function New-SystemData { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates configuration data based on a provided Organizational Unit DistinguishedName searchbase. .PARAMETER SearchBase Distringuised Name of the Active Directory Security Group you want to target for Node Data generation. Example -searchbase "CN=SCAR Target Machines,OU=_Domain Administration,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com" .PARAMETER SystemsPath Path to the SCAR Node Data folder. Example -SystemsPath "C:\SCAR\Systems" .PARAMETER DomainName DomainName should be set to the domain name of your domain. Defaults to local system's Domain. Example -DomainName "corp.contoso" .PARAMETER ForestName ForestName should be set to the forest name of your domain. Defaults to local system's Forest. Example -ForestName "com" .EXAMPLE New-SystemData -Rootpath "C:\SCAR" -SearchBase "CN=Servers,CN=Enterprise Management,DC=contoso,DC=com" #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $SearchBase, [Parameter()] [switch] $IncludeFilePaths, [Parameter()] [switch] $LocalHost, [Parameter()] [switch] $RootOrgUnit, [Parameter()] [array] $ComputerName, [Parameter()] [string] [ValidateSet( "MemberServers", "AllServers", "Full", "OrgUnit", "Targeted", "Local" )] $Scope = "MemberServers", [Parameter()] [string] $RootPath = (Get-Location).path, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $LcmSettings = @{ actionAfterReboot = "" agentId = "" allowModuleOverwrite = $True certificateID = "" configurationDownloadManagers = "" configurationID = "" configurationMode = "ApplyAndAutoCorrect" configurationModeFrequencyMins = "15" credential = "" debugMode = "" downloadManagerCustomData = "" downloadManagerName = "" lcmStateDetail = "" maximumDownloadSizeMB = "500" partialConfigurations = "" rebootNodeIfNeeded = $False refreshFrequencyMins = "30" refreshMode = "PUSH" reportManagers = "{}" resourceModuleManagers = "{}" signatureValidationPolicy = "" signatureValidations = "{}" statusRetentionTimeInDays = "10" } ) $IncludeFilePaths = $true $SystemsPath = (Resolve-Path -Path "$RootPath\*Systems").Path $targetMachineOus = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $targetMachines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $orgUnits = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList Write-Output "`tBeginning DSC Configuration Data Build - Identifying Target Systems." if ('' -ne $SearchBase) {$Scope = "OrgUnit"} elseif ($LocalHost) {$Scope = "Local"} elseif ($ComputerName.count -eq 1) {$Scope = "Targeted"} switch ($Scope) { "OrgUnit" {$targetMachines = @(Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $SearchBase -Filter * -Properties "operatingsystem", "distinguishedname") ; break } "MemberServers" {$targetMachines = @(Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like "**server*"} -Properties "operatingsystem", "distinguishedname" | Where-Object {$_.DistinguishedName -Notlike "*Domain Controllers*"}) ; break } "AllServers" {$targetMachines = @(Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like "**server*"} -Properties "operatingsystem", "distinguishedname") ; break } "Full" {$targetMachines = @(Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties "operatingsystem", "distinguishedname") ; break } "Targeted" {$targetMachines = @(Get-AdComputer -Identity "$ComputerName" -Properties "operatingsystem","distinguishedname") ; break } "Local" { $targetMachines = @( @{ Name = $env:computerName OperatingSystem = "Windows 10" distinguishedname = "Computers" } ) } } Write-Output "`tIdentifying Organizational Units for $($targetMachines.count) systems." if (-not($Localhost)) { if ($RootOrgUnit) { $orgUnits = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -SearchBase $SearchBase -SearchScope OneLevel } else { foreach ($targetMachine in $targetMachines) { if ($targetMachine.distinguishedname -like "CN=$($,OU=Servers*") { $null = $targetMachineOus.add($targetMachine.distinguishedname.Replace("CN=$($,OU=Servers,","")) } elseif ($targetMachine.distinguishedName -like "*OU=Servers*") { $oustring = '' ($targetMachine.DistinguishedName.split(',')[3..10] | ForEach-Object { $null = $oustring += "$_," }) $null = $targetMachineOus.add($ouString.trimend(',')) } else { $null = $targetMachineOus.add($targetMachine.distinguishedname.Replace("CN=$($,","")) } } $targetMachineOus | Get-Unique | ForEach-Object {Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter {DistinguishedName -eq $_}} | ForEach-Object {$null = $orgunits.add($_)} if ($Scope -eq "Full") { $null = $orgUnits.add("Computers") } } Write-Output "`tSystem Count - $($targetMachines.Count)" } else { Write-Output "`tGenerating System Data for LocalHost." [array]$orgUnits = "LocalHost" } foreach ($ou in $orgUnits) { if ($LocalHost -or ($scope -eq "Local")) { $targetMachines = $env:ComputerName $ouFolder = "$SystemsPath\$env:computerName" } elseif ($ou -eq "Computers") { $computersContainer = (Get-ADDomain).ComputersContainer $targetMachines = (Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $computersContainer -Properties OperatingSystem -filter {OperatingSystem -like "*Windows 10*"} ).name $ouFolder = "$SystemsPath\Windows 10" } else { $targetMachines = (Get-ADComputer -filter * -SearchBase $ou.DistinguishedName).name $ouFolder = "$SystemsPath\$($" } $jobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $ouMachineCount = $targetMachines.Count $currentMachineCount = 0 if ($targetMachines.Count -gt 0) { if (-not (Test-Path $ouFolder)) { $null = New-Item -Path $ouFolder -ItemType Directory -Force } if ($ou -eq "Computers") { Write-Output "`n`t$ou - $ouMachineCount Node(s) identified" } else { Write-Output "`n`t$($ - $ouMachineCount