $singleAppxInfo = @{}
        $singleAppxInfo[[StoreBrokerTelemetryProperty]::AppxVersion] = $metadata.version
        $singleAppxInfo[[StoreBrokerTelemetryProperty]::AppName] = $

        $AppxInfo.Value += $singleAppxInfo
        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($expandedAppxPath))
            Write-Log "Deleting item: $expandedAppxPath" -Level Verbose
            Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $expandedAppxPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

    return $metadata

function Read-AppxUploadMetadata
        Reads various metadata properties about the input .appxupload.
        Reads various metadata properties about the input .appxupload.
        The metadata read is "version", "architecture", "targetPlatform", "languages",
        "capabilities", "targetDeviceFamilies", "targetDeviceFamiliesEx", "minOSVersion",
        and "innerPackages". Not all of the metadata read is actually passed as
        part of the Store submission; some metadata is used as part of an app flighting
        As part of processing the .appxupload, the file is opened to read metadata from
        the inner .appx or .appxbundle file. There must be exactly one inner .appx
        or .appxbundle.
    .PARAMETER AppxuploadPath
        A path to the .appxupload to be processed.
    .PARAMETER AppxInfo
        If provided, will be updated to maintain information about the app being packaged
        (like AppName and Version) if the information can be determined.
        Hasthable A hashtable containing the various metadata values.
        Read-AppxUploadMetadata -AppxbundlePath ".\my.appxupload" -AppxInfo ([ref] @())
        Returns a hashtable containing metadata about the inner .appx file.
        An .appxupload file is just a .zip containing an .appxsym file and a
        single .appx or .appxbundle. We only care about the inner .appx or .appxbundle.

            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include "*.appxupload" -Path $_) { $true }
            else { throw "$_ cannot be found or is not an .appxupload." } })]
        [string] $AppxuploadPath,

        [ref] $AppxInfo

        $throwFormat = "`"$AppxuploadPath`" is not a proper .appxupload. There must be exactly one {0} inside the file."

        Write-Log "Opening `"$AppxuploadPath`"." -Level Verbose
        $expandedContainerPath = Open-AppxContainer -AppxContainerPath $AppxPath

        $appxFilePath = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $expandedContainerPath -Include "*.appx").FullName
        if ($null -ne $appxFilePath)
            if ($appxFilePath.Count -ne 1)
                Report-UnsupportedFile -Path $AppxuploadPath

                $error = $throwFormat -f ".appx"
                Write-Log $error -Level Error
                throw $error
                return Read-AppxMetadata -AppxPath $appxFilePath -AppxInfo $AppxInfo

        # Could not find an .appx inside. Maybe there is an .appxbundle.
        $appxbundleFilePath = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $expandedContainerPath -Include "*.appxbundle").FullName
        if (($null -eq $appxbundleFilePath) -or ($appxbundleFilePath.Count -ne 1))
            Report-UnsupportedFile -Path $AppxuploadPath

            $error = $throwFormat -f ".appx or .appxbundle"
            Write-Log $error -Level Error
            throw $error
            return Read-AppxBundleMetadata -AppxbundlePath $appxbundleFilePath -AppxInfo $AppxInfo
        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($expandedContainerPath))
            Write-Log "Deleting item: $expandedContainerPath" -Level Verbose
            Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $expandedContainerPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

function Read-AppxBundleMetadata
        Reads various metadata properties about the input .appxbundle.
        Reads various metadata properties about the input .appxbundle.
        The metadata read is "version", "architecture", "targetPlatform", "languages",
        "capabilities", "targetDeviceFamilies", "targetDeviceFamiliesEx", "minOSVersion",
        and "innerPackages". Not all of the metadata read is actually passed as
        part of the Store submission; some metadata is used as part of an app flighting
        As part of processing the .appxbundle, the file is opened to read metadata from
        the inner .appx files.
    .PARAMETER AppxbundlePath
        A path to the .appxbundle to be processed.
    .PARAMETER AppxInfo
        If provided, will be updated to maintain information about the app being packaged
        (like AppName and Version) if the information can be determined.
        Hasthable A hashtable containing the various metadata values.
        Read-AppxBundleMetadata -AppxbundlePath ".\my.appxbundle" -AppxInfo ([ref] @())
        Returns a hashtable containing metadata about the .appxbundle and .appx files inside
        that bundle.

            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include "*.appxbundle" -Path $_) { $true }
            else { throw "$_ cannot be found or is not an .appxbundle." } })]
        [string] $AppxbundlePath,

        [ref] $AppxInfo

    $metadata = New-ApplicationMetadataTable

        $expandedContainerPath = Open-AppxContainer -AppxContainerPath $AppxbundlePath

        # Get AppxBundleManifest.xml
        $bundleManifestPath = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $expandedContainerPath -Include 'AppxBundleManifest.xml').FullName
        if ($null -eq $bundleManifestPath)
            Report-UnsupportedFile -Path $AppxbundlePath
            throw "`"$AppxbundlePath`" is not a proper .appxbundle. Could not find an AppxBundleManifest.xml."

        Write-Log "Opening `"$bundleManifestPath`"." -Level Verbose
        $manifest = [xml] (Get-Content -Path $bundleManifestPath -Encoding UTF8)

        # Processing

        $metadata.version      = $manifest.Bundle.Identity.Version
        $metadata.architecture = "Neutral"  # always 'Neutral' for .appxbundle
        $         = $manifest.Bundle.Identity.Name -creplace '^Microsoft\.', ''

        $languages = ($manifest.Bundle.Packages.Package | Where-Object Type -like "resource").Resources.Resource.Language | 
            Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } |
            ForEach-Object { $_.ToLower() } |
            Sort-Object -Unique

        $metadata.languages = if ($null -eq $languages) { @() } else { $languages }

        # These properties will be aggregated from the individual .appx files
        $metadata.innerPackages          = @{}
        $metadata.capabilities           = @()
        $metadata.targetDeviceFamilies   = @()
        $metadata.targetDeviceFamiliesEx = @()
        $capabilities                    = @()
        $targetDeviceFamilies            = @()
        $targetDeviceFamiliesEx          = @()

        $applications = ($manifest.Bundle.Packages.ChildNodes | Where-Object Type -like "application").FileName
        foreach ($application in $applications)
            $appxFilePath = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $expandedContainerPath -Include $application).FullName
            $appxMetadata = Read-AppxMetadata -AppxPath $appxFilePath -AppxInfo $AppxInfo

            # minOSVersion and targetPlatform will always be the values of the last .appx processed.
            $metadata.minOSVersion    = $appxMetadata.minOSVersion
            $metadata.targetPlatform  = $appxMetadata.targetPlatform

            $capabilities            += $appxMetadata.capabilities
            $targetDeviceFamilies    += $appxMetadata.targetDeviceFamilies
            $targetDeviceFamiliesEx  += $appxMetadata.targetDeviceFamiliesEx

            $metadata.innerPackages.$($appxMetadata.architecture) = @{
                version              = $appxMetadata.version;
                targetDeviceFamilies = $appxMetadata.targetDeviceFamiliesEx;
                languages            = $appxMetadata.languages;
                capabilities         = $appxMetadata.capabilities;
                minOSVersion         = $appxMetadata.minOSVersion;
                targetPlatform       = $appxMetadata.targetPlatform;

