
class Method{
    hidden [ScriptBlock] $Function
    hidden [string] $Method
    hidden Validate($Method){
            throw "Cannot validate Method Name, provide a valid method name"
        $this.Method = $Method
        $this.Function = $Function
            Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $this.Function -ArgumentList $Arguments -ErrorAction Stop
            throw $_

class Step{
    hidden Validate([System.Object]$Step){
            throw "Cannot validate Operation argument, provide valid Name for Operation"
            throw "Cannot validate Name argument, provide valid Name"
        if($Step.Step -eq 0 -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Step.Step)){
            throw "Cannot validate Step argument, provide valid Step value"
            throw "Cannot validate Value argument, provide valid Value"
        $this.Operation = $Step.Operation
        $this.Step = $Step.Step
        $this.Name = $Step.Name
        $this.Value = $step.Value
        $this.Source = $step.Source
        $this.Operation = $Operation
        $this.Name = $Name
        $this.Step = $Step
        $this.Value = $Value
        $this.Source = $Source

class DriverConfig {
    hidden Validate([System.Object]$Config){
            throw "Cannot find property BrowserExecutablePath"
            throw "Cannot find property DriverExecutablePath"
        if($null -eq ($Config.BrowserExecutablePath -as [System.IO.FileInfo])){
            throw "Cannot validate BrowserExecutablePath argument, provide valid File Path"
        if($null -eq ($Config.DriverExecutablePath -as [System.IO.FileInfo])){
            throw "Cannot validate DriverExecutablePath argument, provide valid File Path"
            throw "Cannot validate BrowserExecutablePath argument, provide valid File Path"
            throw "Cannot validate DriverExecutablePath argument, provide valid File Path"
        $this.DriverExecutablePath = $Config.DriverExecutablePath
        $this.BrowserExecutablePath = $Config.BrowserExecutablePath
        $this.BrowserExecutablePath = $BrowserExePath
        $this.DriverExecutablePath = $DriverExePath

class Operation{
    hidden [Step[]] $Steps
    hidden [hashtable] $DefaultMethods = @{}
    hidden [hashtable] $AllMethods = @{}
    hidden [int] $CurrentStep = 1
        $this.Steps = $Steps
    hidden CollectMethods(){
        $Assemblies = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        foreach($ass in [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()){
            if($Global:PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core" -and $ass.FullName -match 'Powershell Class Assembly'){
                if($ass.CustomAttributes.NamedArguments.TypedValue.Value -match 'psm1'){
                    $ass | Add-Member -NotePropertyName isDefault -NotePropertyValue $true -Force
            elseif($ass.FullName -match 'ps1' -or $ass.FullName -match 'powershell, version=0' -or $ass.FullName -match 'psm1'){
                if($ass.FullName -match 'psm1'){
                    $ass | Add-Member -NotePropertyName isDefault -NotePropertyValue $true -Force

        foreach($ass in $Assemblies){
            foreach($ChildClass in $ass.Gettypes()){
                if($ChildClass.BaseType -eq [Method]){
                        $this.DefaultMethods[$ChildClass.Name] = $ChildClass
                    $this.AllMethods[$ChildClass.Name] = $ChildClass
    # Returs all the methods implemented in the module
    [hashtable] GetDefaultMethods(){
        return $this.DefaultMethods
    # Returns single method from runtime
    [System.Reflection.TypeInfo] GetMethod([string]$MethodName){
        if($null -eq $this.AllMethods[$MethodName]){
            throw "Cannot find the Method with name $MethodName"
        return $this.AllMethods[$MethodName]
    # Returns all the methods both implemented in the module and extended in runtime
    [hashtable] GetMethods(){
        return $this.AllMethods
    # Sets the current step number
        $this.CurrentStep = $Step
    # Gets the current step number
        return $this.CurrentStep
    # Returns All steps
        return $this.Steps
    # Returns Single step
        return $this.Steps | Where-Object {$_.Step -eq $Step}
    # Sets Steps
        $this.Steps = [Step[]]$Steps
    # Starts executing all the steps
        for($i = 0;$i -lt $this.Steps.Count; $i++){
            if($this.Steps[$i].Step -lt $this.GetCurrentStep()){
                $Method = $this.GetMethod($this.Steps[$i].Operation)::New()
                throw $_
            $arguments = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Step = $this.Steps[$i]
                throw $_
    # Starts executing all the steps with exchange context
        for($i = 0;$i -lt $this.Steps.Count; $i++){
            if($this.Steps[$i].Step -lt $this.GetCurrentStep()){
                $Method = $this.GetMethod($this.Steps[$i].Operation)::New()
                throw $_
            $arguments = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Step = $this.Steps[$i]
                Context = $Context
                throw $_
    # Starts executing a single step
            $Method = $this.GetMethod($Step.Operation)::New()
            throw $_
        $arguments = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Step = $Step
            throw $_
    # Starts executing a single step with exchange context
            $Method = $this.GetMethod($Step.Operation)::New()
            throw $_
        $arguments = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Step = $Step
            Context = $Context
            throw $_

