# # SsisPackageExport.psm1 # [Void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices") ; [Void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.IO.Compression.FileSystem') ; [Void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.IO.Compression'); # THIS ONLY WORKS FOR 32-bit POWERSHELL ! [Void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime'); [Void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS') # THIS ONLY WORKS FOR 32-bit POWERSHELL ! #Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Test-ServerNameCharacters { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string] $SqlServer ) [bool] $success = $false; if ( $SqlServer -imatch "^[A-Z0-9-\(\)\[\].\\]+$" ` -and $SqlServer -inotmatch "^.*\\.*\\.*$" ) { $success = $true } return $success; } function Get-SSISPackageProjectItemFromByteStream { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string] $PackageName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=1)] [byte[]] $ProjectByteStream ) [bool] $success = $false; [string] $contents = "" ; try { $stream = new-object System.IO.MemoryStream(,$ProjectByteStream); $zip = New-Object System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream($stream,[System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress); $ZipArchive = New-Object System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive($zip.BaseStream); $file = $ZipArchive.GetEntry($packageName); $reader = $file.Open(); [byte[]] $bytes = new-object byte[]($file.Length); $x =$reader.Read($bytes,0,$file.Length); $contents = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($bytes); $success = $true; } catch { Write-Host $_; } finally { } if ( ! $success) { $contents = $null; } $contents } <# .SYNOPSIS Extracts Folders, Projects, Packages and Project Parameters from a SSIS Catalog. .DESCRIPTION Extracts Folders, Projects, Packages and Project Parameters from a SSIS Catalog to a file system folder. It creates file-system folders for the SSIS Folder and projects within SSIS Folders. They do not need to exists beforehand. It extracts packages as textual *.dtsx files and project parameters as the text file Project.params; project connections are also extracted. Environment variables are not extracted as there is no natural textual representation, ie one which equates to a Visual Studio Integration Services project item. .EXAMPLE Copy-SSISObjectsToFileSystem . t:\temp Copy the whole catalog to the temp folder on the t:\ drive. .EXAMPLE Copy-SSISObjectsToFileSystem . t:\temp TestPackages Copy the contents of the folder TestPackages to temp folder on the t:\ drive. .EXAMPLE Copy-SSISObjectsToFileSystem . t:\temp TestPackages Copy the projects in the folder TestPackages to temp folder on the t:\ drive. Create sub-folders for each of the folders in the Integration Services catalog. .EXAMPLE Copy-SSISObjectsToFileSystem . t:\temp TestPackages TestProjectForLocalDeployTestData Copy the project TestProjectForLocalDeployTestData under the folder TestPackages to temp folder on the t:\ drive. Does not create a sub-folder TestPackages in temp. .EXAMPLE Copy-SSISObjectsToFileSystem . t:\temp TestPackages TestProjectForLocalDeployTestData TestPackage.dtsx Copy just the package TestPackage.dtsx in the project TestProjectForLocalDeployTestData under the folder TestPackages to temp folder on the t:\ drive. Does not create a sub-folder TestPackages in temp. .PARAMETER SqlServer The name of the Integration Server instance. Mandatory. .PARAMETER OutputFolder The base pathname for the extracted files. Mandatory. .PARAMETER Folder The base Integration Services folder to extract. Optional. .PARAMETER Project The Project in the Integration Services folder to extract. Optional. Requires Folder. .PARAMETER Project The Package in the project in Integration Services folder to extract. Optional. Requires Folder and Project. #> function Copy-SSISObjectsToFileSystem { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string] $SqlServer, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=1)] [string] $OutputFolder, [parameter(position=2)] [string] $Folder, [parameter(position=3)] [string] $Project, [parameter(position=4)] [string] $Package ) if ((Test-ServerNameCharacters $SqlServer) -ne $true) { throw "Invalid Server Name Format" } [string] $sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=${SqlServer}; Initial Catalog=SSISDB; Integrated Security=SSPI"; [bool] $success = $false; [byte[]]$results = @(); # Extract Specific package if ($Package) { [byte[]] $bytes = Get-SSISProjectByteStream $sqlConnectionString $Folder $Project [String] $packageText = Get-SSISPackageProjectItemFromByteStream $Package $bytes Set-Content "${OutputFolder}\${Package}" $packageText } # Else extract all packages for a Specific pproject elseif ($Project) { [byte[]] $bytes = Get-SSISProjectByteStream $sqlConnectionString $Folder $Project [string[]]$packageNames = Get-SSISISPacEntryNamesFromByteStream $bytes | where {$_ -imatch ".dtsx$" -or $_ -imatch "^Project.params$" -or $_ -imatch ".conmgr$"} ; foreach ($Package in $packageNames){ [String] $packageText = Get-SSISPackageProjectItemFromByteStream $Package $bytes Set-Content "${OutputFolder}\${Package}" $packageText } } elseif ($Folder) { $x=New-Item "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}" -type directory -force | Out-Null foreach ( $Project in ( Get-SSISProjectsFromFolder $sqlConnectionString $Folder ) ) { $x=New-Item "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}\${Project}" -type directory -force | Out-Null [byte[]] $bytes = Get-SSISProjectByteStream $sqlConnectionString $Folder $Project [string[]]$packageNames = Get-SSISISPacEntryNamesFromByteStream $bytes | where {$_ -imatch ".dtsx$" -or $_ -imatch "^Project.params$" -or $_ -imatch ".conmgr$"} ; foreach ($Package in $packageNames){ [String] $packageText = Get-SSISPackageProjectItemFromByteStream $Package $bytes Set-Content "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}\${Project}\${Package}" $packageText # if ($Package -eq "Project.params") { # Set-Content "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}\${Package}" $packageText # } # else { # Set-Content "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}\${Project}\${Package}" $packageText # } } } } # Else dump everything else { foreach ( $Folder in ( Get-SSISFoldersFromCatalog $sqlConnectionString ) ) { $x=New-Item "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}" -type directory -force | Out-Null foreach ( $Project in Get-SSISProjectsFromFolder $sqlConnectionString $Folder ) { $x=New-Item "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}\${Project}" -type directory -force | Out-Null [byte[]] $bytes = Get-SSISProjectByteStream $sqlConnectionString $Folder $Project [string[]] $packageNames = Get-SSISISPacEntryNamesFromByteStream $bytes | where {$_ -imatch ".dtsx$" -or $_ -imatch "^Project.params$" -or $_ -imatch ".conmgr$"} ; foreach ($Package in $packageNames){ [String] $packageText = Get-SSISPackageProjectItemFromByteStream $Package $bytes Set-Content "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}\${Project}\${Package}" $packageText # if ($Package -eq "Project.params") { # Set-Content "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}\${Package}" $packageText # } # else { # Set-Content "${OutputFolder}\${Folder}\${Project}\${Package}" $packageText # } } } } } } function Get-SSISISPackageObjectFromDTSXFileData { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string[]])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [String] $DTSXContents ) [bool] $success = $false; $pkg = $null; try { $pkg = New-Object 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package'; $pkg.LoadFromXML($DTSXContents,$null) $success = $true; } catch { Write-Host $_; } finally { } if ( $success) { return $pkg; } $null; } function Get-SSISISPacEntryNamesFromByteStream { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string[]])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [byte[]] $ProjectByteStream ) [bool] $success = $false; [string[]] $contents = @(); try { $stream = new-object System.IO.MemoryStream(,$ProjectByteStream); $zip = New-Object System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream($stream,[System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress); $ZipArchive = New-Object System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive($zip.BaseStream); $contents = $ZipArchive.Entries.Name; $success = $true; } catch { Write-Host $_; } finally { } if ( $success) { return $contents; } $null; } function Get-SSISProjectByteStream { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([byte[]])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string] $sqlConnectionString, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=1)] [string] $Folder, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=2)] [string] $Project ) [bool] $success = $false; [byte[]]$results = @(); $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $sqlConnection.ConnectionString = $sqlConnectionString; if ($sqlConnection.State -eq "Closed") { $sqlConnection.Open() } try { $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $cmd.CommandType = "StoredProcedure" $cmd.connection = $sqlConnection; $cmd.CommandText = "SSISDB.Catalog.get_project" $cmd.Parameters.Add("@folder_name", $Folder) | out-null; $cmd.Parameters.Add("@project_name", $Project) | out-null; $results = $cmd.ExecuteScalar(); $success = $true; } catch {} finally { if ($sqlConnection.State -eq "Open") { $sqlConnection.Close() } } if ( $success) { return $results; } $null; } function Get-SSISPackageProjectItemFromByteStream { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string] $PackageName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=1)] [byte[]] $ProjectByteStream ) [bool] $success = $false; [string] $contents = "" ; try { $stream = new-object System.IO.MemoryStream(,$ProjectByteStream); $zip = New-Object System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream($stream,[System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress); $ZipArchive = New-Object System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive($zip.BaseStream); $file = $ZipArchive.GetEntry($packageName); $reader = $file.Open(); [byte[]] $bytes = new-object byte[]($file.Length); $x =$reader.Read($bytes,0,$file.Length); $contents = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($bytes); $success = $true; } catch { Write-Host $_; } finally { } if ( ! $success) { $contents = $null; } $contents } function Get-SSISFoldersFromCatalog { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String[]])] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string] $sqlConnectionString ) $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $sqlConnectionString $ISNamespace = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices" $ssis = New-Object $ISNamespace".IntegrationServices" $sqlConnection $cat = $ssis.Catalogs["SSISDB"] $cat.Folders.Name; } function Get-SSISProjectsFromFolder { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String[]])] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string] $SqlConnectionString, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=1)] [string] $Folder ) $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $sqlConnectionString $ISNamespace = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices" $ssis = New-Object $ISNamespace".IntegrationServices" $sqlConnection $cat = $ssis.Catalogs["SSISDB"] #$cat.Folders.Projects.Name | %{ where $_.Parent.Name -eq $Folder }; $cat.Folders.Projects | where { $_.Parent.Name -eq $Folder } | %{ $_.Name } } #Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-ServerNameCharacters, Get-SSISPackageFromCatalog, Get-SSISPackageProjectItemFromByteStream ,Get-SSISProjectByteStream, Get-SSISISPacEntryNamesFromByteStream, Get-SSISPackageProjectItemFromByteStream, Copy-SSISObjectsToFileSystem, Get-SSISISPackageObjectFromDTSXFileData,Get-SSISFoldersFromCatalog, Get-SSISProjectsFromFolder |