        # Guarantee uniqueness
        # We use += instead of assignment, in order to guarantee these properties remain Array type.
        # $m.capabilities = @("foo") | Sort-Object -Unique
        # results in $m.capabilities being a String type instead of Array type.
        $metadata.capabilities           += $capabilities | Sort-Object -Unique
        $metadata.targetDeviceFamilies   += $targetDeviceFamilies | Sort-Object -Unique
        $metadata.targetDeviceFamiliesEx += $targetDeviceFamiliesEx | Sort-Object -Unique
        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($expandedContainerPath))
            Write-Log "Deleting item: $expandedContainerPath" -Level Verbose
            Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $expandedContainerPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

    return $metadata

function Get-FormattedFilename
        Gets the ManifestType_AppName_Version_Architecture formatted filename for the
        specified .appxbundle, .appxupload, or .appx.
        Gets the ManifestType_AppName_Version_Architecture formatted filename for the
        specified .appxbundle, .appxupload, or .appx.
        ManifestType is specified by each .appx and includes "Desktop", "Mobile", "Universal", "Team".
        AppName is specified in the Identity element of the AppxManifest.xml file.
        Version is specified in the Identity element of the AppxManifest.xml file.
        Architecture is specified in the Identity element of the AppxManifest.xml file.
    .PARAMETER Metadata
        A hashtable with "targetDeviceFamiliesEx", "name", "version", and "architecture".
        If the metadata table corresponds to an .appxbundle, there will likely be an "innerPackages"
        value with metadata from the inner .appx files.
        System.String. The ManifestType_AppName_Version_Architecture string.
        Get-FormattedFilename @{ name="Maps"; version="2.13.22002.0"; architecture="x86"; targetDeviceFamiliesEx=@("Windows.Desktop") }
        Would return something like "Desktop_Maps_2.13.22002.0_x86.appxupload"

            $throwFormat = "Invalid metadata table. {0}."
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { throw ($throwFormat -f "No name") }
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.version)) { throw ($throwFormat -f "No version") }
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.architecture)) { throw ($throwFormat -f "No architecture") }

            return $true
        [hashtable] $Metadata

    # Categories with several items are joined with a '.' separator
    $architectureTag = $Metadata.architecture
    $version = $Metadata.version
    if ($Metadata.innerPackages.Count -gt 0)
        # For .appxbundle packages, we will use the architectures from the individual .appx files.
        # The Keys of the innerPackages object are the supported architectures.
        $architectureTag = ($Metadata.innerPackages.Keys | Sort-Object) -join '.'

        # Grab an arbitrary one and use that version.
        $arch = $Metadata.innerPackages.Keys | Sort-Object | Select -First 1
        $version = $Metadata.innerPackages.$arch.version

    # Simplify 'Windows.Universal' to 'Universal'
    $deviceFamilyCollection = $Metadata.targetDeviceFamiliesEx | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^Windows\.', '' }

    $formattedBundleTags = @($, $version, $architectureTag)
    if ($deviceFamilyCollection.Count -gt 0)
        $formattedBundleTags = @(($deviceFamilyCollection | Sort-Object) -join '.') + $formattedBundleTags

    # Categories are joined with a '_' separator
    return $formattedBundleTags -join '_'

function Read-ApplicationMetadata
        Reads metadata used for submission of an .appx, .appxbundle, or appxupload.
        Reads metadata used for submission of an .appx, .appxbundle, or appxupload.
        The metadata read is "version", "architecture", "targetPlatform", "languages",
        "capabilities", "targetDeviceFamilies", "targetDeviceFamiliesEx", "minOSVersion",
        "innerPackages", and "name". Not all of the metadata read is actually passed as
        part of the Store submission; some metadata is used as part of an app flighting
        After reading the metadata for the input package, this function also creates a
        formatted name for the input package when it is stored in the StoreBroker .zip
    .PARAMETER AppxPath
        The path to the .appx, .appxbundle, or .appxupload to process.
    .PARAMETER AppxInfo
        If provided, will be updated to maintain information about the app being packaged
        (like AppName and Version) if the information can be determined.
        Read-ApplicationMetadata -AppxPath ".\my.appxbundle" -AppxInfo ([ref] @())
        Returns a hashtable containing metadata about the .appxbundle and .appx files inside
        that bundle.
        Hashtable A hashtable containing the various metadata that was read.

            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include ($script:supportedExtensions | ForEach-Object { "*" + $_ }) $_) { $true }
            else { throw "$_ cannot be found or is not a supported extension: $($script:supportedExtensions -join ", ")." } })]
        [string] $AppxPath,

        [ref] $AppxInfo

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($AppxPath))
        $metadata = $null
        switch ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($AppxPath))
                $metadata = Read-AppxBundleMetadata -AppxbundlePath $AppxPath -AppxInfo $AppxInfo

                $metadata = Read-AppxUploadMetadata -AppxuploadPath $AppxPath -AppxInfo $AppxInfo

                $metadata = Read-AppxMetadata -AppxPath $AppxPath -AppxInfo $AppxInfo

        $metadata.formattedFileName = Get-FormattedFilename -Metadata $metadata

        return $metadata

function Add-AppPackagesMetadata
        Adds a property to the SubmissionObject with metadata about the
        various .appxbundle, .appxupload, or .appx files being submitted.
    .PARAMETER AppxPath
        Array of full paths to the .appxbundle, .appxupload, or .appx
        files that will be uploaded as the new submission.
    .PARAMETER SubmissionObject
        A PSCustomObj representing the application submission request body. This function
        will add a property to this object with metadata about the .appx files being uploaded.
    .PARAMETER AppxInfo
        If provided, will be updated to maintain information about the app being packaged
        (like AppName and Version) if the information can be determined.
    .PARAMETER EnableAutoPackageNameFormatting
        If specified, the packages will be renamed using a consistent naming scheme, which
        embeds the application name, version, as well as targeted platform and architecture.
        Add-AppPackagesMetadata -AppxPath "C:\App.appxbundle" -SubmissionObject $object
        Adds metadata about "C:\App.appxbundle" to the $object object.
        $object | Add-AppPackagesMetadata -AppxPath "C:\x86\App_x86.appxbundle"
        Same as Example 1 except the $object object is piped in to the function and the appxbundle
        used is for x86 architecture.

            foreach ($path in $_)
                if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include ($script:supportedExtensions | ForEach-Object { "*" + $_ }) -Path $path))
                    throw "$_ is not a file or cannot be found."

            return $true
        [string[]] $AppxPath,

        [PSCustomObject] $SubmissionObject,

        [ref] $AppxInfo,

        [switch] $EnableAutoPackageNameFormatting

    $SubmissionObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "applicationPackages" -Value ([System.Array]::CreateInstance([Object], 0))

    foreach ($path in $AppxPath)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($path))

            Write-Log "Processing [$path]" -Level Verbose

            $appxName = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $path

            # We always calculate the formatted name, even if we won't use it, in order to
            # populate $AppxInfo with the additional metadata.
            $appMetadata =  Read-ApplicationMetadata -AppxPath $path -AppxInfo $AppxInfo
            if ($EnableAutoPackageNameFormatting)
                $appxName = ($appMetadata.formattedFileName + [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($appxName))

            # Finalize the properties to be submitted
            $submissionProperties = @{}
            foreach ($property in $script:applicationMetadataProperties)
                $submissionProperties.$property = $appMetadata.$property

            $submissionProperties.fileName              = $appxName
            $submissionProperties.fileStatus            = "PendingUpload"
            $submissionProperties.minimumDirectXVersion = "None"
            $submissionProperties.minimumSystemRam      = "None"