class WebOperation : Operation {
    hidden [DriverConfig] $Configuration
    hidden [Decimal] $DriverPort
    hidden [Decimal] $DebugPort = 0
    hidden [String] $BrowserTempFolder
    hidden [bool] $BackroundProcess
    hidden [string] $MainWindow
    hidden [System.Object] $WebDriver
    hidden [bool] $isDriverStarted = $false
    hidden [ipaddress] $DriverIP = ''
    hidden Validate([System.Object]$Arguments){
            if($Arguments.Steps.Count -eq 0){
                throw "Cannot validate Steps argument, provide a valid '[Step]' array"
        if($Arguments.DriverPort -lt 1 -or $arguments.DriverPort -gt 65532){
            throw "Cannot validate DriverPort argument, provide a valid port value, Port Value must be between 1 and 65532"
            if($null -eq ($Arguments.RemoteDriverIP -as [IPAddress])){
                throw "Cannot validate RemoteDriverIP argument, provide a valid '[IPAddress]' value"
            if($Arguments.BrowserDebugPort -lt 1 -or $arguments.BrowserDebugPort -gt 65532){
                throw "Cannot validate BrowserDebugPort argument, provide a valid port value, Port Value must be between 1 and 65532"
    WebOperation([DriverConfig]$Config, [Step[]]$Steps, [Decimal]$DriverPort, [String]$BrowserTempFolder ,[bool]$Backround)
        $this.Configuration = [DriverConfig]::new($Config)
        $this.DriverPort = $DriverPort
        $this.BrowserTempFolder = ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$BrowserTempFolder).FullName
        $this.BackroundProcess = $Backround
        $this.DriverIP = $RemoteDriverIP
        $this.DriverPort = $RemoteDriverPort
        $this.DebugPort = $BrowserDebugPort
    hidden [System.Diagnostics.Process] StartBrowserDriver(){
            $prPID = Start-Process $this.Configuration.DriverExecutablePath -ArgumentList "-port=$($this.DriverPort)" -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden
            throw $_
            Throw "Cannot Start Browser Driver with port $($this.DriverPort)"
        return $prPID
    hidden [System.Diagnostics.Process] StartBrowser(){
        $guid = [Guid]::NewGuid().Guid
        $timeStr = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        $this.BrowserTempFolder = "$($this.BrowserTempFolder)\$($guid)-$($timeStr)"
        if(!(Test-Path $this.BrowserTempFolder)){
                New-Item -ItemType Directory $this.BrowserTempFolder -ErrorAction Stop
                throw $_   
            $this.DebugPort = Get-Random -Minimum 65000 -Maximum 65500
            if($this.DebugPort -notin (Get-NetTCPConnection).LocalPort){
                $chromeArgs = "about:blank --remote-debugging-port=$($this.DebugPort) --user-data-dir=$($this.BrowserTempFolder) --headless --disable-extensions --disable-gpu"
                $chromeArgs = "about:blank --remote-debugging-port=$($this.DebugPort) --user-data-dir=$($this.BrowserTempFolder) --disable-extensions --disable-gpu"
            $brPID = Start-Process $this.Configuration.BrowserExecutablePath -ArgumentList $chromeArgs -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru
            throw $_
        return $brPID
    hidden CloseBrowserDriver(){
        $Stopped = $false
                $PRs = Get-CimInstance -Query "select * from win32_process where Name = 'chromedriver.exe'" -ErrorAction Stop | 
                Where-Object {$_.CommandLine -Match "-port=$($this.DriverPort)"}
                Throw $_
                $script:myDriverPID = Get-Process -Id $PRs[0].ProcessId
                $Stopped = $true
            $now = Get-Date
            While($now -gt (Get-Date).AddSeconds(-10)){
                    Stop-Process -Id $script:myDriverPID.Id -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                    $Stopped = $true
                    if($_.Exception.Gettype().FullName -ne "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ProcessCommandException"){
                        Throw $_
                        $process = Get-Process -Id $script:myDriverPID.Id -ErrorAction Stop
                        if($process.HasExited -and ($this.DriverPort -notin (Get-NetTCPConnection).LocalPort)){
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                    } catch {
                        if($_.Exception.Gettype().FullName -eq "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ProcessCommandException"){
                        Throw $_
            Throw "Cannot Close Browser Driver"
    hidden CloseBrowser(){
                Stop-Process -Id $script:chromeProcess.Id -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                if($_.Exception.GetType().FullName -ne "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ProcessCommandException"){
                    Throw $_
            $prs = Get-CimInstance -Query "select * from win32_process where Name = 'chrome.exe'" -ErrorAction Stop | 
            Where-Object {$_.CommandLine -match "--remote-debugging-port=$($this.DebugPort)"}
            Throw $_
            foreach($pr in $prs){
                $now = Get-Date
                While($now -gt (Get-Date).AddSeconds(-15)){
                    $stopped = $false
                        Stop-Process -Id $pr.ProcessId -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                        $stopped = $true
                        if($_.Exception.GetType().FullName -ne "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ProcessCommandException"){
                            Throw $_
                            Get-Process -Id $pr.ProcessId -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                            if($_.Exception.GetType().FullName -eq "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ProcessCommandException"){
                            Throw $_
    hidden ClearBrowserData(){
        Remove-Item $this.BrowserTempFolder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    # Starts browser and its driver and assings driver state to the exchange context
            Try {
                if($null -ne $this.Configuration){
                    $script:myDriverPID = $this.StartBrowserDriver()
                    $script:chromeProcess = $this.StartBrowser()
                $remoteAddress = "http://$($this.DriverIP.IPAddressToString):$($this.DriverPort)"
                $options = [OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeOptions]::new()
                $options.DebuggerAddress = "localhost:$($this.DebugPort)"
                $this.WebDriver = [OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]::New($remoteAddress,$options)
                $this.MainWindow = $this.WebDriver.WindowHandles
                $property = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    WebDriver = $this.WebDriver
                    MainWindow = $this.MainWindow
                $DriverContext | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Driver -NotePropertyValue $property -Force
                $this.isDriverStarted = $true
            } catch {
                throw $_
            } finally {
                if($null -eq $this.WebDriver){
            throw "Driver already started"
    # Closes all the windows but main window
            foreach($win in $this.WebDriver.WindowHandles){
                if($win -eq $this.MainWindow){
    # Closes browser, its driver and cleans browser temporary directory
        foreach($win in $this.WebDriver.WindowHandles){
            $this.WebDriver = $null
            $this.isDriverStarted = $false
        if($null -ne $this.Configuration){

