
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("SqlMemory")]
class DSC_SqlMemory : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("The name of the _SQL Server_ instance to be configured.")] String InstanceName;
    [Write, Description("The host name of the _SQL Server_ to be configured. Default value is the current computer name.")] String ServerName;
    [Write, Description("When set to `'Present'` then min and max memory will be set to either the value in parameter **MinMemory** and **MaxMemory**, or dynamically configured when parameter **DynamicAlloc** is set to `$true`. When set to `'Absent'` min and max memory will be set to its default values. Default value is `'Present'`."), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] String Ensure;
    [Write, Description("If set to `$true` then max memory will be dynamically configured. When this parameter is set to `$true`, the parameter **MaxMemory** must be set to `$null` or not be configured. Default value is `$false`.")] Boolean DynamicAlloc;
    [Write, Description("Minimum amount of memory, in MB, in the buffer pool used by the instance of _SQL Server_.")] SInt32 MinMemory;
    [Write, Description("Maximum amount of memory, in MB, in the buffer pool used by the instance of _SQL Server_.")] SInt32 MaxMemory;
    [Write, Description("Minimum amount of memory, as a percentage of total server memory, in the buffer pool used by the instance of _SQL Server_.")] SInt32 MinMemoryPercent;
    [Write, Description("Maximum amount of memory, as a percentage of total server memory, in the buffer pool used by the instance of _SQL Server_.")] SInt32 MaxMemoryPercent;
    [Write, Description("Specifies that the resource will only determine if a change is needed if the target node is the active host of the _SQL Server_ instance.")] Boolean ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode;
    [Read, Description("Returns if the current node is actively hosting the _SQL Server_ instance.")] Boolean IsActiveNode;