            $appPackageObject = New-Object System.Object | Add-Member -PassThru -NotePropertyMembers $submissionProperties

            if ($script:tempFolderExists)
                $destinationPath = Join-Path $script:tempFolderPath $appxName
                Write-Log "Copying (Item: $path) to (Target: $destinationPath)" -Level Verbose
                Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination $destinationPath

            $SubmissionObject.applicationPackages += $appPackageObject

function Remove-DeprecatedProperties
        Returns back a modified version of the submission request body that has removed
        any properties that have been deprecated by the Store team.
    .PARAMETER SubmissionRequestBody
        A PSCustomObject representing the submission request body that may contain
        properties that have been deprecated.
        PSCustomObject An object representing the full application submission request, with
                        deprecated properties removed.
        $updated = Remove-DeprecatedProperties $submissionRequestBody
        Scans the provided request body, and returns back a modified version that has any
        deprecated properties removed.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="This is intended to be where all deprecated properties are removed. It's an accurate name.")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Justification="Does not cause any change to system state. No value gained from ShouldProcess in this specific instance.")]
        [PSCustomObject] $SubmissionRequestBody


    # No side-effects. We'll work off of a copy of the passed-in object
    $requestBody = DeepCopy-Object $SubmissionRequestBody
    # hardwareRequirements was deprecated on 5/13/2016
    # Deprecated due to business reasons. This field is not exposed from the UI.

    return $requestBody

function Get-SubmissionRequestBody
        Creates a PSCustomObject representing the JSON that will be sent with an
        application submission request. Some property values are taken from the
        config file, some are given static values, some depend on the arch-specific
        .appx files being submitted, and some are retrieved from localized metadata.
    .PARAMETER ConfigObj
        A PSCustomObject representing this tool's configuration file. Some values of the
        submission are populated in the config file and retrieved here.
        Root path to the directory containing lang-code subfolders of PDPs to be processed.
    .PARAMETER Release
        Optional. When specified, it is used to indicate the correct subfolder within
       'PDPRootPath' to find the PDP files to use.
        PDP filenames that SHOULD be processed.
        Wildcards are allowed, eg "ProductDescription*.xml".
        It is fine to specify both "PDPInclude" and "PDPExclude".
        PDP filenames that SHOULD NOT be processed.
        Wildcards are allowed, eg "ProductDescription*.xml".
        It is fine to specify both "PDPInclude" and "PDPExclude".
    .PARAMETER LanguageExclude
        Array of lang-code strings that SHOULD NOT be processed.
    .PARAMETER ImagesRootPath
        Root path to the directory containing release subfolders of images to be packaged.
    .PARAMETER AppxPath
        A list of file paths to be included in the package.
    .PARAMETER AppxInfo
        If provided, will be updated to maintain information about the app being packaged
        (like AppName and Version) if the information can be determined.
    .PARAMETER DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting
        By default, the packages will be renamed using a consistent naming scheme, which
        embeds the application name, version, as well as targeted platform and architecture.
        To retain the existing package filenames, specify this switch.
        PSCustomObject An object representing the full application submission request.
        It is expected that at least one path is missing from the map as 'AppxPath'
        is mutually exclusive with the remaining three path types.
        Get-SubmissionRequestBody "C:\App\Appx.appxupload" (Get-Content $ConfigPath -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json)
        Retrieves the submission request generated using the config file at $ConfigPath and the
        appxupload located at "C:\App\Appx.appxupload".
        (Get-Content $ConfigPath -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json) | Get-SubmissionRequestBody -AppxPath "C:\Appx_x86.appxbundle", "C:\Appx_arm.appxbundle" -Release MarchRelease
        Retrieves the submission request generated using the config file at $ConfigPath and the
        appxbundle files located at "C:\Appx_x86.appxbundle" and "C:\Appx_arm.appxbundle".
        The Release used for finding PDPs under 'PDPRootPath' is MarchRelease.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification="Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
        [PSCustomObject] $ConfigObject,

        [string] $PDPRootPath,
        [string] $Release,

        [string[]] $PDPInclude,

        [string[]] $PDPExclude,

        [string[]] $LanguageExclude,
        [string] $ImagesRootPath,

        [string[]] $AppxPath,

        [ref] $AppxInfo,

        [switch] $DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting

    # Add static properties and metadata about packaged binaries.
    $submissionRequestBody = $ConfigObject.appSubmission

    if ($AppxPath.Count -gt 0)
        $submissionRequestBody | Add-AppPackagesMetadata -AppxPath $AppxPath -AppxInfo $AppxInfo -EnableAutoPackageNameFormatting:(-not $DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting)

    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PDPRootPath))
        $submissionRequestBody | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "listings" -Value (New-Object System.Object)

        # Add listings information
        $listingsPath = $PDPRootPath

        # If 'Release' is present, no need to look within a sub-folder..
        if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Release))
            $pathWithRelease = Join-Path -Path $PDPRootPath -ChildPath $Release
            if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $pathWithRelease)
                $listingsPath = $pathWithRelease
                $out = @()
                $out += "'$pathWithRelease' is not a valid directory or cannot be found."
                $out += "Check the values of '$script:s_PDPRootPath' and '$script:s_Release' and try again."

                Write-Log ($out -join [Environment]::NewLine) -Level Error
                throw "Halt Execution"

        $listingsResources = @{
            $script:s_PDPRootPath = $listingsPath;
            $script:s_PDPInclude = $PDPInclude;
            $script:s_PDPExclude = $PDPExclude;
            $script:s_LanguageExclude = $LanguageExclude;
            $script:s_ImagesRootPath = $ImagesRootPath;

        $submissionRequestBody.listings = Convert-ListingsMetadata @listingsResources

    $submissionRequestBody = Remove-DeprecatedProperties -SubmissionRequestBody $submissionRequestBody

    return $submissionRequestBody

function Get-InAppProductSubmissionRequestBody
        Creates a PSCustomObject representing the JSON that will be sent with an
        In-App Product submission request. Some property values are taken from the
        config file, some are given static values, and some are retrieved from localized metadata.
    .PARAMETER ConfigObj
        A PSCustomObject representing this tool's configuration file. Some values of the
        submission are populated in the config file and retrieved here.
        Root path to the directory containing lang-code subfolders of PDPs to be processed.
    .PARAMETER Release
        Optional. When specified, it is used to indicate the correct subfolder within
       'PDPRootPath' to find the PDP files to use.
        PDP filenames that SHOULD be processed.
        Wildcards are allowed, eg "InAppProductDescription*.xml".
        It is fine to specify both "PDPInclude" and "PDPExclude".
        PDP filenames that SHOULD NOT be processed.
        Wildcards are allowed, eg "InAppProductDescription*.xml".
        It is fine to specify both "PDPInclude" and "PDPExclude".
    .PARAMETER LanguageExclude
        Array of lang-code strings that SHOULD NOT be processed.
    .PARAMETER ImagesRootPath
        Root path to the directory containing release subfolders of images to be packaged.
        PSCustomObject An object representing the full In-App Product submission request.
        Get-InAppProductSubmissionRequestBody (Get-Content $ConfigPath -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json)
        Retrieves the submission request generated using the config file at $ConfigPath.
        (Get-Content $ConfigPath -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json) | Get-InAppProductSubmissionRequestBody -Release MarchRelease
        Retrieves the submission request generated using the config file at $ConfigPath.
        The Release used for finding PDPs under 'PDPRootPath' is MarchRelease.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification="Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
        [PSCustomObject] $ConfigObject,

        [string] $PDPRootPath,
        [string] $Release,

        [string[]] $PDPInclude,

        [string[]] $PDPExclude,

        [string[]] $LanguageExclude,
        [string] $ImagesRootPath

    # Add static properties and metadata about packaged binaries.
    $submissionRequestBody = $ConfigObject.iapSubmission

    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PDPRootPath))
        $submissionRequestBody | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "listings" -Value (New-Object System.Object)

        # Add listings information
        $listingsPath = $PDPRootPath

        # If 'Release' is present, no need to look within a sub-folder..
        if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Release))
            $pathWithRelease = Join-Path -Path $PDPRootPath -ChildPath $Release
            if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $pathWithRelease)
                $listingsPath = $pathWithRelease
                $out = @()
                $out += "'$pathWithRelease' is not a valid directory or cannot be found."
                $out += "Check the values of '$script:s_PDPRootPath' and '$script:s_Release' and try again."