class Element : Method{
    : base('Element',{})
    static [OpenQA.Selenium.WebElement[]] GetMany([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver,[string]$XPath,[int]$RetryThreshold){
        $waitSecs = 1
        $result = $null
                $result = $Driver.FindElements('xpath',$XPath)
                if($null -eq $result -or $result.Count -eq 0){
                    throw "null result for element: $($XPath)"
                if($waitSecs -le $RetryThreshold){
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $waitSecs
                    $waitSecs *= 2
                    throw $_
        return $result
    static [OpenQA.Selenium.WebElement[]] GetMany([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver,[string]$XPath){
            $result = $Driver.FindElements('xpath',$XPath)
            if($null -eq $result -or $result.Count -eq 0){
                throw "null result for element: $($XPath)"
            throw $_
        return $result
    static [OpenQA.Selenium.WebElement] GetOne([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver,[string]$XPath,[int]$RetryThreshold){
        $waitSecs = 1
        $result = $null
                $result = $Driver.FindElement('xpath',$XPath)
                if($null -eq $result -or $result.Count -eq 0){
                    throw "null result for element: $($XPath)"
                if($waitSecs -le $RetryThreshold){
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $waitSecs
                    $waitSecs *= 2
                    throw $_
        return $result
    static [OpenQA.Selenium.WebElement] GetOne([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver,[string]$XPath){
            $result = $Driver.FindElement('xpath',$XPath)
            if($null -eq $result -or $result.Count -eq 0){
                throw "null result for element: $($XPath)"
            throw $_
        return $result

class Window : Method{
    : base('Window',{})
    static SwitchTo([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver,[string]$Window){
            throw $_
    static [string[]] GetOthers([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver){
        return ($Driver.WindowHandles | Where-Object {$_ -ne $WebOperation.GetMainWindow()})
    static ScrollUp ([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver){
            $Driver.ExecuteScript("scroll(0, 0);")
            throw $_

