$SGW_PROFILE_PATH = "$HOME/.sgw/" $SGW_CREDENTIALS_FILE = $SGW_PROFILE_PATH + "credentials" # workarounds for PowerShell issues if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Add-Type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ # StorageGRID supports TLS 1.2 and PowerShell does not auto negotiate it, thus enforcing TLS 1.2 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # Using .NET JSON Serializer as JSON serialization included in Invoke-RestMethod has a length restriction for JSON content Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Extensions $global:javaScriptSerializer = New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer $global:javaScriptSerializer.MaxJsonLength = [System.Int32]::MaxValue $global:javaScriptSerializer.RecursionLimit = 99 # Functions necessary to parse JSON output from .NET serializer to PowerShell Objects function ParseItem($jsonItem) { if ($jsonItem.PSObject.TypeNames -match "Array") { return ParseJsonArray($jsonItem) } elseif ($jsonItem.PSObject.TypeNames -match "Dictionary") { return ParseJsonObject([HashTable]$jsonItem) } else { return $jsonItem } } function ParseJsonObject($jsonObj) { $Response = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject foreach ($key in $jsonObj.Keys) { $item = $jsonObj[$key] if ($item) { $parsedItem = ParseItem $item } else { $parsedItem = $null } $Response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $parsedItem } return $Response } function ParseJsonArray($jsonArray) { $Response = @() $jsonArray | ForEach-Object { $Response += ,(ParseItem $_) } return $Response } function ParseJsonString($json) { $config = $javaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject($json) if ($config -is [Array]) { return ParseJsonArray($config) } else { return ParseJsonObject($config) } } } ### Helper Functions ### function ParseErrorForResponseBody($Error) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { if ($Error.Exception.Response) { $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Error.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()) $Reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 $Reader.DiscardBufferedData() $ResponseBody = $Reader.ReadToEnd() if ( $ResponseBody.StartsWith('{')) { $ResponseBody = $ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json } return $ResponseBody } } else { return $Error.ErrorDetails.Message } } # helper function to convert datetime to unix timestamp function ConvertTo-UnixTimestamp { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Date to be converted.")][DateTime[]]$Date, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Unit of timestamp.")][ValidateSet("Seconds", "Milliseconds")][String]$Unit = "Milliseconds" ) BEGIN { $epoch = Get-Date -Year 1970 -Month 1 -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 } PROCESS { if ($Unit = "Seconds") { Write-Output ([math]::truncate($Date.ToUniversalTime().Subtract($epoch).TotalSeconds)) } else { Write-Output ([math]::truncate($Date.ToUniversalTime().Subtract($epoch).TotalMilliSeconds)) } } } # helper function to convert unix timestamp to datetime function ConvertFrom-UnixTimestamp { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Timestamp to be converted.")][String]$Timestamp, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Unit of timestamp.")][ValidateSet("Seconds", "Milliseconds")][String]$Unit = "Milliseconds", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Optional Timezone to be used as basis for Timestamp. Default is system Timezone.")][System.TimeZoneInfo]$Timezone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local ) PROCESS { $Timestamp = @($Timestamp) foreach ($Timestamp in $Timestamp) { if ($Unit -eq "Seconds") { $Date = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddSeconds($Timestamp), $Timezone) } else { $Date = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliseconds($Timestamp), $Timezone) } Write-Output $Date } } } function ConvertFrom-SgwConfigFile { #private [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory=$True, Position=0, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Config File")][String]$SgwConfigFile ) Process { # TODO: Verify that folder is only readable by current user if (!(Test-Path $SgwConfigFile)) { throw "Config file $SgwConfigFile does not exist!" } Write-Verbose "Reading StorageGRID Configuration from $SgwConfigFile" $Content = Get-Content -Path $SgwConfigFile -Raw # convert to JSON structure # replace all carriage returns $Content = $Content -replace "\r","" # remove empty lines $Content = $Content -replace "(\n$)*", "" # remove profile string from profile section $Content = $Content -replace "profile ", "" # remove keys with empty value $Content = $Content -replace "\n\s*([^=\s`"]+)\s*=\s*\n","`n" # replace key value pairs with quoted key value pairs and replace = with : $Content = $Content -replace "\n\s*([^=\s`"]+)\s*=\s*([^\s\n]*)","`n`"`$1`":`"`$2`"," # make sure that Profile is a Key Value inside the JSON Object $Content = $Content -replace "\[([^\]]+)\]([^\[]+)","{`"ProfileName`":`"`$1`",`$2},`n" # remove additional , before a closing curly bracket $Content = $Content -replace "\s*,\s*\n?}","}" # ensure that the complete output is an array consisting of multiple JSON objects $Content = $Content -replace "\A","[" $Content = $Content -replace "},?\s*\n?\s*\z","}]" $Config = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $Content Write-Output $Config } } function ConvertTo-SgwConfigFile { #private [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory=$True, Position=0, HelpMessage="Configs to store in config file")][PSCustomObject]$Configs, [parameter( Mandatory=$True, Position=1, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Config File")][String]$SgwConfigFile ) Process { # TODO: Verify that folder is only readable by current user if (!(Test-Path $SgwConfigFile)) { New-Item -Path $SgwConfigFile -ItemType File -Force } $SgwConfigDirectory = ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$SgwConfigFile).Parent.FullName # make sure that parent folder is only accessible by current user try { if ([environment]::OSVersion.Platform -match "win") { $Acl = Get-Acl -Path $SgwConfigDirectory # remove inheritance $Acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($true,$false) $AcessRule = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule]::new( $env:USERNAME,"FullControl", ([System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ContainerInherit -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ObjectInherit), [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None, [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow) $Acl.AddAccessRule($AcessRule) Set-Acl -Path $SgwConfigDirectory -AclRule -ErrorAction Stop } else { Invoke-Expression "chmod 700 $SgwConfigDirectory" Invoke-Expression "chmod 600 $SgwConfigFile" } } catch { Write-Verbose "Couldn't restrict access to directory $SgwConfigDirectory" } Write-Verbose "Writing StorageGRID Configuration to $SgwConfigFile" if ($SgwConfigFile -match "credentials$") { foreach ($Config in $Configs) { $Output += "[$( $Config.ProfileName )]`n" $Output += "username = $($Config.username)`n" $Output += "password = $($Config.password)`n" } } else { foreach ($Config in $Configs) { if ($Config.ProfileName -eq "default") { $Output += "[$( $Config.ProfileName )]`n" } else { $Output += "[profile $( $Config.ProfileName )]`n" } $Properties = $Config.PSObject.Members | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" -and $_.Name -ne "ProfileName" -and $_.Value -isnot [PSCustomObject] } $Sections = $Config.PSObject.Members | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" -and $_.Name -ne "ProfileName" -and $_.Value -is [PSCustomObject]} foreach ($Property in $Properties) { $Output += "$($Property.Name) = $($Property.Value)`n" } foreach ($Section in $Sections) { $Output += "$($Section.Name) =`n" $Properties = $Section.Value.PSObject.Members | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" } foreach ($Property in $Properties) { $Output += " $($Property.Name) = $($Property.Value)`n" } } } } Write-Debug "Output:`n$Output" if ([environment]::OSVersion.Platform -match "win") { # replace LF with CRLF $Output = $Output -replace "`n","`r`n" } $Output | Out-File -FilePath $SgwConfigFile } } ## function to trigger request to StorageGRID Webscale Server ## function Invoke-SgwRequest { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Uri")][Uri]$Uri, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "WebSession")][Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]$WebSession, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "HTTP Method")][ValidateSet("Default", "Get", "Head", "Post", "Put", "Delete", "Trace", "Options", "Merge", "Patch")][String]$Method = "Get", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Headers")][Hashtable]$Headers, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Body")][Object]$Body, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Content Type")][String]$ContentType = "application/json", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Variable to store session details in")][String]$SessionVariable, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Timeout in seconds")][Int]$TimeoutSec = 60, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Skip certificate checks")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [parameter( Mandatory=$False, Position=9, HelpMessage="File to output result to")][System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$OutFile ) Process { # if $OutFile is a directory, create a temporary file and save content to temporary file # and later rename the file according to the Content-Disposition header or $OutPath = $null if ($OutFile -and (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $OutFile)) { $OutPath = $OutFile.PSObject.Copy() $OutFile = (New-TemporaryFile).ToString() } Write-Verbose "Request Headers:`n$(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Headers)" try { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Write-Verbose "Using Invoke-WebRequest for PowerShell 5 and earlier" if ($SkipCertificateCheck.isPresent) { $CurrentCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy } if ($Body) { Write-Verbose "Request Body:`n$Body" if ($SessionVariable) { if ($OutFile) { Write-Verbose "Saving output in file:`n$OutFile" $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -ContentType $ContentType -SessionVariable $SessionVariable -OutFile $OutFile -PassThru } else { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -ContentType $ContentType -SessionVariable $SessionVariable } $Response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $SessionVariable -Value (Get-Variable -Name $SessionVariable -ValueOnly) } else { if ($OutFile) { Write-Verbose "Saving output in file:`n$OutFile" $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -ContentType $ContentType -WebSession $WebSession -OutFile $OutFile -PassThru } else { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -ContentType $ContentType -WebSession $WebSession } } } else { if ($SessionVariable) { if ($OutFile) { Write-Verbose "Saving output in file:`n$OutFile" $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -SessionVariable $SessionVariable -OutFile $OutFile -PassThru } else { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -SessionVariable $SessionVariable } $Response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $SessionVariable -Value (Get-Variable -Name $SessionVariable -ValueOnly) -PassThru } else { if ($OutFile) { Write-Verbose "Saving output in file:`n$OutFile" $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -WebSession $WebSession -OutFile $OutFile -PassThru } else { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -WebSession $WebSession } } } if ($SkipCertificateCheck.isPresent) { [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $CurrentCertificatePolicy } } else { Write-Verbose "Using Invoke-WebRequest for PowerShell 6 and later" if ($Body) { Write-Verbose "Request Body:`n$Body" if ($SessionVariable) { if ($OutFile) { Write-Verbose "Saving output in file:`n$OutFile" $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -SkipHeaderValidation -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -ContentType $ContentType -SessionVariable $SessionVariable -OutFile $OutFile -PassThru } else { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -SkipHeaderValidation -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -ContentType $ContentType -SessionVariable $SessionVariable } $Response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $SessionVariable -Value (Get-Variable -Name $SessionVariable -ValueOnly) -PassThru } else { if ($OutFile) { Write-Verbose "Saving output in file:`n$OutFile" $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -SkipHeaderValidation -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -ContentType $ContentType -WebSession $WebSession -OutFile $OutFile -PassThru } else { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -SkipHeaderValidation -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -ContentType $ContentType -WebSession $WebSession } } } else { if ($SessionVariable) { if ($OutFile) { Write-Verbose "Saving output in file:`n$OutFile" $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -SkipHeaderValidation -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -SessionVariable $SessionVariable -OutFile $OutFile -PassThru } else { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -SkipHeaderValidation -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -SessionVariable $SessionVariable } $Response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $SessionVariable -Value (Get-Variable -Name $SessionVariable -ValueOnly) } else { if ($OutFile) { Write-Verbose "Saving output in file:`n$OutFile" $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -SkipHeaderValidation -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -WebSession $WebSession -OutFile $OutFile -PassThru } else { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -SkipHeaderValidation -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec -WebSession $WebSession } } } } Write-Verbose "Response Headers:`n$(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Response.Headers)" if ($Response.Headers.'Content-Type' -match "text|application/xml|application/json") { Write-Verbose "Response Body:`n$($Response.Content)" } switch ($Response.Headers.'Content-Type') { 'application/json' { $Response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Json -Value (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $Response.Content) } } if ($OutPath) { if ($Response.Headers.'Content-Disposition' -match "filename") { $FileName = ($Response.Headers.'Content-Disposition' | Select-Object -Last 1) -replace '.*filename="*(.*)"*','$1' } else { # use last part of Request URI as filename $FileName = $Response.BaseResponse.RequestMessage.RequestUri.Segments | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($FileName -eq "/") { $FileName = "index.html" } } $Destination = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath $FileName Move-Item -Path $OutFile -Destination $Destination -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Output written to $Destination" } return $Response } catch { # TODO: handle errors Throw $_ } finally { if ($OutFile) { Remove-Item -Path $OutFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } } ### Cmdlets ### ## install ## # grid # <# .SYNOPSIS Reset all user-provided information for installation and primary Admin Node recovery .DESCRIPTION Reset all user-provided information for installation and primary Admin Node recovery .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Reset-SgwInstall { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install" $Method = "DELETE" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve grid-wide details .DESCRIPTION Retrieve grid-wide details .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallGridDetails { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/grid-details" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } Set-Alias -Name Set-SgwInstallGridDetails -Value Update-SgwInstallGridDetails <# .SYNOPSIS Update grid-wide details .DESCRIPTION Update grid-wide details .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Name of the Grid. .PARAMETER License The grid license. #> function Global:Update-SgwInstallGridDetails { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Name of the Grid.")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "The grid license.")][String]$License ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/grid-details" $Method = "PUT" $GridDetails = Get-SgwInstallGridDetails -AdminNode $AdminNode $ = $Name if (!$License -and !$GridDetails.license) { Write-Warning "No license provided, using default PoC license" $GridDetails.license = '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' } else { # convert license to Base-64 $GridDetails.license = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($License)) } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $GridDetails Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck -Body $Body } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the list of Grid Network subnets .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the list of Grid Network subnets .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallGridNetworks { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/grid-networks" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } Set-Alias -Name Set-SgwInstallGridNetworks -Value Update-SgwInstallGridNetworks <# .SYNOPSIS Update the list of Grid Network subnets .DESCRIPTION Update the list of Grid Network subnets .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER GridNetworks The list of Grid Network subnets (in CIDR notation) #> function Global:Update-SgwInstallGridNetworks { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "The list of Grid Network subnets (in CIDR notation).")][Alias("Networks")][String[]]$GridNetworks ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/grid-networks" $Method = "PUT" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $GridNetworks Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck -Body $Body } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve grid passwords .DESCRIPTION Retrieve grid passwords .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallPasswords { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/passwords" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } Set-Alias -Name Set-SgwInstallPasswords -Value Update-SgwInstallPasswords <# .SYNOPSIS Update grid passwords .DESCRIPTION Update grid passwords .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Provision The password used during maintenance procedures to make changes to the grid topology and to download the grid Recovery Package; optional once set .PARAMETER Management The password for the grid management root user, which can log into the grid management interface and has access to all features; optional once set .PARAMETER UseRandom Whether the grid will use random passwords for the command line root user, or the default passwords. #> function Global:Update-SgwInstallPasswords { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "The password used during maintenance procedures to make changes to the grid topology and to download the grid Recovery Package; optional once set.")][Alias("ProvisionPassphrase","Passphrase")][String]$Provision, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "The password for the grid management root user, which can log into the grid management interface and has access to all features; optional once set.")][String]$Management, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Whether the grid will use random passwords for the command line root user, or the default passwords.")][Boolean]$UseRandom ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/passwords" $Method = "PUT" $Passwords = Get-SgwInstallPasswords -AdminNode $AdminNode if ($Provision) { $Passwords.provision = $Provision } if ($Management) { $ = $Management } if ($UseRandom) { $Passwords.useRandom = $UseRandom } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Passwords Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck -Body $Body } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the list of NTP server IP addresses .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the list of NTP server IP addresses .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallNtpServers { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/ntp-servers" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } Set-Alias -Name Set-SgwInstallNtpServers -Value Update-SgwInstallNtpServers <# .SYNOPSIS Update the list of NTP server IP addresses .DESCRIPTION Update the list of NTP server IP addresses .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER NtpServers List of NTP Server IP addresses. #> function Global:Update-SgwInstallNtpServers { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "List of NTP Server IP addresses.")][Alias("ProvisionPassphrase","Passphrase")][String[]]$NtpServers ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/ntp-servers" $Method = "PUT" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $NtpServers Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck -Body $Body } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the list of DNS server IP addresses .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the list of DNS server IP addresses .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallDnsServers { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/dns-servers" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } Set-Alias -Name Set-SgwInstallDnsServers -Value Update-SgwInstallDnsServers <# .SYNOPSIS Update the list of DNS server IP addresses .DESCRIPTION Update the list of DNS server IP addresses .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER NtpServers List of DNS Server IP addresses. #> function Global:Update-SgwInstallDnsServers { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "List of NTP Server IP addresses.")][Alias("ProvisionPassphrase","Passphrase")][String[]]$DnsServers ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/dns-servers" $Method = "PUT" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $DnsServers Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck -Body $Body } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } # nodes # <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the list of grid nodes .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the list of grid nodes .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallNodes { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/nodes" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } $InstallNodes = $Response.Json.Data $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.grid.mac } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.grid.ip } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.grid.gateway } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.grid.config } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.admin.mac } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.admin.ip } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.admin.gateway } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.admin.config } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkSubnets -Value { $this.networks.admin.subnets } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.client.mac } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.client.ip } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.client.gateway } $InstallNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.client.config } Write-Output $InstallNodes } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a grid node .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a grid node .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Node ID #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallNode { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Node ID.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/nodes/$id" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } $InstallNode = $Response.Json.Data $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.grid.mac } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.grid.ip } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.grid.gateway } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.grid.config } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.admin.mac } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.admin.ip } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.admin.gateway } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.admin.config } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkSubnets -Value { $this.networks.admin.subnets } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.client.mac } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.client.ip } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.client.gateway } $InstallNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.client.config } Write-Output $InstallNode } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configure a grid node .DESCRIPTION Configure a grid node .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Node ID #> function Global:Update-SgwInstallNode { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Node ID.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID or name of the site to which the node should be assigned.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Site, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "The name of the node (must be a valid hostname).", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidatePattern("^(?:[A-Za-z0-9]?|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$")][String]$Name, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "The NTP role assigned to the nod. If not specified, StorageGRID will decide.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("","primary","client")][String]$NtpRole, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Whether the grid node has an ADC (Administrative Domain Controller) service. If not specified, StorageGRID will determine automatically if the node should have an ADC service. At least three Storage Nodes per site must contain an ADC service.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$HasAdc, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "The name of the node (must be a valid hostname).", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("adminNode","apiGatewayNode","archiveNode","storageNode")][String]$Type, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Whether this Admin Node is the primary Admin Node.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$IsPrimaryAdmin, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Describes how the interface is configured. A value of ‘fixed’ indicates that the configuration cannot be changed. A value of ‘dhcp’ indicates that the interface is configured by DHCP. A value of ‘static’ indicates that the interface is statically configured. Interfaces configured by DHCP can be changed to static and vice versa.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("static","dhcp","fixed")][String]$GridNetworkConfig, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "The CIDR network address for the network interface.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$GridNetworkIp, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 19, HelpMessage = "The gateway of the network.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$GridNetworkGateway, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "Describes how the interface is configured. A value of ‘fixed’ indicates that the configuration cannot be changed. A value of ‘dhcp’ indicates that the interface is configured by DHCP. A value of ‘static’ indicates that the interface is statically configured. Interfaces configured by DHCP can be changed to static and vice versa.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("","static","dhcp","fixed")][String]$AdminNetworkConfig, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 12, HelpMessage = "The CIDR network address for the network interface.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$AdminNetworkIp, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 13, HelpMessage = "the default gateway of the network.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$AdminNetworkGateway, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 14, HelpMessage = "Describes how the interface is configured. A value of ‘fixed’ indicates that the configuration cannot be changed. A value of ‘dhcp’ indicates that the interface is configured by DHCP. A value of ‘static’ indicates that the interface is statically configured. Interfaces configured by DHCP can be changed to static and vice versa.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("","static","dhcp","fixed")][String]$ClientNetworkConfig, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 15, HelpMessage = "The CIDR network address for the network interface.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$ClientNetworkIp, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 16, HelpMessage = "the default gateway of the network.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$ClientNetworkGateway ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/nodes/$id" $Method = "PUT" $InstallNode = @{} $ = $Id try { [Guid]::Parse($Site) } catch { Write-Verbose "Site is not a valid GUID, check if site is the site name" $Sites = Get-SgwInstallSites -AdminNode $AdminNode $Site = $Sites | Where-Object { $ -eq $Site } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id if (!$Site) { Throw "Site ID could not be found for $Site" } } $ = $Site $ = $Name if ($NtpRole) { $InstallNode.ntpRole = $NtpRole } if ($HasAdc) { $InstallNode.hasAdc = $HasAdc } $InstallNode.type = $Type if ($IsPrimaryAdmin) { $InstallNode.isPrimaryAdmin = $IsPrimaryAdmin } $InstallNode.configured = $true $InstallNode.networks = @{} $InstallNode.networks.grid = @{} $InstallNode.networks.grid.ip = $GridNetworkIp $InstallNode.networks.grid.gateway = $GridNetworkGateway $InstallNode.networks.grid.config = $GridNetworkConfig if ($AdminNetworkIp) { $InstallNode.networks.admin = @{} $InstallNode.networks.admin.ip = $AdminNetworkIp $InstallNode.networks.admin.gateway = $AdminNetworkGateway $InstallNode.networks.admin.config = $AdminNetworkConfig $InstallNode.networks.admin.subnets = $AdminNetworkSubnets } if ($ClientNetworkIp) { $InstallNode.networks.client = @{} $InstallNode.networks.client.ip = $ClientNetworkIp $InstallNode.networks.client.gateway = $ClientNetworkGateway $InstallNode.networks.client.config = $ClientNetworkConfig } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InstallNode Write-Verbose "Body: $Body" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a grid node from all procedures; the grid node may be added back in by rebooting it .DESCRIPTION Remove a grid node from all procedures; the grid node may be added back in by rebooting it .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Node ID #> function Global:Remove-SgwInstallNode { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Node ID.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/nodes/$id" $Method = "DELETE" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Reset a grid node's configuration and returns it back to pending state .DESCRIPTION Reset a grid node's configuration and returns it back to pending state .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Node ID #> function Global:Reset-SgwInstallNode { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Node ID.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/nodes/$id/reset" $Method = "POST" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } # provision # <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the status of the provisioning operation .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the status of the provisioning operation .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallStatus { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/start" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Start the provisioning operation, which starts grid installation .DESCRIPTION Start the provisioning operation, which starts grid installation .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Start-SgwInstall { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/start" $Method = "POST" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } # recovery-package # <# .SYNOPSIS Downloads the Recovery Package .DESCRIPTION Downloads the Recovery Package .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallRecoveryPackage { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Path to store log collection in")][System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/recovery-package" $Method = "GET" if (!(Test-Path $Path)) { Throw "Path $Path does not exist!" } Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck -OutFile $Path } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Provides the Recovery Package download confirmation status .DESCRIPTION Provides the Recovery Package download confirmation status .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallRecoveryPackageDownloadStatus { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/recovery-package-confirm" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Confirms download of the Recovery Package .DESCRIPTION Confirms download of the Recovery Package .