                Write-Log ($out -join [Environment]::NewLine) -Level Error
                throw "Halt Execution"

        $listingsResources = @{
            $script:s_PDPRootPath = $listingsPath;
            $script:s_PDPInclude = $PDPInclude;
            $script:s_PDPExclude = $PDPExclude;
            $script:s_LanguageExclude = $LanguageExclude;
            $script:s_ImagesRootPath = $ImagesRootPath;

        $submissionRequestBody.listings = Convert-InAppProductListingsMetadata @listingsResources

    return $submissionRequestBody

function Resolve-PackageParameters
        Ensures all required values for New-SubmissionPackage exist.
        Ensures all required values for New-SubmissionPackage exist.
        If a parameter is not provided at runtime, this function will check the config
        for a value. If there is no valid value in the config, then it will throw an
    .PARAMETER ConfigObject
        Object representation of the config file passed to New-SubmissionPackage
    .PARAMETER ParamMap
        Hashtable mapping the parameters of New-SubmissionPackage (except for ConfigPath)
        to their provided values.
    .PARAMETER SkipValidation
        An array of parameters that this method should not attempt to validate.
        Hashtable with keys "PDPRootPath", "Release", "PDPInclude", "PDPExclude",
        "ImagesRootPath", "AppxPath", "OutPath", and "OutName", each with validated values.
        Resolve-PackagePaths -ConfigObject (Convert-AppConfig $ConfigPath) -ParamMap @{"AppxPath"=$null;"OutPath"=$null;"OutPath"=$null;"Release"=$null}
        Attempts to validate the "AppxPath", "OutPath", "OutName", and "Release" parameters by
        checking the config file for values.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="This is resolving multiple parameters at once. There is no option for resolving a single parameter.")]
        [PSCustomObject] $ConfigObject,

        [Hashtable] $ParamMap,

        [String[]] $SkipValidation = @()

    # Generic fail message. Format with parameter name.
    $out = @()
    $out += "No value found for parameter '{0}'"
    $out += "Provide a value at runtime or in the config file."
    $out = $out -join [Environment]::NewLine

    # Generic value from config message. Format with parameter name and value
    $fromConfig = "`tUsing config value: {0} = `"{1}`""

    # 'PDPRootPath' and 'ImagesRootPath' are optional.
    # Check if there is a runtime or config value.
    foreach ($param in $script:s_PDPRootPath, $script:s_ImagesRootPath)
        if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParamMap[$param]))
            $configVal = $ConfigObject.packageParameters.$param
            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($configVal))
                $ParamMap[$param] = $configVal
                Write-Log ($fromConfig -f $param, $configVal) -Level Verbose

        # Check if user specified a path but the directory does not exist
        $ParamMap[$param] = $ParamMap[$param] | Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }
        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParamMap[$param]))
            # Resolve path parameters to full paths. Necessary in case a path contains '.' or '..'
            $ParamMap[$param] = Convert-Path -Path $ParamMap[$param]

            if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $ParamMap[$param]))
                $out = "$($param): `"$($ParamMap[$param])`" is not a directory or cannot be found."

                Write-Log $out -Level Error
                throw "Halt Execution"

    if (($SkipValidation -inotcontains $script:s_PDPRootPath) -and ($SkipValidation -inotcontains $script:s_ImagesRootPath))
        # If either 'PDPRootPath' or 'ImagesRootPath' is present, both must be present
        if ((-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParamMap[$script:s_PDPRootPath])) -xor
            (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParamMap[$script:s_ImagesRootPath])))
            $out = @()
            $out += "Only one of '$script:s_PDPRootPath' and '$script:s_ImagesRootPath' was specified."
            $out += "If one of these parameters is specified, then both must be specified."

            Write-Log ($out -join [Environment]::NewLine) -Level Error
            throw "Halt Execution"

    if ($SkipValidation -inotcontains $script:s_OutPath)
        # 'OutPath' is mandatory.
        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParamMap[$script:s_OutPath]))
            $configVal = $ConfigObject.packageParameters.OutPath
            if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($configVal))
                Write-Log ($out -f $script:s_OutPath) -Level Error
                throw "Halt Execution"
                $ParamMap[$script:s_OutPath] = $configVal
                Write-Log ($fromConfig -f $script:s_OutPath, $configVal) -Level Verbose

        # Resolve path parameters to full paths. Necessary in case a path contains '.' or '..'
        $ParamMap[$script:s_OutPath] = Convert-Path -Path $ParamMap[$script:s_OutPath]

    if ($SkipValidation -inotcontains $script:s_OutName)
        # 'OutName' is mandatory.
        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParamMap[$script:s_OutName]))
            $configVal = $ConfigObject.packageParameters.OutName
            if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($configVal))
                Write-Log ($out -f $script:s_OutName) -Level Error
                throw "Halt Execution"
                $ParamMap[$script:s_OutName] = $configVal
                Write-Log ($fromConfig -f $script:s_OutName, $configVal) -Level Verbose

    # 'Release' is optional.
    # Look for a value but do not fail if none is found.
    if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParamMap[$script:s_Release]))
        $configVal = $ConfigObject.packageParameters.Release
        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($configVal))
            $ParamMap[$script:s_Release] = $configVal
            Write-Log ($fromConfig -f $script:s_Release, $configVal) -Level Verbose

    # 'LanguageExclude', 'PDPInclude', and 'PDPExclude' are optional.
    # They are arrays and so need to be handled differently
    foreach ($param in $script:s_PDPInclude, $script:s_PDPExclude, $script:s_LanguageExclude)
        if ($ParamMap[$param].Count -eq 0)
            $configVal = $ConfigObject.packageParameters.$param
            if ($configVal.Count -gt 0)
                $ParamMap[$param] = $configVal
                Write-Log ($fromConfig -f $param, ($configVal -join ', ')) -Level Verbose

        # Make sure we don't have null/empty strings
        $ParamMap[$param] = $ParamMap[$param] | Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }

    # Set 'PDPInclude' default if empty
    if ($ParamMap[$script:s_PDPInclude].Count -eq 0)
        $ParamMap[$script:s_PDPInclude] = @("*.xml")
        Write-Log "`tUsing default value: $script:s_PDPInclude = `"*.xml`"" -Level Verbose

    if ($SkipValidation -inotcontains $script:s_AppxPath)
        # 'AppxPath' is mandatory.
        if ($ParamMap[$script:s_AppxPath].Count -eq 0)
            $packagePaths = @()
            $validExtensions = $script:supportedExtensions | ForEach-Object { "*" + $_ }
            foreach ($path in $ConfigObject.packageParameters.AppxPath)
                if ((Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include $validExtensions -Path $path) -and ($path -notin $packagePaths))
                    $packagePaths += $path
                elseif ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:TFS_DropLocation))
                    $out = @()
                    $out += "`"$path`" is not a file or cannot be found."
                    $out += "See the `"$script:s_AppxPath`" object in the config file."

