# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. <# .SYNOPSIS Script for converting an existing submission in the Store to the March 2016 PDP schema. .DESCRIPTION Script for converting an existing submission in the Store to the March 2016 PDP schema. The Git-repo for the StoreBroker module can be found here: http://aka.ms/StoreBroker .PARAMETER AppId The ID of the application that the PDP's will be getting created for. The most recent submission for this application will be used unless a SubmissionId is explicitly specified. .PARAMETER SubmissionId The ID of the application submission that the PDP's will be getting created for. The most recent submission for AppId will be used unless a value for this parameter is provided. .PARAMETER SubmissionId The submission object that you want to convert, which was previously retrieved. .PARAMETER Release The release to use. This value will be placed in each new PDP and used in conjunction with '-OutPath'. Some examples could be "1601" for a January 2016 release, "March 2016", or even just "1". .PARAMETER PdpFileName The name of the PDP file that will be generated for each region. .PARAMETER OutPath The output directory. This script will create two subfolders of OutPath: <OutPath>\PDPs\<Release>\ <OutPath>\Images\<Release>\ Each of these sub-folders will have region-specific subfolders for their file content. .EXAMPLE .\ConvertFrom-ExistingSubmission -AppId 0ABCDEF12345 -Release "March Release" -OutPath "C:\NewPDPs" Converts the data from the last published submission for AppId 0ABCDEF12345. The generated files will use the default name of "PDP.xml" and be located in lang-code specific sub-directories within c:\NewPDPs. .EXAMPLE .\ConvertFrom-ExistingSubmission -AppId 0ABCDEF12345 -SubmissionId 1234567890123456789 -Release "March Release" -PdpFileName "ProductDescription.xml" -OutPath "C:\NewPDPs" Converts the data from submission 1234567890123456789 for AppId 0ABCDEF12345 (which might be a published or pending submission). The generated files will be named "ProductDescription.xml" and will be located in lang-code specific sub-directories within c:\NewPDPs. .EXAMPLE .\ConvertFrom-ExistingSubmission -Submission $sub -Release "March Release" -OutPath "C:\NewPDPs" Converts the data from a submission object that was captured earlier in your PowerShell session. It might have come from Get-ApplicationSubmission, or it might have been generated some other way. This method of running the script was created more for debugging purposes, but others may find it useful. The generated files will use the default name of "PDP.xml" and be located in lang-code specific sub-directories within c:\NewPDPs. #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParametersetName = "UseApi")] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "UseApi", Position = 0)] [string] $AppId, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "UseApi", Position = 1)] [string] $SubmissionId = $null, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ProvideSubmission", Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject] $Submission = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Release, [string] $PdpFileName = "PDP.xml", [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $OutPath ) # Import Write-Log $rootDir = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $helpers = "$rootDir\StoreBroker\Helpers.ps1" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $helpers -PathType Leaf)) { throw "Script execution requires Helpers.ps1 which is part of the git repo. Please execute this script from within your cloned repo." } . $helpers #region Comment Constants $script:LocIdAttribute = "_locID" $script:LocIdFormat = "App_{0}" $script:CommentFormat = " _locComment_text=`"{{MaxLength={0}}} {1}`" " $script:CommentLockedFormat = " _locComment_text=`"{{Locked}} {0}`" " # Used by child nodes, will be formatted, appended with "{0}`"", and then formatted again. # Because of formatting twice, need to quadruple normal curly-braces. $script:CommentFormatN = " _locComment_text=`"{{{{MaxLength={0}}}}} {1} " $script:CommentFormatNClose = "{0}`" " # Used by parant nodes to describe the type/quantity of children. $script:SectionCommentFormat = " Valid length: {0} character limit, up to {1} elements " #endregion Comment Constants $script:ScreenshotAttributeMap = @{ "Screenshot" = "DesktopImage" "MobileScreenshot" = "MobileImage" "XboxScreenshot" = "XboxImage" "SurfaceHubScreenshot" = "SurfaceHubImage" "HoloLensScreenshot" = "HoloLensImage"} $script:AdditionalAssetNames = @( 'StoreLogo9x16', 'StoreLogoSquare', 'Icon', 'PromotionalArt16x9', 'PromotionalArtwork2400X1200', 'XboxBrandedKeyArt', 'XboxTitledHeroArt', 'XboxFeaturedPromotionalArt', 'SquareIcon358X358', 'BackgroundImage1000X800', 'PromotionalArtwork414X180') function Add-ToElement { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds an arbitrary number of comments and attributes to an XmlElement. .PARAMETER Element The XmlElement to be modified. .PARAMETER Comment An array of comments to add to the element. .PARAMETER Attribute A hashtable where the keys are the attribute names and the values are the attribute values. .NOTES If a provided attribute already exists on the Element, the Element will NOT be modified. It will ONLY be modified if the Element does not have that attribute. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$xml = [xml] (Get-Content $filePath) PS C:\>$root = $xml.DocumentElement PS C:\>Add-ToElement -Element $root -Comment "Comment1", "Comment2" -Attribute @{ "Attrib1"="Val1"; "Attrib2"="Val2" } Adds two comments and two attributes to the root element of the XML document. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Element, [string[]] $Comment, [hashtable] $Attribute ) if ($Comment.Count -gt 1) { # Reverse 'Comment' array in order to preserve order because of nature of 'Prepend' # Input array is modified in place, no need to capture result [Array]::Reverse($Comment) } foreach ($text in $Comment) { if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($text)) { $elem = $Element.OwnerDocument.CreateComment($text) $Element.PrependChild($elem) | Out-Null } } foreach ($key in $Attribute.Keys) { if ($null -eq $Element.$key) { $Element.SetAttribute($key, $Attribute[$key]) } else { $out = "For element $($Element.LocalName), did not create attribute '$key' with value '$($Attribute[$key])' because the attribute already exists." Write-Log -Message $out -Level Warning } } } function Add-ToChildren { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds comments and attributes to every child of the Parent element. .DESCRIPTION Adds comments and attributes to every child of the Parent element. Each comment and attribute is applied to each child. Comments and attribute values may use a format item, eg "{0}", but only the "0" index is valid. In other words, any number of "{0}" is fine but "{1}", "{2}", etc., is not. When, the comment/attribute is applied, it will be formatted with the index of the child, starting from one (this can be changed by the 'CountFrom' parameter). .PARAMETER Parent The Parent XmlElement. .PARAMETER Comment An array of comments to add to each child. A comment may have any number of "{0}" format items but cannot have "{1}", "{2}", etc. .PARAMETER Attribute A hashtable where the keys are the attribute names and the values are the attribute values. A attribute value may have any number of "{0}" format items but cannot have "{1}", "{2}", etc. .PARAMETER ChildNodeType Only children of the input type will be modified. Default is [System.Xml.XmlNodeType]::Element. .PARAMETER CountFrom The number to start enumerating from when labeling child nodes with an index. Default is one (1). .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$xml = [xml] (Get-Content $filePath) PS C:\>$root = $xml.DocumentElement PS C:\>Add-ToChildren -Parent $root -Comment "Static comment", "Child number {0}" -Attribute @{ "ID"="{0}" } For every child of $root, adds the input comments and attributes. After the function returns, the first child would have the new comment "Static comment", the new comment "Child number 1" and the new attribute "ID"="1". #> [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="More accurately reflects the likely outcome.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Parent, [string[]] $Comment, [hashtable] $Attribute, [System.Xml.XmlNodeType] $ChildNodeType = [System.Xml.XmlNodeType]::Element, [Int32] $CountFrom = 1 ) $Parent.ChildNodes | Where-Object NodeType -eq $ChildNodeType | ForEach-Object { $elem = $_ $comments = @() foreach ($text in ($Comment | Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) })) { $comments += ($text -f $CountFrom) } $attribs = @{} foreach ($keyval in ($Attribute.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.Value) })) { $attribs[$keyval.Key] = ($keyval.Value -f $CountFrom) } $params = @{ "Element" = $elem } if ($comments.Count -gt 0) { $params["Comment"] = $comments } if ($attribs.Keys.Count -gt 0) { $params["Attribute"] = $attribs } Add-ToElement @params $CountFrom++ } } function Ensure-RootChild { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the specified element as a child of the XML root node, only if that element does not exist already. .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to (potentially) modify. .PARAMETER Element The name of the element to existence check. .OUTPUTS XmlElement. Returns a reference to the (possibly newly created) element requested. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$xml = [xml] (Get-Content $filePath) PS C:\>Ensure-RootChild -Xml $xml -Element "SomeElement" $xml.DocumentElement.SomeElement now exists and is an XmlElement object. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "", Justification="Best description for purpose")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Element ) # ProductDescription node $root = $Xml.DocumentElement if ($root.GetElementsByTagName($Element).Count -eq 0) { $elem = $Xml.CreateElement($Element, $Xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI) $root.AppendChild($elem) | Out-Null } return $root.GetElementsByTagName($Element)[0] } function Add-AppStoreName { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the AppStoreName node. .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "AppStoreName" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName # These comments get added in reverse order. $comment = $elementNode.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" $($Listing.title) ") $elementNode.PrependChild($comment) | Out-Null # Add loc comment to parent (we need loc comments to be directly before the content) $maxChars = 200 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = @( ' This is optional. AppStoreName is typically extracted from your package''s AppxManifest DisplayName property. ', ' Uncomment (and localize) this Store name if your application package does not contain a localization for the DisplayName in this language. ', ' Leaving this uncommented for a language that your application package DOES contain a DisplayName for will result in a submission failure with the API. ', ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "App $elementName")); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-Keywords { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the keyword nodes .