Node(s) identified" } foreach ($machine in $TargetMachines) { $currentMachineCount++ try { $null = Test-WsMan -Computername $machine -Authentication Default -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "`t`tStarting Job ($currentMachineCount/$ouMachineCount) - Generate System Data for $machine" } catch { Write-Output "`t`tError - Unable to connect to $machine via WinRM." continue } $job = Start-Job -Scriptblock { Import-Module StigRepo -Force $rootPath = $using:RootPath $machine = $using:machine $LcmSettings = $using:lcmsettings $ouFolder = $using:oufolder $LocalHost = $using:LocalHost $SystemsPath = $using:SystemsPath $IncludeFilePaths = $using:IncludeFilePaths #region Get Applicable STIGs if ($LocalHost) { $applicableStigs = @(Get-ApplicableStigs -LocalHost) } else { $applicableStigs = @(Get-ApplicableStigs -Computername $machine) } if ($IncludeFilePaths) { switch -Wildcard ($applicableStigs) { "WindowsServer*" { $filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(objectClass=computer)(cn=$machine))" $distinguishedName = ([adsisearcher]$filter).FindOne().Properties.distinguishedname switch -Wildcard ($distinguishedName) { "*Domain Controllers*" {$StigType = "DomainController"; $osRole = "DC"} default {$StigType = "WindowsServer"; $osRole = "MS"} } $osVersion = ($ApplicableStigs | Where-Object {$_ -like "WindowsServer*"}).split("-")[1] $osStigFiles = @{ orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType $stigType -Version $osVersion -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType $stigType -Version $osVersion -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType $stigType -Version $osVersion -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "DotNetFramework" { $dotNetStigFiles = @{ orgsettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "DotNetFramework" -Version 4 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "DotNetFramework" -Version 4 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "DotNetFramework" -Version 4 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "InternetExplorer" { $ieStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "InternetExplorer" -Version 11 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "InternetExplorer" -Version 11 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "InternetExplorer" -Version 11 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "WindowsClient" { $Win10StigFiles = @{ orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsClient" -Version $osVersion -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsClient" -Version $osVersion -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsClient" -Version $osVersion -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "WindowsDefender" { $WinDefenderStigFiles = @{ orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsDefender" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsDefender" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsDefender" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "WindowsFirewall" { $WinFirewallStigFiles = @{ orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsFirewall" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsFirewall" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsFirewall" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "WindowsDnsServer" { $WindowsDnsStigFiles = @{ orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsDnsServer" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsDnsServer" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $RootPath -StigType "WindowsDnsServer" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "Office2016" { $word2016xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Word" -Version 16 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine $word2016orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Word" -Version 16 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine $word2016manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Word" -Version 16 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine $powerpoint2016xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_PowerPoint" -Version 16 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine $powerpoint2016orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_PowerPoint" -Version 16 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine $powerpoint2016manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_PowerPoint" -Version 16 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine $outlook2016xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Outlook" -Version 16 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine $outlook2016orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Outlook" -Version 16 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine $outlook2016manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Outlook" -Version 16 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine $excel2016xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Excel" -Version 16 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine $excel2016orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Excel" -Version 16 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine $excel2016manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2016_Excel" -Version 16 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } "Office2013" { $word2013xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_word" -Version 15 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine $word2013orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_word" -Version 15 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine $word2013manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_word" -Version 15 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine $powerpoint2013xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_powerpoint" -Version 15 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine $powerpoint2013orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_powerpoint" -Version 15 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine $powerpoint2013manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_powerpoint" -Version 15 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine $outlook2013xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_outlook" -Version 15 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine $outlook2013orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_outlook" -Version 15 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine $outlook2013manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_outlook" -Version 15 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine $excel2013xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_excel" -Version 15 -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine $excel2013orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_excel" -Version 15 -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine $excel2013manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Office2013_excel" -Version 15 -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } "SQLServerInstance" { $version = "2016" $sqlInstanceStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -Version $Version -StigType "SqlServerInstance" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -Version $Version -StigType "SqlServerInstance" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -Version $Version -StigType "SqlServerInstance" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "SqlServerDatabase" { $sqlDatabaseStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -Version $Version -StigType "SqlServerDataBase" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -Version $Version -StigType "SqlServerDataBase" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -Version $Version -StigType "SqlServerDataBase" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "WebSite*" { if ($env:computername -eq $machine) { $iisInfo = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\ $iisVersion = [decimal]"$($iisInfo.MajorVersion).$($iisInfo.MinorVersion)" } else { $iisVersion = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $machine -Scriptblock { $iisData = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp" [decimal]$localIisVersion = "$($iisData.MajorVersion).$($iisData.MinorVersion)" return $localiisVersion } } $WebsiteStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "WebSite" -Version $iisVersion -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "WebSite" -Version $iisVersion -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "WebSite" -Version $iisVersion -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "WebServer*" { if ($env:computername -eq $machine) { $iisInfo = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\ $iisVersion = [decimal]"$($iisInfo.MajorVersion).$($iisInfo.MinorVersion)" } else { $iisVersion = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $machine -Scriptblock { $iisData = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp" [decimal]$localIisVersion = "$($iisData.MajorVersion).$($iisData.MinorVersion)" return $localiisVersion } } $webServerStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "WebServer" -Version $iisVersion -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "WebServer" -Version $iisVersion -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "WebServer" -Version $iisVersion -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "McAfee" { $mcafeeStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "McAfee" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "McAfee" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "McAfee" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "FireFox" { $fireFoxStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "FireFox" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "FireFox" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "FireFox" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "Edge" { $edgeStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Edge" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Edge" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Edge" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "Chrome" { $chromeStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Chrome" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Chrome" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Chrome" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "Adobe" { $adobeStigFiles = @{ orgsettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Adobe" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Adobe" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "Adobe" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } "OracleJRE" { $oracleStigFiles = @{ xccdfPath = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "OracleJRE" -FileType "Xccdf" -NodeName $machine orgSettings = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "OracleJRE" -FileType "OrgSettings" -NodeName $machine manualChecks = Get-StigFiles -Rootpath $Rootpath -StigType "OracleJRE" -FileType "ManualChecks" -NodeName $machine } } } } #endregion #region Generate Configuration Data try { #region LocalHost Data if ($LocalHost) { $compName = $env:ComputerName $configContent = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $null = $configContent.add("@{`n`tNodeName = `"$compName`"`n`n") } else { $configContent = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $null = $configContent.add("@{`n`tNodeName = `"$machine`"") } #endregion Localhost Data #region AppliedConfigurations if ($null -ne $applicableSTIGs) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`tAppliedConfigurations =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t@{") switch -Wildcard ($applicableSTIGs) { {$_ -like "*WindowsServer*" -or $_ -like "*DomainController*"} { $filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(objectClass=computer)(cn=$machine))" $distinguishedName = ([adsisearcher]$filter).FindOne().Properties.distinguishedname $osVersion = ($ApplicableStigs | Where-Object {$_ -like "WindowsServer*"}).split("-")[1] switch -Wildcard ($distinguishedName) { "*Domain Controllers*" {$StigType = "DomainController"; $osRole = "DC"} default {$StigType = "WindowsServer"; $osRole = "MS"} } $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WindowsServer =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOSRole = `"$osRole`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOsVersion = `"$osVersion`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($osStigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($osStigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($osStigFiles.manualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } } "InternetExplorer" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_InternetExplorer =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tBrowserVersion = `"11`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tSkipRule = `"V-46477`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($ieStigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($ieStigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } } "DotnetFrameWork" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_DotNetFrameWork =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tFrameWorkVersion = `"4`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($dotNetStigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($dotNetStigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($dotNetStigFiles.manualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } } "WindowsClient" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WindowsClient =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOSVersion = `"10`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($win10StigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($win10StigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($win10StigFiles.manualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } } "WindowsDefender" { if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WindowsDefender =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($winDefenderStigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($winDefenderStigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($winDefenderStigFiles.manualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WindowsDefender = @{}") } } "WindowsFirewall" { if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WindowsFirewall =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($winFirewallStigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($winFirewallStigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($winFirewallStigFiles.manualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WindowsFirewall = @{}") } } "WindowsDnsServer" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WindowsDNSServer =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOsVersion = `"$osVersion`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($WindowsDnsStigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($WindowsDnsStigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($WindowsDnsStigFiles.manualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } } "Office2016*" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Office2016_Excel =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$Excel2016xccdfPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$Excel2016OrgSettings`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$Excel2016ManualChecks`"") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Office2016_Outlook =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$Outlook2016xccdfPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$Outlook2016OrgSettings`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$Outlook2016ManualChecks`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Office2016_PowerPoint =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$PowerPoint2016xccdfPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$PowerPoint2016OrgSettings`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$PowerPoint2016ManualChecks`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Office2016_Word =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$Word2016xccdfPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$Word2016OrgSettings`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$Word2016ManualChecks`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } } "Office2013*" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Office2013_Excel =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$Excel2013xccdfPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$Excel2013OrgSettings`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$Excel2013ManualChecks`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Office2013_Outlook =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$Outlook2013xccdfPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$Outlook2013OrgSettings`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$Outlook2013ManualChecks`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Office2013_PowerPoint =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$PowerPoint2013xccdfPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$PowerPoint2013OrgSettings`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$PowerPoint2013ManualChecks`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Office2013_Word =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$Word2013xccdfPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$Word2013OrgSettings`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$Word2013ManualChecks`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } } "Website*" { if ($env:computername -eq $machine) { $iisInfo = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\ $iisVersion = [decimal]"$($iisInfo.MajorVersion).$($iisInfo.MinorVersion)" try { Import-Module WebAdministration $webSites = (Get-Childitem "IIS:\Sites").name $appPools = (Get-Childitem "IIS:\AppPools").name } catch { Import-Module IISAdministration $webSites = (Get-IISSite).Name $AppPools = (Get-IISAppPool).Name } } else { $iisVersion = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $machine -Scriptblock { $iisData = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp" [decimal]$localIisVersion = "$($iisData.MajorVersion).$($iisData.MinorVersion)" return $localiisVersion } [array]$websites = Invoke-Command -Computername $machine -Scriptblock { try { Import-Module WebAdministration $webSites = (Get-Childitem "IIS:\Sites").name } catch { Import-Module IISAdministration $webSites = (Get-IISSite).Name } return $webSites } [array]$appPools = Invoke-Command -Computername $machine -Scriptblock { try { Import-Module WebAdministration $appPools = (Get-Childitem "IIS:\AppPools").name } catch { Import-Module IISAdministration $appPools = (Get-IISAppPool).Name } return $appPools } } [string]$allWebSites = '' [string]$allAppPools = '' if ($websites.count -gt 1) { foreach ($site in $websites) { $allWebsites += "`"$site`"," } $websiteString = $allWebsites.TrimEnd(",") } else { $websiteString = "`"$websites`"" } if ($appPools.count -gt 1) { foreach ($appPool in $appPools) { $allAppPools += "`"$appPool`"," } $appPoolString = $allAppPools.TrimEnd(",") } else { $appPoolString = "`"$appPools`"" } $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WebSite =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tIISVersion = `"$IISVersion`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tWebsiteName = $websiteString") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tWebAppPool = $appPoolString") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($webSiteStigFiles.XccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($webSiteStigFiles.OrgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($webSiteStigFiles.ManualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } } "WebServer*" { if ($env:computername -eq $machine) { $iisInfo = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\ $iisVersion = [decimal]"$($iisInfo.MajorVersion).$($iisInfo.MinorVersion)" } else { $iisVersion = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $machine -Scriptblock { $iisData = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp" [decimal]$localIisVersion = "$($iisData.MajorVersion).$($iisData.MinorVersion)" return $localiisVersion } } $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_WebServer =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tSkipRule = `"V-214429`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tIISVersion = `"$iisVersion`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tLogPath = `"C:\InetPub\Logs`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($webServerStigFiles.XccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($webServerStigFiles.OrgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($webServerStigFiles.ManualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } } "FireFox" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Firefox =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") try { $installDirectory = Invoke-Comand $machine -scriptblock { if (Test-Path "$env:systemDrive\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox") { $firefoxDirectory = "$env:systemDrive\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" } elseif (Test-Path "$env:systemDrive\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox") { $firefoxDirectory = "$env:systemDrive\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox" } return $firefoxDirectory } } catch { $installDirectory = "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" } $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tInstallDirectory = `"$installDirectory`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($firefoxStigFiles.XccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($firefoxStigFiles.OrgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($firefoxStigFiles.ManualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } } "Edge" { if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Edge = @{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($edgeStigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($edgeStigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($edgeStigFiles.manualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Edge = @{}") } } "Chrome" { if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Chrome = @{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($chromeStigFiles.xccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($chromeStigFiles.orgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($chromeStigFiles.manualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Chrome = @{}") } } "Adobe" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_Adobe =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tAdobeApp = `"AcrobatReader`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($adobeStigFiles.XccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($adobeStigFiles.OrgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($adobeStigFiles.ManualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } } "OracleJRE" { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`tPowerSTIG_OracleJRE =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tConfigPath = `"$ConfigPath`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tPropertiesPath = `"$PropertiesPath`"") if ($IncludeFilePaths) { $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`txccdfPath = `"$($oracleStigFiles.XccdfPath)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tOrgSettings = `"$($oracleStigFiles.OrgSettings)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tManualChecks = `"$($oracleStigFiles.ManualChecks)`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`t`t}") } } } $null = $configContent.add("`n`t}") } #endregion AppliedConfigurations #region LocalConfigurationManager $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`tLocalConfigurationManager =") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t@{") foreach ($setting in $LcmSettings.Keys) { if (($Null -ne $LcmSettings.$setting) -and ("{}" -ne $lcmsettings.$setting) -and ("" -ne $LcmSettings.$setting)) { $null = $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t$($setting)") if ($setting.Length -lt 8) {$null = $configContent.add("`t`t`t`t`t`t`t= ")} elseif ($setting.Length -lt 12) {$null = $configContent.add("`t`t`t`t`t`t= ")} elseif ($setting.Length -lt 16) {$null = $configContent.add("`t`t`t`t`t= ")} elseif ($setting.Length -lt 20) {$null = $configContent.add("`t`t`t`t= ")} elseif ($setting.Length -lt 24) {$null = $configContent.add("`t`t`t= ")} elseif ($setting.Length -lt 28) {$null = $configContent.add("`t`t= ")} elseif ($setting.Length -lt 32) {$null = $configContent.add("`t= ")} if (($LcmSettings.$setting -eq $true) -or ($LcmSettings.$setting -eq $false)) { $null = $configContent.add("`$$($LcmSettings.$setting)") } else { $null = $configContent.add("`"$($LcmSettings.$setting)`"") } } } $null = $configContent.add("`n`t}") #endregion LocalConfigurationManager #region Hardware Resources # Network Interfaces $nics = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $machine -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled = 'True'" | select -property * $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`tNetworkInterfaces = `n`t@(") $nicCount = 0 foreach ($nic in $nics) { $nicCount++ $nicName = "$machine-nic-0$nicCount" $nicIP = $nic.ipaddress | Select -first 1 $nicGateway = $nic.DefaultIpGateway | Select -first 1 $nicMacAddress = $nic.MacAddress | Select -first 1 $nicSubnet = $nic.IPSubnet | Select -first 1 if ($nicCount -gt 1) { $null = $configContent.add("`n") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tName = `"$nicName`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tIpAddress = `"$nicIP`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tDefaultGateway = `"$nicGateway`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tMacAddress = `"$nicMacAddress`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`t)") # Disks $disks = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $machine -ClassName Win32_DiskDrive | select -property * $null = $configContent.add("`n`n`tDisks = `n`t@(") $diskcount = 0 foreach ($disk in $disks) { $diskCount++ $diskName = "$machine-disk-0$diskCount" $diskSize = [math]::Round($disk.Size/1GB).tostring() + "GB" if ($diskCount -gt 1) { $null = $configContent.add("`n") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t@{") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tName = `"$diskName`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t`tSize = `"$diskSize`"") $null = $configContent.add("`n`t`t}") } $null = $configContent.add("`n`t)") #endregion Hardware Resources $null = $configContent.add("`n}") if ($LocalHost) { $compName = $env:ComputerName $SystemFile = New-Item -Path "$SystemsPath\$CompName\$CompName.psd1" -Force } else { $SystemFile = New-Item -Path "$ouFolder\$machine.psd1" -Force } $null = Set-Content -nonewline -path $SystemFile $configContent Write-Output "`t`t$machine - System Data successfully generated." } catch { Write-Output "`t`t$machine - Error Generating System Data." throw $_ } } $null = $jobs.add($job.Id) } Write-Output "`t`tJob creation for $($ System Data is complete. Waiting on $($jobs.count) jobs to finish processing." if ($jobs.count -ge 1) { do { $completedJobs = (Get-Job -ID $jobs | Where-Object {$_.state -ne "Running"}).count $runningjobs = (Get-Job -ID $jobs | Where-Object {$_.state -eq "Running"}).count Write-Output "`t`t$($ou.Name) System Data Status:`t$runningJobs Jobs Currently Processing`t$completedJobs/$($jobs.count) Jobs Completed" Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } while ((Get-Job -ID $jobs).State -contains "Running") Write-Output "`t`t$($jobs.count) System Data jobs completed. Outputting Results." Get-Job -ID $jobs | Wait-Job | Receive-Job } else { Write-Output "`t`tNo Jobs Generated for $($ou.Name)" } } } } function Sync-DscModules { <# .SYNOPSIS This function validates the modules on the target machines. If the modules are not preset or are the incorrect version, the function will copy them to the target machines. .PARAMETER TargetMachines List of target machines. If not