                    Write-Log ($out -join [Environment]::NewLine) -Level Error
                    throw "Halt Execution"
                    $path = Join-Path $env:TFS_DropLocation $path
                    if ((Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include $validExtensions -Path $path) -and ($path -notin $packagePaths))
                        $packagePaths += $path
                    elseif (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $path)
                        $fullPaths = (Get-ChildItem -File -Include $validExtensions -Path (Join-Path $path "*.*")).FullName
                        foreach ($fullPath in $fullPaths)
                            if ($fullPath -notin $packagePaths)
                                $packagePaths += $fullPath
                        $out = @()
                        $out += "Could not find a file with a supported extension ($($script:supportedExtensions -join ", ")) using the relative path: '$path'."
                        $out += "See the `"$script:s_AppxPath`" object in the config file."

                        Write-Log ($out -join [Environment]::NewLine) -Level Error
                        throw "Halt Execution"

            $ParamMap[$script:s_AppxPath] = $packagePaths
            $quotedVals = $packagePaths | ForEach-Object { "`"$_`"" }
            Write-Log ($fromConfig -f $script:s_AppxPath, ($quotedVals -join ', ')) -Level Verbose

        # Resolve AppxPath to a list of full paths.
        $ParamMap[$script:s_AppxPath] = $ParamMap[$script:s_AppxPath] | ForEach-Object { Convert-Path -Path $_ }

    if ($SkipValidation -inotcontains $script:s_DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting)
        # Switches always have a concrete value ($true or $false). Therefore, we'll only consider a
        # switch to have been passed-in from the command-line (thus, overriding the config's value)
        # if its value is $true.
        if (-not $ParamMap[$script:s_DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting])
            $configVal = $ConfigObject.packageParameters.DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting
            if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($configVal))
                $configVal = $false

            $ParamMap[$script:s_DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting] = $configVal
            Write-Log ($fromConfig -f $script:s_DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting, $configVal) -Level Verbose
    return $ParamMap

filter Remove-Comment
        Removes in-line comments starting with the comment delimiter
        (default is two forward-slashes "//"). Also removes any lines
        with only white-space.
    .PARAMETER CommentDelimiter
        String specifying the comment delimiter to use. Default is two
        forward-slashes, i.e. "//"
        The lines to be filtered. Normally this filter receives the lines
        as input from the pipeline.
        System.Object[] The filtered collection of lines
        "example", "test // input", "// remove this" | Remove-Comment
        "example", "test "

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Justification="Does not cause any change to system state. No value gained from ShouldProcess in this specific instance.")]
        [string] $CommentDelimiter = "//",

        [AllowEmptyString()] # Mandatory parameters usually do not allow empty string, causing an error. Allow them but filter them out.
        [string[]] $Line

    # Filter text following the comment delimiter, empty lines, and lines that are only whitespace.
    $Line |
        ForEach-Object { ($_ -split $CommentDelimiter)[0] } |
        Where-Object   {  $_ -notmatch '^\s*$' }

function Convert-AppConfig
        Opens the specified config file, removes comments, and returns the contents as a PSCustomObject
    .PARAMETER ConfigPath
        Full path to a .json file which will be interpreted as the Packaging Tool's config file
        Convert-AppConfig -ConfigPath 'C:\Some\Path\MapsConfig.json'
        Returns MapsConfig.json represented as a PSCustomObject

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $ConfigPath

    $lines = (Get-Content -Path $ConfigPath -Encoding UTF8 | Remove-Comment) -join ''
    return ($lines | ConvertFrom-Json)

function Join-SubmissionPackage
        Merges the specified content from an ancillary StoreBroker payload into the master payload.
        Merges the specified content from an ancillary StoreBroker payload into the master payload.
        This is most useful in the scenario where you have packages that are coming from different
        builds that should all be part of the same Store submission update.
        Users will only specify the .json files for the two payloads, with the expectation that
        the .zip will be at the same location and same name as its complementary .json file.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER MasterJsonPath
        The path to the .json file for the StoreBroker payload that will receive the additional
        specified content from AdditionalJsonPath. The .zip for this payload should be located
        in the same folder with the same root name.
    .PARAMETER AdditionalJsonPath
        The path to the .json file for the StoreBroker payload whose specified content will be
        merged into MasterJsonPath. The .zip for this payload should be located in the same
        folder with the same root name.
    .PARAMETER OutJsonPath
        The path to the .json file that should contain the merged content. A .zip file with
        the same root name will be placed here as well.
    .PARAMETER AddPackages
        If specified, the packages from AdditionalJsonPath will be merged with those in
        Join-SubmissionPackage c:\SBCallingRS1.json c:\SBCallingTH2.json c:\SBCallingMerged.json -AddPackages
        Creates a new json called c:\SBCallingMerged.json that is a direct copy of
        c:\SBCallingRS1.json. The application package entries from c:\SBCallingTH2.json will be
        copied into there, and the actual packages from c:\ will be copied into

        [ValidateScript({if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." }})]
        [string] $MasterJsonPath,
        [ValidateScript({if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." }})]
        [string] $AdditionalJsonPath,

        [ValidateScript({if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) {  throw "$_ already exists. Choose a different name." } else { $true }})]
        [string] $OutJsonPath,
        [switch] $AddPackages

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem

    # Fix the paths
    $MasterJsonPath = Convert-Path $MasterJsonPath
    $AdditionalJsonPath = Convert-Path $AdditionalJsonPath

    # Determine the paths to the zip files for these json files
    $masterZipPath = Join-Path (Split-Path $MasterJsonPath -Parent) "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($MasterJsonPath)).zip"
    $additionalZipPath = Join-Path (Split-Path $AdditionalJsonPath -Parent) "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($AdditionalJsonPath)).zip"
    $outZipPath = Join-Path (Split-Path $OutJsonPath -Parent) "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($OutJsonPath)).zip"

    # Make sure that these zip files actually exist.
    foreach ($zipFile in ($masterZipPath, $additionalZipPath))
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $zipFile -PathType Leaf))
            throw "Could not find [$zipFile]. We expect the .json and .zip to have the same base name."

    # Make sure that the output one *doesn't* exist
    if (Test-Path -Path $outZipPath -PathType Leaf)
        throw "[$outZipPath] already exists. Please choose a different name."