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="This is the existing name of the section within the PDP.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "Keywords" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName foreach ($keyword in $Listing.keywords) { $child = $Xml.CreateElement("Keyword", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $child.InnerText = $keyword $elementNode.AppendChild($child) | Out-Null } # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 30 $maxChildren = 7 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = ($script:SectionCommentFormat -f $maxChars, $maxChildren); } Add-ToElement @paramSet # Add comment to children $maxChars = 30 $paramSet = @{ "Parent" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f "keyword") + "{0}" }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormatN -f $maxChars, "App keyword") + $script:CommentFormatNClose; } Add-ToChildren @paramSet } function Add-Description { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the description node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "Description" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.description # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 10000 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "App $elementName"); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-ShortDescription { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the ShortDescription node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "ShortDescription" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.shortDescription # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 500 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = @( ' Only used for games. This description appears in the Information section of the Game Hub on Xbox One, and helps customers understand more about your game. ', ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "App $elementName")); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-ShortTitle { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the ShortTitle node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "ShortTitle" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.shortTitle # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 50 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = @( ' A shorter version of your product''s name. If provided, this shorter name may appear in various places on Xbox One (during installation, in Achievements, etc.) in place of the full title of your product. ', ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "App $elementName")); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-SortTitle { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the SortTitle node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "SortTitle" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.sortTitle # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 255 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = @( ' If your product could be alphabetized in different ways, you can enter another version here. This may help customers find the product more quickly when searching. ', ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "App $elementName")); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-VoiceTitle { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the VoiceTitle node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "VoiceTitle" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.voiceTitle # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 255 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = @( ' An alternate name for your product that, if provided, may be used in the audio experience on Xbox One when using Kinect or a headset. ', ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "App $elementName")); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-DevStudio { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the DevStudio node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "DevStudio" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.devStudio # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 255 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = @( ' Specify this value if you want to include a "Developed by" field in the listing. (The "Published by" field will list the publisher display name associated with your account, whether or not you provide a devStudio value.) ', ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "App $elementName")); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-ReleaseNotes { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the release notes node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="This is the existing name of the section within the PDP.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "ReleaseNotes" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.releaseNotes # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 1500 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "App Release Note"); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-ScreenshotCaptions { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the caption nodes and associates the related images as attributes to those captions. .