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Confirm-SgwInstallRecoveryPackageDownload { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/recovery-package-confirm" $Method = "POST" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } # sites # <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the list of sites .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the list of sites .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallSites { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/sites" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new site .DESCRIPTION Create a new site .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Site name #> function Global:New-SgwInstallSite { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Site name.")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/sites" $Method = "POST" $Site = @{name=$Name} $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Site Write-Verbose "Body: $Body" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a site .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a site .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Site ID #> function Global:Get-SgwInstallSite { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Site ID.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/sites/$Id" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Update the details of a site .DESCRIPTION Update the details of a site .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Site ID .PARAMETER Name Site name #> function Global:Update-SgwInstallSite { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Site ID.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Site name.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/sites/$Id" $Method = "PUT" $Site = @{} $ = $Id $ = $Name $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Site Write-Verbose "Body: $Body" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a site .DESCRIPTION Deletes a site .PARAMETER AdminNode StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Site ID #> function Global:Remove-SgwInstallSite { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="AdminNode")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server (e.g.", ParameterSetName="AdminNode")][String]$AdminNode, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.", ParameterSetName="ProfileName")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Site ID.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$AdminNode) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $AdminNode = $Profile.Name } if (!$AdminNode) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found." } } Process { $Uri = "https://" + $AdminNode + "/api/v2/install/sites/$Id" $Method = "DELETE" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $Response.Json.Data } } ## profile ## Set-Alias -Name Set-SgwProfile -Value Add-SgwProfile Set-Alias -Name New-SgwProfile -Value Add-SgwProfile Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwProfile -Value Add-SgwProfile Set-Alias -Name Set-SgwCredential -Value Add-SgwProfile Set-Alias -Name New-SgwCredential -Value Add-SgwProfile Set-Alias -Name Add-SgwCredential -Value Add-SgwProfile Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwCredential -Value Add-SgwProfile <# .SYNOPSIS Add StorageGRID Profile .DESCRIPTION Add StorageGRID Profile .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use which contains StorageGRID sredentials and settings .PARAMETER ProfileLocation StorageGRID Profile location if different than .aws/credentials .PARAMETER Name The name of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. This value may also be a string representation of an IP address. If not an address, the name must be resolvable to an address. .PARAMETER Credential A System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object containing the credentials needed to log into the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck If the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate cannot be verified, the connection will fail. Specify -SkipCertificateCheck to skip the validation of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate. .PARAMETER AccountId Account ID of the StorageGRID Webscale tenant to connect to. .PARAMETER DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration By default StorageGRID automatically generates S3 Access Keys if required to carry out S3 operations. With this switch, automatic S3 Access Key generation will not be done. .PARAMETER TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime Time in seconds until automatically generated temporary S3 Access Keys expire (default 3600 seconds). .PARAMETER S3EndpointUrl S3 Endpoint URL to be used. .PARAMETER SwiftEndpointUrl Swift Endpoint URL to be used. #> function Global:Add-SgwProfile { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory=$False, Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Profile to use which contains StorageGRID sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="default", [parameter( Mandatory=$False, Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation=$SGW_CREDENTIALS_FILE, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "The name of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. This value may also be a string representation of an IP address. If not an address, the name must be resolvable to an address.")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "A System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object containing the credentials needed to log into the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server.")][System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "If the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate cannot be verified, the connection will fail. Specify -SkipCertificateCheck to skip the validation of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate.")][Alias("Insecure")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Account ID of the StorageGRID Webscale tenant to connect to.")][String]$AccountId, [parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "By default StorageGRID automatically generates S3 Access Keys if required to carry out S3 operations. With this switch, automatic S3 Access Key generation will not be done.")][Switch]$DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration, [parameter(Position = 7, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Time in seconds until automatically generated temporary S3 Access Keys expire (default 3600 seconds).")][Int]$TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime = 3600, [parameter(Position = 8, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "S3 Endpoint URL to be used.")][System.UriBuilder]$S3EndpointUrl, [parameter(Position = 9, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Swift Endpoint URL to be used.")][System.UriBuilder]$SwiftEndpointUrl ) Process { $ConfigLocation = $ProfileLocation -replace "/[^/]+$", '/config' $Credentials = @() $Configs = @() if ($Credential) { try { $Credentials = ConvertFrom-SgwConfigFile -SgwConfigFile $ProfileLocation } catch { Write-Verbose "Retrieving credentials from $ProfileLocation failed" } if (($Credentials | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $ProfileName })) { $CredentialEntry = $Credentials | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $ProfileName } } else { $CredentialEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProfileName = $ProfileName } } $CredentialEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name username -Value $Credential.UserName -Force $CredentialEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -Value $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Force Write-Debug $CredentialEntry $Credentials = (@($Credentials | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -ne $ProfileName }) + $CredentialEntry) | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName } ConvertTo-SgwConfigFile -Config $Credentials -SgwConfigFile $ProfileLocation } try { $Configs = ConvertFrom-SgwConfigFile -SgwConfigFile $ConfigLocation } catch { Write-Verbose "Retrieving config from $ConfigLocation failed" } $Config = $Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $ProfileName } if (!$Config) { $Config = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProfileName = $ProfileName} } if ($Name) { $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name name -Value $Name -Force } if ($AccountId) { $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name account_id -Value $AccountId -Force } if ($DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration) { $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name disable_automatic_access_key_generation -Value $DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration -Force } if ($TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime -and $TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime -ne 3600) { $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name temporary_access_key_expiration_time -Value $TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime -Force } if ($S3EndpointUrl) { $S3EndpointUrlString = $S3EndpointUrl -replace "(http://.*:80)",'$1' -replace "(https://.*):443",'$1' -replace "/$","" $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name s3_endpoint_url -Value $S3EndpointUrlString -Force } if ($SwiftEndpointUrl) { $SwiftEndpointUrlString = $SwiftEndpointUrl -replace "(http://.*:80)",'$1' -replace "(https://.*):443",'$1' -replace "/$","" $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name swift_endpoint_url -Value $SwiftEndpointUrlString -Force } if ($SkipCertificateCheck -ne $null) { $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name skip_certificate_check -Value $SkipCertificateCheck -Force } $Configs = (@($Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -ne $ProfileName}) + $Config) | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName } ConvertTo-SgwConfigFile -Config $Configs -SgwConfigFile $ConfigLocation } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwCredentials -Value Get-SgwProfiles <# .SYNOPSIS Get all StorageGRID profiles .DESCRIPTION Get the StorageGRID profiles .PARAMETER ProfileLocation StorageGRID Profile location if different than .aws/credentials #> function Global:Get-SgwProfiles { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory=$False, Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation=$SGW_CREDENTIALS_FILE ) Process { if (!$ProfileLocation) { $ProfileLocation = $StorageGRID_CREDENTIALS_FILE } $ConfigLocation = $ProfileLocation -replace "/[^/]+$",'/config' if (!(Test-Path $ProfileLocation)) { Write-Warning "Profile location $ProfileLocation does not exist!" break } $Credentials = @() $Config = @() try { $Credentials = ConvertFrom-SgwConfigFile -SgwConfigFile $ProfileLocation } catch { Write-Verbose "Retrieving credentials from $ProfileLocation failed" } try { $Configs = ConvertFrom-SgwConfigFile -SgwConfigFile $ConfigLocation } catch { Write-Verbose "Retrieving credentials from $ConfigLocation failed" } foreach ($Credential in $Credentials) { $Config = $Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $Credential.ProfileName } | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$Config) { $Config = [PSCustomObject]@{ProfileName=$Credential.ProfileName} $Configs = @($Configs) + $Config } if ($Credential.username -and $Credential.password) { $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Credential -Value ([PSCredential]::new($Credential.username,($Credential.password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))) -Force } } foreach ($Config in $Configs) { $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{ProfileName = $Config.ProfileName;Credential = $Config.Credential} if ($Config.Name) { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Config.Name } else { Write-Warning "No StorageGRID name specified for Profile $($Config.ProfileName)" } if ($Config.account_id) { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AccountId -Value $Config.account_id } if ($Config.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation) { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration -Value ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation)) } else { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration -Value $False } if ($Config.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -gt 0) { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime -Value $Config.temporary_access_key_expiration_time } else { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime -Value 3600 } if ($Config.s3_endpoint_url) { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name S3EndpointUrl -Value $Config.s3_endpoint_url } if ($Config.swift_endpoint_url) { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SwiftEndpointUrl -Value $Config.swift_endpoint_url } if ($Config.skip_certificate_check) { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkipCertificateCheck -Value ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.skip_certificate_check)) } else { $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkipCertificateCheck -Value $False } Write-Output $Output } } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwCredential -Value Get-SgwProfile <# .SYNOPSIS Get StorageGRID Profile .DESCRIPTION Get StorageGRID Profile .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use which contains StorageGRID sredentials and settings .PARAMETER ProfileLocation StorageGRID Profile location if different than .aws/credentials .PARAMETER Name The name of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. This value may also be a string representation of an IP address. If not an address, the name must be resolvable to an address. .PARAMETER Credential A System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object containing the credentials needed to log into the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck If the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate cannot be verified, the connection will fail. Specify -SkipCertificateCheck to skip the validation of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate. .PARAMETER AccountId Account ID of the StorageGRID Webscale tenant to connect to. .PARAMETER DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration By default StorageGRID automatically generates S3 Access Keys if required to carry out S3 operations. With this switch, automatic S3 Access Key generation will not be done. .PARAMETER TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime Time in seconds until automatically generated temporary S3 Access Keys expire (default 3600 seconds). .PARAMETER S3EndpointUrl S3 Endpoint URL to be used. .PARAMETER SwiftEndpointUrl Swift Endpoint URL to be used. #> function Global:Get-SgwProfile { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory=$False, Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Profile to use which contains StorageGRID sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="default", [parameter( Mandatory=$False, Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation=$SGW_CREDENTIALS_FILE, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "The name of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. This value may also be a string representation of an IP address. If not an address, the name must be resolvable to an address.")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "A System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object containing the credentials needed to log into the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server.")][System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "If the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate cannot be verified, the connection will fail. Specify -SkipCertificateCheck to skip the validation of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate.")][Alias("Insecure")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Account ID of the StorageGRID Webscale tenant to connect to.")][String]$AccountId, [parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "By default StorageGRID automatically generates S3 Access Keys if required to carry out S3 operations. With this switch, automatic S3 Access Key generation will not be done.")][Switch]$DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration, [parameter(Position = 7, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Time in seconds until automatically generated temporary S3 Access Keys expire (default 3600 seconds).")][Int]$TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime, [parameter(Position = 8, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "S3 Endpoint URL to be used.")][System.UriBuilder]$S3EndpointUrl, [parameter(Position = 9, Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Swift Endpoint URL to be used.")][System.UriBuilder]$SwiftEndpointUrl ) Begin { if (!$Server -and $CurrentSgwServer) { $Server = $CurrentSgwServer.PSObject.Copy() } } Process { if (!$ProfileName) { $ProfileName = "default" } $Configs = Get-SgwProfiles $Config = $Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $ProfileName } if (!$Config) { $Config = [PSCustomObject]@{ProfileName = $ProfileName; Name = $Name; Credential = $Credential; SkipCertificateCheck = $SkipCertificateCheck.IsPresent; AccountId = $AccountId; DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration = $DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration; TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime = $TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime; S3EndpointUrl = $S3EndpointUrl; SwiftEndpointUrl = $SwiftEndpointUrl} } if ($Name) { $Config.Name = $Name } if ($Credential) { $Config.Credential = $Credential } if ($SkipCertificateCheck.IsPresent) { $Config.SkipCertificateCheck = $SkipCertificateCheck.IsPresent } elseif (!$Config.SkipCertificateCheck) { $Config.SkipCertificateCheck = $False } if ($AccountId) { $Config.AccountId = $AccountId } if ($DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration) { $Config.DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration = $DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration } elseif (!$Config.DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration) { $Config.DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration = $False } if ($TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime) { $Config.TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime = $TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime } elseif (!$Config.TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime) { $Config.TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime = 3600 } if ($S3EndpointUrl) { $Config.S3EndpointUrl = $S3EndpointUrl } if ($SwiftEndpointUrl) { $Config.SwiftEndpointUrl = $SwiftEndpointUrl } Write-Output $Config } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwCredential -Value Remove-SgwProfile <# .SYNOPSIS Remove StorageGRID Profile .DESCRIPTION Remove StorageGRID Profile .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to remove which contains StorageGRID sredentials and settings .PARAMETER ProfileLocation StorageGRID Profile location if different than .aws/credentials #> function Global:Remove-SgwProfile { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory=$True, Position=0, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Profile where config should be removed")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory=$False, Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, HelpMessage="StorageGRID Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation=$SGW_CREDENTIALS_FILE ) Process { $ConfigLocation = $ProfileLocation -replace "/[^/]+$",'/config' $Credentials = ConvertFrom-SgwConfigFile -SgwConfigFile $ProfileLocation $Credentials = $Credentials | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -ne $ProfileName } ConvertTo-SgwConfigFile -Config $Credentials -SgwConfigFile $ProfileLocation $Configs = ConvertFrom-SgwConfigFile -SgwConfigFile $ConfigLocation $Configs = $Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -ne $ProfileName } ConvertTo-SgwConfigFile -Config $Configs -SgwConfigFile $ConfigLocation } } ## accounts ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve all StorageGRID Webscale Accounts .DESCRIPTION Retrieve all StorageGRID Webscale Accounts .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Limit Maximum number of results. .PARAMETER Marker Pagination offset (value is Account's id). .PARAMETER IncludeMarker If set, the marker element is also returned. .PARAMETER Order Pagination order (desc requires marker). .PARAMETER Capabilities Comma separated list of capabilities of the accounts to return. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management ...). #> function Global:Get-SgwAccounts { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Maximum number of results.")][Int]$Limit = 0, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Pagination offset (value is Account's id).")][String]$Marker, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "If set, the marker element is also returned.")][Switch]$IncludeMarker, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Pagination order (desc requires marker).")][ValidateSet("asc", "desc")][String]$Order = "asc", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Comma separated list of capabilities of the accounts to return. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management ...).")][ValidateSet("swift", "s3", "management")][String[]]$Capabilities ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + '/grid/accounts' $Method = "GET" if ($Limit -eq 0) { $Query = "?limit=25" } else { $Query = "?limit=$Limit" } if ($Marker) { $Query += "&marker=$Marker" } if ($IncludeMarker) { $Query += "&includeMarker=true" } if ($Order) { $Query += "&order=$Order" } $Uri += $Query try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Error "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $( $responseBody.message )" return } $Accounts = $ if ($Capabilities) { $Accounts = $Accounts | Where-Object { ($_.capabilities -join ",") -match ($Capabilities -join "|") } } foreach ($Account in $Accounts) { $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name accountId -Value id $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name tenant -Value name $Account | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name tenantPortal -Value "https://$( $Server.Name )/?accountId=$( $ )" $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name useAccountIdentitySource -Value { $this.Policy.useAccountIdentitySource } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name allowPlatformServices -Value { $this.Policy.allowPlatformServices } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name quota -Value { $this.Policy.quotaObjectBytes } } Write-Output $Accounts if ($Limit -eq 0 -and $ -eq 25) { if ($Capabilities) { Get-SgwAccounts -Server $Server -Limit $Limit -Marker ($ | select -last 1 -ExpandProperty id) -IncludeMarker:$IncludeMarker -Order $Order -Capabilities $Capabilities } else { Get-SgwAccounts -Server $Server -Limit $Limit -Marker ($ | select -last 1 -ExpandProperty id) -IncludeMarker:$IncludeMarker -Order $Order } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a StorageGRID Webscale Account .DESCRIPTION Create a StorageGRID Webscale Account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Name of the StorageGRID Webscale Account to be created. .PARAMETER Capabilities Comma separated list of capabilities of the account. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management). .PARAMETER UseAccountIdentitySource Comma separated list of capabilities of the account. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management). .PARAMETER AllowPlatformServices Allow platform services to be used (default: true - supported since StorageGRID 11.0). .PARAMETER Quota Quota for tenant in bytes. .PARAMETER Password Tenant root password (must be at least 8 characters). .EXAMPLE Create new account with S3 and Management capabilities New-SgwAccount -Name MyAccount -Capabilities s3,management -Password t9eM66Y2 .EXAMPLE Create new account with Swift and Management capabilities and do not allow own Identity Federation configuration New-SgwAccount -Name MyAccount -Capabilities swift,management -UseAccountIdentitySource $false -Password t9eM66Y2 .EXAMPLE Create new account with S3 and Management capabilities and set Quota New-SgwAccount -Name MyAccount -Capabilities swift,management -UseAccountIdentitySource $false -Quota 1TB -Password t9eM66Y2 #> function Global:New-SgwAccount { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Name of the StorageGRID Webscale Account to be created.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Name, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Comma separated list of capabilities of the account. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management).")][ValidateSet("swift", "s3", "management")][String[]]$Capabilities, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Use account identity source (default: true - supported since StorageGRID 10.4).")][Boolean]$UseAccountIdentitySource = $true, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Allow platform services to be used (default: true - supported since StorageGRID 11.0).")][Boolean]$AllowPlatformServices = $false, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Quota for tenant in bytes.")][Alias("QuotaObjectBytes")][Long]$Quota, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Policy object containing information on identity source, platform service and quota")][PSCustomObject]$Policy = @{ }, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Tenant root password (must be at least 8 characters).")][ValidateLength(8, 256)][String]$Password ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -ge 2 -and !$Password) { Throw "Password required" } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2 -and ($Quota -or $Password)) { Write-Warning "Quota and password will be ignored in API Version $( $Server.APIVersion )" } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2 -and $UseAccountIdentitySource.isPresent) { Write-Warning "Use Account Services is only Supported from StorageGRID 10.4" } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1 -and $AllowPlatformServices.isPresent) { Write-Warning "Use Account Services is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } if ($Password) { if ($Password.length -lt 8) { Throw "Password does not meet minimum length requirement of 8 characters" } } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts" $Method = "POST" $Body = @{ } $ = $Name $Body.capabilities = $Capabilities if ($Server.APIVersion -ge 2) { $Body.password = $Password $Body.policy = $Policy $Body.policy.useAccountIdentitySource = $UseAccountIdentitySource if ($Server.APIVersion -ge 2.1) { $Body.policy.allowPlatformServices = $AllowPlatformServices } if ($Quota) { $Body.policy.quotaObjectBytes = $Quota } } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Account = $ $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name accountId -Value id $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name tenant -Value name $Account | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name tenantPortal -Value "https://$( $Server.Name )/?accountId=$( $ )" $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name useAccountIdentitySource -Value { $this.Policy.useAccountIdentitySource } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name allowPlatformServices -Value { $this.Policy.allowPlatformServices } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name quota -Value { $this.Policy.quotaObjectBytes } Write-Output $Account } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a StorageGRID Webscale Account .DESCRIPTION Delete a StorageGRID Webscale Account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to delete. #> function Global:Remove-SgwAccount { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to delete.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("AccountId")][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$id" $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck Write-Verbose "Successfully deleted account with ID $id" } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a StorageGRID Webscale Account .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a StorageGRID Webscale Account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get information for. .PARAMETER Name Name of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get information for. #> function Global:Get-SgwAccount { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "id")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = "id", HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get information for.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("AccountId")][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = "name", HelpMessage = "Name of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get information for.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { if ($Name) { # this is a convenience method for retrieving an account by name $Account = Get-SgwAccounts | ? { $_.Name -eq $Name } Write-Output $Account } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$Id" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Account = $ $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name accountId -Value id $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name tenant -Value name $Account | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name tenantPortal -Value "https://$( $Server.Name )/?accountId=$( $Account.AccountId )" $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name useAccountIdentitySource -Value { $this.Policy.useAccountIdentitySource } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name allowPlatformServices -Value { $this.Policy.allowPlatformServices } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name quota -Value { $this.Policy.quotaObjectBytes } Write-Output $Account } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Update a StorageGRID Webscale Account .DESCRIPTION Update a StorageGRID Webscale Account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to update. .PARAMETER Capabilities Comma separated list of capabilities of the account. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management ...). .PARAMETER Name New name of the StorageGRID Webscale Account. .PARAMETER UseAccountIdentitySource Use account identity source (supported since StorageGRID 10.4). .PARAMETER AllowPlatformServices Allow platform services to be used (supported since StorageGRID 11.0). .PARAMETER Quota Quota for tenant in bytes. #> function Global:Update-SgwAccount { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to update.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Comma separated list of capabilities of the account. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management ...).")][String[]]$Capabilities, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "New name of the StorageGRID Webscale Account.")][String]$Name, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Use account identity source (supported since StorageGRID 10.4).")][Boolean]$UseAccountIdentitySource = $true, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Allow platform services to be used (supported since StorageGRID 11.0).")][Boolean]$AllowPlatformServices = $false, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Quota for tenant in bytes.")][Long]$Quota ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2 -and ($Quota -or $Password)) { Write-Warning "Quota and password will be ignored in API Version $( $Server.APIVersion )" } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2 -and $UseAccountIdentitySource.isPresent) { Write-Warning "Use Account Services is only Supported from StorageGRID 10.4" } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1 -and $AllowPlatformServices.isPresent) { Write-Warning "Use Account Services is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$id" $Method = "PATCH" $Body = @{ } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Capabilities) { $Body.capabilities = $Capabilities } if ($Server.APIVersion -ge 2) { $Body.policy = @{ "useAccountIdentitySource" = $UseAccountIdentitySource } if ($Server.APIVersion -ge 2.1) { $Body.policy["allowPlatformServices"] = $AllowPlatformServices } if ($Quota) { $Body.policy.quotaObjectBytes = $Quota } } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Account = $ $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name accountId -Value id $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name tenant -Value name $Account | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name tenantPortal -Value "https://$( $Server.Name )/?accountId=$( $ )" $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name useAccountIdentitySource -Value { $this.Policy.useAccountIdentitySource } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name allowPlatformServices -Value { $this.Policy.allowPlatformServices } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name quota -Value { $this.Policy.quotaObjectBytes } Write-Output $Account } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace a StorageGRID Webscale Account .DESCRIPTION Replace a StorageGRID Webscale Account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to replace. .PARAMETER Capabilities Comma separated list of capabilities of the account. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management ...). .PARAMETER Name New name of the StorageGRID Webscale Account. .PARAMETER UseAccountIdentitySource Use account identity source (supported since StorageGRID 10.4). .PARAMETER AllowPlatformServices Allow platform services to be used (supported since StorageGRID 11.0). .PARAMETER Quota Quota for tenant in bytes. #> function Global:Replace-SgwAccount { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to replace.