    # Warn the user if they didn't specify anything to actually get merged in.
    # At the moment, the only switch supported is AddPackages, but this may change over time.
    if (-not $AddPackages)
        $output = @()
        $output += "You have not specified any `"modification`" switch for joining the packages."
        $output += "This means that the new package payload will be identical to the Master [$MasterJsonPath]."
        $output += "If this was not your intention, please read-up on the documentation for this command:"
        $output += " Get-Help Join-PackagePayload -ShowWindow"
        Write-Log $($output -join [Environment]::NewLine) -Level Warning

    # Unpack the zips
    # out zip content will be based off of master, so we can just consider master's zip as "out"
    $outUnpackedZipPath = New-TemporaryDirectory
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($masterZipPath, "Unzip"))
        Write-Log "Unzipping archive [$masterZipPath] to [$outUnpackedZipPath]" -Level Verbose
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($masterZipPath, $outUnpackedZipPath)

    $additionalUnpackedZipPath = New-TemporaryDirectory
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($additionalZipPath, "Unzip"))
        Write-Log "Unzipping archive [$additionalZipPath] to [$additionalUnpackedZipPath]" -Level Verbose
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($additionalZipPath, $additionalUnpackedZipPath)

    # out json content will be based off of master, so we can just consider master's json as "out"
    $outJsonContent = (Get-Content -Path $MasterJsonPath -Encoding UTF8) | ConvertFrom-Json
    $additionalJsonContent = (Get-Content -Path $AdditionalJsonPath -Encoding UTF8) | ConvertFrom-Json

    if ($AddPackages)
        # We copy over all package changes from the "AdditionalJson", including package removals,
        # package uploads and specified retention of existing packages.
        Write-Log "Adding applicationPackages from [$AdditionalJsonPath] to [$OutJsonPath]" -Level Verbose
        $outJsonContent.applicationPackages += $additionalJsonContent.applicationPackages

        # Copy packages from Additional over to Master
        foreach ($package in $additionalJsonContent.applicationPackages)
            # Error if the same filename already exists.
            # We'll only try to copy over files that are marked as PendingUpload since those are
            # the only new ones that the API will attempt to process.
            if ($package.fileStatus -eq "PendingUpload")
                $destPath = Join-Path $outUnpackedZipPath $package.fileName
                if (Test-Path $destPath -PathType Leaf)
                    $output = "A package called [$($package.fileName)] already exists in the Master zip file."
                    Write-Log $output -Level Error
                    throw $output

                $sourcePath = Join-Path $additionalUnpackedZipPath $package.fileName
                Write-Log "Copying [$sourcePath] to [$destPath]" -Level Verbose
                Copy-Item -Path $sourcePath -Destination $destPath

    # Zip up out directory to $outZipPath
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($outZipPath, "Create zip"))
        Write-Log "Zipping [$outUnpackedZipPath] into [$outZipPath]" -Level Verbose
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($outUnpackedZipPath, $outZipPath)

    # Output the merged json
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($OutJsonPath, "Create json"))
        $outJsonContent | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $script:jsonConversionDepth -Compress | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath $OutJsonPath

    # Clean up the temp directories
    Write-Log "Cleaning up temp directories..." -Level Verbose
    Remove-Item -Path $outUnpackedZipPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Remove-Item -Path $additionalUnpackedZipPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function New-SubmissionPackage
        Top-level function for creating an application submission's JSON body
        and .zip package for upload.
        Creates the JSON body for a submission request. Localized listing metadata
        is taken from the path specified in the config file.
        The .appxbundle, .appxupload, and .appx files are given via the [-AppxPath] parameter.
        In the process of creating the JSON, the packaging tool also copies any specified
        images and .appx files to a .zip file.
        The .json and .zip files generated by this tool are given the common name specified by
        the [-OutName] parameter.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER ConfigPath
        Full path to the JSON file the Packaging Tool will use as the configuration file.
       There are two supported layouts for your PDP files:
           1. <PDPRootPath>\<lang-code>\...\PDP.xml
           2. <PDPRootPath>\<Release>\<lang-code>\...\PDP.xml
       The only difference between these two is that there is a <Release> directory after the
       <PDPRootPath> and before the <lang-code> sub-directories.
       The first layout is generally used when your localization system will be downloading
       the localized PDP files during your build. In that situation, it's always retrieving
       the latest version. Alternatively, if the latest localized versions of your PDP
       files are always stored in the same location, this layout is also for you.
       On the other hand, if you will be archiving the localized PDP's based on each release
       to the Store, then the second layout is the one that you should use. In this scenario,
       you will specify the value of "<Release>" immediately below, or at the commandline.
    .PARAMETER Release
        Optional. When specified, it is used to indicate the correct subfolder within
       'PDPRootPath' to find the PDP files to use.
        PDP filenames that SHOULD be processed.
        If not specified, the default is to process any XML files found in sub-directories
        of [-PDPRootPath].
        Wildcards are allowed, eg "ProductDescription*.xml".
        It is fine to specify both "PDPInclude" and "PDPExclude".
        PDP filenames that SHOULD NOT be processed.
        Wildcards are allowed, eg "ProductDescription*.xml".
        It is fine to specify both "PDPInclude" and "PDPExclude".
    .PARAMETER LanguageExclude
        Array of lang-code strings that SHOULD NOT be processed.
    .PARAMETER ImagesRootPath
        Your store screenshots must be placed with this structure:
        The 'Release' that will be used is NOT the value specified to StoreBroker,
        it is the 'Release' value found in the corresponding PDP file.
    .PARAMETER AppxPath
        Array of full paths to the architecture-neutral .appxbundle, .appxupload, or .appx
        files that will be uploaded as the new submission.
    .PARAMETER OutPath
        Full path to a directory where the Packaging Tool can write the .json submission request
        body and .zip package to upload.
    .PARAMETER OutName
        Common name to give to the .json and .zip files outputted by the Packaging Tool.
    .PARAMETER DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting
        By default, the packages will be renamed using a consistent naming scheme, which
        embeds the application name, version, as well as targeted platform and architecture.
        To retain the existing package filenames, specify this switch.
        New-SubmissionPackage -ConfigPath 'C:\Config\StoreBrokerConfig.json' -OutPath 'C:\Out\Path\' -OutName 'Upload' -Release MarchRelease -AppxPath 'C:\bin\App.appxbundle'
        This example creates the submission request body and .zip file for the architecture-neutral
        '.appxbundle' located at 'C:\bin\App.appxbundle'. Two files will be placed under 'C:\Out\Path\',
        'Upload.json' and ''
        New-SubmissionPackage -ConfigPath 'C:\Config\StoreBrokerConfig.json' -OutPath 'C:\Out\Path\' -OutName 'Upload' -Release MarchRelease -AppxPath 'C:\bin\App.appxbundle' -Verbose
        This example is the same except it specifies Verbose logging and the function will output a
        detailed report of its actions.
        New-SubmissionPackage -ConfigPath 'C:\Config\StoreBrokerConfig.json' -OutPath 'C:\Out\Path\' -OutName 'Upload' -Release MarchRelease -AppxPath 'C:\bin\x86\App_x86.appxupload', 'C:\Other\Path\Arm\App_arm.appxupload'
        This example is the same except it specifies an x86 and Arm build. Multiple files to
        include can be passed to 'AppxPath' by separating with a comma.