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. .OUTPUTS [String[]] Array of image names that the captions reference #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="This is the existing name of the section within the PDP.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $imageNames = @() # Group the images together by captions (so that we only have one caption element for the # same caption text) $captionImageMap = [ordered]@{} $noCaptionImages = @() $Listing.images | ForEach-Object { $imageType = $_.imageType $fileName = Split-Path -Path ($_.fileName) -Leaf $description = $_.description if (-not $script:ScreenshotAttributeMap.Contains($imageType)) { if (-not $script:AdditionalAssetNames.Contains($imageType)) { Write-Warning "Image [$fileName] of type [$imageType] defined for [$Lang] listing, but is not supported by PDP converter. Skipping adding of the image to PDP." } return # acts like a "continue" in a ForEach-Object } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($description)) { $noCaptionImages += @{ $imageType = $fileName } return } if ($null -eq $captionImageMap[$description]) { # Note: PSScriptAnalyzer falsely flags this next line as PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment due to: # https://github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer/issues/699 $captionImageMap[$description] = @{} } ($captionImageMap[$description])[$imageType] = $fileName } # Create ScreenshotCaptions node if it does not exist $elementName = "ScreenshotCaptions" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName # Now, we'll create a new caption node for each known unique caption, setting an attribute # for any imagetype that has a screenshot using that caption foreach ($caption in $captionImageMap.Keys) { $child = $Xml.CreateElement("Caption", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $child.InnerText = $caption foreach ($screenshotType in $captionImageMap.$caption.Keys) { $imageName = $captionImageMap.$caption[$screenshotType] $child.SetAttribute($script:ScreenshotAttributeMap[$screenshotType], $imageName) $imageNames += $imageName } $elementNode.AppendChild($child) | Out-Null } # Now we'll create new caption nodes for images that had no captions foreach ($image in $noCaptionImages) { $child = $Xml.CreateElement("Caption", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $imageName = $image.Values[0] $child.SetAttribute($script:ScreenshotAttributeMap[$image.Keys[0]], $imageName) $elementNode.AppendChild($child) | Out-Null $imageNames += $imageName } # Add comments to parent $paramSets = @() $paramSets += @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = " Valid attributes: any of DesktopImage, MobileImage, XboxImage, SurfaceHubImage, and HoloLensImage " } $maxChars = 200 $maxChildren = 9 $paramSets += @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = ("${script:SectionCommentFormat}per platform " -f $maxChars, $maxChildren); } foreach ($paramSet in $paramSets) { Add-ToElement @paramSet } # Add comment to children $maxChars = 200 $paramSet = @{ "Parent" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f "caption") + "{0}" }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormatN -f $maxChars, "Screenshot caption") + $script:CommentFormatNClose; } Add-ToChildren @paramSet return $imageNames } function Add-AdditionalAssets { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the additional asset nodes and associates the related images as attributes to those elements. .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. .OUTPUTS [String[]] Array of image names that the elements reference #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification = "This is the existing name of the section within the PDP.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $imageNames = @() # Create AdditionalAssets node if it does not exist $elementName = "AdditionalAssets" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $Listing.images | ForEach-Object { $imageType = $_.imageType $imageName = Split-Path -Path ($_.fileName) -Leaf # We intentionally don't bother capturing the description for these since it's not relevant. if (-not $script:AdditionalAssetNames.Contains($imageType)) { # No need to spit out a warning here...it would have already happened # during Add-ScreenshotCaptions. return # acts like a "continue" in a ForEach-Object } $imageNames += $imageName $child = $Xml.CreateElement($imageType, $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $child.SetAttribute('FileName', $imageName) $elementNode.AppendChild($child) | Out-Null } # Add comments to parent $paramSets = @() $paramSets += @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = " Valid elements: StoreLogo9x16, StoreLogoSquare, Icon (use this value for the 1:1 300x300 pixels logo), " } $paramSets += @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = " PromotionalArt16x9, PromotionalArtwork2400X1200, XboxBrandedKeyArt, XboxTitledHeroArt, XboxFeaturedPromotionalArt, " } $paramSets += @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = " SquareIcon358X358, BackgroundImage1000X800, PromotionalArtwork414X180 " } $paramSets += @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = " There is no content for any of these elements, just a single attribute called FileName. " } [array]::Reverse($paramSets) # Reverse the array to ensure that they appear in this order foreach ($paramSet in $paramSets) { Add-ToElement @paramSet } return $imageNames } function Add-Trailers { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the trailers node and associates the related trailers, titles and screenshots. .