ConvertFrom-StringData @'
GetDatabase = Get the state of the database '{0}' on the instance '{1}'. DatabasePresent = There is a database '{0}' present, and has the collation '{1}'. DatabaseAbsent = It does not exist a database named '{0}'. InvalidCollation = The specified collation '{0}' is not a valid collation for the instance '{1}'. SetDatabase = Changing properties of the database '{0}' on the instance '{1}'. UpdatingCollation = Changing the database collation to '{0}'. FailedToUpdateDatabase = Failed to update database {0} with specified changes. CreateDatabase = Creating the database '{0}'. DropDatabase = Removing the database '{0}'. FailedToCreateDatabase = Failed to create the database '{0}'. FailedToDropDatabase = Failed to remove the database '{0}' TestingConfiguration = Determines the state of the database '{0}' on the instance '{1}'. NotInDesiredStateAbsent = Expected the database '{0}' to absent, but it was present. NotInDesiredStatePresent = Expected the database '{0}' to present, but it was absent CollationWrong = The database '{0}' exist and has the collation '{1}', but expected it to have the collation '{2}'. '@ |