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Comma separated list of capabilities of the account. Can be swift, S3 and management (e.g. swift,s3 or s3,management ...).")][String[]]$Capabilities, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "New name of the StorageGRID Webscale Account.")][String]$Name, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Use account identity source (supported since StorageGRID 10.4).")][Boolean]$UseAccountIdentitySource = $true, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Allow platform services to be used (supported since StorageGRID 11.0).")][Boolean]$AllowPlatformServices = $false, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Quota for tenant in bytes.")][Long]$Quota ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2 -and ($Quota -or $Password)) { Write-Warning "Quota and password will be ignored in API Version $( $Server.APIVersion )" } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2 -and $UseAccountIdentitySource.isPresent) { Write-Warning "Use Account Services is only Supported from StorageGRID 10.4" } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1 -and $AllowPlatformServices.isPresent) { Write-Warning "Use Account Services is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$id" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Capabilities) { $Body.capabilities = $Capabilities } if ($Server.APIVersion -ge 2) { $Body.policy = @{ "useAccountIdentitySource" = $UseAccountIdentitySource } if ($Server.APIVersion -ge 2.1) { $Body.policy["allowPlatformServices"] = $AllowPlatformServices } if ($Quota) { $Body.policy.quotaObjectBytes = $Quota } } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Account = $ $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name accountId -Value id $Account | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name tenant -Value name $Account | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name tenantPortal -Value "https://$( $Server.Name )/?accountId=$( $ )" $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name useAccountIdentitySource -Value { $this.Policy.useAccountIdentitySource } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name allowPlatformServices -Value { $this.Policy.allowPlatformServices } $Account | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name quota -Value { $this.Policy.quotaObjectBytes } Write-Output $Account } } <# .SYNOPSIS Change Swift Admin Password for StorageGRID Webscale Account .DESCRIPTION Change Swift Admin Password for StorageGRID Webscale Account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to update. .PARAMETER OldPassword Old Password. .PARAMETER NewPassword New Password. #> function Global:Update-SgwSwiftAdminPassword { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to update.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Old Password.")][String]$OldPassword, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "New Password.")][String]$NewPassword ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -gt 1) { Throw "This Cmdlet is only supported with API Version 1.0. Use the new Update-SgwPassword Cmdlet instead!" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$id/swift-admin-password" $Method = "POST" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{password = $NewPassword;currentPassword = $OldPassword} try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Changes the root user password for the Storage Tenant Account .DESCRIPTION Changes the root user password for the Storage Tenant Account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to update. .PARAMETER OldPassword Old Password. .PARAMETER NewPassword CNew Password. #> function Global:Update-SgwPassword { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to update.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Old Password.")][String]$OldPassword, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "New Password.")][String]$NewPassword ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2) { Write-Error "This Cmdlet is only supported with API Version 2.0 and later. Use the old Update-SgwSwiftAdminPassword Cmdlet instead!" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$id/change-password" $Method = "POST" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{password = $NewPassword;currentPassword = $OldPassword} try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve StorageGRID Webscale Account Usage Report .DESCRIPTION Retrieve StorageGRID Webscale Account Usage Report .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get usage information for. #> function Global:Get-SgwAccountUsage { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get usage information for.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if (!$Id) { if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "No ID specified and not connected as tenant user. Either specify an ID or use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId." } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/usage" } } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$id/usage" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" return } $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name id -Value $Id Write-Output $ } } ## alarms ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve all StorageGRID Webscale Alarms .DESCRIPTION Retrieve all StorageGRID Webscale Alarms .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER IncludeAcknowledged If set, acknowledged alarms are also returned. .PARAMETER Limit Maximum number of results. #> function Global:Get-SgwAlarms { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "If set, acknowledged alarms are also returned.")][Switch]$IncludeAcknowledged, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Maximum number of results.")][int]$Limit ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + '/grid/alarms' $Method = "GET" $Separator = "?" if ($includeAcknowledged) { $Uri += "$( $Separator )includeAcknowledged=true" $Separator = "&" } if ($limit) { $Uri += "$( $Separator )limit=$limit" } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## audit ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the audit configuration .DESCRIPTION Gets the audit configuration .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwAudit { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + '/grid/audit' $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Audit = [PSCustomObject]@{ LevelSystem = $; LevelStorage = $; LevelProtocol = $; LevelManagement = $; LoggedHeaders = $ } Write-Output $Audit } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace the audit configuration .DESCRIPTION Replace the audit configuration .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER LevelSystem Audit log level for system. .PARAMETER LevelStorage Audit log level for storage. .PARAMETER LevelProtocol Audit log level for protocol. .PARAMETER LevelManagement Audit log level for management. .PARAMETER LoggedHeaders Logged headers. #> function Global:Replace-SgwAudit { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Audit log level for system.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("off","error","normal","debug")][String]$LevelSystem, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Audit log level for storage.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("off","error","normal","debug")][String]$LevelStorage, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Audit log level for protocol.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("off","error","normal","debug")][String]$LevelProtocol, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Audit log level for management.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("off","error","normal","debug")][String]$LevelManagement, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Logged headers.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String[]]$LoggedHeaders ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + '/grid/audit' $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{} $Body.levels = @{} $Body.levels.system = $LevelSystem $ = $LevelStorage $Body.levels.protocol = $LevelProtocol $ = $LevelManagement $Body.loggedHeaders = $LoggedHeaders $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Audit = [PSCustomObject]@{ LevelSystem = $; LevelStorage = $; LevelProtocol = $; LevelManagement = $; LoggedHeaders = $ } Write-Output $Audit } } ## auth ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Connect to StorageGRID Webscale Management Server .DESCRIPTION Connect to StorageGRID Webscale Management Server .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name The name of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. This value may also be a string representation of an IP address. If not an address, the name must be resolvable to an address. .PARAMETER Credential A System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object containing the credentials needed to log into the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck If the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate cannot be verified, the connection will fail. Specify -SkipCertificateCheck to skip the validation of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate. .PARAMETER Transient If set the global variable `$CurrentOciServer will not be set and the Server must be explicitly specified for all Cmdlets. .PARAMETER AccountId Account ID of the StorageGRID Webscale tenant to connect to. .PARAMETER DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration By default StorageGRID automatically generates S3 Access Keys if required to carry out S3 operations. With this switch, automatic S3 Access Key generation will not be done. .PARAMETER TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime Time in seconds until automatically generated temporary S3 Access Keys expire. .PARAMETER S3EndpointUrl S3 Endpoint URL to be used. .PARAMETER SwiftEndpointUrl Swift Endpoint URL to be used. .EXAMPLE Minimum required information to connect with a StorageGRID Webscale Admin Node $Name = "" $Credential = Get-Credential Connect-SgwServer -Name $Name -Credential $Credential .EXAMPLE Skip certificate validation $Name = "" $Credential = Get-Credential Connect-SgwServer -Name $Name -Credential $Credential -SkipCertificateCheck .EXAMPLE Do not store server in global variable $Name = "" $Credential = Get-Credential" Connect-SgwServer -Name $Name -Credential $Credential -Transient .EXAMPLE Connect as StorageGRID Webscale tenant $Name = "" $Credential = Get-Credential $AccountId = "12345678901234567890" Connect-SgwServer -Name $Name -Credential $Credential -AccountId #> function global:Connect-SgwServer { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="profile")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, ParameterSetName="profile", HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="default", [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, ParameterSetName="name", HelpMessage = "The name of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server. This value may also be a string representation of an IP address. If not an address, the name must be resolvable to an address.")][String]$Name, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, ParameterSetName="name", HelpMessage = "A System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object containing the credentials needed to log into the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server.")][System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "If the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate cannot be verified, the connection will fail. Specify -SkipCertificateCheck to skip the validation of the StorageGRID Webscale Management Server certificate.")][Alias("Insecure")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Specify -Transient to not set the global variable `$CurrentOciServer.")][Switch]$Transient, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Account ID of the StorageGRID Webscale tenant to connect to.")][String]$AccountId, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "By default StorageGRID automatically generates S3 Access Keys if required to carry out S3 operations. With this switch, automatic S3 Access Key generation will not be done.")][Switch]$DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Time in seconds until automatically generated temporary S3 Access Keys expire (default 3600 seconds).")][Int]$TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime = 3600, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "S3 Endpoint URL to be used.")][System.UriBuilder]$S3EndpointUrl, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Swift Endpoint URL to be used.")][System.UriBuilder]$SwiftEndpointUrl ) Process { if (!$Name) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found and no name specified." } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient:$Transient return $Server } $Server = [PSCustomObject]@{ SkipCertificateCheck = $SkipCertificateCheck.IsPresent; Name = $Name; User = $Credential.UserName; Credential = $Credential; BaseUri = "https://$Name/api/v2"; Session = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession Headers = New-Object -TypeName Hashtable ApiVersion = 0; SupportedApiVersions = @(); S3EndpointUrl = $null; SwiftEndpointUrl = $null; DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration = $DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration.isPresent; TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime = $TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime; AccessKeyStore = @{ }; AccountId = ""; TenantPortal = "" } if ([environment]::OSVersion.Platform -match "Win") { # check if proxy is used $ProxyRegistry = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" $ProxySettings = Get-ItemProperty -Path $ProxyRegistry if ($ProxySettings.ProxyEnable) { Write-Warning "Proxy Server $( $ProxySettings.ProxyServer ) configured in Internet Explorer may be used to connect to the OCI server!" } if ($ProxySettings.AutoConfigURL) { Write-Warning "Proxy Server defined in automatic proxy configuration script $( $ProxySettings.AutoConfigURL ) configured in Internet Explorer may be used to connect to the OCI server!" } } $Body = @{ } $Body.username = $Credential.UserName $Body.password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $Body.cookie = $True $Body.csrfToken = $True if ($AccountId) { $Body.accountId = $AccountId $Server.AccountId = $AccountId $Server.TenantPortal = "https://$( $Server.Name )/?accountId=$( $ )" } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body $APIVersion = (Get-SgwVersion -Server $Server -ErrorAction Stop | Sort-Object | select -Last 1) -replace "\..*", "" if (!$APIVersion) { Throw "API Version could not be retrieved via https://$Name/api/versions" } $Server.BaseUri = "https://$Name/api/v2" Try { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { $CurrentCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -SessionVariable "Session" -Method POST -Uri "$( $Server.BaseUri )/authorize" -TimeoutSec 10 -ContentType "application/json" -Body $Body } catch { Throw } finally { [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $CurrentCertificatePolicy } } else { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -SessionVariable "Session" -Method POST -Uri "$( $Server.BaseUri )/authorize" -TimeoutSec 10 -ContentType "application/json" -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ if ($_.Exception.Message -match "Unauthorized") { Write-Error "Authorization for $BaseURI/authorize with user $( $Credential.UserName ) failed" return } elseif ($_.Exception.Message -match "trust relationship") { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message Write-Information "Certificate of the server is not trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." } else { Write-Error "Login to $BaseURI/authorize failed via HTTPS protocol. Exception message: $( $_.Exception.Message )`n $ResponseBody" return } } if ($Response.status -ne "success") { Throw "Authorization failed with status $( $Response.status )" } $Server.Headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer $( $ )" $Server.Session = $Session if (($Server.Session.Cookies.GetCookies($Server.BaseUri) | ? { $_.Name -match "CsrfToken" })) { $XCsrfToken = $Server.Session.Cookies.GetCookies($Server.BaseUri) | ? { $_.Name -match "CsrfToken" } | select -ExpandProperty Value $Server.Headers["X-Csrf-Token"] = $XCsrfToken } $Server.ApiVersion = $Response.apiVersion $SupportedApiVersions = @(Get-SgwVersions -Server $Server) $Server.SupportedApiVersions = $SupportedApiVersions if ($S3EndpointUrl) { $Server.S3EndpointUrl = $S3EndpointUrl } if ($SwiftEndpointUrl) { $Server.SwiftEndpointUrl = $SwiftEndpointUrl } if (!$AccountId -and !$Server.S3EndpointUrl) { Write-Verbose "Trying to identify S3 and Swift Endpoints" # check endpoint urls and try StorageGRID default ports 8082 and 18082 for S3 and 8083 and 18083 for Swift $EndpointDomainNames = Get-SgwEndpointDomainNames -Server $Server | % { @("https://$_", "https://${_}:8082", "https://${_}:18082", "https://${_}:8083", "https://${_}:18083") } foreach ($EndpointDomainName in $EndpointDomainNames) { Write-Verbose "Endpoint domain name: $EndpointDomainName" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { $CurrentCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy try { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Options -Uri $EndpointDomainName -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 3 if ($Response.Headers["x-amz-request-id"]) { $Server.S3EndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new($EndpointDomainName) [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $CurrentCertificatePolicy break } } catch { } try { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Options -Uri "$EndpointDomainName/info" -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 3 -SkipCertificateCheck if ($Response.Headers["X-Trans-Id"]) { $Server.SwiftEndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new($EndpointDomainName) [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $CurrentCertificatePolicy break } } catch { } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $CurrentCertificatePolicy } else { try { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Options -Uri "$EndpointDomainName" -SkipCertificateCheck -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 3 if ($Response.Headers["x-amz-request-id"]) { Write-Verbose "Test" $Server.S3EndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new($EndpointDomainName) break } } catch { } try { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Options -Uri "$EndpointDomainName/info" -SkipCertificateCheck -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 3 if ($Response.Headers["X-Trans-Id"]) { $Server.SwiftEndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new($EndpointDomainName) break } } catch { } } } } elseif (!$Server.S3EndpointUrl -and $CurrentSgwServer.Name -eq $Name) { Write-Verbose "Setting S3 and Swift Endpoints to the values from current SGW Server" $Server.S3EndpointUrl = $CurrentSgwServer.S3EndpointUrl $Server.SwiftEndpointUrl = $CurrentSgwServer.SwiftEndpointUrl } if (!$Transient) { Set-Variable -Name CurrentSgwServer -Value $Server -Scope Global } return $Server } } <# .SYNOPSIS Disconnect to StorageGRID Webscale Management Server .DESCRIPTION Disconnect to StorageGRID Webscale Management Server .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. #> function global:Disconnect-SgwServer { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server ) Begin { if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer Remove-Variable -Name CurrentSgwServer -Scope Global } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/authorize" $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" return } } } ## compliance ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the global compliance settings .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the global compliance settings .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwCompliance { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.2) { Throw "Managing Container Compliance is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.1" } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/compliance-global" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/compliance-global" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Enable Grid wide compliance .DESCRIPTION Enable Grid wide compliance .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Enable-SgwCompliance { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.2) { Throw "Managing Container Compliance is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.1" } } Process { $ConfirmComplianceEnabling = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Enable Complaince", "Cannot disable Grid wide Compliance on $($Server.Name) after it has been enabled. Still continue?", @("&Yes", "&No"), 1) if ($ConfirmComplianceEnabling -eq 1) { break } $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/compliance-global" $Method = "PUT" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{complianceEnabled=$true} try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## config ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves global configuration and token information .DESCRIPTION Retrieves global configuration and token information .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwConfig { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/config" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/config" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the global management API and UI configuration .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the global management API and UI configuration .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwConfigManagement { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2) { Throw "Cmdlet not supported on server with API Version less than 2.0" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/config/management" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Changes the global management API and UI configuration .DESCRIPTION Changes the global management API and UI configuration .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER MinApiVersion Minimum API Version. #> function Global:Update-SgwConfigManagement { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Minimum API Version.")][Int][ValidateSet(1, 2)]$MinApiVersion ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2) { Throw "Cmdlet not supported on server with API Version less than 2.0" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/config/management" $Method = "PUT" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{ minApiVersion = $MinApiVersion } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Server.SupportedApiVersions = @(Get-SgwVersions -Server $Server) Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve StorageGRID Product Version .DESCRIPTION Retrieve StorageGRID Product Version .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwProductVersion { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/config/product-version" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/config/product-version" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the current API version of the management API .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the current API version of the management API .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwVersion { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/versions" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck $ApiVersion = $Response.Json.APIVersion } Catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Host "$ResponseBody" if ($ResponseBody -match "apiVersion") { $ApiVersion = ($ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json).APIVersion } else { Write-Warning "Certificate of the server may not be trusted. Use -SkipCertificateCheck switch if you want to skip certificate verification." Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } Write-Output $ApiVersion } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the major versions of the management API supported by the product release .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the major versions of the management API supported by the product release .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwVersions { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/versions" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## containers ## # complete as of API 2.2 Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketOwner -Value Get-SgwContainerOwner <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the Owner of an S3 bucket or Swift container .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the Owner of an S3 bucket or Swift container .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Swift Container or S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Get-SgwContainerOwner { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { foreach ($Account in (Get-SgwAccounts -Server $Server)) { if ($Account | Get-SgwAccountUsage -Server $Server | select -ExpandProperty buckets | ? { $ -eq $Name } | Select -First 1) { Write-Output $Account break } } } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBuckets -Value Get-SgwContainers <# .SYNOPSIS Lists the S3 buckets or Swift containers for a tenant account .DESCRIPTION Lists the S3 buckets or Swift containers for a tenant account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwContainers { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Include complaince and / or region information in response.")][ValidateSet("compliance","region")][String[]]$Include ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers" $Method = "GET" $IncludeString = $Include -join "," if ($IncludeString) { $Uri += "?include=$IncludeString" } Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($Include -match "compliance") { $ | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name autoDelete -Value { $this.compliance.autoDelete } $ | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name legalHold -Value { $this.compliance.legalHold } $ | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name retentionPeriodMinutes -Value { $this.compliance.retentionPeriodMinutes } } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name New-SgwBucket -Value New-SgwContainer <# .SYNOPSIS Create a bucket for an S3 tenant account .DESCRIPTION Create a bucket for an S3 tenant account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:New-SgwContainer { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Bucket name (must be DNS-compatible).", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Name, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "The region for this bucket, which must already be defined (defaults to us-east-1 if not specified).", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Region="us-east-1", [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "If specified, Objects in this bucket will be deleted automatically when their retention period expires, unless the bucket is under a legal hold.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Switch]$AutoDelete, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "If specified, the objects in the bucket will be put under a legal hold (objects cannot be deleted).", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Switch]$LegalHold, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "The length of the retention period for objects added to this bucket, in minutes, starting when the object is ingested into the grid.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateRange(1,[Int]::MaxValue)][Int]$RetentionPeriodMinutes ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.2) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.1" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers" $Method = "POST" $ContainerCreate = @{ name = $Name; region = $Region; } if ($AutoDelete.IsPresent -or $LegalHold.IsPresent -or $RetentionPeriodMinutes) { $ContainerCreate.Compliance = @{ autoDelete = $AutoDelete.IsPresent; legalHold = $LegalHold.IsPresent; } if ($RetentionPeriodMinutes) { $ContainerCreate.Compliance.retentionPeriodMinutes = $RetentionPeriodMinutes } } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $ContainerCreate Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketCompliance -Value Get-SgwContainerCompliance <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the compliance settings for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Gets the compliance settings for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Swift Container or S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Get-SgwContainerCompliance { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.2) { Throw "Managing Container Compliance is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.1" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/compliance" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Name Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwBucketCompliance -Value Update-SgwContainerCompliance <# .SYNOPSIS Update the compliance settings for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Update the compliance settings for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Swift Container or S3 Bucket name. .PARAMETER AutoDelete If specified, Objects in this bucket will be deleted automatically when their retention period expires, unless the bucket is under a legal hold. .PARAMETER LegalHold If specified, the objects in the bucket will be put under a legal hold (objects cannot be deleted). .PARAMETER RetentionPeriodMinutes The length of the retention period for objects added to this bucket, in minutes, starting when the object is ingested into the grid. #> function Global:Update-SgwContainerCompliance { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "If specified, Objects in this bucket will be deleted automatically when their retention period expires, unless the bucket is under a legal hold.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Switch]$AutoDelete, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "If specified, the objects in the bucket will be put under a legal hold (objects cannot be deleted).", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Switch]$LegalHold, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "The length of the retention period for objects added to this bucket, in minutes, starting when the object is ingested into the grid.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateRange(1,[Int]::MaxValue)][Int]$RetentionPeriodMinutes ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.2) { Throw "Managing Container Compliance is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.1" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/compliance" $Method = "PUT" $ContainerComplianceSettings = @{ autoDelete = $autoDelete.IsPresent; legalHold = $LegalHold.IsPresent; retentionPeriodMinutes = $RetentionPeriodMinutes } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $ContainerComplianceSettings Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Name Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketConsistency -Value Get-SgwContainerConsistency <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the consistency level for an S3 bucket or Swift container .DESCRIPTION Gets the consistency level for an S3 bucket or Swift container .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Swift Container or S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Get-SgwContainerConsistency { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/consistency" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Name Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwBucketConsistency -Value Update-SgwContainerConsistency <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the consistency level for an S3 bucket or Swift container .DESCRIPTION Updates the consistency level for an S3 bucket or Swift container .