ConvertFrom-StringData @'
UsingGetCimInstanceToFetchDriveLetter = Using Get-CimInstance to get the drive letter of optical disk {0} in the system. OpticalDiskAssignedDriveLetter = The optical disk {0} is currently assigned drive letter '{1}'. OpticalDiskNotAssignedDriveLetter = The optical disk {0} is not currently assigned a drive letter. OpticalDiskDriveDoesNotExist = The optical disk {0} could not be found in the system. NoOpticalDiskDriveError = The optical disk {0} could not be found in the system, so this resource has nothing to do. This resource does not change the drive letter of mounted ISOs. AttemptingToSetDriveLetter = The optical disk {0} drive letter is '{1}', attempting to set to '{2}'. AttemptingToRemoveDriveLetter = The optical disk {0} drive letter is '{1}', attempting to remove it. DriveLetterDoesNotExistAndShouldNot = The optical disk {0} does not have a drive letter assigned. Change not required. DriveLetterExistsButShouldNot = The optical disk {0} is assigned the drive letter '{1}' which should be removed. Change required. DriverLetterExistsAndIsCorrect = The optical disk {0} is assigned the drive letter '{1}' which is correct. Change not required. DriveLetterAssignedToAnotherDrive = Drive letter '{0}' is already present but assigned to a another volume. Change can not proceed. DriverLetterExistsAndIsNotCorrect = The optical disk {0} is assigned the drive letter '{1}' but should be '{2}'. Change required. TestOpticalDiskWithoutDriveLetterCanBeManaged = Testing if the optical disk with Device Id '{0}' and without a drive letter assigned can be managed by this resource. TestOpticalDiskWithDriveLetterCanBeManaged = Testing if the optical disk with Device Id '{0}' and assigned drive letter '{1}' can be managed by this resource. OpticalDiskCanBeManagedStatus = The optical disk with Device Id '{0}' {1} be managed by this resource. ErrorDiskIsNotAVirtualDisk = The specified disk is not a virtual disk. '@ |