specificied, a list will be generated from configurations present in "C:\Your Repo\SCAR\Systems" .PARAMETER Rootpath Path to the root of the SCAR repository/codebase. .PARAMETER ModuleName Specify a single module to sync across target machines. .PARAMETER LocalHost Restrict Module sync to local computer/server. .EXAMPLE Example Sync-DscModules -rootpath "C:\SCAR" #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter()] [array] $TargetMachines, [Parameter()] [string] $RootPath = (Get-Location).Path, [Parameter()] [string] $ModuleName, [Parameter()] [switch] $LocalHost, [Parameter()] [switch] $Force ) $ModulePath = "$RootPath\Resources\Modules" $SystemsPath = "$RootPath\Systems" $jobs = @() if ($LocalHost) { $TargetMachines = "LocalHost" } elseif ($TargetMachines.count -lt 1) { $targetMachines = @(Get-ChildItem -Path "$SystemsPath\*.psd1" -Recurse | Where-Object { ($_.Fullname -notmatch "Staging") -and ($_.Fullname -Notlike "Readme*") }).basename } Write-Output "`tPerforming DSC Module Sync." foreach ($machine in $TargetMachines) { Write-Output "`t`tStarting Job - Syncing DSC Modules on $machine." $job = Start-Job -Scriptblock { $machine = $using:machine $RootPath = $using:RootPath $ModulePath = $using:ModulePath $Force = $using:Force $currentMachineCount += 1 if ($machine -eq 'localhost' -or $machine -eq $env:ComputerName) { $destinationPath = "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules" $destinationModulePaths = @( "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules" "C:\Program Files(x86)\WindowsPowershell\Modules" "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowershell\1.0\Modules" ) } else { $destinationPath = "\\$Machine\C$\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules" $destinationModulePaths = @( "\\$Machine\C$\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules" "\\$Machine\C$\Program Files(x86)\WindowsPowershell\Modules" "\\$Machine\C$\Windows\System32\WindowsPowershell\1.0\Modules" ) } $modulePathTest = Test-Path $ModulePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $destinationPathTest = Test-Path $destinationPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($destinationPathTest -and $modulePathTest) { if ("" -eq $ModuleName) { $modules = Get-Childitem -Path $modulePath -Directory -Depth 0 | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $ModuleName } } else { $modules = Get-Childitem -Path $modulePath -Directory -Depth 0 } foreach ($module in $modules) { [int]$completedChecks = 0 $moduleVersion = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Module.Fullname -Directory -Depth 0).name foreach ($destinationModulePath in $destinationModulePaths) { $modulecheck = Test-Path "$destinationPath\$($" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($force) { Write-Output "`t`t[Force] Installing $($ on $machine." try { if ($moduleCheck) { Write-Output "`t`t[Force] Removing $($module.Name) from $machine" } $null = Copy-Item -Path $Module.Fullname -Destination $destinationPath -Container -Recurse -force -erroraction SilentlyContinue } catch { Write-Output "`t`tThere was an issue installing DSC Modules on $machine." throw $_ exit } continue } else { if ($moduleCheck) { $versionCheck = Test-Path "$destinationPath\$($\$moduleVersion" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { $completedChecks += 1 } if ($modulecheck -and $versioncheck) { $copyModule = $false } elseif ($True -eq $moduleCheck -and ($false -eq $versionCheck)) { $destinationVersion = Get-Childitem "$destinationPath\$($" -Depth 0 Write-Output "`t`t$($ found with version mismatch." Write-Output "`t`tRequired verion - $moduleVersion." Write-Output "`t`tInstalled version - $destinationVersion." Write-Output "`t`tRemoving $($ from $machine." $null = Remove-Item "$destinationModulePath\$($" -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $copyModule = $true } } } if ($completedChecks -ge 3) { $copyModule = $true } if ($copyModule) { Write-Output "`t`tInstalling $($ on $Machine." $null = Copy-Item -Path $Module.Fullname -Destination $destinationPath -Container -Recurse -force -erroraction SilentlyContinue } } } else { Write-Output "`t`tThere was an issue connecting to $machine to transfer the required modules." Continue } } [array]$jobs += $job.ID } Write-Output "`n`t$($jobs.count) Module sync jobs created. Checking status every 30 seconds and output will be displayed once complete." do { Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 $completedJobs = (Get-Job -ID $jobs | where {$_.state -ne "Running"}).count $runningjobs = (Get-Job -ID $jobs | where {$_.state -eq "Running"}).count Write-Output "`t`tModule Sync Job Status:`t$runningJobs Jobs Currently Processing`t$completedJobs/$($jobs.count) Jobs Completed" } while ((Get-Job -ID $jobs).State -contains "Running") Write-Output "`n`t`t$($jobs.count) Module Sync jobs completed. Receiving job output" Get-Job -ID $jobs | Wait-Job | Receive-Job Write-Output "`tModule Validation Complete.`n" } function Set-WinRMConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS This function will validate that the WinRM Service is running on target machines, that the MaxEnevelopeSize is set to 10000, and has a switch parameter to include the staging directory. .PARAMETER Rootpath Path to the root of the SCAR repository/codebase. .PARAMETER MaxEnevelopeSize MaxEnevelopeSize is a configuration setting in WinRM. SCAR requires this setting to be at (10000). This parameter allows you to set it to any number which easily allows you to reset WinRM to the default value (500). The default setting of this parameter is set to 10000. .PARAMETER IncludeStaging Switch Parameter that also includes the target machines in the Staging directory under 1.