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Swift Container or S3 Bucket name. .PARAMETER Consistency Consistency level. #> function Global:Update-SgwContainerConsistency { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Consistency level.")][ValidateSet("all", "strong-global", "strong-site", "default", "available", "weak")][String]$Consistency ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/consistency" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ consistency = $Consistency } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Name Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketLastAccessTime -Value Get-SgwContainerLastAccessTime <# .SYNOPSIS Determines if last access time is enabled for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Determines if last access time is enabled for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Get-SgwContainerLastAccessTime { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/last-access-time" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Name Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Enable-SgwBucketLastAccessTime -Value Enable-SgwContainerLastAccessTime <# .SYNOPSIS Enables last access time updates for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Enables last access time updates for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Enable-SgwContainerLastAccessTime { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/last-access-time" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ lastAccessTime = "enabled" } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Name Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Disable-SgwBucketLastAccessTime -Value Disable-SgwContainerLastAccessTime <# .SYNOPSIS Disables last access time updates for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Disables last access time updates for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Disable-SgwContainerLastAccessTime { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/last-access-time" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ lastAccessTime = "disabled" } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Name Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketMetadataNotification -Value Get-SgwContainerMetadataNotification Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketMetadataNotificationRules -Value Get-SgwContainerMetadataNotification Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwContainerMetadataNotificationRules -Value Get-SgwContainerMetadataNotification <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the metadata notification (search) configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Gets the metadata notification (search) configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Get-SgwContainerMetadataNotification { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/metadata-notification" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Rule in $Xml.MetadataNotificationConfiguration.Rule) { $Rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Rule.ID; Status = $Rule.Status; Prefix = $Rule.Prefix; DestinationUrn = $Rule.Destination.Urn } Write-Output $Rule } } } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwBucketMetadataNotification -Value Remove-SgwContainerMetadataNotification <# .SYNOPSIS Romoves the metadata notification (search) configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Removes the metadata notification (search) configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Remove-SgwContainerMetadataNotification { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/metadata-notification" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } } Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwBucketMetadataNotificationRule -Value Add-SgwContainerMetadataNotificationRule Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwContainerMetadataNotificationRule -Value Add-SgwContainerMetadataNotificationRule Set-Alias -Name Add-SgwBucketMetadataNotificationRule -Value Add-SgwContainerMetadataNotificationRule <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new rule for metadata notification (search) configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Adds a new rule for metadata notification (search) configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. .PARAMETER Id Rule ID - should be a short descriptive string. .PARAMETER Status Rule Status. .PARAMETER Prefix S3 Key Prefix. .PARAMETER DestinationUrn URN of the Destination. #> function Global:Add-SgwContainerMetadataNotificationRule { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Rule ID - should be a short descriptive string.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Rule Status.")][ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")][String]$Status = "Enabled", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "S3 Key Prefix.")][String]$Prefix = "", [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "URN of the Destination.")][Alias("Urn")][System.UriBuilder]$DestinationUrn ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/metadata-notification" $Method = "PUT" $MetadataNotificationRules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $MetadataNotification = Get-SgwContainerMetadataNotification -Server $Server -Name $Name foreach ($MetadataNotificationRule in $MetadataNotification) { $Null = $MetadataNotificationRules.Add($MetadataNotificationRule) } if (($MetadataNotificationRules | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id })) { $MetadataNotificationRule = $MetadataNotificationRules | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id } | Select -first 1 if ($Status) { $MetadataNotificationRule.Status = $Status } if ($Prefix) { $MetadataNotificationRule.Prefix = $Prefix } if ($DestinationUrn) { $MetadataNotificationRule.DestinationUrn = $DestinationUrn } } else { $MetadataNotificationRule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $ID; Status = $Status; Prefix = $Prefix; DestinationUrn = $DestinationUrn } $Null = $MetadataNotificationRules.Add($MetadataNotificationRule) } $MetadataNotificationConfiguration = "<MetadataNotificationConfiguration>" foreach ($MetadataNotificationRule in $MetadataNotificationRules) { $MetadataNotificationConfiguration += "<Rule><ID>$( $MetadataNotificationRule.Id )</ID><Status>$( $MetadataNotificationRule.Status )</Status><Prefix>$( $MetadataNotificationRule.Prefix )</Prefix><Destination><Urn>$( $MetadataNotificationRule.DestinationUrn )</Urn></Destination></Rule>" } $MetadataNotificationConfiguration += "</MetadataNotificationConfiguration>" $Body = @{ metadataNotification = $MetadataNotificationConfiguration } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Rule in $Xml.MetadataNotificationConfiguration.Rule) { $Rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Rule.ID; Status = $Rule.Status; Prefix = $Rule.Prefix; DestinationUrn = $Rule.Destination.Urn } Write-Output $Rule } } } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwBucketMetadataNotificationRule -Value Remove-SgwContainerMetadataNotificationRule <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a rule for metadata notification (search) configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Removes a rule for metadata notification (search) configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. .PARAMETER Id Rule ID. #> function Global:Remove-SgwContainerMetadataNotificationRule { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Rule ID.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/metadata-notification" $Method = "PUT" $MetadataNotificationRules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $MetadataNotification = Get-SgwContainerMetadataNotification -Server $Server -Name $Name foreach ($MetadataNotificationRule in $MetadataNotification) { if ($ -ne $Id) { $Null = $MetadataNotificationRules.Add($MetadataNotificationRule) } } $MetadataNotification = "<MetadataNotificationConfiguration>" foreach ($MetadataNotificationRule in $MetadataNotificationRules) { $MetadataNotification += "<Rule><ID>$( $MetadataNotificationRule.Id )</ID><Status>$( $MetadataNotificationRule.Status )</Status><Prefix>$( $MetadataNotificationRule.Prefix )</Prefix><Destination><Urn>$( $MetadataNotificationRule.DestinationUrn )</Urn></Destination></Rule>" } $MetadataNotification += "</MetadataNotificationConfiguration>" $Body = @{ metadataNotification = $MetadataNotification } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Rule in $Xml.MetadataNotificationConfiguration.Rule) { $Rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Rule.ID; Status = $Rule.Status; Prefix = $Rule.Prefix; DestinationUrn = $Rule.Destination.Urn } Write-Output $Rule } } } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketNotification -Value Get-SgwContainerNotification Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketNotificationRules -Value Get-SgwContainerNotification Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketNotificationTopics -Value Get-SgwContainerNotification Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwContainerNotificationRules -Value Get-SgwContainerNotification Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwContainerNotificationTopics -Value Get-SgwContainerNotification <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the notification configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Gets the notification configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Get-SgwContainerNotification { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/notification" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { Write-Verbose $ $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Topic in $Xml.NotificationConfiguration.TopicConfiguration) { $Topic = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Topic.Id; Topic = $Topic.Topic; Event = $Topic.Event; Prefix = ($Topic.Filter.S3Key.FilterRule | ? { $_.Name -eq "prefix" } | Select -ExpandProperty Value -First 1); Suffix = ($Topic.Filter.S3Key.FilterRule | ? { $_.Name -eq "suffix" } | Select -ExpandProperty Value -First 1) } Write-Output $Topic } } } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwBucketNotification -Value Remove-SgwContainerNotification <# .SYNOPSIS Remove the notification configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Remove the notification configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Remove-SgwContainerNotification { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/notification" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } } Set-Alias -Name Add-SgwBucketNotificationRule -Value Add-SgwContainerNotificationTopic Set-Alias -Name Add-SgwBucketNotificationTopic -Value Add-SgwContainerNotificationTopic Set-Alias -Name Add-SgwContainerNotificationRule -Value Add-SgwContainerNotificationTopic <# .SYNOPSIS Add a topic to the notification configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Add a topic to the notification configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. .PARAMETER Id Topic ID - should be a short descriptive string. .PARAMETER Topic URN of the Topic. .PARAMETER Events Events to trigger notifications for. .PARAMETER Prefix Prefix filter. .PARAMETER Suffix Suffix filter. #> function Global:Add-SgwContainerNotificationTopic { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Topic ID - should be a short descriptive string.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "URN of the Topic.")][Alias("TopicUrn", "Urn")][System.UriBuilder]$Topic, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Events to trigger notifications for.")][Alias("Event")][String[]]$Events, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Prefix filter.")][String]$Prefix, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Suffix filter.")][String]$Suffix ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/notification" $Method = "PUT" $NotificationTopics = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $Notifications = Get-SgwContainerNotification -Server $Server -Name $Name foreach ($NotificationTopic in $Notifications) { $Null = $NotificationTopics.Add($NotificationTopic) } if (($NotificationTopics | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id })) { $NotificationTopic = $NotificationTopics | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id } | Select -first 1 if ($Topic) { $NotificationTopic.Topic = $Topic } if ($Events) { $NotificationTopic.Events = $Events } if ($Prefix) { $NotificationTopic.Prefix = $Prefix } if ($Suffix) { $NotificationTopic.Suffix = $Suffix } } else { $NotificationTopic = [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $ID; Topic = $Topic; Events = $Events; Prefix = $Prefix; Suffix = $Suffix } $Null = $NotificationTopics.Add($NotificationTopic) } $NotificationConfiguration = "<NotificationConfiguration>" foreach ($NotificationTopic in $NotificationTopics) { $NotificationConfiguration += "<TopicConfiguration><Id>$( $NotificationTopic.Id )</Id><Topic>$( $NotificationTopic.Topic )</Topic>" foreach ($Event in $Events) { $NotificationConfiguration += "<Event>$Event</Event>" } $NotificationConfiguration += "<Filter><S3Key><FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>$( $NotificationTopic.Prefix )</Value></FilterRule><FilterRule><Name>suffix</Name><Value>$( $NotificationTopic.Suffix )</Value></FilterRule></S3Key></Filter></TopicConfiguration>" } $NotificationConfiguration += "</NotificationConfiguration>" $Body = @{ notification = $NotificationConfiguration } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { Write-Verbose $ $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Topic in $Xml.NotificationConfiguration.TopicConfiguration) { $Topic = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Topic.Id; Topic = $Topic.Topic; Event = $Topic.Event; Prefix = ($Topic.Filter.S3Key.FilterRule | ? { $_.Name -eq "prefix" } | Select -ExpandProperty Value -First 1); Suffix = ($Topic.Filter.S3Key.FilterRule | ? { $_.Name -eq "suffix" } | Select -ExpandProperty Value -First 1) } Write-Output $Topic } } } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwBucketNotificationRule -Value Remove-SgwContainerNotificationTopic Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwBucketNotificationTopic -Value Remove-SgwContainerNotificationTopic Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwContainerNotificationRule -Value Remove-SgwContainerNotificationTopic <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a topic from the notification configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Remove a topic from the notification configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. .PARAMETER Id Topic ID. #> function Global:Remove-SgwContainerNotificationTopic { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Topic ID.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/notification" $Method = "PUT" $NotificationTopics = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $Notifications = Get-SgwContainerNotification -Server $Server -Name $Name foreach ($NotificationTopic in $Notifications) { if ($ -ne $Id) { $Null = $NotificationTopics.Add($NotificationTopic) } } if (($NotificationTopics | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id })) { $NotificationTopic = $NotificationTopics | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id } | Select -first 1 if ($Topic) { $NotificationTopic.Topic = $Topic } if ($Events) { $NotificationTopic.Events = $Events } if ($Prefix) { $NotificationTopic.Prefix = $Prefix } if ($Suffix) { $NotificationTopic.Suffix = $Suffix } } else { $NotificationTopic = [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $ID; Topic = $Topic; Events = $Events; Prefix = $Prefix; Suffix = $Suffix } $Null = $NotificationTopics.Add($NotificationTopic) } $NotificationConfiguration = "<NotificationConfiguration>" foreach ($NotificationTopic in $NotificationTopics) { $NotificationConfiguration += "<TopicConfiguration><Id>$( $NotificationTopic.Id )</Id><Topic>$( $NotificationTopic.Topic )</Topic>" foreach ($Event in $Events) { $NotificationConfiguration += "<Event>$Event</Event>" } $NotificationConfiguration += "<Filter><S3Key><FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>$( $NotificationTopic.Prefix )</Value></FilterRule><FilterRule><Name>suffix</Name><Value>$( $NotificationTopic.Suffix )</Value></FilterRule></S3Key></Filter></TopicConfiguration>" } $NotificationConfiguration += "</NotificationConfiguration>" $Body = @{ metadataNotification = $MetadataNotification } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { Write-Verbose $ $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Topic in $Xml.NotificationConfiguration.TopicConfiguration) { $Topic = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Topic.Id; Topic = $Topic.Topic; Event = $Topic.Event; Prefix = ($Topic.Filter.S3Key.FilterRule | ? { $_.Name -eq "prefix" } | Select -ExpandProperty Value -First 1); Suffix = ($Topic.Filter.S3Key.FilterRule | ? { $_.Name -eq "suffix" } | Select -ExpandProperty Value -First 1) } Write-Output $Topic } } } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketReplication -Value Get-SgwContainerReplication Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwBucketReplicationRules -Value Get-SgwContainerReplication Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwContainerReplicationRules -Value Get-SgwContainerReplication <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the replication configuration for an S3 bucket .DESCRIPTION Gets the replication configuration for an S3 bucket .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Get-SgwContainerReplication { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/replication" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Rule in $Xml.ReplicationConfiguration.Rule) { $Rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Rule.ID; Status = $Rule.Status; Prefix = $Rule.Prefix; DestinationUrn = $Rule.Destination.Bucket; DestinationStorageClass = $Rule.Destination.StorageClass } Write-Output $Rule } } } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwBucketReplication -Value Remove-SgwContainerReplication <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the replication configuration for an S3 bucket or Swift container .DESCRIPTION Removes the replication configuration for an S3 bucket or Swift container .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. #> function Global:Remove-SgwContainerReplication { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/replication" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } } Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwBucketReplicationRule -Value Add-SgwContainerReplicationRule Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwBucketReplicationRule -Value Add-SgwContainerReplicationRule Set-Alias -Name Add-SgwBucketReplicationRule -Value Add-SgwContainerReplicationRule <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a replication configuration rule for an S3 bucket or Swift container .DESCRIPTION Adds a replication configuration rule for an S3 bucket or Swift container .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. .PARAMETER Id Rule ID - a short descriptive string. .PARAMETER Status Rule Status. .PARAMETER Prefix S3 Key Prefix. .PARAMETER DestinationBucket Destination Bucket name. .PARAMETER DestinationUrn Destination Bucket URN. .PARAMETER DestinationStorageClass Destination Storage Class. .PARAMETER Role IAM Role. #> function Global:Add-SgwContainerReplicationRule { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "bucket")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name to be replicated.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Rule ID - a short descriptive string.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Rule Status.")][ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")][String]$Status = "Enabled", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "S3 Key Prefix.")][String]$Prefix = "", [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 6, ParameterSetName = "bucket", HelpMessage = "Destination Bucket name.")][String]$DestinationBucket, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 6, ParameterSetName = "urn", HelpMessage = "Destination Bucket URN.")][String]$DestinationUrn, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Destination Storage Class.")][ValidateSet("STANDARD", "STANDARD_IA", "RRS")][String]$DestinationStorageClass = "STANDARD", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "IAM Role.")][String]$Role ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/replication" $Method = "PUT" $ReplicationRules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $Replication = Get-SgwContainerReplication -Server $Server -Name $Name foreach ($ReplicationRule in $Replication) { $Null = $ReplicationRules.Add($ReplicationRule) } if ($DestinationBucket) { $DestinationUrn = Get-SgwEndpoints | Where-Object { $_.endpointURN -match ":$DestinationBucket$" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty endpointURN -First 1 } if (($ReplicationRules | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id })) { $ReplicationRule = $ReplicationRules | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id } | Select -first 1 if ($Status) { $ReplicationRule.Status = $Status } if ($Prefix) { $ReplicationRule.Prefix = $Prefix } $ReplicationRule.DestinationUrn = $DestinationUrn if ($DestinationStorageClass) { $ReplicationRule.DestinationStorageClass = $DestinationStorageClass } if ($Role) { $ReplicationRule.Role = $Role } } else { $ReplicationRule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $ID; Status = $Status; Prefix = $Prefix; DestinationUrn = $DestinationUrn; DestinationStorageClass = $DestinationStorageClass; Role = $Role } $Null = $ReplicationRules.Add($ReplicationRule) } $ReplicationConfiguration = "<ReplicationConfiguration>" foreach ($ReplicationRule in $ReplicationRules) { $ReplicationConfiguration += "<Rule><ID>$( $ReplicationRule.Id )</ID><Status>$( $ReplicationRule.Status )</Status><Prefix>$( $ReplicationRule.Prefix )</Prefix><Destination><Bucket>$( $ReplicationRule.DestinationUrn )</Bucket><StorageClass>$( $ReplicationRule.DestinationStorageClass )</StorageClass></Destination><Role>$( $ReplicationRule.Role )</Role></Rule>" } $ReplicationConfiguration += "</ReplicationConfiguration>" $Body = @{ replication = $ReplicationConfiguration } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Rule in $Xml.ReplicationConfiguration.Rule) { $Rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Rule.ID; Status = $Rule.Status; Prefix = $Rule.Prefix; DestinationUrn = $Rule.Destination.Bucket; DestinationStorageClass = $Rule.Destination.StorageClass } Write-Output $Rule } } } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwBucketReplicationRule -Value Remove-SgwContainerReplicationRule <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a replication configuration rule for an S3 bucket or Swift container .DESCRIPTION Removes a replication configuration rule for an S3 bucket or Swift container .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name S3 Bucket name. .PARAMETER Id Rule ID. #> function Global:Remove-SgwContainerReplicationRule { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Swift Container or S3 Bucket name.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("Container", "Bucket","ContainerName","BucketName")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Rule ID.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Containers is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/containers/$Name/replication" $Method = "PUT" $ReplicationRules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $Replication = Get-SgwContainerReplication -Server $Server -Name $Name foreach ($ReplicationRule in $Replication) { if ($ -ne $Id) { $Null = $ReplicationRules.Add($ReplicationRule) } } $ReplicationConfiguration = "<ReplicationConfiguration>" foreach ($ReplicationRule in $ReplicationRules) { $ReplicationConfiguration += "<Rule><ID>$( $ReplicationRule.Id )</ID><Status>$( $ReplicationRule.Status )</Status><Prefix>$( $ReplicationRule.Prefix )</Prefix><Destination><Bucket>$( $ReplicationRule.DestinationUrn )</Bucket><StorageClass>$( $ReplicationRule.DestinationStorageClass )</StorageClass></Destination><Role>$( $ReplicationRule.Role )</Role></Rule>" } $ReplicationConfiguration += "</ReplicationConfiguration>" $Body = @{ replication = $ReplicationConfiguration } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($ { $Xml = [xml]$ foreach ($Rule in $Xml.ReplicationConfiguration.Rule) { $Rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bucket = $Name; Id = $Rule.ID; Status = $Rule.Status; Prefix = $Rule.Prefix; DestinationUrn = $Rule.Destination.Bucket; DestinationStorageClass = $Rule.Destination.StorageClass } Write-Output $Rule } } } } ## deactivated-features ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the deactivated features configuration .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the deactivated features configuration .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwDeactivatedFeatures { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2) { Throw "This Cmdlet is only supported for API Version 2.0 and above" } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/deactivated-features" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/deactivated-features" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Deactivates specific features. If no feature is selected, all features will be enabled again. .DESCRIPTION Deactivates specific features. If no feature is selected, all features will be enabled again. .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER AlarmAcknowledgment Deactivate ability to acknowledge alarms. .PARAMETER OtherGridConfiguration Deactivate ability to access configuration pages not covered by other permissions. .PARAMETER GridTopologyPageConfiguration Deactivate ability to access Grid Topology configuration tabs and modify otherGridConfiguration pages. .PARAMETER TenantAccounts Deactivate ability to add, edit, or remove tenant accounts (The deprecated management API v1 also uses this permission to manage tenant group policies, reset Swift admin passwords, and manage root user S3 access keys.). .PARAMETER ChangeTenantRootPassword Deactivate ability to reset the root user password for tenant accounts. .PARAMETER Maintenance Deactivate ability to perform maintenance procedures: software upgrade, expansion, decommission, and Recovery Package download; ability to configure DNS servers, NTP servers, grid license, domain names, server certificates, and audit; ability to collect logs. .PARAMETER MetricsQuery Deactivate ability to perform custom Prometheus metrics queries. .PARAMETER ActivateFeatures Deactivates ability to reactivate features that have been deactivated via the deactivated-features endpoints (This permission is provided for the option of deactivating it for security; the deactivated-features endpoints require rootAccess, so it is not useful to grant this permission to groups. Warning: this permission itself cannot be reactivated once deactivated, except by technical support.) .PARAMETER Ilm Deactivates ability to add, edit, or set ILM policies, ILM rules, and EC profiles; ability to simulate ILM evaluation of objects on the grid.) .PARAMETER ObjectMetadata Deactivates ability to look up object metadata for any object stored on the grid.) .PARAMETER ManageAllContainers Deactivates ability to manage all S3 buckets or Swift containers for this tenant account (overrides permission settings in group or bucket policies). .PARAMETER ManageEndpoints Deactivates ability to manage all S3 endpoints for this tenant account. .PARAMETER ManageOwnS3Credentials Deactivates ability to manage your personal S3 credentials. #> function Global:Update-SgwDeactivatedFeatures { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Deactivate ability to acknowledge alarms.")][Boolean]$AlarmAcknowledgment, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Deactivate ability to access configuration pages not covered by other permissions.")][Boolean]$OtherGridConfiguration, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Deactivate ability to access Grid Topology configuration tabs and modify otherGridConfiguration pages.")][Boolean]$GridTopologyPageConfiguration, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Deactivate ability to add, edit, or remove tenant accounts (The deprecated management API v1 also uses this permission to manage tenant group policies, reset Swift admin passwords, and manage root user S3 access keys.).")][Boolean]$TenantAccounts, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Deactivate ability to reset the root user password for tenant accounts.")][Boolean]$ChangeTenantRootPassword, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Deactivate ability to perform maintenance procedures: software upgrade, expansion, decommission, and Recovery Package download; ability to configure DNS servers, NTP servers, grid license, domain names, server certificates, and audit; ability to collect logs.")][Boolean]$Maintenance, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Deactivate ability to perform custom Prometheus metrics queries.")][Boolean]$MetricsQuery, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Deactivates ability to reactivate features that have been deactivated via the deactivated-features endpoints (This permission is provided for the option of deactivating it for security; the deactivated-features endpoints require rootAccess, so it is not useful to grant this permission to groups. Warning: this permission itself cannot be reactivated once deactivated, except by technical support.)")][Boolean]$ActivateFeatures, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Deactivates ability to add, edit, or set ILM policies, ILM rules, and EC profiles; ability to simulate ILM evaluation of objects on the grid.)")][Boolean]$Ilm, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "Deactivates ability to look up object metadata for any object stored on the grid.)")][Boolean]$ObjectMetadata, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 12, HelpMessage = "Deactivates ability to manage all S3 buckets or Swift containers for this tenant account (overrides permission settings in group or bucket policies).")][Boolean]$ManageAllContainers, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 13, HelpMessage = "Deactivates ability to manage all S3 endpoints for this tenant account.")][Boolean]$ManageEndpoints, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 14, HelpMessage = "Deactivates ability to manage your personal S3 credentials.")][Boolean]$ManageOwnS3Credentials ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2) { Throw "This Cmdlet is only supported for API Version 2.0 and above" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/deactivated-features" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ } if ($AlarmAcknowledgment -or $OtherGridConfiguration -or $GridTopologyPageConfiguration -or $TenantAccounts -or $ChangeTenantRootPassword -or $Maintenance -or $ActivateFeatures) { $Body.grid = @{ } } if ($AlarmAcknowledgment) { $Body.grid.alarmAcknowledgment = $AlarmAcknowledgment } if ($OtherGridConfiguration) { $Body.grid.otherGridConfiguration = $OtherGridConfiguration } if ($GridTopologyPageConfiguration) { $Body.grid.gridTopologyPageConfiguration = $GridTopologyPageConfiguration } if ($TenantAccounts) { $Body.grid.tenantAccounts = $TenantAccounts } if ($ChangeTenantRootPassword) { $Body.grid.changeTenantRootPassword = $ChangeTenantRootPassword } if ($Maintenance) { $Body.grid.maintenance = $Maintenance } if ($MetricsQuery) { $Body.grid.metricsQuery = $MetricsQuery } if ($ActivateFeatures) { $caption = "Please Confirm" $message = "Are you sure you want to proceed with permanently deactivating the activation of features (this can't be undone!):" [int]$defaultChoice = 0 $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Do the job." $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Do not do the job." $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($no, $yes) $choiceRTN = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($caption, $message, $options, $defaultChoice) if ($choiceRTN -eq 1) { $Body.grid.activateFeatures = $ActivateFeatures } else { Write-Host "Deactivating of permanent feature activation aborted." return } } if ($Ilm) { $Body.grid.ilm = $Ilm } if ($ObjectMetadata) { $Body.grid.objectMetadata = $ObjectMetadata } if ($ManageAllContainers -or $ManageEndpoints -or $ManageOwnS3Credentials) { $Body.tenant = @{} } if ($ManageAllContainers) { $Body.tenant.manageAllContainers = $ManageAllContainers } if ($ManageEndpoints) { $Body.tenant.manageEndpoints = $ManageEndpoints } if ($ManageOwnS3Credentials) { $Body.tenant.manageOwnS3Credentials = $ManageOwnS3Credentials } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## decomissioning ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Get decomission status .DESCRIPTION Get decomission status .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwDecommission { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } Write-Warning "This is currently a private REST API and may change in future versions" } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/private/decommission" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Start decomission .DESCRIPTION Start decomission .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER NodeIds List of Node IDs to be decommissioned. .PARAMETER Passphrase StorageGRID Passphrase. .PARAMETER Force Force decommission of nodes. #> function Global:Start-SgwDecommission { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "List of Node IDs to be decommissioned.")][String[]]$NodeIds, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Passphrase.")][String]$Passphrase, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Force decommission of nodes.")][Switch]$Force ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } Write-Warning "This is currently a private REST API and may change in future versions" } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/private/decommission" $Method = "POST" $Decommission = @{} if ($Force.IsPresent) { $Decommission.forceNodeIds = $NodeIds } else { $Decommission.nodeIds = $NodeIds } $Decommission.passphrase = $Passphrase $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Decommission try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Suspend decomission .DESCRIPTION Suspend decomission .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Suspend-SgwDecommission { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } Write-Warning "This is currently a private REST API and may change in future versions" } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/private/decommission/pause" $Method = "POST" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Resume decomission .DESCRIPTION Resume decomission .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Resume-SgwDecommission { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } Write-Warning "This is currently a private REST API and may change in future versions" } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/private/decommission/resume" $Method = "POST" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## dns-servers ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve StorageGRID DNS Servers .DESCRIPTION Retrieve StorageGRID DNS Servers .