Localized resources for MSFT_SqlServerSecureConnection #> ConvertFrom-StringData @' GetEncryptionSettings = Getting encryption settings for instance '{0}'. CertificateSettings = Certificate permissions are {0}. EncryptedSettings = Found thumbprint of '{0}', with Force Encryption set to '{1}'. SetEncryptionSetting = Securing instance '{0}' with Thumbprint: '{1}' and Force Encryption: '{2}'. RemoveEncryptionSetting = Removing SQL Server secure connection from instance '{0}'. SetCertificatePermission = Adding read permissions to certificate '{0}' for account '{1}'. RestartingService = Restarting SQL Server service for instance '{0}'. TestingConfiguration = Determine if the Secure Connection is in the desired state. ThumbprintResult = Thumbprint was '{0}' but expected '{1}'. ForceEncryptionResult = ForceEncryption was '{0}' but expected '{1}'. EncryptionOff = SQL Secure Connection is Disabled. InstanceNotFound = SQL instance '{0}' not found on SQL Server. PrivateKeyPath = Certificate private key is located at '{0}'. CouldNotFindEncryptionValues = Could not find encryption values in registry for instance '{0}'. '@ |