.EXAMPLE This configuration will wait for disk 2 with Unique Id '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' to become available, and then make the disk available as two new formatted volumes mounted to folders c:\SQLData and c:\SQLLog, with c:\SQLLog using all available space after c:\SQLData has been created. #> Configuration Example { Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc Node localhost { WaitForDisk Disk2 { DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2 DiskIdType = 'UniqueId' RetryIntervalSec = 60 RetryCount = 60 } DiskAccessPath DataVolume { DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2 DiskIdType = 'UniqueId' AccessPath = 'c:\SQLData' Size = 10GB FSLabel = 'SQLData1' DependsOn = '[WaitForDisk]Disk2' } DiskAccessPath LogVolume { DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2 DiskIdType = 'UniqueId' AccessPath = 'c:\SQLLog' FSLabel = 'SQLLog1' DependsOn = '[DiskAccessPath]DataVolume' } } } |