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwDnsServers { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/dns-servers" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve StorageGRID DNS Servers .DESCRIPTION Retrieve StorageGRID DNS Servers .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER DnsServers List of IP addresses of the external DNS servers. #> function Global:Replace-SgwDnsServers { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "List of IP addresses of the external DNS servers.")][String[]]$DnsServers ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/dns-servers" $Method = "PUT" $Body = '["' + ($DNSServers -join '","') + '"]' Write-Verbose $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## endpoints ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the list of endpoints .DESCRIPTION Gets the list of endpoints .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwEndpoints { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Endpoints is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/endpoints" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name New-SgwEndpoint -Value Add-SgwEndpoint <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new endpoint .DESCRIPTION Creates a new endpoint .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER DisplayName Display Name of Endpoint. .PARAMETER EndpointUri URI of the Endpoint. .PARAMETER EndpointUrn URN of the Endpoint. .PARAMETER CaCert CA Certificate String. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck Skip endpoint certificate check. .PARAMETER AccessKey S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint. .PARAMETER SecretAccessKey S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint. .PARAMETER Test Test the validity of the endpoint but do not save it. .PARAMETER Force Force saving without endpoint validation. #> function Global:Add-SgwEndpoint { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Display Name of Endpoint.")][String]$DisplayName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "URI of the Endpoint.")][Alias("Uri")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUri, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "URN of the Endpoint.")][Alias("Urn")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrn, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "CA Certificate String.")][String]$CaCert, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Skip endpoint certificate check.")][Alias("insecureTLS")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")][String]$AccessKey, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")][String]$SecretAccessKey, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Test the validity of the endpoint but do not save it.")][Switch]$Test, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Force saving without endpoint validation.")][Alias("ForceSave")][Switch]$Force ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Endpoints is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/endpoints" $Method = "POST" if ($Test.isPresent) { $Uri += "?test=true" } elseif ($Force.isPresent) { $Uri += "?forceSave=true" } $EndpointBucketName = $EndpointUrn.Uri.ToString() -replace ".*:.*:.*:.*:.*:(.*)",'$1' # Convert Destination Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names $EndpointBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($EndpointBucketName).ToLower() $EndpointUrnPrefix = $EndpointUrn.Uri.ToString() -replace "(.*:.*:.*:.*:.*:).*",'$1' $EndpointUrn = [System.UriBuilder]"$EndpointUrnPrefix$EndpointBucketName" $Body = @{ } $Body.displayName = $DisplayName $Body.endpointURI = $EndpointUri.Uri $Body.endpointURN = $EndpointUrn.Uri $Body.caCert = $CaCert $Body.insecureTLS = $SkipCertificateCheck.isPresent $Body.credentials = @{ } $Body.credentials.accessKeyId = $AccessKey $Body.credentials.secretAccessKey = $SecretAccessKey $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwS3Endpoint -Value Remove-SgwEndpoint Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwSnsEndpoint -Value Remove-SgwEndpoint Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwEsEndpoint -Value Remove-SgwEndpoint <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a single endpoint .DESCRIPTION Deletes a single endpoint .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Endpoint ID. #> function Global:Remove-SgwEndpoint { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Endpoint ID.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Endpoints is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/endpoints/$Id" $Method = "DELETE" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwS3Endpoint -Value Get-SgwEndpoint Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwSnsEndpoint -Value Get-SgwEndpoint Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwEsEndpoint -Value Get-SgwEndpoint <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a single endpoint .DESCRIPTION Retrieves a single endpoint .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Endpoint ID. #> function Global:Get-SgwEndpoint { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Endpoint ID.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Endpoints is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/endpoints/$Id" $Method = "GET" Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replaces a single endpoint .DESCRIPTION Replaces a single endpoint .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Endpoint ID. .PARAMETER DisplayName Display Name of Endpoint. .PARAMETER EndpointUri URI of the Endpoint. .PARAMETER EndpointUrn URN of the Endpoint. .PARAMETER Region Region .PARAMETER Name Bucket Name for CloudMirror, Topic Name for SNS or Domain-Name/Index-Name/Type-Name for ElasticSearch. .PARAMETER CaCert CA Certificate String. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck Skip endpoint certificate check. .PARAMETER S3Profile S3 Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint. .PARAMETER AccessKey S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint. .PARAMETER SecretAccessKey S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint. .PARAMETER Test Test the validity of the endpoint but do not save it. .PARAMETER Force Force saving without endpoint validation. #> function Global:Update-SgwEndpoint { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "none")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Endpoint ID.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Display Name of Endpoint.")][String]$DisplayName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "UriAndUrnAndProfile", HelpMessage = "URI of the Endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "UriAndUrnAndKey", HelpMessage = "URI of the Endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "UriAndNameAndProfile", HelpMessage = "URI of the Endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "UriAndNameAndKey", HelpMessage = "URI of the Endpoint.")][Alias("Uri")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUri, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "UriAndUrnAndProfile", HelpMessage = "URN of the Endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "UriAndUrnAndKey", HelpMessage = "URN of the Endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndUrnAndProfile", HelpMessage = "URN of the Endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndUrnAndKey", HelpMessage = "URN of the Endpoint.")][Alias("Urn")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrn, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndUrnAndProfile", HelpMessage = "Region.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndUrnAndKey", HelpMessage = "Region.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndNameAndProfile", HelpMessage = "Region.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndNameAndKey", HelpMessage = "Region.")][String]$Region, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndNameAndProfile", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name for CloudMirror, Topic Name for SNS or Domain-Name/Index-Name/Type-Name for ElasticSearch.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndNameAndKey", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name for CloudMirror, Topic Name for SNS or Domain-Name/Index-Name/Type-Name for ElasticSearch.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "UriAndNameAndProfile", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name for CloudMirror, Topic Name for SNS or Domain-Name/Index-Name/Type-Name for ElasticSearch.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "UriAndNameAndKey", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name for CloudMirror, Topic Name for SNS or Domain-Name/Index-Name/Type-Name for ElasticSearch.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "NameOnlyAndProfile", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name for CloudMirror, Topic Name for SNS or Domain-Name/Index-Name/Type-Name for ElasticSearch.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "NameOnlyAndKey", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name for CloudMirror, Topic Name for SNS or Domain-Name/Index-Name/Type-Name for ElasticSearch.")][Alias("Bucket", "BucketName", "Topic", "Domain")][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "CA Certificate String.")][String]$CaCert, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Skip endpoint certificate check.")][Alias("insecureTLS")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "UriAndUrnAndProfile", HelpMessage = "S3 Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "UriAndNameAndProfile", HelpMessage = "S3 Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndUrnAndProfile", HelpMessage = "S3 Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndNameAndProfile", HelpMessage = "S3 Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "NameOnlyAndProfile", HelpMessage = "S3 Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")][String]$S3Profile = "default", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "UriAndUrnAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "UriAndNameAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndUrnAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndNameAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "NameOnlyAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")][Alias("AccessKeyId")][String]$AccessKey, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, ParameterSetName = "UriAndUrnAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, ParameterSetName = "UriAndNameAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndUrnAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndNameAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, ParameterSetName = "NameOnlyAndKey", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")][String]$SecretAccessKey, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Test the validity of the endpoint but do not save it.", ParameterSetName = "test")][Switch]$Test, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "Force saving without endpoint validation.", ParameterSetName = "force")][Alias("ForceSave")][Switch]$Force ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -lt 2.1) { Throw "Managing Endpoints is only Supported from StorageGRID 11.0" } if (!$Server.AccountId) { throw "Not connected as tenant user. Use Connect-SgwServer with the parameter accountId to connect to a tenant." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/endpoints/$id" $Method = "PUT" if ($Test.isPresent) { $Uri += "?test=true" } elseif ($Force.isPresent) { $Uri += "?forceSave=true" } if ($S3Profile) { $Config = Get-AwsCredential -Profile $S3Profile if (!$Config.aws_access_key_id -and !$Config.aws_secret_access_key) { throw "No Credentials found for Profile $S3Profile. Either add credentials using Add-AwsCredential or specify AccessKey and SecretAccessKey" } $AccessKey = $Config.aws_access_key_id $SecretAccessKey = $Config.aws_secret_access_key if (!$Region -and $Name -and !$EndpointUri) { if ($Config.Region) { $Region = $Config.Region if ($Region -eq "us-east-1" -and !$Config.endpoint_url) { $EndpointUri = "" } elseif (!$Config.endpoint_url) { $EndpointUri = "s3.$" } else { $EndpointUri = [System.UriBuilder]$Config.endpoint_url } } else { Throw "No Endpoint URI and Region specified and Region not included in configuration of profile $S3Profile" } } } if ($Name) { if ($EndpointUri -match "") { $EndpointUrn = "arn:aws:s3:::$Name" } else { $EndpointUrn = "urn:sgws:s3:::$Name" } } $Body = @{ } $Body.displayName = $DisplayName $Body.endpointURI = $EndpointUri.Uri $Body.endpointURN = $EndpointUrn.Uri $Body.caCert = $CaCert $Body.insecureTLS = $SkipCertificateCheck.isPresent $Body.credentials = @{ } $Body.credentials.accessKeyId = $AccessKey $Body.credentials.secretAccessKey = $SecretAccessKey $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the list of S3 endpoints .DESCRIPTION Gets the list of S3 endpoints .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwS3Endpoints { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Process { Get-SgwEndpoints -Server $Server -ProfileName $ProfileName | Where-Object { $_.endpointURN -match "[^:]*:[^:]*:s3:" } } } Set-Alias -Name New-SgwS3Endpoint -Value Add-SgwS3Endpoint <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new S3 endpoint .DESCRIPTION Creates a new S3 endpoint .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER DisplayName Display Name of Endpoint. .PARAMETER Region Region .PARAMETER Name Bucket Name .PARAMETER CaCert CA Certificate String. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck Skip endpoint certificate check. .PARAMETER AccessKey S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint. .PARAMETER SecretAccessKey S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint. .PARAMETER Test Test the validity of the endpoint but do not save it. .PARAMETER Force Force saving without endpoint validation. #> function Global:Add-SgwS3Endpoint { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Display Name of Endpoint.")][String]$DisplayName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "Region.")][String]$Region, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name.")][Alias("Bucket","Name")][String]$BucketName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "CA Certificate String.")][String]$CaCert, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Skip endpoint certificate check.")][Alias("insecureTLS")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly", HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")][String]$S3Profile = "default", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")][String]$AccessKey, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")][String]$SecretAccessKey, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Test the validity of the endpoint but do not save it.", ParameterSetName = "test")][Switch]$Test, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Force saving without endpoint validation.", ParameterSetName = "force")][Alias("ForceSave")][Switch]$Force ) Process { if ($S3Profile) { $Config = Get-AwsCredential -Profile $S3Profile if (!$Config.aws_access_key_id -and !$Config.aws_secret_access_key) { throw "No Credentials found for Profile $S3Profile. Either add credentials using Add-AwsCredential or specify AccessKey and SecretAccessKey" } $AccessKey = $Config.aws_access_key_id $SecretAccessKey = $Config.aws_secret_access_key if (!$Region -and $Config.Region) { $Region = $Config.Region } } if (!$Region) { $Region = "us-east-1" } if (!$EndpointUri) { if ($Region -eq "us-east-1" -and !$Config.endpoint_url) { $EndpointUri = "" } elseif (!$Config.endpoint_url) { $EndpointUri = "https://s3.$" } else { $EndpointUri = [System.UriBuilder]$Config.endpoint_url } } if ($Name) { if ($EndpointUri -match "") { $EndpointUrn = "arn:aws:s3:::$Name" } else { $EndpointUrn = "urn:sgws:s3:::$Name" } } Add-SgwEndpoint -Server $Server -ProfileName $ProfileName -DisplayName $DisplayName -EndpointUri $EndpointUri -EndpointUrn $EndpointUrn -CaCert $CaCert -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretAccessKey $SecretAccessKey -Test:$Test -Force:$Force } } <# .SYNOPSIS Update S3 endpoint .DESCRIPTION Update S3 endpoint .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id Endpoint ID. .PARAMETER DisplayName Display Name of Endpoint. .PARAMETER Region Region .PARAMETER Name Bucket Name .PARAMETER CaCert CA Certificate String. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck Skip endpoint certificate check. .PARAMETER AccessKey S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint. .PARAMETER SecretAccessKey S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint. .PARAMETER Test Test the validity of the endpoint but do not save it. .PARAMETER Force Force saving without endpoint validation. #> function Global:Add-SgwS3Endpoint { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Endpoint ID.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Display Name of Endpoint.")][String]$DisplayName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "Region.")][String]$Region, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly", HelpMessage = "Bucket Name.")][Alias("Bucket","Name")][String]$BucketName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "CA Certificate String.")][String]$CaCert, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Skip endpoint certificate check.")][Alias("insecureTLS")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly", HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile which has credentials and region to be used for this endpoint.")][String]$S3Profile = "default", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly", HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")][String]$AccessKey, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, ParameterSetName = "RegionAndName", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")] [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly", HelpMessage = "S3 Secret Access Key authorized to use the endpoint.")][String]$SecretAccessKey, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Test the validity of the endpoint but do not save it.", ParameterSetName = "test")][Switch]$Test, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "Force saving without endpoint validation.", ParameterSetName = "force")][Alias("ForceSave")][Switch]$Force ) Process { if ($S3Profile) { $Config = Get-AwsCredential -Profile $S3Profile if (!$Config.aws_access_key_id -and !$Config.aws_secret_access_key) { throw "No Credentials found for Profile $S3Profile. Either add credentials using Add-AwsCredential or specify AccessKey and SecretAccessKey" } $AccessKey = $Config.aws_access_key_id $SecretAccessKey = $Config.aws_secret_access_key if (!$Region -and $Config.Region) { $Region = $Config.Region } } if (!$Region) { $Region = "us-east-1" } if (!$EndpointUri) { if ($Region -eq "us-east-1" -and !$Config.endpoint_url) { $EndpointUri = "" } elseif (!$Config.endpoint_url) { $EndpointUri = "https://s3.$" } else { $EndpointUri = [System.UriBuilder]$Config.endpoint_url } } if ($Name) { if ($EndpointUri -match "") { $EndpointUrn = "arn:aws:s3:::$Name" } else { $EndpointUrn = "urn:sgws:s3:::$Name" } } Update-SgwEndpoint -Server $Server -ProfileName $ProfileName -Id $Id -DisplayName $DisplayName -EndpointUri $EndpointUri -EndpointUrn $EndpointUrn -CaCert $CaCert -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretAccessKey $SecretAccessKey -Test:$Test -Force:$Force } } ## endpoint-domain-names ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Lists endpoint domain names .DESCRIPTION Lists endpoint domain names .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwEndpointDomainNames { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/domain-names" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Replace-SgwEndpointDomainNames -Value Set-SgwEndpointDomainNames Set-Alias -Name New-SgwEndpointDomainNames -Value Set-SgwEndpointDomainNames <# .SYNOPSIS Change the endpoint domain names .DESCRIPTION Change the endpoint domain names .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER EndpointDomainNames List of DNS names to be used as S3/Swift endpoints. #> function Global:Set-SgwEndpointDomainNames { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "List of DNS names to be used as S3/Swift endpoints.")][String[]]$EndpointDomainNames ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/domain-names" $Method = "PUT" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $EndpointDomainNames try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Add an endpoint domain name .DESCRIPTION Add an endpoint domain name .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER EndpointDomainName DNS name to be used as S3/Swift endpoints. #> function Global:Add-SgwEndpointDomainName { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "List of DNS names to be used as S3/Swift endpoints.")][String]$EndpointDomainName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $EndpointDomainNames = Get-SgwEndpointDomainNames -Server $Server -ProfileName $ProfileName $EndpointDomainNames += $EndpointDomainName Set-SgwEndpointDomainNames -Server $Server -ProfileName $ProfileName -EndpointDomainNames $EndpointDomainNames } } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove an endpoint domain name .DESCRIPTION Remove an endpoint domain name .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER EndpointDomainName DNS Endpoint to be removed. #> function Global:Remove-SgwEndpointDomainName { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "List of DNS names to be used as S3/Swift endpoints.")][String]$EndpointDomainName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $EndpointDomainNames = Get-SgwEndpointDomainNames -Server $Server -ProfileName $ProfileName $EndpointDomainNames = $EndpointDomainNames | Where-Object { $_ -ne $EndpointDomainName } Set-SgwEndpointDomainNames -Server $Server -ProfileName $ProfileName -EndpointDomainNames $EndpointDomainNames } } ## erasure-coding # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Lists Erasure Coding profiles .DESCRIPTION Lists Erasure Coding profiles .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwEcProfiles { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ec-profiles" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## erasure-coding <# .SYNOPSIS Lists Erasure Coding schemes .DESCRIPTION Lists Erasure Coding schemes .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwEcSchemes { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/schemes" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## expansion ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Cancels the expansion procedure and resets all user configuration of expansion grid nodes .DESCRIPTION Cancels the expansion procedure and resets all user configuration of expansion grid nodes .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Stop-SgwExpansion { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion" $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the status of the current expansion procedure .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the status of the current expansion procedure .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwExpansion { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Initiates the expansion procedure, allowing configuration of the expansion grid nodes .DESCRIPTION Initiates the expansion procedure, allowing configuration of the expansion grid nodes .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Start-SgwExpansion { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/start" $Method = "POST" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Executes the expansion procedure, adding configured grid nodes to the grid .DESCRIPTION Executes the expansion procedure, adding configured grid nodes to the grid .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Passphrase StorageGRID Passphrase #> function Global:Invoke-SgwExpansion { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Passphrase.")][String]$Passphrase ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/expand" $Method = "POST" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{ passphrase = $Passphrase } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## expansion-nodes ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the list of grid nodes available for expansion .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the list of grid nodes available for expansion .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwExpansionNodes { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/nodes" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ExpansionNodes = $ $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.grid.mac } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.grid.ip } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.grid.gateway } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.grid.config } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.admin.mac } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.admin.ip } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.admin.gateway } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.admin.config } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkSubnets -Value { $this.networks.admin.subnets } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.client.mac } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.client.ip } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.client.gateway } $ExpansionNodes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.client.config } Write-Output $ExpansionNodes } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a grid node eligbible for expansion .DESCRIPTION Retrieves a grid node eligbible for expansion .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID node eligible for expansion. #> function Global:Get-SgwExpansionNode { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID node eligible for expansion.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/nodes/$id" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $ExpansionNode = $ $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.grid.mac } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.grid.ip } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.grid.gateway } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name GridNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.grid.config } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.admin.mac } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.admin.ip } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.admin.gateway } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.admin.config } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AdminNetworkSubnets -Value { $this.networks.admin.subnets } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkMac -Value { $this.networks.client.mac } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkIp -Value { $this.networks.client.ip } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkGateway -Value { $this.networks.client.gateway } $ExpansionNode | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ClientNetworkConfig -Value { $this.networks.client.config } Write-Output $ExpansionNode } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures a grid node expansion .DESCRIPTION Configures a grid node expansion .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:New-SgwExpansionNode { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID node eligible for expansion.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "ID or name of the site to which the node should be assigned.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Site, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "The name of the node (must be a valid hostname).", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidatePattern("^(?:[A-Za-z0-9]?|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$")][String]$Name, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "The NTP role assigned to the nod. If not specified, StorageGRID will decide.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("","primary","client")][String]$NtpRole, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Whether the grid node has an ADC (Administrative Domain Controller) service. If not specified, StorageGRID will determine automatically if the node should have an ADC service. At least three Storage Nodes per site must contain an ADC service.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$HasAdc, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "The name of the node (must be a valid hostname).", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("adminNode","apiGatewayNode","archiveNode","storageNode")][String]$Type, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Whether this Admin Node is the primary Admin Node.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$IsPrimaryAdmin, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Describes how the interface is configured. A value of ‘fixed’ indicates that the configuration cannot be changed. A value of ‘dhcp’ indicates that the interface is configured by DHCP. A value of ‘static’ indicates that the interface is statically configured. Interfaces configured by DHCP can be changed to static and vice versa.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("static","dhcp","fixed")][String]$GridNetworkConfig, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "The CIDR network address for the network interface.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$GridNetworkIp, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "The gateway of the network.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$GridNetworkGateway, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 12, HelpMessage = "Describes how the interface is configured. A value of ‘fixed’ indicates that the configuration cannot be changed. A value of ‘dhcp’ indicates that the interface is configured by DHCP. A value of ‘static’ indicates that the interface is statically configured. Interfaces configured by DHCP can be changed to static and vice versa.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("","static","dhcp","fixed")][String]$AdminNetworkConfig, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 13, HelpMessage = "The CIDR network address for the network interface.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$AdminNetworkIp, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 14, HelpMessage = "the default gateway of the network.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$AdminNetworkGateway, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 15, HelpMessage = "Describes how the interface is configured. A value of ‘fixed’ indicates that the configuration cannot be changed. A value of ‘dhcp’ indicates that the interface is configured by DHCP. A value of ‘static’ indicates that the interface is statically configured. Interfaces configured by DHCP can be changed to static and vice versa.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][ValidateSet("","static","dhcp","fixed")][String]$ClientNetworkConfig, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 16, HelpMessage = "The CIDR network address for the network interface.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$ClientNetworkIp, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 17, HelpMessage = "the default gateway of the network.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$ClientNetworkGateway ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/nodes/$id" $Method = "PUT" $ExpansionNode = @{} $ = $Id try { [Guid]::Parse($Site) } catch { Write-Verbose "Site is not a valid GUID, check if site is the site name" $Topology = Get-SgwTopologyHealth -Server $Server -Depth site $Site = $Topology.children | Where-Object { $ -eq $Site } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id if (!$Site) { Throw "Site ID could not be found for $Site" } } $ = $Site $ = $Name if ($NtpRole) { $ExpansionNode.ntpRole = $NtpRole } if ($HasAdc) { $ExpansionNode.hasAdc = $HasAdc } $ExpansionNode.type = $Type if ($IsPrimaryAdmin) { $ExpansionNode.isPrimaryAdmin = $IsPrimaryAdmin } $ExpansionNode.configured = $true $ExpansionNode.networks = @{} $ExpansionNode.networks.grid = @{} $ExpansionNode.networks.grid.ip = $GridNetworkIp $ExpansionNode.networks.grid.gateway = $GridNetworkGateway $ExpansionNode.networks.grid.config = $GridNetworkConfig if ($AdminNetworkIp) { $ExpansionNode.networks.admin = @{} $ExpansionNode.networks.admin.ip = $AdminNetworkIp $ExpansionNode.networks.admin.gateway = $AdminNetworkGateway $ExpansionNode.networks.admin.config = $AdminNetworkConfig $ExpansionNode.networks.admin.subnets = $AdminNetworkSubnets } if ($ClientNetworkIp) { $ExpansionNode.networks.client = @{} $ExpansionNode.networks.client.ip = $ClientNetworkIp $ExpansionNode.networks.client.gateway = $ClientNetworkGateway $ExpansionNode.networks.client.config = $ClientNetworkConfig } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $ExpansionNode try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a grid node from all procedures; the grid node may be added back in by rebooting it .DESCRIPTION Removes a grid node from all procedures; the grid node may be added back in by rebooting it .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID node eligible for expansion. #> function Global:Remove-SgwExpansionNode { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale node to remove from expansion.