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $ConfigPath,

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Container $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $PDPRootPath,

        [string] $Release,

        [string[]] $PDPInclude,

        [string[]] $PDPExclude,

        [string[]] $LanguageExclude,

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Container $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $ImagesRootPath,

            foreach ($path in $_)
                if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Include ($script:supportedExtensions | ForEach-Object { "*" + $_ }) -Path $path))
                    throw "$_ cannot be found or is not a supported extension: $($script:supportedExtensions -join ", ")."

            return $true
        [string[]] $AppxPath,

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Container $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $OutPath,

        [string] $OutName,

        [switch] $DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting

    $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem

        # Preamble before printing invocation parameters
        Write-Log "New-SubmissionPackage invoked with parameters:" -Level Verbose
        Write-Log "`t$script:s_ConfigPath = `"$ConfigPath`"" -Level Verbose

        # Check the value of each parameter and add to parameter hashtable if not null.
        # Resolve-PackageParameters will take care of validating the values, we only need
        # to avoid splatting null values as this will generate a runtime exception.
        # Log the value of each parameter.
        $validationSet = $script:s_PDPRootPath, $script:s_Release, $script:s_PDPInclude, $script:s_PDPExclude, $script:s_LanguageExclude, $script:s_ImagesRootPath, $script:s_AppxPath, $script:s_OutPath, $script:s_OutName, $script:s_DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting
        $packageParams = @{}
        foreach ($param in $validationSet)
            $val = Get-Variable -Name $param -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
                   Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }

            # ([string] $null) -ne $null, is true.
            # Explicitly check the type of the value to avoid printing [string] params that are $null.
            if ((($val -isnot [System.String]) -and ($null -ne $val)) -or 
                (($val -is [System.String]) -and (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($val))))
                $packageParams[$param] = $val
                # Treat the value as if it is an array.
                # If it's not, it will still pretty print fine.
                $quotedVals = $val | ForEach-Object { "`"$_`"" }
                Write-Log "`t$param = $($quotedVals -join ', ')" -Level Verbose
        # Convert the Config.json
        $config = Convert-AppConfig -ConfigPath $ConfigPath

        # Check that all parameters are provided or specified in the config
        $validatedParams = Resolve-PackageParameters -ConfigObject $config -ParamMap $packageParams

        # Assign final, validated params
        $validationSet |
            Where-Object { $null -ne $validatedParams[$_] } |
            ForEach-Object { Set-Variable -Name $_ -Value $validatedParams[$_] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

        # Create a temp directory to work in
        $script:tempFolderPath = New-TemporaryDirectory

        # It may not actually exist due to What-If support.
        $script:tempFolderExists = (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:tempFolderPath)) -and 
                                   (Test-Path -PathType Container $script:tempFolderPath)

        # Get the submission request object
        $resourceParams = $script:s_PDPRootPath, $script:s_Release, $script:s_PDPInclude, $script:s_PDPExclude, $script:s_LanguageExclude, $script:s_ImagesRootPath, $script:s_AppxPath, $script:s_DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting
        $params = Get-Variable -Name $resourceParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
                  ForEach-Object { $m = @{} } { $m[$_.Name] = $_.Value } { $m } # foreach begin{} process{} end{}

        $AppxInfo = @()
        $submissionBody = Get-SubmissionRequestBody -ConfigObject $config -AppxInfo ([ref]$AppxInfo) @params

        Write-SubmissionRequestBody -JsonObject $submissionBody -OutFilePath (Join-Path $OutPath ($OutName + '.json'))

        # Zip the contents of the temporary directory. Then delete the temporary directory.
        $zipPath = Join-Path $OutPath ($OutName + '.zip')

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($zipPath, "Output to File") -and $script:tempFolderExists)
            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $zipPath)
                Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $zipPath

            [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($script:tempFolderPath, $zipPath)

        # Record the telemetry for this event.
        $telemetryMetrics = @{ [StoreBrokerTelemetryMetric]::Duration = $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds }
        # We may have app info for multiple packages. Let's normalize it.
        # By the very nature of how the Store works, all the packages have to be for the same app.
        # There can be multiple versions being submitted in a single submission. For our purposes,
        # we'll just use the last processed appx for this submission...that should be good enough.
        $telemetryProperties = @{}
        if ($AppxInfo.Count -gt 0)
            $telemetryProperties = $AppxInfo[$AppxInfo.Count - 1]

        Set-TelemetryEvent -EventName New-SubmissionPackage -Properties $telemetryProperties -Metrics $telemetryMetrics
        # We may have app info for multiple packages. Let's normalize it.
        # By the very nature of how the Store works, all the packages have to be for the same app.
        # There can be multiple versions being submitted in a single submission. For our purposes,
        # we'll just use the last processed appx for this submission...that should be good enough.
        $telemetryProperties = @{}
        if ($AppxInfo.Count -gt 0)
            $telemetryProperties = $AppxInfo[$AppxInfo.Count - 1]

        Set-TelemetryException -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorBucket "New-SubmissionPackage" -Properties $telemetryProperties
        Write-Log $($_.Exception.Message) -Level Error

        if ($script:tempFolderExists)
            Write-Log "Deleting temporary directory: $script:tempFolderPath" -Level Verbose
            Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $script:tempFolderPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage
        Top-level function for creating an in-app product submission's JSON body
        and .zip package for upload.
        Creates the JSON body for a submission request. Localized listing metadata
        is taken from the path specified in the config file.
        In the process of creating the JSON, the packaging tool also copies any specified
        images to a .zip file.
        The .json and .zip files generated by this tool are given the common name specified by
        the [-OutName] parameter.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER ConfigPath
        Full path to the JSON file the Packaging Tool will use as the configuration file.
       There are two supported layouts for your PDP files:
           1. <PDPRootPath>\<lang-code>\...\PDP.xml
           2. <PDPRootPath>\<Release>\<lang-code>\...\PDP.xml
       The only difference between these two is that there is a <Release> directory after the
       <PDPRootPath> and before the <lang-code> sub-directories.
       The first layout is generally used when your localization system will be downloading
       the localized PDP files during your build. In that situation, it's always retrieving
       the latest version. Alternatively, if the latest localized versions of your PDP
       files are always stored in the same location, this layout is also for you.
       On the other hand, if you will be archiving the localized PDP's based on each release
       to the Store, then the second layout is the one that you should use. In this scenario,
       you will specify the value of "<Release>" immediately below, or at the commandline.
    .PARAMETER Release
        Optional. When specified, it is used to indicate the correct subfolder within
       'PDPRootPath' to find the PDP files to use.
        PDP filenames that SHOULD be processed.
        If not specified, the default is to process any XML files found in sub-directories
        of [-PDPRootPath].
        Wildcards are allowed, eg "InAppProductDescription*.xml".
        It is fine to specify both "PDPInclude" and "PDPExclude".
        PDP filenames that SHOULD NOT be processed.
        Wildcards are allowed, eg "InAppProductDescription*.xml".
        It is fine to specify both "PDPInclude" and "PDPExclude".
    .PARAMETER LanguageExclude
        Array of lang-code strings that SHOULD NOT be processed.
    .PARAMETER ImagesRootPath
        Your icons must be placed with this structure:
        The 'Release' that will be used is NOT the value specified to StoreBroker,
        it is the 'Release' value found in the corresponding PDP file.
    .PARAMETER OutPath
        Full path to a directory where the Packaging Tool can write the .json submission request
        body and .zip package to upload.
    .PARAMETER OutName
        Common name to give to the .json and .zip files outputted by the Packaging Tool.
        New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage -ConfigPath 'C:\Config\StoreBrokerIAPConfig.json' -OutPath 'C:\Out\Path\' -OutName 'Upload' -Release MarchRelease
        This example creates the submission request body and .zip file for the IAP.Two files will
        be placed under 'C:\Out\Path\', 'Upload.json' and ''
        New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage -ConfigPath 'C:\Config\StoreBrokerIAPConfig.json' -OutPath 'C:\Out\Path\' -OutName 'Upload' -Release MarchRelease -Verbose
        This example is the same except it specifies Verbose logging and the function will output a
        detailed report of its actions.