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Submission Ths submission object that was used to generate the set of PDP files. .PARAMETER Lang The language / region code for the PDP (e.g. "en-us") .OUTPUTS [String[]] Array of asset names (trailers and screenshots) that are referenced #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification = "This is the existing name of the section within the PDP.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Submission, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Lang ) $assetFileNames = @() # Create ScreenshotCaptions node if it does not exist $elementName = "Trailers" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $maxChildren = 15 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = (" Maximum number of trailers permitted: {0} " -f $maxChildren); } Add-ToElement @paramSet $trailerCount = 0 foreach ($trailer in $Submission.trailers) { foreach ($language in ($trailer.trailerAssets | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty)) { $langCode = $language.Name if ($langCode -ne $Lang) { continue } $trailerCount++ # There's an entry for this trailer, for this language, so add it to the PDP $trailerFileName = Split-Path -Path ($trailer.videoFileName) -Leaf $assetFileNames += $trailerFileName $title = $trailer.trailerAssets.$langCode.title $screenshotDescription = $trailer.trailerAssets.$langCode.imageList[0].description $screenshotFileName = Split-Path -Path ($trailer.trailerAssets.$langCode.imageList[0].fileName) -Leaf if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($screenshotFileName)) { # The API doesn't seem to always return the screenshot filename. # We'll guard against that by only adding the value to our asset array # if there's a value. $assetFileNames += $screenshotFileName } $trailerElement = $Xml.CreateElement("Trailer", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $trailerElement.SetAttribute('FileName', $trailerFileName) $elementNode.AppendChild($trailerElement) | Out-Null $titleElement = $Xml.CreateElement("Title", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $titleElement.InnerText = $title $trailerElement.AppendChild($titleElement) | Out-Null $maxChars = 255 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $titleElement; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f "trailerTitle") + $trailerCount }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "Trailer title $trailerCount"); } Add-ToElement @paramSet $imagesElement = $Xml.CreateElement("Images", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $trailerElement.AppendChild($imagesElement) | Out-Null $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $imagesElement; "Comment" = ' Current maximum of 1 image per trailer permitted. '; } Add-ToElement @paramSet $imageElement = $Xml.CreateElement("Image", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $imageElement.SetAttribute('FileName', $screenshotFileName) $imageElement.InnerText = $screenshotDescription $imagesElement.AppendChild($imageElement) | Out-Null $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $imageElement; "Comment" = ($script:CommentLockedFormat -f "Trailer screenshot $trailerCount description"); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } } return $assetFileNames } function Add-AppFeatures { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the app features nodes .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="This is the existing name of the section within the PDP.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "AppFeatures" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName foreach ($feature in $Listing.features) { $child = $Xml.CreateElement("AppFeature", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $child.InnerText = $feature $elementNode.AppendChild($child) | Out-Null } # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 200 $maxChildren = 20 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = ($script:SectionCommentFormat -f $maxChars, $maxChildren); } Add-ToElement @paramSet # Add comment to children $maxChars = 200 $paramSet = @{ "Parent" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f "feature") + "{0}" }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormatN -f $maxChars, "App Feature") + $script:CommentFormatNClose; } Add-ToChildren @paramSet } function Add-RecommendedHardware { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the recommended hardware nodes .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "RecommendedHardware" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName foreach ($recommendation in $Listing.recommendedHardware) { $child = $Xml.CreateElement("Recommendation", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $child.InnerText = $recommendation $elementNode.AppendChild($child) | Out-Null } # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 200 $maxChildren = 11 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = $script:SectionCommentFormat -f $maxChars, $maxChildren; } Add-ToElement @paramSet # Add comment to children $maxChars = 200 $paramSet = @{ "Parent" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f "RecommendedHW") + "{0}" }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormatN -f $maxChars, "App Recommended Hardware") + $script:CommentFormatNClose; } Add-ToChildren @paramSet } function Add-MinimumHardware { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the minimum hardware nodes .