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/nodes/$id" $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Resets a grid node's configuration and returns it back to pending state .DESCRIPTION Resets a grid node's configuration and returns it back to pending state .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID node eligible for expansion. #> function Global:Reset-SgwExpansionNode { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID node eligible for expansion.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/nodes/$id/reset" $Method = "POST" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## expansion-sites ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the list of existing and new sites (empty until expansion is started) .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the list of existing and new sites (empty until expansion is started) .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwExpansionSites { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/sites" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new site .DESCRIPTION Adds a new site .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Name Name of the new site #> function Global:New-SgwExpansionSite { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Name of the new site.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/sites" $Method = "POST" $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{ name = $Name } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a site .DESCRIPTION Delete a site .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale site to remove from expansion. #> function Global:Remove-SgwExpansionSite { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale site to remove from expansion.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/sites/$id" $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a site .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a site .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale site. #> function Global:Get-SgwExpansionSite { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale site.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/sites/$id" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the details of a site .DESCRIPTION Updates the details of a site .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID site to be updated. .PARAMETER NewId New ID for the StorageGRID site. .PARAMETER Name New name for the StorageGRID site. #> function Global:Update-SgwExpansionSite { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID site to be updated.")][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "New ID for the StorageGRID site.")][String]$NewId, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "New name for the StorageGRID site.")][String]$Name ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/expansion/sites/$id" $Method = "PUT" $Body = @{ } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($NewID) { $ = $NewID } else { $ = $Id } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## grid-networks ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Lists the current Grid Networks .DESCRIPTION Lists the current Grid Networks .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwGridNetworks { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/grid-networks" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Change the Grid Network list .DESCRIPTION Change the Grid Network list .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Subnets List of grid network Subnets in CIDR format (e.g. .PARAMETER Passphrase StorageGRID Passphrase. #> function Global:Update-SgwGridNetworks { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "List of grid network Subnets in CIDR format (e.g.")][String[]]$Subnets, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Passphrase.")][String]$Passphrase ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/grid-networks/update" $Method = "POST" $Body = @{ } $Body.passphrase = $Passphrase $Body.subnets = $Subnets $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## groups ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS List Groups .DESCRIPTION List Groups .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Type Filter by group type. .PARAMETER Limit Maximum number of results. .PARAMETER Marker Marker-style pagination offset (value is Group’s URN). .PARAMETER IncludeMarker If set, the marker element is also returned. .PARAMETER Order Pagination order (default asc, desc requires marker). #> function Global:Get-SgwGroups { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Filter by group type.")][ValidateSet("local","federated")][String]$Type, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Maximum number of results.")][Int]$Limit, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Marker-style pagination offset (value is Group’s URN).")][String]$Marker, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "If set, the marker element is also returned.")][Switch]$IncludeMarker, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Pagination order (default asc, desc requires marker).")][ValidateSet("asc","desc")][String]$Order="asc" ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/groups" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/groups" } $Method = "GET" $Query = @() if ($Type) { $Query += "type=$Type" } if ($Limit) { $Query += "limit=$Limit" } if ($Marker) { $Query += "marker=$Marker" } if ($IncludeMarker.IsPresent) { $Query += "includeMarker=true" } if ($Order -eq "desc") { if (!$Marker) { Throw "Marker required when using order desc" } $Query += "order=$Order" } if ($Query) { $Uri += "?" + ($Query -join "&") } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Groups = $ $Groups | Foreach-Object { $_.policies = $_.policies | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 } Write-Output $Groups } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Group .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Group .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER DisplayName The human-readable name for the Group (required for local Groups and imported automatically for federated Groups). .PARAMETER Type Type of group (default: local, use federated for AD or LDAP groups). .PARAMETER UniqueName The machine-readable name for the Group (unique within an Account). .PARAMETER AlarmAcknowledgment Ability to acknowledge alarms. .PARAMETER OtherGridConfiguration Ability to access configuration pages not covered by other permissions. .PARAMETER GridTopologyPageConfiguration Ability to access Grid Topology configuration tabs and modify otherGridConfiguration pages. .PARAMETER TenantAccounts Ability to add, edit, or remove tenant accounts (The deprecated management API v1 also uses this permission to manage tenant group policies, reset Swift admin passwords, and manage root user S3 access keys.). .PARAMETER ChangeTenantRootPassword Ability to reset the root user password for tenant accounts. .PARAMETER Maintenance Ability to perform maintenance procedures: software upgrade, expansion, decommission, and Recovery Package download; ability to configure DNS servers, NTP servers, grid license, domain names, server certificates, and audit; ability to collect logs. .PARAMETER MetricsQuery Ability to perform custom Prometheus metrics queries. .PARAMETER ActivateFeatures Ability to reactivate features that have been deactivated via the deactivated-features endpoints (This permission is provided for the option of deactivating it for security; the deactivated-features endpoints require rootAccess, so it is not useful to grant this permission to groups. Warning: this permission itself cannot be reactivated once deactivated, except by technical support.). .PARAMETER Ilm Ability to look up object metadata for any object stored on the grid. .PARAMETER RootAccess Full access to all features. .PARAMETER ManageAllContainers Ability to manage all S3 buckets or Swift containers for this tenant account (overrides permission settings in group or bucket policies) .PARAMETER ManageEndpoints Ability to manage all S3 endpoints for this tenant account .PARAMETER ManageOwnS3Credentials Ability to manage your personal S3 credentials .PARAMETER S3Policy S3 Group Policy. .PARAMETER S3FullAccess Use S3 Group Policy for Full S3 Access. .PARAMETER S3ReadOnlyAccess Use S3 Group Policy for Read Only S3 Access. .PARAMETER SwiftRoles Swift roles to grant. #> function Global:New-SgwGroup { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "The human-readable name for the Group (required for local Groups and imported automatically for federated Groups).")][String]$DisplayName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Type of group (default: local, use federated for AD or LDAP groups).")][ValidateSet("local","federated")][String]$Type="local", [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "The machine-readable name for the Group (unique within an Account).")][String]$UniqueName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Ability to acknowledge alarms.")][Switch]$AlarmAcknowledgment, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Ability to access configuration pages not covered by other permissions.")][Switch]$OtherGridConfiguration, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Ability to access Grid Topology configuration tabs and modify otherGridConfiguration pages.")][Switch]$GridTopologyPageConfiguration, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Ability to add, edit, or remove tenant accounts (The deprecated management API v1 also uses this permission to manage tenant group policies, reset Swift admin passwords, and manage root user S3 access keys.).")][Switch]$TenantAccounts, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Ability to reset the root user password for tenant accounts.")][Switch]$ChangeTenantRootPassword, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Ability to perform maintenance procedures: software upgrade, expansion, decommission, and Recovery Package download; ability to configure DNS servers, NTP servers, grid license, domain names, server certificates, and audit; ability to collect logs.")][Switch]$Maintenance, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "Ability to perform custom Prometheus metrics queries.")][Switch]$MetricsQuery, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 12, HelpMessage = "Ability to reactivate features that have been deactivated via the deactivated-features endpoints (This permission is provided for the option of deactivating it for security; the deactivated-features endpoints require rootAccess, so it is not useful to grant this permission to groups. Warning: this permission itself cannot be reactivated once deactivated, except by technical support.).")][Switch]$ActivateFeatures, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 13, HelpMessage = "Ability to look up object metadata for any object stored on the grid.")][Switch]$Ilm, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 14, HelpMessage = "Full access to all features.")][Switch]$RootAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 15, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage all S3 buckets or Swift containers for this tenant account (overrides permission settings in group or bucket policies)")][Switch]$ManageAllContainers, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 16, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage all S3 endpoints for this tenant account")][Switch]$ManageEndpoints, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 17, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage your personal S3 credentials")][Switch]$ManageOwnS3Credentials, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 18, HelpMessage = "S3 Group Policy.")][PSCustomObject]$S3Policy, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 19, HelpMessage = "Use S3 Group Policy for Full S3 Access.")][Alias("FullAccess","Full")][Switch]$S3FullAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 20, HelpMessage = "Use S3 Group Policy for Read Only S3 Access.")][Alias("ReadOnlyAccess","ReadOnly")][Switch]$S3ReadOnlyAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 21, HelpMessage = "Swift roles to grant.")][String[]]$SwiftRoles ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/groups" if ($AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent -or $OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent -or $GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent -or $TenantAccounts.IsPresent -or $ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent -or $Maintenance.IsPresent -or $MetricsQuery.IsPresent -or $ActivateFeatures.IsPresent -or $Ilm.IsPresent) { Throw "Permissions for a grid administration group specified, but connected as tenant user. Only the following parameters are allowed when connected as tenant: RootAccess, ManageAllContainers, ManageEndpoints, ManageOwnS3Credentials, S3Policy, S3FullAccess, S3ReadOnlyAccess, SwiftRoles" } $Account = Get-SgwConfig -Server $Server | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Account } else { if ($ManageAllContainers.IsPresent -or $ManageEndpoints.IsPresent -or $ManageOwnS3Credentials.IsPresent -or $S3Policy -or $S3FullAccess.IsPresent -or $S3ReadOnlyAccess.IsPresent -or $SwiftRoles) { Throw "Permissions for a tenant group specified, but connected as grid user. Only the following parameters are allowed for grid administration groups: RootAccess, OtherGridConfiguration, GridTopologyPageConfiguration, TenantAccounts, ChangeTenantRootPassword, Maintenance, MetricsQuery, ActivateFeatures, Ilm" } $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/groups" } $Method = "POST" if ($Type -and $UniqueName -notmatch "group/") { if ($Type -eq "federated") { $UniqueName = "federated-group/" + $UniqueName } else { $UniqueName = "group/" + $UniqueName } } $Body = @{ } $Body.displayName = $displayName $Body.uniqueName = $uniqueName $Body.policies = @{ } $ = @{ } if ($AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent) { $ = $AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent } if ($OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent) { $ = $OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent } if ($GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent) { $ = $GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent } if ($TenantAccounts.IsPresent) { $ = $TenantAccounts.IsPresent } if ($ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent) { $ = $ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent } if ($Maintenance.IsPresent) { $ = $Maintenance.IsPresent } if ($MetricsQuery.IsPresent) { $ = $MetricsQuery.IsPresent } if ($ActivateFeatures.IsPresent) { $ = $ActivateFeatures.IsPresent } if ($Ilm.IsPresent) { $ = $Ilm.IsPresent } if ($RootAccess.IsPresent) { $ = $RootAccess.IsPresent } if ($Account.Capabilities -match "s3") { # make sure that S3 Policy does not include a Principal $S3Policy = $S3Policy -replace '\s*"Principal":\s*"[^"]*"\s*,?','' -replace ',}','}' if (!$S3Policy -and !($S3FullAccess.IsPresent -or $S3ReadOnlyAccess)) { Write-Warning "S3 capability specified, but no S3 Group Policy provided. Users of this group will not be able to execute any S3 commands on buckets or objects." } elseif ($S3FullAccess.IsPresent) { $Body.policies.s3 = '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Resource":"urn:sgws:s3:::*","Action":"s3:*"}]}' } elseif ($S3ReadOnlyAccess.IsPresent) { $Body.policies.s3 = '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Resource":"urn:sgws:s3:::*","Action":["s3:ListBucket","s3:ListBucketVersions","s3:ListAllMyBuckets","s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads","s3:ListMultipartUploadParts","s3:GetBucketCORS","s3:GetBucketLocation","s3:GetBucketNotification","s3:GetBucketPolicy","s3:GetBucketVersioning","s3:GetObject","s3:GetObjectTagging","s3:GetObjectVersion","s3:GetObjectVersionTagging","s3:GetReplicationConfiguration"]}]}' } else { $Body.policies.s3 = $S3Policy } } if ($Account.Capabilities -match "swift") { if (!$SwiftRoles) { Write-Warning "Swift capability specified, but no Swift roles specified." } else { $Body.policies.swift = @{ } $Body.policies.swift.roles = $SwiftRoles } } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Group = $ $Group.policies = $Group.policies | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Output $Group } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a local Grid Administrator Group by unique name .DESCRIPTION Retrieves a local Grid Administrator Group by unique name .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER ShortName Short name of the group to retrieve. #> function Global:Get-SgwGroupByShortName { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Short name of the group to retrieve.")][String]$ShortName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/groups/group/$ShortName" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/groups/group/$ShortName" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Group = $ $Group.policies = $Group.policies | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Output $Group } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a federated Grid Administrator Group by unique name .DESCRIPTION Retrieves a federated Grid Administrator Group by unique name .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER ShortName Short name of the federated group to retrieve. #> function Global:Get-SgwFederatedGroupByShortName { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Short name of the federated group to retrieve.")][String]$ShortName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/groups/federated-group/$ShortName" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/groups/federated-group/$ShortName" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Group = $ $Group.policies = $Group.policies | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Output $Group } } New-Alias -Name Delete-SgwGroup -Value Remove-SgwGroup <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a single Group .DESCRIPTION Deletes a single Group .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Group to delete. #> function Global:Remove-SgwGroup { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Group to delete.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/groups/$id" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/groups/$id" } $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a single Group .DESCRIPTION Retrieves a single Group .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Group to retrieve. #> function Global:Get-SgwGroup { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Group to retrieve.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/groups/$id" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/groups/$id" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Group = $ $Group.policies = $Group.policies | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Output $Group } } <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a single Grid Administrator Group .DESCRIPTION Updates a single Grid Administrator Group .PARAMETER Id ID of the group to be updated. .PARAMETER DisplayName The human-readable name for the Group (required for local Groups and imported automatically for federated Groups). .PARAMETER AlarmAcknowledgment Ability to acknowledge alarms. .PARAMETER OtherGridConfiguration Ability to access configuration pages not covered by other permissions. .PARAMETER GridTopologyPageConfiguration Ability to access Grid Topology configuration tabs and modify otherGridConfiguration pages. .PARAMETER TenantAccounts Ability to add, edit, or remove tenant accounts (The deprecated management API v1 also uses this permission to manage tenant group policies, reset Swift admin passwords, and manage root user S3 access keys.). .PARAMETER ChangeTenantRootPassword Ability to reset the root user password for tenant accounts. .PARAMETER Maintenance Ability to perform maintenance procedures: software upgrade, expansion, decommission, and Recovery Package download; ability to configure DNS servers, NTP servers, grid license, domain names, server certificates, and audit; ability to collect logs. .PARAMETER MetricsQuery Ability to perform custom Prometheus metrics queries. .PARAMETER ActivateFeatures Ability to reactivate features that have been deactivated via the deactivated-features endpoints (This permission is provided for the option of deactivating it for security; the deactivated-features endpoints require rootAccess, so it is not useful to grant this permission to groups. Warning: this permission itself cannot be reactivated once deactivated, except by technical support.). .PARAMETER Ilm Ability to look up object metadata for any object stored on the grid. .PARAMETER RootAccess Full access to all features. .PARAMETER ManageAllContainers Ability to manage all S3 buckets or Swift containers for this tenant account (overrides permission settings in group or bucket policies) .PARAMETER ManageEndpoints Ability to manage all S3 endpoints for this tenant account .PARAMETER ManageOwnS3Credentials Ability to manage your personal S3 credentials .PARAMETER S3Policy S3 Group Policy. .PARAMETER S3FullAccess Use S3 Group Policy for Full S3 Access. .PARAMETER S3ReadOnlyAccess Use S3 Group Policy for Read Only S3 Access. .PARAMETER SwiftRoles Swift roles to grant. #> function Global:Update-SgwGroup { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "ID of the group to be updated.")][String]$ID, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "The human-readable name for the Group (required for local Groups and imported automatically for federated Groups).")][String]$DisplayName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Ability to acknowledge alarms.")][Switch]$AlarmAcknowledgment, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Ability to access configuration pages not covered by other permissions.")][Switch]$OtherGridConfiguration, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Ability to access Grid Topology configuration tabs and modify otherGridConfiguration pages.")][Switch]$GridTopologyPageConfiguration, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Ability to add, edit, or remove tenant accounts (The deprecated management API v1 also uses this permission to manage tenant group policies, reset Swift admin passwords, and manage root user S3 access keys.).")][Switch]$TenantAccounts, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Ability to reset the root user password for tenant accounts.")][Switch]$ChangeTenantRootPassword, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Ability to perform maintenance procedures: software upgrade, expansion, decommission, and Recovery Package download; ability to configure DNS servers, NTP servers, grid license, domain names, server certificates, and audit; ability to collect logs.")][Switch]$Maintenance, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Ability to perform custom Prometheus metrics queries.")][Switch]$MetricsQuery, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "Ability to reactivate features that have been deactivated via the deactivated-features endpoints (This permission is provided for the option of deactivating it for security; the deactivated-features endpoints require rootAccess, so it is not useful to grant this permission to groups. Warning: this permission itself cannot be reactivated once deactivated, except by technical support.).")][Switch]$ActivateFeatures, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 12, HelpMessage = "Ability to look up object metadata for any object stored on the grid.")][Switch]$Ilm, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 13, HelpMessage = "Full access to all features.")][Switch]$RootAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 14, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage all S3 buckets or Swift containers for this tenant account (overrides permission settings in group or bucket policies)")][Switch]$ManageAllContainers, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 15, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage all S3 endpoints for this tenant account")][Switch]$ManageEndpoints, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 16, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage your personal S3 credentials")][Switch]$ManageOwnS3Credentials, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 17, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "S3 Group Policy.")][PSCustomObject]$S3Policy, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 18, HelpMessage = "Use S3 Group Policy for Full S3 Access.")][Alias("FullAccess","Full")][Switch]$S3FullAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 19, HelpMessage = "Use S3 Group Policy for Read Only S3 Access.")][Alias("ReadOnlyAccess","ReadOnly")][Switch]$S3ReadOnlyAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 20, HelpMessage = "Swift roles to grant.")][String[]]$SwiftRoles ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/groups/$Id" if ($AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent -or $OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent -or $GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent -or $TenantAccounts.IsPresent -or $ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent -or $Maintenance.IsPresent -or $MetricsQuery.IsPresent -or $ActivateFeatures.IsPresent -or $Ilm.IsPresent) { Throw "Permissions for a grid administration group specified, but connected as tenant user. Only the following parameters are allowed when connected as tenant: RootAccess, ManageAllContainers, ManageEndpoints, ManageOwnS3Credentials, S3Policy, S3FullAccess, S3ReadOnlyAccess, SwiftRoles" } $Account = Get-SgwConfig -Server $Server | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Account } else { if ($ManageAllContainers.IsPresent -or $ManageEndpoints.IsPresent -or $ManageOwnS3Credentials.IsPresent -or $S3Policy -or $S3FullAccess.IsPresent -or $S3ReadOnlyAccess.IsPresent -or $SwiftRoles) { Throw "Permissions for a tenant group specified, but connected as grid user. Only the following parameters are allowed for grid administration groups: RootAccess, OtherGridConfiguration, GridTopologyPageConfiguration, TenantAccounts, ChangeTenantRootPassword, Maintenance, MetricsQuery, ActivateFeatures, Ilm" } $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/groups/$Id" } $Method = "PATCH" $Body = @{ } if ($DisplayName) { $Body.displayName = $displayName } $Body.policies = @{ } $ = @{ } if ($AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent) { $ = $AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent } if ($OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent) { $ = $OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent } if ($GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent) { $ = $GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent } if ($TenantAccounts.IsPresent) { $ = $TenantAccounts.IsPresent } if ($ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent) { $ = $ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent } if ($Maintenance.IsPresent) { $ = $Maintenance.IsPresent } if ($MetricsQuery.IsPresent) { $ = $MetricsQuery.IsPresent } if ($ActivateFeatures.IsPresent) { $ = $ActivateFeatures.IsPresent } if ($Ilm.IsPresent) { $ = $Ilm.IsPresent } if ($RootAccess.IsPresent) { $ = $RootAccess.IsPresent } if ($Account.Capabilities -match "s3") { # make sure that S3 Policy does not include a Principal $S3Policy = $S3Policy -replace '\s*"Principal":\s*"[^"]*"\s*,?','' -replace ',}','}' if (!$S3Policy -and !($S3FullAccess.IsPresent -or $S3ReadOnlyAccess)) { Write-Warning "S3 capability specified, but no S3 Group Policy provided. Users of this group will not be able to execute any S3 commands on buckets or objects." } elseif ($S3FullAccess.IsPresent) { $Body.policies.s3 = '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Resource":"urn:sgws:s3:::*","Action":"s3:*"}]}' } elseif ($S3ReadOnlyAccess.IsPresent) { $Body.policies.s3 = '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Resource":"urn:sgws:s3:::*","Action":["s3:ListBucket","s3:ListBucketVersions","s3:ListAllMyBuckets","s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads","s3:ListMultipartUploadParts","s3:GetBucketCORS","s3:GetBucketLocation","s3:GetBucketNotification","s3:GetBucketPolicy","s3:GetBucketVersioning","s3:GetObject","s3:GetObjectTagging","s3:GetObjectVersion","s3:GetObjectVersionTagging","s3:GetReplicationConfiguration"]}]}' } else { $Body.policies.s3 = $S3Policy } } if ($Account.Capabilities -match "swift") { if (!$SwiftRoles) { Write-Warning "Swift capability specified, but no Swift roles specified." } else { $Body.policies.swift = @{ } $Body.policies.swift.roles = $SwiftRoles } } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Group = $ $Group.policies = $Group.policies | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Output $Group } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace a single Grid Administrator Group .DESCRIPTION Replace a single Grid Administrator Group .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of the group to be replaced. .PARAMETER DisplayName The human-readable name for the Group (required for local Groups and imported automatically for federated Groups). .PARAMETER Type Type of group (default: local, use federated for AD or LDAP groups). .PARAMETER UniqueName The machine-readable name for the Group (unique within an Account). .PARAMETER AlarmAcknowledgment Ability to acknowledge alarms. .PARAMETER OtherGridConfiguration Ability to access configuration pages not covered by other permissions. .PARAMETER GridTopologyPageConfiguration Ability to access Grid Topology configuration tabs and modify otherGridConfiguration pages. .PARAMETER TenantAccounts Ability to add, edit, or remove tenant accounts (The deprecated management API v1 also uses this permission to manage tenant group policies, reset Swift admin passwords, and manage root user S3 access keys.). .PARAMETER ChangeTenantRootPassword Ability to reset the root user password for tenant accounts. .PARAMETER Maintenance Ability to perform maintenance procedures: software upgrade, expansion, decommission, and Recovery Package download; ability to configure DNS servers, NTP servers, grid license, domain names, server certificates, and audit; ability to collect logs. .PARAMETER MetricsQuery Ability to perform custom Prometheus metrics queries. .PARAMETER ActivateFeatures Ability to reactivate features that have been deactivated via the deactivated-features endpoints (This permission is provided for the option of deactivating it for security; the deactivated-features endpoints require rootAccess, so it is not useful to grant this permission to groups. Warning: this permission itself cannot be reactivated once deactivated, except by technical support.). .PARAMETER Ilm Ability to look up object metadata for any object stored on the grid. .PARAMETER RootAccess Full access to all features. .PARAMETER ManageAllContainers Ability to manage all S3 buckets or Swift containers for this tenant account (overrides permission settings in group or bucket policies) .PARAMETER ManageEndpoints Ability to manage all S3 endpoints for this tenant account .PARAMETER ManageOwnS3Credentials Ability to manage your personal S3 credentials .PARAMETER S3Policy S3 Group Policy. .PARAMETER S3FullAccess Use S3 Group Policy for Full S3 Access. .PARAMETER S3ReadOnlyAccess Use S3 Group Policy for Read Only S3 Access. .PARAMETER SwiftRoles Swift roles to grant. #> function Global:Replace-SgwGroup { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "ID of the group to be updated.")][String]$ID, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "The human-readable name for the Group (required for local Groups and imported automatically for federated Groups).")][String]$DisplayName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Type of group (default: local, use federated for AD or LDAP groups).")][ValidateSet("local","federated")][String]$Type="local", [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "The machine-readable name for the Group (unique within an Account).")][String]$UniqueName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Ability to acknowledge alarms.")][Switch]$AlarmAcknowledgment, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Ability to access configuration pages not covered by other permissions.")][Switch]$OtherGridConfiguration, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Ability to access Grid Topology configuration tabs and modify otherGridConfiguration pages.")][Switch]$GridTopologyPageConfiguration, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Ability to add, edit, or remove tenant accounts (The deprecated management API v1 also uses this permission to manage tenant group policies, reset Swift admin passwords, and manage root user S3 access keys.).")][Switch]$TenantAccounts, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Ability to reset the root user password for tenant accounts.")][Switch]$ChangeTenantRootPassword, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "Ability to perform maintenance procedures: software upgrade, expansion, decommission, and Recovery Package download; ability to configure DNS servers, NTP servers, grid license, domain names, server certificates, and audit; ability to collect logs.")][Switch]$Maintenance, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 12, HelpMessage = "Ability to perform custom Prometheus metrics queries.")][Switch]$MetricsQuery, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 13, HelpMessage = "Ability to reactivate features that have been deactivated via the deactivated-features endpoints (This permission is provided for the option of deactivating it for security; the deactivated-features endpoints require rootAccess, so it is not useful to grant this permission to groups. Warning: this permission itself cannot be reactivated once deactivated, except by technical support.).")][Switch]$ActivateFeatures, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 14, HelpMessage = "Ability to look up object metadata for any object stored on the grid.")][Switch]$Ilm, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 15, HelpMessage = "Full access to all features.")][Switch]$RootAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 16, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage all S3 buckets or Swift containers for this tenant account (overrides permission settings in group or bucket policies)")][Switch]$ManageAllContainers, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 17, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage all S3 endpoints for this tenant account")][Switch]$ManageEndpoints, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 18, HelpMessage = "Ability to manage your personal S3 credentials")][Switch]$ManageOwnS3Credentials, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 19, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "S3 Group Policy.")][PSCustomObject]$S3Policy, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 20, HelpMessage = "Use S3 Group Policy for Full S3 Access.")][Alias("FullAccess","Full")][Switch]$S3FullAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 21, HelpMessage = "Use S3 Group Policy for Read Only S3 Access.")][Alias("ReadOnlyAccess","ReadOnly")][Switch]$S3ReadOnlyAccess, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 22, HelpMessage = "Swift roles to grant.")][String[]]$SwiftRoles ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/groups/$Id" if ($AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent -or $OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent -or $GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent -or $TenantAccounts.IsPresent -or $ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent -or $Maintenance.IsPresent -or $MetricsQuery.IsPresent -or $ActivateFeatures.IsPresent -or $Ilm.IsPresent) { Throw "Permissions for a grid administration group specified, but connected as tenant user. Only the following parameters are allowed when connected as tenant: RootAccess, ManageAllContainers, ManageEndpoints, ManageOwnS3Credentials, S3Policy, S3FullAccess, S3ReadOnlyAccess, SwiftRoles" } $Account = Get-SgwConfig -Server $Server | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Account } else { if ($ManageAllContainers.IsPresent -or $ManageEndpoints.IsPresent -or $ManageOwnS3Credentials.IsPresent -or $S3Policy -or $S3FullAccess.IsPresent -or $S3ReadOnlyAccess.IsPresent -or $SwiftRoles) { Throw "Permissions for a tenant group specified, but connected as grid user. Only the following parameters are allowed for grid administration groups: RootAccess, OtherGridConfiguration, GridTopologyPageConfiguration, TenantAccounts, ChangeTenantRootPassword, Maintenance, MetricsQuery, ActivateFeatures, Ilm" } $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/groups/$Id" } $Method = "PUT" if ($Type -and $UniqueName -notmatch "group/") { if ($Type -eq "federated") { $UniqueName = "federated-group/" + $UniqueName } else { $UniqueName = "group/" + $UniqueName } } $Body = @{ } if ($DisplayName) { $Body.displayName = $displayName } if ($UniqueName) { $Body.uniqueName = $uniqueName } $Body.policies = @{ } $ = @{ } if ($AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent) { $ = $AlarmAcknowledgment.IsPresent } if ($OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent) { $ = $OtherGridConfiguration.IsPresent } if ($GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent) { $ = $GridTopologyPageConfiguration.IsPresent } if ($TenantAccounts.IsPresent) { $ = $TenantAccounts.IsPresent } if ($ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent) { $ = $ChangeTenantRootPassword.IsPresent } if ($Maintenance.IsPresent) { $ = $Maintenance.IsPresent } if ($MetricsQuery.IsPresent) { $ = $MetricsQuery.IsPresent } if ($ActivateFeatures.IsPresent) { $ = $ActivateFeatures.IsPresent } if ($Ilm.IsPresent) { $ = $Ilm.IsPresent } if ($RootAccess.IsPresent) { $ = $RootAccess.IsPresent } if ($Account.Capabilities -match "s3") { # make sure that S3 Policy does not include a Principal $S3Policy = $S3Policy -replace '\s*"Principal":\s*"[^"]*"\s*,?','' -replace ',}','}' if (!