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $ConfigPath,

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Container $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $PDPRootPath,

        [string] $Release,

        [string[]] $PDPInclude,

        [string[]] $PDPExclude,

        [string[]] $LanguageExclude,

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Container $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $ImagesRootPath,

        [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path -PathType Container $_) { $true } else { throw "$_ cannot be found." } })]
        [string] $OutPath,

        [string] $OutName

    $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem

        # Preamble before printing invocation parameters
        Write-Log "New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage invoked with parameters:" -Level Verbose
        Write-Log "`t$script:s_ConfigPath = `"$ConfigPath`"" -Level Verbose

        # Check the value of each parameter and add to parameter hashtable if not null.
        # Resolve-PackageParameters will take care of validating the values, we only need
        # to avoid splatting null values as this will generate a runtime exception.
        # Log the value of each parameter.
        $validationSet = $script:s_PDPRootPath, $script:s_Release, $script:s_PDPInclude, $script:s_PDPExclude, $script:s_LanguageExclude, $script:s_ImagesRootPath, $script:s_OutPath, $script:s_OutName
        $packageParams = @{}
        foreach ($param in $validationSet)
            $val = Get-Variable -Name $param -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
                   Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }

            # ([string] $null) -ne $null, is true.
            # Explicitly check the type of the value to avoid printing [string] params that are $null.
            if ((($val -isnot [System.String]) -and ($null -ne $val)) -or 
                (($val -is [System.String]) -and (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($val))))
                $packageParams[$param] = $val
                # Treat the value as if it is an array.
                # If it's not, it will still pretty print fine.
                $quotedVals = $val | ForEach-Object { "`"$_`"" }
                Write-Log "`t$param = $($quotedVals -join ', ')" -Level Verbose
        # Convert the Config.json
        $config = Convert-AppConfig -ConfigPath $ConfigPath

        # Check that all parameters are provided or specified in the config
        $validatedParams = Resolve-PackageParameters -ConfigObject $config -ParamMap $packageParams -SkipValidation @($script:s_DisableAutoPackageNameFormatting, $script:s_AppxPath)

        # Assign final, validated params
        $validationSet |
            Where-Object { $null -ne $validatedParams[$_] } |
            ForEach-Object { Set-Variable -Name $_ -Value $validatedParams[$_] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

        # Create a temp directory to work in
        $script:tempFolderPath = New-TemporaryDirectory

        # It may not actually exist due to What-If support.
        $script:tempFolderExists = (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:tempFolderPath)) -and 
                                   (Test-Path -PathType Container $script:tempFolderPath)

        # Get the submission request object
        $resourceParams = $script:s_PDPRootPath, $script:s_Release, $script:s_PDPInclude, $script:s_PDPExclude, $script:s_LanguageExclude, $script:s_ImagesRootPath
        $params = Get-Variable -Name $resourceParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
                  ForEach-Object { $m = @{} } { $m[$_.Name] = $_.Value } { $m } # foreach begin{} process{} end{}

        $submissionBody = Get-InAppProductSubmissionRequestBody -ConfigObject $config @params

        Write-SubmissionRequestBody -JsonObject $submissionBody -OutFilePath (Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath ($OutName + '.json'))

        # Zip the contents of the temporary directory. Then delete the temporary directory.
        $zipPath = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath ($OutName + '.zip')

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($zipPath, "Output to File") -and $script:tempFolderExists)
            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $zipPath)
                Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $zipPath

            [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($script:tempFolderPath, $zipPath)

        # Record the telemetry for this event.
        $telemetryMetrics = @{ [StoreBrokerTelemetryMetric]::Duration = $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds }
        Set-TelemetryEvent -EventName New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage -Metrics $telemetryMetrics
        Set-TelemetryException -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorBucket "New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage"
        Write-Log $($_.Exception.Message) -Level Error

        if ($script:tempFolderExists)
            Write-Log "Deleting temporary directory: $script:tempFolderPath" -Level Verbose
            Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $script:tempFolderPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# SIG # Begin signature block
# A1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSEw
# bmd0b24xEDAOBgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAcBgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jw
# V4oQO4+cu9wdeLc624e9W0bwCDnHpdxJqtEGkv7f+0kYpyYk8rpfCe+H2aCuA5F0
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# V5Fqfq9KmtjWDeqey2QBCAG9MxAqMo6Epe0IDbwVUbSG2PzM+rLSJ7s8p+/rxCbP
# GLixWlAtuY2qFn01/2fXtSaxhS4vNzpFhO/z/+m5fHm/j/88yzRvQfWptlQlSRdv
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# WfjSjWL9y8lfRjFQuScT5EAwz3IpECgixzdOPaAyPZDNoTgGhVxOVoIoKgUyt0vX
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# BEgwRjBEBggrBgEFBQcwAoY4aHR0cDovL3d3dy5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tL3BraS9j
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# iMm4GPoOco3Boz2vAkBq/2mbluIQqBC0N1AI1sM9MIIGBzCCA++gAwIBAgIKYRZo
# A1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSEw
# AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCfoWyx39tIkip8ay4Z4b3i48WZUSNQrc7dGE4kD+7R
# p9FMrXQwIBHrB9VUlRVJlBtCkq6YXDAm2gBr6Hu97IkHD/cOBJjwicwfyzMkh53y
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# J6yGT1VSDOQDLPtqkJAwbofzWTCd+n7Wl7PoIZd++NIT8wi3U21StEWQn0gASkdm
# EScpZqiX5NMGgUqi+YSnEUcUCYKfhO1VeP4Bmh1QCIUAEDBG7bfeI0a7xC1Un68e
# eEExd8yb3zuDk6FhArUdDbH895uyAc4iS1T/+QXDwiALAgMBAAGjggGrMIIBpzAP
# BgoJkiaJk/IsZAEZFgltaWNyb3NvZnQxLTArBgNVBAMTJE1pY3Jvc29mdCBSb290
# IENlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1dGhvcml0eYIQea0WoUqgpa1Mc1j0BxMuZTBQBgNVHR8E
# STBHMEWgQ6BBhj9odHRwOi8vY3JsLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NybC9wcm9k
# AQUFBzAChjhodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NlcnRzL01pY3Jv
# AQUFAAOCAgEAEJeKw1wDRDbd6bStd9vOeVFNAbEudHFbbQwTq86+e4+4LtQSooxt
# YrhXAstOIBNQmd16QOJXu69YmhzhHQGGrLt48ovQ7DsB7uK+jwoFyI1I4vBTFd1P
# q5Lk541q1YDB5pTyBi+FA+mRKiQicPv2/OR4mS4N9wficLwYTp2OawpylbihOZxn
# LcVRDupiXD8WmIsgP+IHGjL5zDFKdjE9K3ILyOpwPf+FChPfwgphjvDXuBfrTot/
# xTUrXqO/67x9C0J71FNyIe4wyrt4ZVxbARcKFA7S2hSY9Ty5ZlizLS/n+YWGzFFW
# 6J1wlGysOUzU9nm/qhh6YinvopspNAZ3GmLJPR5tH4LwC8csu89Ds+X57H2146So
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# 6Svpu/RIzCzU2DKATCYqSCRfWupW76bemZ3KOm+9gSd0BhHudiG/m4LBJ1S2sWo9
# iaF2YbRuoROmv6pH8BJv/YoybLL+31HIjCPJZr2dHYcSZAI9La9Zj7jkIeW1sMpj
# tHhUBdRBLlCslLCleKuzoJZ1GtmShxN1Ii8yqAhuoFuMJb+g74TKIdbrHk/Jmu5J
# 4PcBZW+JC33Iacjmbuqnl84xKf8OxVtc2E0bodj6L54/LlUWa8kTo/0xggS7MIIE
# A1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSMw
# SVNTRW5naW5lZXJpbmcvRW5nRnVuL1NpdGVQYWdlcy9Ib21lLmFzcHgwDQYJKoZI
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# SIG # End signature block