class Frame : Method {
    : base('Frame',{}){}
    static SwitchToFrame ([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver,[string]$FrameName){
            throw $_
    static SwitchToParentFrame([OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]$Driver){
            throw $_

class ToFrame : Method{
    : base('ToFrame',$this.myFunction){}
    hidden [scriptBlock]$myFunction = {
        $Step = $Arguments.Step
        $Context = $Arguments.Context
        if($null -eq $Context.Driver.WebDriver){
            throw "Cannot find Driver Context. Make sure that a Context argument was added when Starting Steps"
        $WebDriver = $Context.Driver.WebDriver
            throw $_

class FromFrame : Method{
    : base('FromFrame',$this.myFunction){}
    hidden [scriptBlock]$myFunction = {
        $Context = $Arguments.Context
        if($null -eq $Context.Driver.WebDriver){
            throw "Cannot find Driver Context. Make sure that a Context argument was added when Starting Steps"
        $WebDriver = $Context.Driver.WebDriver
            throw $_

class Navigate : Method {
    : base('Navigate',$this.myFunction){
    hidden [scriptBlock]$myFunction = {
        $Step = $Arguments.Step
        $Context = $Arguments.Context
        if($null -eq $Context.Driver.WebDriver){
            throw "Cannot find Driver Context. Make sure that Context argument was added when Starting Steps"
        $WebDriver = $Context.Driver.WebDriver
            throw $_

class Click : Method {
    : base('Click',$this.myFunction){
    hidden [scriptBlock]$myFunction = {
        $Step = $Arguments.Step
        $Context = $Arguments.Context
        if($null -eq $Context.Driver.WebDriver){
            throw "Cannot find Driver Context. Make sure that a Context argument was added when Starting Steps"
        $WebDriver = $Context.Driver.WebDriver
            $element = [element]::GetOne($WebDriver,$Step.Value)
            throw $_
            throw $_

class AddText : Method {
    : base('AddText',$this.myFunction){
    hidden [scriptBlock]$myFunction = {
        $Step = $Arguments.Step
        $Context = $Arguments.Context
        if($null -eq $Context.Driver.WebDriver){
            throw "Cannot find Driver Context. Make sure that a Context argument was added when Starting Steps"
        $WebDriver = $Context.Driver.WebDriver
            $element = [element]::GetOne($WebDriver,$Step.Value)
            throw $_
            throw $_

class SetText : Method {
    : base('SetText',$this.myFunction){
    hidden [scriptBlock]$myFunction = {
        $Step = $Arguments.Step
        $Context = $Arguments.Context
        if($null -eq $Context.Driver.WebDriver){
            throw "Cannot find Driver Context. Make sure that a Context argument was added when Starting Steps"
        $WebDriver = $Context.Driver.WebDriver
            $element = [element]::GetOne($WebDriver,$Step.Value)
            throw $_
            throw $_

# SIG # Begin signature block
# ItI3TZrHeCvS0y234HdH35e9syi//ELK62bs8QlBSFKKa47BL1pvjpkbXXuB0OVF
# f+gLxel5XYHS3cMKu4NVrKR3gY+mDWIZc5oJzr6kWvYiKb4ZG7cKBr+7UoFSINtB
# 9kvIBPbWglcCMlvzbkDD520j73+0XvqKI5rgt0Y+MPlEcb9gsYHxsXeSwDotCpe7
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# 1pe02hZ4cykEJ9f86JcF2otVnK2s6dVPf4TMfyEXCoKJtpcqrVbzuEbzna1tkkKN
# XHD8d/BZIQsTW9bgxok4DotADEHdvA+NKpRmT1p4OMuGZTUaqpWUqSbqd+8Bdv40
# d9kZX3h7aHKy3oKAuU6L/kNb5uONk44nXaWZOpQb923HRD3gmjC48jETfolN0hs4
# BsmvFK/5/JKeZY65nfAvbbVo4U7ohqWM88gPJGNR4G3M8ew2IDdqBPfXSsV507J2
# vAoHB/YXwDa33Ks8MtDbr3Wc8SchrGqBq9mbf/F1R8VCMgrfEi2+ddeiQbh7yGJY
# sXp3rPCj3e8MO+J/EEzKcBTj9okRYw2ZjXPOvzF/VwHcNn08yME/UQ6xHO6oY06F
# Vgxkx47jgieBjtk1OWpTjJFwGanLXanBw3MNaUS6LygbbyE+ccQ5me+vCw==
# SIG # End signature block