$S3Policy -and !($S3FullAccess.IsPresent -or $S3ReadOnlyAccess)) { Write-Warning "S3 capability specified, but no S3 Group Policy provided. Users of this group will not be able to execute any S3 commands on buckets or objects." } elseif ($S3FullAccess.IsPresent) { $Body.policies.s3 = '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Resource":"urn:sgws:s3:::*","Action":"s3:*"}]}' } elseif ($S3ReadOnlyAccess.IsPresent) { $Body.policies.s3 = '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Resource":"urn:sgws:s3:::*","Action":["s3:ListBucket","s3:ListBucketVersions","s3:ListAllMyBuckets","s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads","s3:ListMultipartUploadParts","s3:GetBucketCORS","s3:GetBucketLocation","s3:GetBucketNotification","s3:GetBucketPolicy","s3:GetBucketVersioning","s3:GetObject","s3:GetObjectTagging","s3:GetObjectVersion","s3:GetObjectVersionTagging","s3:GetReplicationConfiguration"]}]}' } else { $Body.policies.s3 = $S3Policy } } if ($Account.Capabilities -match "swift") { if (!$SwiftRoles) { Write-Warning "Swift capability specified, but no Swift roles specified." } else { $Body.policies.swift = @{ } $Body.policies.swift.roles = $SwiftRoles } } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Group = $ $Group.policies = $Group.policies | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Output $Group } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve groups of a StorageGRID Webscale Account .DESCRIPTION Retrieve groups of a StorageGRID Webscale Account .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get group information for. #> function Global:Get-SgwAccountGroups { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get group information for.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.APIVersion -gt 1) { Throw "This Cmdlet is only supported with API Version 1" } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$id/groups" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## health ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve StorageGRID Health Status .DESCRIPTION Retrieve StorageGRID Health Status .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwHealth { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + '/grid/health' $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwTopology -Value Get-SgwTopologyHealth <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve StorageGRID Topology with Health Status .DESCRIPTION Retrieve StorageGRID Topology with Health Status .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Depth Topology depth level to provide (default=node). #> function Global:Get-SgwTopologyHealth { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Topology depth level to provide (default=node).")][String][ValidateSet("grid", "site", "node", "component", "subcomponent")]$Depth = "node" ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/health/topology?depth=$depth" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Topology = $ if ($Depth -match "site|node|component") { $Topology | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Sites -Value { $this.children } } if ($Depth -match "node","component") { $Topology | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Nodes -Value { $this.children.children } } Write-Output $Topology } } ## identity-source ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve identity sources .DESCRIPTION Retrieve identity sources .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwIdentitySources { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/identity-source" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/identity-source" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Update-SgwIdentitySource -Value Set-SgwIdentitySource <# .SYNOPSIS Set or update identity source .DESCRIPTION Set or update identity source .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id A unique identifier for the identity source (automatically assigned when the identity source is configured) .PARAMETER Disable Disable Identity Source ID .PARAMETER Hostname Server hostname or IP address of the identity source .PARAMETER Port Port to use to connect to the identity source .PARAMETER Credential Username and password to use to access the identity source .PARAMETER BaseGroupDN Fully qualified Distinguished Name (DN) of an LDAP subtree to be used to search for groups .PARAMETER BaseUserDN Fully qualified Distinguished Name (DN) of an LDAP subtree to be used to search for users .PARAMETER LdapServiceType Identity Source LDAP Service Type .PARAMETER Type Identity Source Type .PARAMETER LDAPUserIDAttribute LDAP attribute that identifies the LDAP user who attempts authentication with unique name/login (only required when ldapServiceType is 'Other') .PARAMETER LDAPUserUUIDAttribute LDAP attribute that identifies the LDAP user’s permanent unique identity (only required when ldapServiceType is 'Other') .PARAMETER LDAPGroupIDAttribute LDAP attribute that identifies the LDAP group of the user who attempts authentication (only required when ldapServiceType is 'Other') .PARAMETER LDAPGroupUUIDAttribute LDAP attribute that identifies the LDAP group’s permanent unique identity (only required when ldapServiceType is 'Other') .PARAMETER DisableTLS Disable Transport Layer Security (TLS) when connecting to the identity source server .PARAMETER CACertificate Custom CA certificate to use to connect to the identity source server (if no custom certificate is supplied and TLS is enabled, the Operating System CA certificate will be used) #> function Global:Set-SgwIdentitySource { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "A unique identifier for the identity source (automatically assigned when the identity source is configured)", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Id, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Disable Identity Source ID")][Switch]$Disable, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Server hostname or IP address of the identity source")][String]$Hostname, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Port to use to connect to the identity source")][Int]$Port, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Username and password to use to access the identity source")][PSCredential]$Credential, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Fully qualified Distinguished Name (DN) of an LDAP subtree to be used to search for groups")][String]$BaseGroupDN, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Fully qualified Distinguished Name (DN) of an LDAP subtree to be used to search for users")][String]$BaseUserDN, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Identity Source LDAP Service Type")][ValidateSet("OpenLDAP","Active Directory","Other")][String]$LdapServiceType, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Identity Source Type")][ValidateSet("ldap")][String]$Type, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "LDAP attribute that identifies the LDAP user who attempts authentication with unique name/login (only required when ldapServiceType is 'Other')")][String]$LDAPUserIDAttribute, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 12, HelpMessage = "LDAP attribute that identifies the LDAP user’s permanent unique identity (only required when ldapServiceType is 'Other')")][String]$LDAPUserUUIDAttribute, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 13, HelpMessage = "LDAP attribute that identifies the LDAP group of the user who attempts authentication (only required when ldapServiceType is 'Other')")][String]$LDAPGroupIDAttribute, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 14, HelpMessage = "LDAP attribute that identifies the LDAP group’s permanent unique identity (only required when ldapServiceType is 'Other')")][String]$LDAPGroupUUIDAttribute, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 15, HelpMessage = "Disable Transport Layer Security (TLS) when connecting to the identity source server")][Switch]$DisableTLS, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 16, HelpMessage = "Custom CA certificate to use to connect to the identity source server (if no custom certificate is supplied and TLS is enabled, the Operating System CA certificate will be used)")][String]$CACertificate ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/identity-source" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/identity-source" } $Method = "PUT" $Username = $Credential.UserName -replace '([a-zA-Z0-9])\\([a-zA-Z0-9])', '$1\\\\$2' $Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $Body = @" { "id": "$Id", "disable": $Disable, "hostname": "$Hostname", "port": $Port, "username": "$Username", "password": "$Password", "baseGroupDn": "$BaseGroupDN", "baseUserDn": "$BaseUserDN", "ldapServiceType": "$LDAPServiceType", "type": "$Type", "ldapUserIdAttribute": "$LDAPUserIDAttribute", "ldapUserUUIDAttribute": "$LDAPUserUUIDAttribute", "ldapGroupIdAttribute": "$LDAPGroupIDAttribute", "ldapGroupUUIDAttribute": "$LDAPGroupUUIDAttribute", "disableTls": $DisableTLS, "caCert": "$CACertificate\n" } "@ try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Request that users and groups from the identity source be synchronized as soon as possible .DESCRIPTION Request that users and groups from the identity source be synchronized as soon as possible .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Sync-SgwIdentitySources { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/identity-source/synchronize" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/identity-source/synchronize" } $Method = "POST" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body "" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck Write-Host "Successfully synchronized users and groups of identity sources" } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## ilm ## # TODO: Implement missing cmdlets and check existing cmdlets <# .SYNOPSIS Evaluates proposed ILM policy .DESCRIPTION Evaluates proposed ILM policy #> function Global:Invoke-SgwIlmEvaluate { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "The object API that the provided object was evaluated against.")][String][ValidateSet('cdmi', 's3', 'swift')]$API, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Protocol-specific object identifier (e.g. bucket/key/1).")][String]$ObjectID, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Switch indicating that ILM evaluation should occur immediately.")][Switch]$Now ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ilm-evaluate" $Method = "POST" $Body = @{ } $Body.objectID = $ObjectID if ($API) { $Body.api = $API } if ($Now) { $ = Get-Date -Format u } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Lists criteria available for creating an ILM rule .DESCRIPTION Lists criteria available for creating an ILM rule .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwIlmMetadata { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ilm-criteria" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Lists ILM rules .DESCRIPTION Lists ILM rules .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwIlmRules { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ilm-rules" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new ILM rule .DESCRIPTION Creates a new ILM rule .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:New-SgwIlmRules { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 or Swift tenant account to which the ILM rule applies. If omitted, applies to all objects.")][Alias("AccountId")][String]$TenantAccountId, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Operator used to match bucket(s) with the value.")][ValidateSet("contains","endsWith","equals","startsWith")][String]$BucketFilterOperator="equals", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "S3 or Swift bucket(s) to which the ILM rule applies. If omitted, matches all objects in any specified tenant accounts.")][ValidateSet("contains","endsWith","equals","startsWith")][Alias("BucketName")][String]$BucketFilterValue, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Indicates the time from which the ILM rule is applied.")][ValidateSet("ingestTime","lastAccessTime","noncurrentTime","userDefinedCreationTime")][String]$ReferenceTime, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Logical operator connecting filtering criteria when more than one criterion provided.")][ValidateSet("or")][String]$FilterLogicalOperator, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Indicates the type of filtered metadata. You can specify a list to create multiple filters combined with the filter logical operator.")][ValidateSet("user","system","tag")][String[]]$FilterMetadataType, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "System metadata identifier, user metadata name, or tag name. You can specify a list to create multiple filters combined with the filter logical operator.")][String[]]$FilterMetadataName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Used to compare the 'metadataName' with the 'value' string. You can specify a list to create multiple filters combined with the filter logical operator.")][ValidateSet("contains","notContains","equals","notEquals","startsWith","notStartsWith","endsWith","notEndsWith","exists","notExists","lessThan","lessThanOrEquals","greaterThan","greaterThanOrEquals")][String[]]$FilterOperator, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 10, HelpMessage = "Entry against which the metadata values specified by metadataName should be compared. You can specify a list to create multiple filters combined with the filter logical operator.")][ValidateSet("contains","notContains","equals","notEquals","startsWith","notStartsWith","endsWith","notEndsWith","exists","notExists","lessThan","lessThanOrEquals","greaterThan","greaterThanOrEquals")][String[]]$FilterValue, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 11, HelpMessage = "Day when retention starts. You can specify a list to create multiple retention durations.")][int[]]$RetentionAfter, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 12, HelpMessage = "Number of days object data to be stored at the specified locations. Objects stored forever if null. You can specify a list to create multiple placements.")][int[]]$RetentionDuration, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 13, HelpMessage = "One or more storage pools where object data is saved, specified as comma-separated values. You can specify a list to create multiple placements.")][String[]]$ReplicatedPoolId, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 14, HelpMessage = "Storage pool where object data is temporarily stored if the preferred storage pool is unavailable. Applies only to replicated copies that use a single storage pool. You can specify a list to create multiple placements.")][String[]]$ReplicatedTemporaryPoolId, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 15, HelpMessage = "Number of replicated copies. You can specify a list to create multiple placements.")][String[]]$ReplicatedCopies, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 16, HelpMessage = "One or more storage pools where object data is saved erasure coded, specified as comma-separated values. You can specify a list to create multiple placements.")][String[]]$ErasureCodedPoolId, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 17, HelpMessage = "Erasure coding profile used. Erasure coded object data only. You can specify a list to create multiple placements.")][String[]]$ErasureCodedProfileId, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 18, HelpMessage = "A representative and unique name for the ILM rule, immutable once the ILM rule is created.")][String]$DisplayName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 19, HelpMessage = "A short description of the ILM rule to indicate its purpose.")][String]$Description ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ilm-rules" $Method = "POST" $Body = @{} if ($TenantAccountId) { $Body.tenantAccountId = $TenantAccountId } if ($BucketFilterValue) { $Body.bucketFilter = @{} $Body.bucketFilter.operator = $BucketFilterOperator $Body.bucketFilter.value = $BucketFilterValue } $Bucket.referenceTime = $ReferenceTime if ($FilterLogicalOperator) { $Bucket.logicalOperator = $FilterLogicalOperator } $Body.filters = @() $Body.filters += @{Criteria=@()} if ($FilterLogicalOperator) { $Body.filters[0].logicalOperator = $FilterLogicalOperator } for ($i=0;$i -lt @($FilterMetadataName).Length) { $Criteria = @{} if ($FilterMetadataType[$i]) { $Criteria.metadataType = $FilterMetadataType[$i] } $Criteria.metadataName = $FilterMetadataName[$i] if ($FilterOperator[$i]) { $Criteria.operator = $FilterOperator[$i] } if ($FilterValue[$i]) { $Criteria.value = $FilterValue[$i] } $Body.filters[0].Criteria += $Criteria } # TODO: Figure out placement $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body Write-Verbose "Body:`n$Body" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete an ILM rule .DESCRIPTION Delete an ILM rule .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ILM rule ID #> function Global:Get-SgwIlmRules { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ILM rule ID.")][String]$Id ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ilm-rules/$Id" $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a single ILM rule .DESCRIPTION Retrieves a single ILM rule .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Id ILM rule ID #> function Global:Get-SgwIlmRules { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "ILM rule ID.")][String]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Include optional information.")][ValidateSet("compliance")][String]$Include ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ilm-rules/$Id" $Method = "GET" if ($Include) { $Uri += "?include=$Include" } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## license ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the grid license .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the grid license .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwLicense { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/license" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Update the license .DESCRIPTION Update the license .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER License StorageGRID Webscale license. .PARAMETER Passphrase StorageGRID Webscale Passphrase. #> function Global:Update-SgwLicense { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale license.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$License, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Passphrase.")][String]$Passphrase ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/license/update" $Method = "POST" $Body = @{ } $Body.passphrase = $Passphrase $Body.license = $License $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## logs ## # complete as of API 2.2 Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwLogStatus -Value Get-SgwLogs <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the log collection procedure status .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the log collection procedure status .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwLogs { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/logs" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the log collection procedure status .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the log collection procedure status .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Passphrase StorageGRID Webscale Passphrase. .PARAMETER Nodes List of StorageGRID Nodes to collect logs for (Default: all nodes). .PARAMETER Notes A message to send to technical support. .PARAMETER RangeStart First log timestamp at start of log collection (Default: last hour). .PARAMETER RangeEnd Last log timestamp at end of log collection (Default: now). #> function Global:Start-SgwLogCollection { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Passphrase.")][String]$Passphrase, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "List of StorageGRID Nodes to collect logs for (Default: all nodes).")][String[]]$Nodes, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "A message to send to technical support.")][String]$Notes, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "First log timestamp at start of log collection (Default: last hour).")][DateTime]$RangeStart=(Get-Date).AddHours(-1), [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Last log timestamp at end of log collection (Default: now).")][DateTime]$RangeEnd=(Get-Date) ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/logs/collect" $Method = "POST" $Topology = Get-SgwTopologyHealth -Server $Server $TopologyNodes = $Topology.children.children $NodeIds = @() foreach ($Node in $Nodes) { if (!$$Node)) { if ($$Node)) { $NodeIds += $TopologyNodes | Where-Object { $ -eq $Node } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id } else { Throw "Node $Node not found" } } else { NodeIds += $Node } } if (!$NodeIds) { $NodeIds = $ } $Body = @{} $Body.passphrase = $Passphrase $Body.nodes = $NodeIds if ($Notes) { $Body.notes = $Notes } $Body.rangeStart = Get-Date -Format o $RangeStart.ToUniversalTime() $Body.rangeEnd = Get-Date -Format o $RangeEnd.ToUniversalTime() $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes the previous log collection archive .DESCRIPTION Deletes the previous log collection archive .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Remove-SgwLogCollection { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/logs/collection" $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Download log collection archive after procedure completes .DESCRIPTION Download log collection archive after procedure completes .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Path Path to store log collection in #> function Global:Get-SgwLogCollection { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Path to store log collection in")][System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/logs/collection" $Method = "GET" $LogStatus = Get-SgwLogs if ($LogStatus.inProgress) { Throw "Log Collection still in progress" } if ($LogStatus.error) { Throw "Log Collection encountered error $($LogStatus.error)" } if (!(Test-Path $Path)) { Throw "Path $Path does not exist!" } else { $OutFile = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $LogStatus.fileName Write-Host "Saving file to $OutFile" } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck -OutFile $OutFile } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## metrics ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Lists the values for a metric label .DESCRIPTION Lists the values for a metric label .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Label Label name #> function Global:Get-SgwMetricLabelValue { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Label name (default: job).")][String]$Label="job" ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/metric-labels/$Label/values" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the metric names .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the metric names .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwMetricNames { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/metric-names" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Performs an instant metric query at a single point in time .DESCRIPTION Performs an instant metric query at a single point in time .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Query Prometheus query string. .PARAMETER Time Query start, default current time (date-time). .PARAMETER Timeout Timeout in seconds. #> function Global:Get-SgwMetricQuery { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Prometheus query string.")][String]$Query, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Query start, default current time (date-time).")][DateTime]$Time, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Timeout in seconds.")][Int]$Timeout = 120 ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/metric-query" $Method = "GET" $Uri += "?query=$Query" if ($Time) { $Uri += "&time=$( Get-Date -Format o $Time.ToUniversalTime() )" } if ($Timeout) { $Uri += "&timeout=$( $Timeout )s" } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Metrics = $ | % { [PSCustomObject]@{ Metric = $_.metric.__name__; Instance = $_.metric.instance; Time = (ConvertFrom-UnixTimestamp -Unit Seconds -Timestamp $_.value[0]); Value = $_.value[1] } } Write-Output $Metrics } } <# .SYNOPSIS Performs a metric query over a range of time .DESCRIPTION Performs a metric query over a range of time. The format of metric queries is controlled by Prometheus. See .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Query Prometheus query string. .PARAMETER Time Query start, default current time (date-time). .PARAMETER Timeout Timeout in seconds. #> function Global:Get-SgwMetricQueryRange { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Prometheus query string.")][String]$Query, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Query start, default current time minus one hour.")][DateTime]$Start=(Get-Date).AddHours(-1), [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Query end, default current time.")][DateTime]$End=(Get-Date), [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Query end, default current time (default 2m).")][String]$Step="2m", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Timeout in seconds.")][Int]$Timeout = 120 ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/metric-query-range" $Method = "GET" $Uri += "?query=$Query" $Uri += "&start=$( Get-Date -Format o $Start.ToUniversalTime() )" $Uri += "&end=$( Get-Date -Format o $End.ToUniversalTime() )" $Uri += "&step=$Step" if ($Timeout) { $Uri += "&timeout=$( $Timeout )s" } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } foreach ($Result in $ { foreach ($Value in $Result.values) { $Metric = [PSCustomObject]@{ Metric = $Result.metric.__name__; Instance = $Result.metric.instance; Job = $Result.metric.Job; Service = $Result.metric.Service; Time = (ConvertFrom-UnixTimestamp -Unit Seconds -Timestamp $Value[0]); Value = $Value[1] } Write-Output $Metric } } } } ## ntp-servers ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Lists configured external NTP servers .DESCRIPTION Lists configured external NTP servers .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwNtpServers { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ntp-servers" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Change the external NTP servers used by the grid .DESCRIPTION Change the external NTP servers used by the grid .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Servers List IP addresses of the external NTP servers. .PARAMETER Passphrase StorageGRID Webscale Provisioning Passphrase. #> function Global:Update-SgwNtpServers { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "List IP addresses of the external NTP servers.")][String[]]$Servers, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Provisioning Passphrase.")][String]$Passphrase ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/ntp-servers/update" $Method = "POST" $Body = @{ } $Body.passphrase = $Passphrase $Body.servers = $Servers $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## objects ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves metadata for an object .DESCRIPTION Retrieves metadata for an object .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER ObjectId Protocol-specific object identifier: my-bucket/my-object-key, my-container/my-object-name, UUID (all uppercase), CBID (all uppercase) (e.g. S3 bucket/key or Swift container/object). .PARAMETER Container S3 Bucket or Swift Container name. .PARAMETER Object S3 Object Key or Swift Object Name. .PARAMETER MaxSegments Maximum number of segements to return. #> function Global:Get-SgwObjectMetadata { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="objectid")] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="objectid", Position = 2, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Protocol-specific object identifier: my-bucket/my-object-key, my-container/my-object-name, UUID (all uppercase), CBID (all uppercase) (e.g. S3 bucket/key or Swift container/object).")][String]$ObjectId, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="ContainerAndKey", Position = 2, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket or Swift Container name.")][Alias("Bucket","BucketName","ContainerName")][String]$Container, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="ContainerAndKey", Position = 3, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "S3 Object Key or Swift Object Name.")][Alias("Key","Name")][String]$Object, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Maximum number of segements to return.")][Int]$MaxSegments ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/object-metadata" $Method = "POST" $Body = @{} if ($Container) { $ObjectId = "$Container/$Object" } $Body.objectId = $ObjectId if ($MaxSegments) { $Body.maxSegments = $MaxSegments } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## recovery ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Lists grid nodes not connected to the grid .DESCRIPTION Lists grid nodes not connected to the grid .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwRecoveryAvailableNodes { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/recovery/available-nodes" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Resets the recovery procedure to the not-started state .DESCRIPTION Resets the recovery procedure to the not-started state .