.Synopsis Module for Multi Treading using jobs .DESCRIPTION Module for multi threading using jobs .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-MultiThred -Script { param($ComputerName) Test-Connection $ComputerName -Count 1} -Computers ::1,localhost,::1 Source Destination IPV4Address IPV6Address Bytes Time(ms) ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----- -------- HVID-X230 ::1 fe80::8050:8aa2:3b6d:44af%16 32 0 HVID-X230 localhost ::1 32 0 HVID-X230 ::1 fe80::8050:8aa2:3b6d:44af%16 32 0 .EXAMPLE Another example of how to use this cmdlet .INPUTS Inputs to this cmdlet (if any) .OUTPUTS Output from this cmdlet (if any) .NOTES This module was created with a blogpost in mind .COMPONENT The component this cmdlet belongs to .ROLE The role this cmdlet belongs to .FUNCTIONALITY The functionality that best describes this cmdlet #> function Start-Multithread { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Parameter Set 1', SupportsShouldProcess=$true, PositionalBinding=$false, HelpUri = '', ConfirmImpact='Medium')] [Alias()] [OutputType([String])] Param ( # Command or script to run. Must take ComputerName as argument to make sense. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] $Script, # List of computers to run script against [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] [String[]] $Computers, # Maximum concurrent threads to start [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=2)] [int] $MaxThreads = 20 , # Number of sec to wait after last thred is started. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=3)] [int] $MaxWaitTime = 600, # Number of Milliseconds to wait if MaxThreads is reached [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=4)] $SleepTime = 500 ) Begin { } Process { if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('Target', 'Operation')) { $i = 0 $Jobs = @() Foreach($Computer in $Computers) { # Wait for running jobs to finnish if MaxThreads is reached While((Get-Job -State Running).count -gt $MaxThreads) { Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Waiting for existing jobs to complete' -Status "$($(Get-job -State Running).count) jobs running" -PercentComplete ($i / $Computers.Count * 100) Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTime } # Start new jobs $i++ $Jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $Script -ArgumentList $Computer -Name $Computer -OutVariable LastJob Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Starting jobs' -Status "$($(Get-job -State Running).count) jobs running" -PercentComplete ($i / $Computers.Count * 100) } # All jobs have now been started # Wait for jobs to finish While((Get-Job -State Running).count -gt 0) { $JobsStillRunning = '' foreach($RunningJob in (Get-Job -State Running)) { $JobsStillRunning += $RunningJob.Name } Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Waiting for jobs to finish' -Status "$JobsStillRunning" -PercentComplete (($Computers.Count - (Get-Job -State Running).Count) / $Computers.Count * 100) Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTime } # Output Get-job | Receive-Job # Cleanup Get-job | Remove-Job } } End { } } |