\Node Data .EXAMPLE Example Set-WinRmConfig -RootPath "C:\Your Repo\SCAR" In this example, the target machines (not including staging) would be validated that WinRM is running and the value of MaxEnvelopeSize is set to 10000. If it is set to a number other than 10000, it would be modified to match 10000. Example Set-WinRmConfig -RootPath "C:\Your Repo\SCAR" -MaxEnvelopeSize "500" In this example, the target machines (not including staging) would be validated that WinRM is running and the value of MaxEnvelopeSize is set to 500. If it is set to a number other than 500, it would be modified to match 500. Example Set-WinRmConfig -RootPath "C:\Your Repo\SCAR" -MaxEnvelopeSize "500" -IncludeStaging In this example, the target machines (including staging) would be validated that WinRM is running and the value of MaxEnvelopeSize is set to 500. If it is set to a number other than 500, it would be modified to match 500. #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter()] [array] $RootPath = (Get-Location).Path, [Parameter()] [string] $MaxEnvelopeSize = "10000", [Parameter()] [switch] $IncludeStaging, [Parameter()] [System.Collections.ArrayList] $TargetMachines ) $SystemsPath = (Resolve-Path -Path "$RootPath\Systems").Path $jobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList if ($null -eq $TargetMachines) { $TargetMachines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $null = (Get-Childitem -Path $SystemsPath -recurse | Where-Object { $_.FullName -like "*.psd1" -and $_.fullname -notlike "*staging*" }).basename | ForEach-Object {$null = $targetmachines.add($_)} } Write-Output "`tBUILD: Performing WinRM Validation and configuration." if ($IncludeStaging) { $null = (Get-ChildItem -Path $SystemsPath -recurse | Where-Object { $_.FullName -like "*.psd1" }).basename | ForEach-Object {$null = $targetmachines.add($_)} } foreach ($machine in $TargetMachines) { # Test for whether WinRM is enabled or not Write-Output "`t`tStarting Job - Configure WinRM MaxEnvelopeSizeKB on $machine" $job = Start-Job -Scriptblock { $machine = $using:machine $RootPath = $using:rootPath $MaxEnvelopeSize = $using:MaxEnvelopeSize try { $remoteEnvelopeSize = Invoke-Command $machine -ErrorAction Stop -Scriptblock { Return (Get-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizeKb).value } } catch { Write-Warning "`t`tUnable to connect to $machine. Ensure WinRM access is enabled." Continue } if ($MaxEnvelopeSize -eq $remoteEnvelopeSize) { Write-Output "`t`tCurrent MaxEnvelopSize size for $machine matches Desired State" Continue } else { Write-Output "`t`tCurrent MaxEnvelopSizeKB for $machine is $remoteEnvelopeSize. Updating to $MaxEnvelopeSize" try { $remoteEnvelopeSize = Invoke-Command $machine -ErrorAction Stop -ArgumentList $MaxEnvelopeSize -Scriptblock { param ($RemoteMaxEnvelopeSize) $machineEnvSize = (Get-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizeKb).value if ($machineEnvSize -ne $RemoteMaxEnvelopeSize) { Set-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizeKb -Value $RemoteMaxEnvelopeSize } return (Get-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizeKb).value } } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to set MaxEnvelopSize on $machine." continue } } } $null = $jobs.add($job.ID) } Get-Job -ID $jobs | Wait-Job | Receive-Job Write-Output "`tBUILD: WinRM Validation Complete.`n" } function Get-DscComplianceReports { [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $RootPath = (Get-Location).Path, [Parameter()] [string] $MofPath = (Resolve-Path -Path "$RootPath\*Artifacts\Mofs").Path, [Parameter()] [string] $LogsPath = (Resolve-Path -Path "$Rootpath\*Artifacts\Logs").Path, [Parameter()] [string] $OutputPath = (Resolve-Path -Path "$Rootpath\*Artifacts\Reports").Path, [Parameter()] [array] $DscResults ) if ($DSCResults.count -lt 1) { $DscResults = Test-DSCConfiguration -Path $MofPath } $DscResults | Export-Clixml -Path "$OutputPath\DscResults.xml" -Force $results = Import-CliXml "$OutputPath\DscResults.xml" $newdata = $results | ForEach-Object { if ($_.ResourcesInDesiredState) { $_.ResourcesInDesiredState | ForEach-Object { $_ } } if ($_.ResourcesNotInDesiredState) { $_.ResourcesNotInDesiredState | ForEach-Object { $_ } } } $parsedData = $newdata | Select-Object PSComputerName, ResourceName, InstanceName, InDesiredState, ConfigurationName, StartDate $parsedData | Export-Csv -Path $OutputPath\DscResults.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force } function Publish-SCARArtifacts { param ( [string]$repoUrl, [string]$repoName, [string]$repoFolderLocation, [string]$pathOfFolderToCopy, [string]$accessToken, [string]$targetPath ) $env:GIT_REDIRECT_STDERR = '2>&1' $startingPath = (Get-Location).Path Write-Host "Checking out $repoUrl." if($accessToken.Length -gt 0) {git clone $repoUrl -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $accessToken" -v} else {git clone $repoUrl -v} if(Test-Path $pathOfFolderToCopy){$publishArtifacts = Get-Item $pathOfFolderToCopy} else {Write-Host "Invalid Path Of Folder Copy Location: $pathOfFolderToCopy";exit} if(Test-Path $repoFolderLocation){Set-Location $repoFolderLocation} else {Write-Host "Invalid Folder Repo Location: $repoFolderLocation";exit} $sourcePath = $publishArtifacts.FullName+"\*" if (Test-Path $targetPath) {Remove-Item $targetPath -Recurse -Force} if(!(Test-Path $targetPath)) {New-Item -Path $targetPath -ItemType Directory} Copy-Item $sourcePath $targetPath -Recurse -Force git config --global "SYSTEM@CONTOSO.COM" git config --global "SYSTEM" git add --all git commit -m "Automated Commit" git push cd $startingPath if(Test-Path $repoName){ Remove-Item $repoName -Recurse -Force } } |