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Reset-SgwRecovery { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/recovery" $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the recovery status .DESCRIPTION Gets the recovery status .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwRecovery { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/recovery" $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Starts the recovery procedure, retrieves configuration file and installs software .DESCRIPTION Starts the recovery procedure, retrieves configuration file and installs software .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Passphrase StorageGRID Webscale Passphrase. .PARAMETER Oid StorageGRID Node OID to recover. .PARAMETER Name StorageGRID Node Name to recover. .PARAMETER Ip StorageGRID Node IP to recover. .PARAMETER ReplacementNode Node to replace failed node. #> function Global:Start-SgwRecovery { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Passphrase.")][String]$Passphrase, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Node OID to recover.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Oid, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Node Name to recover.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Node IP to recover.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$Ip, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Node to replace failed node.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][PSCustomObject]$ReplacementNode ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/recovery" $Method = "POST" $Body = @{} $ = $ReplacementNode.Id $Body.ip = $Ip $ = $Name $Body.oid = $Oid $Body.passphrase = $Passphrase $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## recovery-package ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Downloads the Recovery Package .DESCRIPTION Downloads the Recovery Package .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Passphrase StorageGRID Webscale Provisioning Passphrase. .PARAMETER Path Path to store recovery package #> function Global:Get-SgwRecoveryPackage { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Provisioning Passphrase.")][String]$Passphrase, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Path to store recovery package")][System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/recovery-package" $Method = "POST" if (!(Test-Path $Path)) { Throw "Path $Path does not exist!" } $Body = @{} $Body.passphrase = $Passphrase $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -Headers $Server.Headers -OutFile $Path -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } } } ## regions ## # complete as of API 2.2 <# .SYNOPSIS Lists configured regions .DESCRIPTION Lists configured regions .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. #> function Global:Get-SgwRegions { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/regions" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/regions" } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Change the regions used by the grid .DESCRIPTION Change the regions used by the grid .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Regions List of regions. A region can only include letters, numbers, and hyphens. #> function Global:Update-SgwRegions { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "List of regions. A region can only include letters, numbers, and hyphens.")][String[]]$Regions ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.AccountId) { Throw "Operation not supported when connected as tenant. Use Connect-SgwServer without the AccountId parameter to connect as grid administrator and then rerun this command." } } Process { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/regions" $Method = "PUT" if (!$Regions.Contains("us-east-1")) { # us-east-1 must always be included in list of regions $Regions += "us-east-1" } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Regions try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } ## server-certificate ## # TODO: Implement server-certificate Cmdlets ## users ## <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve all StorageGRID Users .DESCRIPTION Retrieve all StorageGRID Users .PARAMETER Server StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used. .PARAMETER ProfileName StorageGRID Profile to use for connection. .PARAMETER Type User type .PARAMETER Limit Maximum number of results. .PARAMETER Marker Pagination offset (value is Account's id). .PARAMETER IncludeMarker If set, the marker element is also returned. .PARAMETER Order Pagination order (desc requires marker). #> function Global:Get-SgwUsers { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Profile to use for connection.")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "User type.")][ValidateSet("local", "federated")][String]$Type, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Maximum number of results.")][Int]$Limit = 0, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Pagination offset (value is Account's id).")][String]$Marker, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "If set, the marker element is also returned.")][Switch]$IncludeMarker, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Pagination order (desc requires marker).")][ValidateSet("asc", "desc")][String]$Order = "asc" ) Begin { if (!$ProfileName -and !$Server -and !$CurrentSgwServer.Name) { $ProfileName = "default" } if ($ProfileName) { $Profile = Get-SgwProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName if (!$Profile.Name) { Throw "Profile $ProfileName not found. Create a profile using New-SgwProfile or connect to a StorageGRID Server using Connect-SgwServer" } $Server = Connect-SgwServer -Name $Profile.Name -Credential $Profile.Credential -AccountId $Profile.AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$Profile.SkipCertificateCheck -DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration:$Profile.disalble_automatic_access_key_generation -TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime $Profile.temporary_access_key_expiration_time -S3EndpointUrl $Profile.S3EndpointUrl -SwiftEndpointUrl $Profile.SwiftEndpointUrl -Transient } if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + '/org/users' } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + '/grid/users' } $Method = "GET" if ($Limit -eq 0) { $Query = "?limit=25" } else { $Query = "?limit=$Limit" } if ($Type) { $Query += "&type=$Type" } if ($Marker) { $Query += "&marker=$Marker" } if ($IncludeMarker) { $Query += "&includeMarker=true" } if ($Order) { $Query += "&order=$Order" } $Uri += $Query try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Write-Error "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $( $responseBody.message )" return } $ | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name userId -Value id Write-Output $ if ($Limit -eq 0 -and $ -eq 25) { Get-SgwAccounts -Server $Server -Limit $Limit -Marker ($ | select -last 1 -ExpandProperty id) -IncludeMarker:$IncludeMarker -Order $Order } } } # TODO: Implement users Cmdlets ## s3 ## Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwAccountS3AccessKeys -Value Get-SgwS3AccessKeys <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve StorageGRID Webscale Account S3 Access Keys .DESCRIPTION Retrieve StorageGRID Webscale Account S3 Access Keys #> function Global:Get-SgwS3AccessKeys { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "none")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "account", HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get S3 Access Keys for.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$AccountId, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "user", HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale User.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("userUUID")][String]$UserId, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server ) Begin { if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if (!$Server.AccountId -and !$Server.SupportedApiVersions.Contains(1)) { Throw "This cmdlet requires API Version 1 support if connection to server was not made with a tenant account id. Either use Connect-SgwServer with the AccountId parameter or enable API version 1 with Update-SgwConfigManagement -MinApiVersion 1" } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { if ($UserId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/users/$UserId/s3-access-keys" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/users/current-user/s3-access-keys" } } else { if ($AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$AccountId/s3-access-keys" } else { Throw "Account ID required. Rerun command with AccountId parameter" } } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name Get-SgwAccountS3AccessKey -Value Get-SgwS3AccessKey <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a StorageGRID Webscale Account S3 Access Key .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a StorageGRID Webscale Account S3 Access Key #> function Global:Get-SgwS3AccessKey { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "none")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale Account to get S3 Access Keys for", ParameterSetName = "account", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$AccountId, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale User.", ParameterSetName = "user", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("userUUID")][String]$UserId, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Access Key to retrieve.", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("id")][String]$AccessKey, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server ) Begin { if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if (!$Server.AccountId -and !$Server.SupportedApiVersions.Contains(1)) { Throw "This cmdlet requires API Version 1 support if connection to server was not made with a tenant account id. Either use Connect-SgwServer with the AccountId parameter or enable API version 1 with Update-SgwConfigManagement -MinApiVersion 1" } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { if ($UserId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/users/$UserId/s3-access-keys/$AccessKey" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/users/current-user/s3-access-keys/$AccessKey" } } else { if ($AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$AccountId/s3-access-keys/$AccessKey" } else { Throw "Account ID required. Rerun command with id parameter" } } $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } Write-Output $ } } Set-Alias -Name New-SgwAccountS3AccessKey -Value New-SgwS3AccessKey <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new StorageGRID Webscale Account S3 Access Key .DESCRIPTION Create a new StorageGRID Webscale Account S3 Access Key #> function Global:New-SgwS3AccessKey { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "none")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "account", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Id of the StorageGRID Webscale Account to create new S3 Access Key for.")][String]$AccountId, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = "user", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale User.")][Alias("userUUID")][String]$UserId, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Expiration date of the S3 Access Key.")][DateTime]$Expires ) Begin { if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if (!$Server.AccountId -and !$Server.SupportedApiVersions.Contains(1)) { Throw "This cmdlet requires API Version 1 support if connection to server was not made with a tenant account id. Either use Connect-SgwServer with the AccountId parameter or enable API version 1 with Update-SgwConfigManagement -MinApiVersion 1" } if ($Expires) { $ExpirationDate = Get-Date -Format o $Expires.ToUniversalTime() } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { $AccountId = $Server.AccountId if ($UserId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/users/$UserId/s3-access-keys" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/users/current-user/s3-access-keys" } } else { if ($AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$AccountId/s3-access-keys" } else { Throw "Account ID required. Rerun command with id parameter" } } $Method = "POST" $Body = "{}" if ($Expires) { $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{ "expires" = "$ExpirationDate" } } try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -Body $Body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $AccessKey = $ if ($AccessKey.expires) { $AccessKey.expires = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($AccessKey.expires, [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local) } if (!$AccessKey) { Throw "Server did not return access key!" } Write-Verbose "Access Key response: $AccessKey" if (!$Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId]) { $Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId] = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList } $Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId].Add($AccessKey) Write-Output $AccessKey } } Set-Alias -Name Remove-SgwAccountS3AccessKey -Value Remove-SgwS3AccessKey <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a StorageGRID Webscale Account S3 Access Key .DESCRIPTION Delete a StorageGRID Webscale Account S3 Access Key #> function Global:Remove-SgwS3AccessKey { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Id of the StorageGRID Webscale Account to delete S3 Access Key for.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][String]$AccountId, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "ID of a StorageGRID Webscale User.", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("userUUID")][String]$UserId, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "S3 Access Key ID to be deleted,", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("id")][String]$AccessKey, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server ) Begin { if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if (!$Server.AccountId -and !$Server.SupportedApiVersions.Contains(1)) { Throw "This cmdlet requires API Version 1 support if connection to server was not made with a tenant account id. Either use Connect-SgwServer with the AccountId parameter or enable API version 1 with Update-SgwConfigManagement -MinApiVersion 1" } } Process { if ($Server.AccountId) { if ($UserId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/users/$UserId/s3-access-keys/$AccessKey" } else { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/org/users/current-user/s3-access-keys/$AccessKey" } } else { if ($AccountId) { $Uri = $Server.BaseURI + "/grid/accounts/$AccountId/s3-access-keys/$AccessKey" } else { Throw "Account ID required. Rerun command with AccountId parameter" } } $Method = "DELETE" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -WebSession $Server.Session -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Server.Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } if ($Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId].id -match $AccessKey -or $Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId].accessKey -match $AccessKey) { $Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId].Remove(($Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId] | Where-Object { $ -match $AccessKey -or $_.accessKey -match $AccessKey } | Select-Object -First 1)) } } } ### reporting ### <# .SYNOPSIS Get StorageGRID Report .DESCRIPTION Get StorageGRID Report #> function Global:Get-SgwReport { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "none")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Attribut to report")][String][ValidateSet("Archive Nodes Installed (XANI)", "Archive Nodes Readable (XANR)", "Archive Nodes Writable (XANW)", "Awaiting - All (XQUZ)", "Awaiting - Client (XCQZ)", "Awaiting - Evaluation Rate (XEVT)", "CDMI - Ingested Bytes (XCRX) [Bytes]", "CDMI - Retrieved Bytes (XCTX) [Bytes]", "CDMI Ingest - Rate (XCIR) [MB/s]", "CDMI Operations - Failed (XCFA)", "CDMI Operations - Rate (XCRA) [Objects/s]", "CDMI Operations - Successful (XCSU)", "CDMI Retrieval - Rate (XCRR) [MB/s]", "Current ILM Activity (IQSZ)", "Installed Storage Capacity (XISC) [Bytes]", "Percentage Storage Capacity Used (PSCU)", "Percentage Usable Storage Capacity (PSCA)", "S3 - Ingested Bytes (XSRX) [Bytes]", "S3 - Retrieved Bytes (XSTX) [Bytes]", "S3 Ingest - Rate (XSIR) [MB/s]", "S3 Operations - Failed (XSFA)", "S3 Operations - Rate (XSRA) [Objects/s]", "S3 Operations - Successful (XSSU)", "S3 Operations - Unauthorized (XSUA)", "S3 Retrieval - Rate (XSRR) [MB/s]", "Scan Period - Estimated (XSCM) [us]", "Scan Rate (XSCT) [Objects/s]", "Storage Nodes Installed (XSNI)", "Storage Nodes Readable (XSNR)", "Storage Nodes Writable (XSNW)", "Swift - Ingested Bytes (XWRX) [Bytes]", "Swift - Retrieved Bytes (XWTX) [Bytes]", "Swift Ingest - Rate (XWIR) [MB/s]", "Swift Operations - Failed (XWFA)", "Swift Operations - Rate (XWRA) [Objects/s]", "Swift Operations - Successful (XWSU)", "Swift Operations - Unauthorized (XWUA)", "Swift Retrieval - Rate (XWRR) [MB/s]", "Total EC Objects (XECT)", "Total EC Reads - Failed (XERF)", "Total EC Reads - Successful (XERC)", "Total EC Writes - Failed (XEWF)", "Total EC Writes - Successful (XEWC)", "Total Objects Archived (XANO)", "Total Objects Deleted (XANP)", "Total Size of Archived Objects (XSAO)", "Total Size of Deleted Objects (XSAP)", "Usable Storage Capacity (XASC) [Bytes]", "Used Storage Capacity (XUSC) [Bytes]", "Used Storage Capacity for Data (XUSD) [Bytes]", "Used Storage Capacity for Metadata (XUDC) [Bytes]")]$Attribute, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "oid", HelpMessage = "Topology OID to create report for")][String]$OID, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "site", HelpMessage = "Site to create report for")][String]$Site, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "node", HelpMessage = "Node to create report for")][String]$Node, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Start Time (default: last hour)")][DateTime]$StartTime = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1), [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "End Time (default: current time)")][DateTime]$EndTime = (Get-Date) ) Begin { if (!$Server) { $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer } if (!$Server) { Throw "No StorageGRID Webscale Management Server management server found. Please run Connect-SgwServer to continue." } if ($Server.ApiVersion -lt 2.1) { Write-Warning "This Cmdlet uses an internal, undocumented API to retrieve the reports. Consider upgrading to StorageGRID 11.0 and use Get-SgwMetricQuery instead." } else { Write-Warning "This Cmdlet uses an internal, undocumented, legacy API to retrieve the reports. Use Get-SgwMetricQuery instead." } } Process { $StartTimeString = $StartTime.ToUniversalTime() | Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" $EndTimeString = $EndTime.ToUniversalTime() | Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" $AttributeCode = $Attribute -replace ".*\((.+)\).*", '$1' if (!$OID) { $Topology = Get-SgwTopologyHealth -Server $Server if ($Node) { $OID = $Topology.children.children | Where-Object { $ -eq $node } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty oid } elseif ($Site) { $OID = $Topology.children | Where-Object { $ -eq $site } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty oid } else { $OID = $Topology.oid } } $Method = "GET" $Uri = "https://$( $Server.Name )/NMS/render/JSP/DoXML.jsp?requestType=RPTX&mode=PAGE&start=$StartTimeString&end=$EndTimeString&attr=$AttributeCode&attrIndex=1&oid=$OID&type=text" try { $Response = Invoke-SgwRequest -Method $Method -WebSession $Server.Session -Headers $Server.Headers -Uri $Uri -SkipCertificateCheck:$Server.SkipCertificateCheck } catch { $ResponseBody = ParseErrorForResponseBody $_ Throw "$Method to $Uri failed with Exception $( $_.Exception.Message ) `n $responseBody" } $Body = ($Response -split "`n" | ? { $_ -match "<body" }) Write-Verbose "Body: $Body" if ($Response -match "Aggregate Time") { $Report = $Body -replace "<body.*Aggregate Time.*Type<br>", "" -split "<br>" -replace "([^,]+),[^,]+,([^ ]+) ([^,]*),([^ ]+) ([^,]*),([^ ]+) ([^,]*),.+", '$1;$2;$4;$6' | ? { $_ } foreach ($Line in $Report) { $Time, $Average, $Minimum, $Maximum = $Line -split ';' $Average = $Average -replace ",", "" -replace " ", "" $Minimum = $Minimum -replace ",", "" -replace " ", "" $Maximum = $Maximum -replace ",", "" -replace " ", "" [PSCustomObject]@{ "Time Received" = [DateTime]$time; "Average $Attribute" = $Average; "Minimum $Attribute" = $Minimum; "Maximum $Attribute" = $Maximum } } } elseif ($Response -match "Time Received") { $Report = $Body -replace "<body.*Time Received.*Type<br>", "" -split "<br>" -replace "([^,]+),[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,([^ ]+) ([^,]*),.+", '$1;$2' | ? { $_ } foreach ($Line in $Report) { $Time, $Value = $Line -split ';' $Value = $Value -replace ",", "" -replace " ", "" [PSCustomObject]@{ "Time Received" = [DateTime]$time; $Attribute = $value } } } else { Write-Error "Cannot parse report output" } } } ### workflows ### <# .SYNOPSIS Merge two StorageGRIDs .DESCRIPTION Merge two StorageGRIDs #> function Global:Merge-SgwGrids { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "none")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Source StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object")][PSCustomObject]$SourceServer, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Destination StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object")][PSCustomObject]$DestinationServer, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Tenant root password (must be at least 8 characters).")][ValidateLength(8, 256)][String]$Password, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun ) Process { Write-Information "Retrieving tenant accounts from source" $SourceAccounts = Get-SgwAccounts -Server $SourceServer Write-Information "Retrieving tenant accounts from destination" $DestinationAccounts = Get-SgwAccounts -Server $DestinationServer $DuplicateAccounts = $SourceAccounts | Where-Object { $DestinationAccounts.Name -contains $_.Name } if ($DuplicateAccounts) { Write-Warning "$( $DuplicateAccounts.Count ) duplicate accounts were found" if (!$DryRun) { $DuplicateAccountChoice = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Duplicate accounts", "Continue with reusing existing accounts?", @("&Yes", "&No"), 1) if ($DuplicateAccountChoice -eq 1) { break } } } $SourceAccountsWithoutS3Capabilities = $SourceAccounts | Where-Object { !$_.capabilities.contains("s3") } $SourceAccountsWithS3Capabilities = $SourceAccounts | Where-Object { $_.capabilities.contains("s3") } $DestinationAccountsWithS3Capabilities = $DestinationAccounts | Where-Object { $_.capabilities.contains("s3") } if ($SourceAccountsWithoutS3Capabilities) { Write-Warning "$( $SourceAccountsWithoutS3Capabilities.Count ) accounts without S3 capability found which cannot be migrated" if (!$DryRun) { $NonS3AccountChoice = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Non-S3 accounts", "Continue without transitioning non S3-Accounts?", @("&Yes", "&No"), 1) if ($NonS3AccountChoice -eq 1) { break } } } $SourceBuckets = $SourceAccounts | Get-SgwAccountUsage -Server $SourceServer | Select -ExpandProperty Buckets $DestinationBuckets = $SourceAccounts | Get-SgwAccountUsage -Server $SourceServer | Select -ExpandProperty Buckets $DuplicateBuckets = @() foreach ($SourceBucket in $SourceBuckets) { $DuplicateBuckets += $DestinationBuckets | Where-Object { $_.Name -ceq $SourceBucket.Name } } if ($DuplicateBuckets) { if (!$DryRun) { Throw "Source and destination contain the following duplicate buckets. Remove any duplicate buckets on source or destination before proceeding. Duplicate Buckets:`n$( $DuplicateBuckets.Name -join "`n" )" } else { Write-Warning "Source and destination contain the following duplicate buckets. Remove any duplicate buckets on source or destination before proceeding. Duplicate Buckets:`n$( $DuplicateBuckets.Name -join "`n" )" } } if (!$DryRun) { $ResetPasswordChoice = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Reset password", "To configure replication on the source accounts, the root password needs to be reset to the provided password. Continue?", @("&Yes", "&No"), 1) if ($ResetPasswordChoice -eq 1) { break } } $SourceAccountsWithS3Capabilities | Copy-SgwAccount -SourceServer $SourceServer -DestinationServer $DestinationServer -DryRun:$DryRun } } <# .SYNOPSIS Merge two StorageGRIDs .DESCRIPTION Merge two StorageGRIDs #> function Global:Copy-SgwAccount { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "none")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Source StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object")][PSCustomObject]$SourceServer, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Destination StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object")][PSCustomObject]$DestinationServer, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Source StorageGRID Webscale Management Account")][PSCustomObject]$AccountId, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Tenant root password (must be at least 8 characters).")][ValidateLength(8, 256)][String]$Password, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun ) Process { $AccountCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "root", ($Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) $SourceAccount = Get-SgwAccount -Server $SourceServer -id $AccountId Write-Information "Resetting root password of account $( $SourceAccount.Name ) on source server" if (!$DryRun) { $SourceAccount | Update-SgwPassword -Server $SourceServer -id $AccountId -NewPassword } Write-Information "Logging in as root to account $( $SourceAccount.Name ) on source server" if (!$DryRun) { $SourceServer = $SourceServer | Connect-SgwServer -Credential $AccountCredential -AccountId $AccountId -Transient } Write-Information "Retrieving all buckets from source account" if (!$DryRun) { $SourceBuckets = Get-S3Buckets -Server $SourceServer -AccountId $AccountId } Write-Information "Creating account $( $SourceAccount.Name ) on destination server" if (!$DryRun) { $DestinationAccount = $SourceAccount | New-SgwAccount -Server $DestinationServer -Password $Password } Write-Information "Logging in as root to account $( $SourceAccount.Name ) on destination server" if (!$DryRun) { $DestinationServer = $DestinationServer | Connect-SgwServer -Credential $AccountCredential -Transient } Write-Information "Creating local group CopyGroup in account $( $SourceAccount.Name ) on destination server" if (!$DryRun) { New-SgwGroup -Server $DestinationServer -DisplayName "Temporary Group for Data Replication" -UniqueName "DataReplication" -rootAcces $true -S3FullAccess } Write-Information "Generating S3 Access Key on destination for Bucket replication" if (!$DryRun) { $DestinationAccessKey = New-SgwS3AccessKey -Server $DestinationServer } if (!$DryRun) { foreach ($SourceBucket in $SourceBuckets) { Copy-S3Bucket -SourceServer $SourceServer -DestinationServer $DestinationServer -Bucket $SourceBucket } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Copy an S3 Bucket including all properties and data .DESCRIPTION Copy an S3 Bucket including all properties and data #> function Global:Copy-SgwBucket { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Server")] PARAM ( [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Source StorageGRID Webscale Management profile")][Alias("SourceProfile")][PSCustomObject]$SourceProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Destination StorageGRID Webscale Management profile")][Alias("DestinationProfile")][PSCustomObject]$DestinationProfileName, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Source Bucket Name")][PSCustomObject]$SourceBucket, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Destination Bucket Name")][PSCustomObject]$DestinationBucket, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun ) Process { if (!$SourceBucket.Name) { $SourceBucket = Get-S3Buckets -ProfileName $SourceProfileName -BucketName $SourceBucket } if (!$DestinationBucket) { $DestinationBucket = $SourceBucket } if (!$DestinationBucket.Name) { $DestinationBucket = [PSCustomObject]@{BucketName=$DestinationBucket;Region=$SourceBucket.Region} } Write-Information "Creating bucket $( $Bucket.Name ) on destination" if (!$DryRun) { # TODO: Check if source bucket exists $BucketExistsInDestination = Test-S3Bucket -ProfileName $DestinationProfileName -BucketName $DestinationBucket.BucketName -Region $DestinationBucket.Region if ($BucketExistsInDestination) { $UseExistingBucket = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Use existing bucket", "Bucket $($SourceBucket.Name) exists in destination endpoint $($DestinationProfileName.EndpointUrl). Continue using this bucket?", @("&Yes", "&No"), 1) if ($UseExistingBucket -eq 1) { break } } Write-Verbose "Creating destination bucket $($DestinationBucket.BucketName)" New-S3Bucket -ProfileName $DestinationProfileName -BucketName $DestinationBucket.BucketName -Region $DestinationBucket.Region # TODO: Copy other bucket properties such as ACLs from source bucket to destination bucket! # copy bucket policy Get-S3BucketPolicy -ProfileName $SourceProfileName -BucketName $SourceBucket.BucketName | Write-S3BucketPolicy -ProfileName $DestinationProfileName -BucketName $DestinationBucket.BucketName # copy versioning # consistency # last access time # metadata notification # notification # replication # compliance # CORS } Write-Information "Adding endpoint configuration for bucket $( $Bucket.Name ) on source" if (!$DryRun) { New-SgwEndpoint -Server $SourceServer -DisplayName $Bucket.Name -EndpointUri $DestinationServerS3EndpointUrl -EndpointUrn "urn:sgws:s3:::$( $Bucket.Name )" -SkipCertificateCheck $DestinationServer.SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $AccessKey.AccessKey -SecretAccessKey $AccessKey.SecretAccessKey } Write-Information "Enable Bucket replication for bucket $( $Bucket.Name ) on source" if (!$DryRun) { # TODO: Replace with S3 Cmdlet Add-SgwBucketReplicationRule -Server $SourceServer -Id $Bucket.Name -Bucket $Bucket.Name -DestinationBucket $Bucket.Name -Status Enabled $ReplicationStartDate = Get-Date } Write-Information "Copy all older objects on themselve to update their modification time and trigger replication" if (!$DryRun) { Get-S3Objects -Server $SourceServer -Bucket $Bucket.Name | ForEach-Object { if ($_.LastModified -lt $ReplicationStartDate.ToUniversalTime()) { $Metadata = $_ | Get-S3ObjectMetadata | Select -ExpandProperty CustomMetadata Copy-S3Object -Server $SourceServer -Region $_.Region -Bucket $_.Bucket $_.Key -SourceBucket $_.Bucket -SourceKey $_.SourceKey -MetadataDirective REPLACE -Metadata $Metadata } } } } } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIVAAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIU8TCCFO0CAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUfC771p6fpvDancaMHhhnJAlu # s/eggg/vMIIEmTCCA4GgAwIBAgIPFojwOSVeY45pFDkH5jMLMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB # BQUAMIGVMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCVVQxFzAVBgNVBAcTDlNhbHQg # TGFrZSBDaXR5MR4wHAYDVQQKExVUaGUgVVNFUlRSVVNUIE5ldHdvcmsxITAfBgNV # BAsTGGh0dHA6Ly93d3cudXNlcnRydXN0LmNvbTEdMBsGA1UEAxMUVVROLVVTRVJG # aXJzdC1PYmplY3QwHhcNMTUxMjMxMDAwMDAwWhcNMTkwNzA5MTg0MDM2WjCBhDEL # MAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxGzAZBgNVBAgTEkdyZWF0ZXIgTWFuY2hlc3RlcjEQMA4GA1UE # BxMHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UEChMRQ09NT0RPIENBIExpbWl0ZWQxKjAoBgNVBAMT # IUNPTU9ETyBTSEEtMSBUaW1lIFN0YW1waW5nIFNpZ25lcjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcN # AQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAOnpPd/XNwjJHjiyUlNCbSLxscQGBGue/YJ0UEN9 # xqC7H075AnEmse9D2IOMSPznD5d6muuc3qajDjscRBh1jnilF2n+SRik4rtcTv6O # KlR6UPDV9syR55l51955lNeWM/4Og74iv2MWLKPdKBuvPavql9LxvwQQ5z1IRf0f # aGXBf1mZacAiMQxibqdcZQEhsGPEIhgn7ub80gA9Ry6ouIZWXQTcExclbhzfRA8V # zbfbpVd2Qm8AaIKZ0uPB3vCLlFdM7AiQIiHOIiuYDELmQpOUmJPv/QbZP7xbm1Q8 # ILHuatZHesWrgOkwmt7xpD9VTQoJNIp1KdJprZcPUL/4ygkCAwEAAaOB9DCB8TAf # BgNVHSMEGDAWgBTa7WR0FJwUPKvdmam9WyhNizzJ2DAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUjmstM2v0 # M6eTsxOapeAK9xI1aogwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgbAMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwFgYD # VR0lAQH/BAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwgwQgYDVR0fBDswOTA3oDWgM4YxaHR0cDovL2Ny # bC51c2VydHJ1c3QuY29tL1VUTi1VU0VSRmlyc3QtT2JqZWN0LmNybDA1BggrBgEF # BQcBAQQpMCcwJQYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGWh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLnVzZXJ0cnVzdC5jb20w # DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBALozJEBAjHzbWJ+zYJiy9cAx/usfblD2CuDk5oGt # Joei3/2z2vRz8wD7KRuJGxU+22tSkyvErDmB1zxnV5o5NuAoCJrjOU+biQl/e8Vh # f1mJMiUKaq4aPvCiJ6i2w7iH9xYESEE9XNjsn00gMQTZZaHtzWkHUxY93TYCCojr # QOUGMAu4Fkvc77xVCf/GPhIudrPczkLv+XZX4bcKBUCYWJpdcRaTcYxlgepv84n3 # +3OttOe/2Y5vqgtPJfO44dXddZhogfiqwNGAwsTEOYnB9smebNd0+dmX+E/CmgrN # Xo/4GengpZ/E8JIh5i15Jcki+cPwOoRXrToW9GOUEB1d0MYwggVqMIIEUqADAgEC # AhEAsPVV6jnRNgfABcUA7um0CDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADB9MQswCQYDVQQGEwJH # QjEbMBkGA1UECBMSR3JlYXRlciBNYW5jaGVzdGVyMRAwDgYDVQQHEwdTYWxmb3Jk # MRowGAYDVQQKExFDT01PRE8gQ0EgTGltaXRlZDEjMCEGA1UEAxMaQ09NT0RPIFJT # QSBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgQ0EwHhcNMTcwNjI4MDAwMDAwWhcNMjAwNjI3MjM1OTU5 # WjCBqzELMAkGA1UEBhMCREUxDjAMBgNVBBEMBTg1NTUxMRwwGgYDVQQIDBNOb3Jk # cmhlaW4tV2VzdGZhbGVuMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlLaXJjaGhlaW0xFjAUBgNVBAkMDVNv # 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