.VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID f92f5ec3-48a9-45ee-aee7-372fdb0e6e35 .AUTHOR @torggler .PROJECTURI #> <# .SYNOPSIS Webserver for load balancer testing. .DESCRIPTION Start a web listener that listens on a specified port and simply answers to any request, returning JSON object containing the request. Requires administrative rights to create the listener. .EXAMPLE .\Start-TestWebServer -Port 8001 Start the test WebServer on port 8001. .EXAMPLE .\Start-TestWebServer -Port 80 -CreateFirewallRule Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost | Select-Object UserAgent Start the test WebServer on port 80 and create a Firewall Rule to allow traffic to the specified port. The Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet is used to send a request to the listener and parse the output. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. .LINK #> #Requires -RunAsAdministrator [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( # Specify a TCP port number for the HTTP listener to use. Defaults to 8000. [Parameter(Position=0)] [ValidateRange(1,65535)] [int] $Port = 8000, # Use this switch to automatically create a Windows Firewall rule to allow incoming connections on the specified port. [switch] $CreateFirewallRule ) #region Supporting Functions function Write-Response { Param( $ResponseObject, $ContentType = 'application/json', $StatusCode = 200, $Message ) $ResponseObject.ContentType = $ContentType $ResponseObject.StatusCode = $StatusCode [byte[]] $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Message) $ResponseObject.ContentLength64 = $buffer.length $output = $ResponseObject.OutputStream $output.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.length) $output.Close() } function Create-FirewallRule { Param($Port) $params = @{ DisplayName = "Allow PS TestWS Port $Port"; Action = "Allow"; Description ="Allow PowerShell Test Web Server on Port $Port"; Enabled = 1; Profile = "Any"; Protocol = "TCP"; PolicyStore = "ActiveStore"; LocalPort=$Port } $null = New-NetFirewallRule @params } function Remove-FirewallRule { Param($Port) Remove-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow PS TestWS Port $Port" -PolicyStore ActiveStore } #endregion #region WebServer if ($CreateFirewallRule) { Write-Verbose "Creating Firewall Rule" Create-FirewallRule($Port) } # Create listener and start server $listener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener $listener.Prefixes.Add("http://+:$port/") $listener.Start() Write-Verbose "Listening on port: $port - End with /end" while ($true) { # blocks until request is received $context = $listener.GetContext() $request = $context.Request $response = $context.Response if ($request.Url -match '/end$') { Write-Verbose "Received END request: $($request.Url) from UA $($request.UserAgent)" Write-Response -ResponseObject $response -ContentType 'text/plain' -Message 'Bye' Remove-Variable request, response break } else { Write-Verbose "Received URL: $($request.Url) from UA: $($request.UserAgent)" # The default behaviour is to simply return the request as JSON object Write-Response -ResponseObject $response -Message ($request | ConvertTo-Json) } } $listener.Stop() if($CreateFirewallRule) { Write-Verbose "Remove Firewall Rule" Remove-FirewallRule($Port) } #endregion |