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "MinimumHardware" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName foreach ($minimumRequirement in $Listing.minimumHardware) { $child = $Xml.CreateElement("MinimumRequirement", $xml.productDescription.NamespaceURI) $child.InnerText = $minimumRequirement $elementNode.AppendChild($child) | Out-Null } # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 200 $maxChildren = 11 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Comment" = $script:SectionCommentFormat -f $maxChars, $maxChildren; } Add-ToElement @paramSet # Add comment to children $maxChars = 200 $paramSet = @{ "Parent" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f "MinimumRequirementHW") + "{0}" }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormatN -f $maxChars, "App Minimum Required Hardware") + $script:CommentFormatNClose; } Add-ToChildren @paramSet } function Add-CopyrightAndTrademark { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the CopyrightAndTrademark node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "CopyrightAndTrademark" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.copyrightAndTrademarkInfo # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 200 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f "CopyrightandTrademark") }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "Copyright and Trademark"); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-AdditionalLicenseTerms { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the AdditionalLicenseTerms node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="This is the existing name of the section within the PDP.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "AdditionalLicenseTerms" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.licenseTerms # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 10000 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "Additional License Terms"); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-WebsiteUrl { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the WebsiteURL node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "WebsiteURL" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.websiteUrl # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 2048 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, $elementName); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-SupportContact { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the SupportContact node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "SupportContactInfo" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.supportContact # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 2048 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f $elementName) }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "Support Contact Info"); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function Add-PrivacyPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the PrivacyPolicy node .PARAMETER Xml The XmlDocument to modify. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for a specific Lang. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Xml, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing ) $elementName = "PrivacyPolicyURL" $elementNode = Ensure-RootChild -Xml $Xml -Element $elementName $elementNode.InnerText = $Listing.privacyPolicy # Add comment to parent $maxChars = 2048 $paramSet = @{ "Element" = $elementNode; "Attribute" = @{ $script:LocIdAttribute = ($script:LocIdFormat -f "PrivacyURL") }; "Comment" = ($script:CommentFormat -f $maxChars, "Privacy Policy URL"); } Add-ToElement @paramSet } function ConvertFrom-Listing { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a base listing for an existing submission into a PDP file that conforms with the March 2016 PDP schema. .PARAMETER Submission The submission object that was used to generate the set of PDP files. .PARAMETER Listing The base listing from the submission for the indicated Lang. .PARAMETER Lang The language / region code for the PDP (e.g. "en-us") .PARAMETER Release The release to use. This value will be placed in each new PDP. Some examples could be "1601" for a January 2016 release, "March 2016", or even just "1". .PARAMETER PdpRootPath The root / base path that all of the language sub-folders will go for the PDP files. .PARAMETER FileName The name of the PDP file that will be generated. .OUTPUTS [String[]] Array of media asset file names that are referenced .EXAMPLE ConvertFrom-Listing -Submission $sub -Listing ($sub.listings."en-us".baseListing) -Lang "en-us" -Release "1701" -PdpRootPath "C:\PDPs\" -FileName "PDP.xml" Converts the given "en-us" base listing to the current PDP schema, and saves it to "c:\PDPs\en-us\PDP.xml" #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Submission, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Listing, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Lang, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Release, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $PdpRootPath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $FileName ) $xml = [xml]([String]::Format('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ProductDescription language="en-us" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/2012/ProductDescription" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xml:lang="{0}" Release="{1}"/>', $Lang, $Release)) Add-AppStoreName -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-Keywords -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-Description -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-ShortDescription -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-ShortTitle -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-SortTitle -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-VoiceTitle -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-DevStudio -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-ReleaseNotes -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing $screenshotFileNames = Add-ScreenshotCaptions -Xml $xml -Listing $Listing $additionalAssetFileNames = Add-AdditionalAssets -Xml $xml -Listing $Listing $trailerFileNames = Add-Trailers -Xml $xml -Submission $Submission -Lang $Lang Add-AppFeatures -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-RecommendedHardware -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-MinimumHardware -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-CopyrightAndTrademark -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-AdditionalLicenseTerms -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-WebsiteUrl -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-SupportContact -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing Add-PrivacyPolicy -Xml $Xml -Listing $Listing # Save XML object to file $filePath = Ensure-PdpFilePath -PdpRootPath $PdpRootPath -Lang $Lang -FileName $FileName $xml.Save($filePath) # Post-process the file to ensure CRLF (sometimes is only LF). $content = Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path $filePath $content -join [Environment]::NewLine | Out-File -Force -Encoding utf8 -FilePath $filePath # PowerShell likes to convert arrays of single items back to individual items. # We need to ensure that we're definitely concatenting arrays together, and don't have # any single items in there. Therefore, we wrap each variable in an array to force it # to be an array for merging purposes. $mediaFileNames = @($screenshotFileNames) + @($additionalAssetFileNames) + @($trailerFileNames) return $mediaFileNames } function Ensure-PdpFilePath { <# .SYNOPSIS Ensures that the containing folder for a PDP file that will be generated exists so that it can successfully be written. .DESCRIPTION Ensures that the containing folder for a PDP file that will be generated exists so that it can successfully be written. .PARAMETER PdpRootPath The root / base path that all of the language sub-folders will go for the PDP files. .PARAMETER Lang The language / region code for the PDP (e.g. "en-us") .PARAMETER FileName The name of the PDP file that will be generated. .EXAMPLE Ensure-PdpFilePath -PdpRootPath "C:\PDPs\" -Lang "en-us" -FileName "PDP.xml" Ensures that the path c:\PDPs\en-us\ exists, creating any sub-folder along the way as necessary, and then returns the path "c:\PDPs\en-us\PDP.xml" .OUTPUTS [String] containing the full path to the PDP file. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "", Justification="Best description for purpose")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $PdpRootPath, [string] $Lang, [string] $FileName ) $dropFolder = Join-Path -Path $PdpRootPath -ChildPath $Lang if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $dropFolder)) { New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path $dropFolder | Out-Null } return (Join-Path -Path $dropFolder -ChildPath $FileName) } function Show-AssetFileNames { <# .SYNOPSIS Informs the user what the asset filenames are that they need to make available to StoreBroker. .DESCRIPTION Informs the user what the asset filenames are that they need to make available to StoreBroker. .PARAMETER LangAssetNames A hashtable, indexed by langcode, containing an array of asset names that the listing for that langcode references. .PARAMETER Release The release name that was added to the PDP files. .PARAMETER Submission Ths submission object that was used to generate the set of PDP files. .EXAMPLE Show-AssetFileNames -LangAssetNames $langAssetNames -Release "1701" -Submission $sub #> [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="The most common scenario is that there will be multiple assets, not a singular asset.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [hashtable] $LangAssetNames, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Release, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Submission ) # If there are no assets, nothing to do here if ($LangAssetNames.Count -eq 0) { return } Write-Log -Message @( "You now need to find all of your assets and place them here: <ImagesRootPath>\$Release\<langcode>\...", " where <ImagesRootPath> is the path defined in your config file,", " and <langcode> is the same langcode for the directory of the PDP file referencing those assets.") # Quick analysis to help teams out if they need to do anything special with their PDP's $langs = $LangAssetNames.Keys | ConvertTo-Array $seenAssets = $LangAssetNames[$langs[0]] $assetsDiffer = $false for ($i = 1; ($i -lt $langs.Count) -and (-not $assetsDiffer); $i++) { if (($LangAssetNames[$langs[$i]].Count -ne $seenAssets.Count)) { $assetsDiffer = $true break } foreach ($asset in $LangAssetNames[$langs[$i]]) { if ($seenAssets -notcontains $asset) { $assetsDiffer = $true break } } } # Now show the user the asset filenames if ($assetsDiffer) { Write-Log -Level Warning -Message @( "It appears that you don't have consistent assets across all languages.", "While StoreBroker supports this scenario, some localization systems may", "not support this without additional work. Please refer to the FAQ in", "the documentation for more info on how to best handle this scenario.") $output = @() $output += "The currently referenced asset filenames, per langcode, are as follows:" foreach ($langCode in ($LangAssetNames.Keys.