@{ RootModule = 'Statistics.psm1' ModuleVersion = '1.1.115' GUID = 'd5add589-39c5-4f5a-a200-ba8258085bc9' Author = 'Nicholas Dille' # CompanyName = '' Copyright = '(c) 2017 Nicholas Dille. All rights reserved.' Description = 'Statistical analysis of data in the console window. For example this module can generate a histogram (Get-Histogram) and visualize it (Add-Bar). It also provides several statistical properties of the input data (Measure-Object and Show-Measurement). Using Get-SlidingAverage, data can be analyzed in a pipeline in real-time.' PowerShellVersion = '5.0' FunctionsToExport = @('Add-Bar','ConvertFrom-PerformanceCounter','ConvertFrom-PrimitiveType','Expand-DateTime','Get-Histogram','Get-InterarrivalTime','Get-SlidingAverage','Get-WeightedValue','Measure-Group','Measure-Object','Show-Measurement') CmdletsToExport = '' VariablesToExport = '' AliasesToExport = @('ab','cfpc','cfpt','edt','gh','giat','gsa','gwv','mg','mo','sm') FormatsToProcess = @( 'HistogramBucket.Format.ps1xml' 'HistogramBar.Format.ps1xml' ) PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @( 'Math' 'Mathematics' 'Statistics' 'Histogram' ) LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' ReleaseNotes = '' } } } |