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object)) { $output += " * [$langCode]: " + ($LangAssetNames.$langCode -join ", ") } Write-Log -Message $output } else { Write-Log -Message @( "Every language that has a PDP references the following assets:", "`t$($seenAssets -join `"`n`t`")") } if ($Submission.trailers.Count -gt 0) { Write-Log -Level Warning -Message @( "Your generated PDP files are missing the trailer screenshot filenames due to API limitations.", "You will need to manually update the PDP with those filenames before the PDP's can be used.", "", "Additionally, you should review the generated PDP files and add the appropriate", "`"FallbackLanguage`" attributes (review Documentation/PDP.md for more info)", "so that trailers (and possibly trailer screenshots) can be easily shared across languages." ) } } # function Main is invoked at the bottom of the file function Main { [CmdletBinding()] param() if ($null -eq (Get-Module StoreBroker)) { $message = "The StoreBroker module is not available in this PowerShell session. Please import the module, authenticate correctly using Set-StoreBrokerAuthentication, and try again." throw $message } $sub = $Submission if ($null -eq $sub) { if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubmissionId)) { $app = Get-Application -AppId $AppId $SubmissionId = $app.lastPublishedApplicationSubmission.id } $sub = Get-ApplicationSubmission -AppId $AppId -SubmissionId $SubmissionId } $langAssetNames = @{} $langs = ($sub.listings | Get-Member -type NoteProperty) $pdpsGenerated = 0 $langs | ForEach-Object { $lang = $_.Name Write-Log -Message "Creating PDP for $lang" -Level Verbose Write-Progress -Activity "Generating PDP" -Status $lang -PercentComplete $(($pdpsGenerated / $langs.Count) * 100) try { $assetFileNames = ConvertFrom-Listing -Submission $sub -Listing ($sub.listings.$lang.baseListing) -Lang $lang -Release $Release -PdpRootPath $OutPath -FileName $PdpFileName $langAssetNames[$lang] = $assetFileNames $pdpsGenerated++ } catch { Write-Log -Message "Error creating [$lang] PDP:" -Exception $_ -Level Error throw } } Write-Log -Message "PDP's have been created here: $OutPath" Show-AssetFileNames -LangAssetNames $langAssetNames -Release $Release -Submission $sub } # Script body $OutPath = Resolve-UnverifiedPath -Path $OutPath # function Main invocation Main # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIdjgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIdfzCCHXsCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUhz38KCRgzw547ZCXwVSskPun # tKygghhqMIIE2jCCA8KgAwIBAgITMwAAARJR3eL3y0UfJQAAAAABEjANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQUFADB3MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKV2FzaGluZ3RvbjEQMA4G # A1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSEw # HwYDVQQDExhNaWNyb3NvZnQgVGltZS1TdGFtcCBQQ0EwHhcNMTgwODIzMjAyMDQ2 # WhcNMTkxMTIzMjAyMDQ2WjCByjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCldhc2hp # bmd0b24xEDAOBgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAcBgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jw # b3JhdGlvbjElMCMGA1UECxMcTWljcm9zb2Z0IEFtZXJpY2EgT3BlcmF0aW9uczEm # MCQGA1UECxMdVGhhbGVzIFRTUyBFU046N0FCNS0yREYyLURBM0YxJTAjBgNVBAMT # HE1pY3Jvc29mdCBUaW1lLVN0YW1wIFNlcnZpY2UwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA # A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCxKhFLk4yV/ATVxZhrfgsG1ncSMfX7XmRzxXzcwo0UrGHu # yGEH0qDzOBLhV+EhIKjbspG5Dst+nd0O6SgKA/R2K6Upy/6aLl7hIZh2HDXoLS1I # SmT8NSxUh3rL/UtT5BESj7yw9siYCOnZxxOpCM3mVCFcoKBNotKqRyuneewqNS/h # jVPhQC7aOSy6ISXLODc1mJiP8wqoEili7hRTFSvCOAJnrvYdt35bpQdFECXXTxLV # A4qkfg/PrntBXOY9GFWV0/DvJVaog5yJFZL9sBqL+Gi/62NM348lAraJHi92Il6D # VrqU8Dln5Ol1IOzhokhGtK221XJzaGR72zm4koZjAgMBAAGjggEJMIIBBTAdBgNV # HQ4EFgQUJYVHqKDx7pVwpWGQ7W1nR0MA00swHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUIzT42VJGcArt # QPt2+7MrsMM1sw8wVAYDVR0fBE0wSzBJoEegRYZDaHR0cDovL2NybC5taWNyb3Nv # ZnQuY29tL3BraS9jcmwvcHJvZHVjdHMvTWljcm9zb2Z0VGltZVN0YW1wUENBLmNy # bDBYBggrBgEFBQcBAQRMMEowSAYIKwYBBQUHMAKGPGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWljcm9z # b2Z0LmNvbS9wa2kvY2VydHMvTWljcm9zb2Z0VGltZVN0YW1wUENBLmNydDATBgNV # HSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDCDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAnHGWze2c1Bl3g2HO # gwLALndFRHGOqTcpyolE7iqZUKE+bY2Hga6jQm565BhHHLF6N9WNDAFieSB8FVrN # PAptJp7bEQLsgUN9Ed5BWyMdnzx6Fb8A+ERl7KXLzHq7uULdCZreIN+OT+q6nSvT # 99JpSJoMTbAA2Czo0dpyHh20oL4RLE3KWzczmnxn24R0JXw3DtoAjK6LQ8QkB14B # 27uPScdO8YJnUEIK1urDQF6XhwNzSMx7peQH/JhiAxqFT8mPsA8hbtNjLFQQliym # HGqSLElTdyVHaoAC9UJmkn80xWorXCWvRt6yUY9IiherBvfB3f3KUO2yDIBGRk4s # 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